Dec 25, 2008

N Company's

The paper consists os three sections.
1. aptitude 15 questions 20 min.
2. system concepts 20 questions 20 min.
3. 'c' 15 questions 20 min.


I'm sendin the questions, many of them have no answers. U do check the
answers for all the given questions also.

All questions are MULTIPLE CHOICES ONLY.

U do try to cover the related topics to get some understanding.
In interview They are asking C C++ Operating system concepts
and Networks.
They will ask about Ur interesting subjects, U try to have good
grip on those intresting subjects.

They asked about c c++ project work and operating systems.
Don't worry, prepare well, get it, All the best.

section 1::::;

*. GRE book test paper 3 section 5
question no. 8 to 12 (ships WXYZ starting on dec. 23rd..........)

* 5 programs are sheduled from monday to saterday, monday is not holiday,
PQRST are the programs. Theday before P is holiday, and some other clues are
given, we have to find the sequence (4 questions)

ANS: tuesday is the holiday
P comes on wednesday ,
U can do the remaining very easily.
* Suppose U R the presoner, There are two guards Who will tell truth or
one will tell truth. There is a gate for liberty and another foe hell.

Some questions are given, like
i. are U tell truth?
ii. another tell truth or not??
iii. both of U R telling truth??
iV. both of U lieing??
V. --------------

they gave a. b. c. d. and asking about which sequencing is sufficient to
find the gate for liberty??
( I can't give exact thing)

* There are WIFE and HUSBAND at one side of river. They have one child,
They want to cross the river. The child can't be lonly. The boat boy won't
permit morethan one to cross the river, what is the correct way to
cross the river??

* There are 7 targets, A B and C has to shoot them. All should be shooted
1. The no. of chances for A and B are not less thn 2,
2. for C there is only one chance.
3. A can't shot 3 times consicutively.
4. B is permited to shoot in even chances only.

They have given some 3or 4 questions on this


section 2:

This part is System concepts(25 Q in 20 min).We haven't remember exactly, but it
will help alot if u spend some time to revise these concepts.

1.encription and decription is done in the following layer.
a) DLL b) Networklayer c)Transport d) presentation Ans:d
2.floating point has different formats on two different machines.This modifi-
cations are taken care by which layer?
a) DLL b)Network layer c)Transpor layer d)Presentation Ans:d
But check whether is it DLL dealing with frame formats.
3.Time complexity of Quick sort algo
a)N*N b)log(N) c)N*log(N) d) N Ans:c
4.Time complexity of AVL tree is .
a) --- do--- Ans:b
5.Cycle steling is used in which concept?
a)Programmed I/O b)DMA c) (see Goankar book) Ans:a or b
* two questins on IP addressing format.
6.Howmany octets are there in IP address
a)6 b)8 c)10 d)12 maybe (b) Ans:find
7.What are the max number of hosts that can be served by IP
a)254 b) 256 c)pow(2,24) d) -- maybe (c) Ans:find
8.which of the following is model representation of life cycle software
a) Water fall model b)spiral c).. (enquire with CS students) of code is for the purpose of
a)to find syntax error b)tocheck for the proper design ..
10.Semaphores are used for the resolution of
a)contention b)accessing of same resources by more than one
11.In threading of processes when the race condition will happen
a)low priority process b) higher priority process ...
See O.S. by peterson
12.Which of the following function is not performed by O.S.
a)CPU sheduling b)Memory management c)Transaction d).. Ans:c
13.If two appl. programmes uses same libraries which of following are shared
a)lib code b)code and stack c) data d)data,code and stack Ans:a(check for b)
14.which is the 16 bit max singned int.
a)66337 b)66338 c)257 d)258 a,b are not exact ans:a
15.When will interrupt occurs?
a)devide by zero b)DMA completed c)no more memory ans:may be c
16.which of the following has low power cosumption
a) EIL b)CMOS c) Totempole ...... Ans:b
or the question is for fastest gate (EIL)
17.which of the following is the wrong statement
a)Cominational circuits has memory
b)seqquential circuits has memory
c)sequential ckts is a function of time ans:a
18.Virtual address is
a) more than physical address
b)lesstthan phy mem
c)equal to phy mem
d)none ans : a
19.Which of the following reduces CPU burden
a)DMA b)............ ans :a
20.malloc function allocates memory at
a) compilation time b)link c)load d)running ans: d

section 3::

1.Max value of SIGNED int
a. b. c. d.
2.One questin is given, long one, to find the answer U should be
with the operation as follows

int *num={10,1,5,22,90};
int *p,*q;
int i;
print the value of i, and q-p, and some other operations are there.
how the values will change??
3. One pointer diff is given like this:
int *(*p[10])(char *, char*)
asked to find the meaning.
4. char *a[4]={"jaya","mahe","chandra","buchi"};
what is the value of sizeof(a)/sizeof(char *)
a. 4 b.bytes for char c-- d.--
( we don't know the answer)

5. void fn(int *a, int *b)
int *t;
int a=2;
int b=3;
print the values os a and b;
what is the output--- out put won't swap, the same values remain.

a. error at runtime
b. compilation error
c.2 3
d. 3 2
#define scanf "%s is a string"
what is the output.

ANS : %s is string is string

7. i=2+3,4>3,1;

ans is 5 only.
8. char *p="abc";
char *q="abc123";

print("%c %c",*p,*q);

a. aabbcc
b. aabbcc123
c. abcabc123
d. infinate loop ( this may be correct)
9. printf("%u",-1)
what is the value?
a. -1 b. 1 c. 65336 d. --

(maxint value-1 I think, check for the answer)

10. #define void int
int i=300;
void main(void)
int i=200;
int i=100;
print the value of i;
print the value of i
what is the output?

may be 100 200

int x=2;
printf("%d ",x);


int a[]={0,0X4,4,9}; /*some values are given*/

int i=2;

printf("%d %d",a[i],i[a]);

what is the value??? (may be error)

some other program is given , I can't remember it
U can get it afterwads,

the answer is 3 3, so U can check this in the exam. itself.

1). A beggr collects cigarette stubs and makes one ful cigarette
with every 7 stubs. Once he gets 49 stubs . How many cigarettes
can he smoke totally.
Ans. 8
2). A soldiar looses his way in a thick jungle at random walks
from his camp but mathematically in an interestingg fashion.
First he walks one mile east then half mile to north. Then 1/4
mile to west, then 1/8 mile to south and so on making a loop.
Finally hoe far he is from his camp and in which direction.
ans: in north and south directions
1/2 - 1/8 + 1/32 - 1/128 + 1/512 - and so on
= 1/2/((1-(-1/4))
similarly in east and west directions
1- 1/4 + 1/16 - 1/64 + 1/256 - and so on
= 1/(( 1- ( - 1/4))
add both the answers
3). hoe 1000000000 can be written as a product of two factors
neither of them containing zeros
Ans 2 power 9 x 5 ppower 9 ( check the answer )
4). Conversation between two mathematcians:
first : I have three childern. Thew pproduct of their ages is 36
. If you sum their ages . it is exactly same as my neighbour's
door number on my left. The sacond mathematiciaan verfies the
door number and says that the not sufficient . Then the first
says " o.k one more clue is that my youngest is the youngest"
Immmediately the second mathematician answers . Can you aanswer
the questoion asked by the first mathematician?
What are the childeren ages? ans 2 and 3 and 6
5). Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it
between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am
ans : 383 + 1 = 384
6). 500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns .
ALL tallest among each row aare asked to fall out . And the
shortest among THEM is A. Similarly after resuming that to their
originaal podsitions that the shorteest among each column are
asked to fall out. And the longest among them is B . Now who is
taller among A and B ?
ans A
7). A person spending out 1/3 for cloths , 1/5 of the remsaining
for food and 1/4 of the remaining for travelles is left with
Rs 100/- . How he had in the begining ?
ans RS 250/-
8). there are six boxes containing 5 , 7 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 29
balls of either red or blue in colour. Some boxes contain only
red balls and others contain only blue . One sales man sold one
box out of them and then he says " I have the same number of red
balls left out as that of blue ". Which box is the one he solds
out ?
Ans : total no of balls = 89 and (89-29 /2 = 60/2 = 30
and also 14 + 16 = 5 + 7 + 18 = 30
9). A chain is broken into three pieces of equal lenths
conttaining 3 links each. It is taken to a backsmith to join into
a single continuous one . How many links are to tobe opened to
make it ?
Ans : 2.
10). Grass in lawn grows equally thickand in a uniform rate. It
takes 24 days for 70 cows and 60 for 30 cows . How many cows can
eat away the same in 96 days.?
Ans : 18 or 19
11). There is a certain four digit number whose fourth digit is
twise the first digit.
Third digit is three more than second digit.
Sum of the first and fourth digits twise the third number.
What was that number ?
Ans : 2034 and 4368
If you qualify in the first part then you have to appear for
the second i.e the following part.
Part 2.
1. From a vessel on the first day, 1/3rd of the liquid
evaporates. On the second day 3/4th of the remaining liquid
evaporates. what fraction of the volume is present at the end of
the II day.
2. an orange galss has orange juice. and white glass has apple
juice. Bothe equal volume 50ml of the orange juice is taken and
poured into the apple juice. 50ml from the white glass is poured
into the orange glass. Of the two quantities, the amount of
apple juice in the orange glass and the amount of orange juice in
the white glass, which one is greater and by how much?
3. there is a 4 inch cube painted on all sides. this is cut
into no of 1 inch cubes. what is the no of cubes which have no
pointed sides.
4. sam and mala have a conversation. sam says i am vertainly not
over 40. mala says i am 38 and you are atleast 5 years older
than me. Now sam says you are atleast 39. all the sattements by
the two are false. How hold are they realy.
5. ram singh goes to his office in the city, every day from his
suburbun house. his driver mangaram drops him at the railway
station in the morning and picks him up in the evening. Every
evening ram singh reaches the station at 5 o'clock. mangaram
also reaches at the same time. one day ramsingh started early
from his office and came to the station at 4 o'clock. not
wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home. Mangaram
starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back
house, half an hour early. how much time did ram singh walk.
6. in a railway station, there are tow trains going. One in the
harbour line and one in the main line, each having a frequency of
10 minutes. the main line service starts at 5 o'clock. the
harbour line starts at 5.02a.m. a man goes to the station every
day to catch the first train. what is the probability of man
catchinhg the first train
7. some people went for vaction. unfortunately it rained for 13
days when they were there. but whenever it rained in the
morning, they had clean afternood and vice versa. In all they
enjoyed 11 morning and 12 afternoons. how many days did they
stay there totally
8. exalator problem repeat
9. a survey was taken among 100 people to firn their preference
of watching t.v. programmes. there are 3 channels. given no of
people who watch
at least channel 1
" " 2
" " 3
no channels at all
atleast channels 1and 3
" " 1 and 2
" " 2 and 3
find the no of people who watched all three.
10. albert and fernandes they have two leg swimming race. both
start from opposite and of the pool. On the first leg, the boys
pass each other at 18 mt from the deep end of the pool. during
the II leg they pass at 10 mt from the shallow end of the pool.
Both go at const speed. but one of them is faster. each boy
rests for 4 sec to see at the end of the i leg. what is the
length of the pool.
11. T H I S Each alphabet stands for one
I S digit, what is the maximum value T
-------------- can take
hi I am givin u the Novell pattern which 1 of my friends attended and cleared all
1st round Written tese 4 sections
1. Aptitude [ very easy and i dont think they count tht [bec my friend is poor in apt.]
2. System Concepts : B-trees and binary trees , Basically all Data structures , prepare
3. C pretty easy objective type
some q are
a) sscanf() is used for ?
b) he doesn't remember ?????
4. Write a passage on Java/Internet
2nd round : Technical Interview [2juyz] .Since in his resume 4 projects where on Linux/gtk
also they asked him to write code in C for Expand function.
void expand(char *src,char *dest)
// for ex: src=ard2-9ddd
then dest shd be dest= ard23456789ddd
we have to search 2-9 and expand it.
Basically they will ask whtz there in ur resume, He had gtk so they drilled in GTK.
thtz it
3 round HR : He Cracked jokes and over he was in Novell.
or visit and verify wheather the recruitement process is still on or not
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The paper consists of three sections.
1. Aptitude 15 questions 20 min
2. System concepts 20 questions 20 min.
3. 'C' 15 questions 20 min.
Section 1
Question 1 to 5 have to be answered on the basis of the information given below:
On Sunday, December 23, four ships were berthed at the Port.
• Ship W left at 4 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of 8-day cruises to Bermuda and Nassau.
• Ship X left at 4:30 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of alternating11-day and 13-day cruises.
• Ship Y sailed at 5 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of 5-day cruises to Bermuda.
• Ship Z sailed on Monday, Decmeber 24, for a series of 7-day cruises to Nassau.
Each cruise begins on the day after departure.
Each ship is scheduled to return to the Port early in the morning after the last day of the cruise and leave again in the afternoon of the same day.
( From 1999 Barrons GRE book Model Test 3 - Section 5 - Q8 to Q12)
1. On December 31, which ships will be sailing from the Port on a New Year's Eve.
(a) W and X
(b) X and Y
(c) W and Z
(d) X and Z
(e) X, Y and Z
Ans: (c)

2. On how many sailing dates between December 24 and February 28 will ship W be moored alongside another ship
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) 6
Ans: (d)

3. On how many occasions between December 24 and February 28 will three ships be moored at the Port.
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
(e) 4
Ans: (a)

4. On which day of the week will these four ships make most of their departures?
(a) Sunday
(b) Monday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Thursday
(e) Saturday
Ans: (b)

5. On which days of the week in the period between December 24 and February 28 will the pier be least crowded?
(a) Tuesday and Friday
(b) Tuesday and Thursday
(c) Friday and Saturday
(d) Wednesday and Thursday
(e) Thursday and Saturday
Ans: (a)

6. A family with a husband, his wife and their child are at one side of river.
They want to cross the river on a boat. The child can't be left alone.
The only available boat can hold only one person and the boatboy.
Only the boatboy can row the boat.
What is the minimum number of trips from on bank to the other, that the boatboy has to make
for the whole family to reach the other side.
Question 7 to 10 have to be answered on the basis of the information given below:
The workweek in a small business is a five-day workweek running from Monday through Friday.
In each workweek, activities L,M,N,O and P must all be done.The work is subject to the following restrictions:
• L must be done earlier in the week than O and earlier than P
• M must be done earlier in the week than N and earler than O
• No more than one of the activities can ever be done on any one day

7.Which of the following is an acceptable schedule starting from Monday to Friday
a) L, M, N, O, P
b) M, N, O, N, M
c) O, N, L, P, M
d) P, O, L, M, L
e) P, O, L, M, N
Ans. (a)

8. Which of the following pair of activies could be done on Monday and Tuesday
a) L and O
b) M and L
c) M and P
d) N and O
e) O and M
Ans. (b)

9.If P and N are done on Thursday and Friday, then which of the following is true
a) L is done on Tuesday
b) L is done on Wednesday
c) M is done on Monday
d) O is done on Tuesday
e) O is done on Wednesday
Ans. (e)

10. Which of the following could be true
a) L on Friday
b) M on Thursday
c) N on Monday
d) O on Monday
e) P on Tuesday
Ans. (e)

Rest of the paper is based on similar questions.
I donot remember them completely but I'll just give a basic idea about them below
* 5 programs are sheduled from monday to saturday, monday is not holiday,
PQRST are the programs. The day before P is holiday, and some other clues are
given, we have to find the sequence (4 questions)

* Suppose U R the presoner, There are two guards Who will tell truth or
one will tell truth. There is a gate for liberty and another foe hell.
asking about which sequencing is sufficient to find the gate for liberty??

* There are 7 targets, A B and C has to shoot them.
All should be shot down consecutively.
1. The number of chances for A and B are not less then 2,
2. C has only one chance
3. A can't shot 3 times consicutively.
4. B is permited to shoot in even chances only.

They have given some 2 or 3 MCQ questions on this.

Section 2
1. Encryption and decryption is done in the following layer.
a) DLL
b) Network layer
c) Transport
d) Presentation
Ans: (d)

2. Floating point has different formats on two different machines.
This modifications are taken care by which layer?
a) DLL
b) Network layer
c) Transpor layer
d) Presentation
Ans: (d)

3. Time complexity of quick sort algorithm is
a) N*N
b) log(N)
c) N*log(N)
d) N
Ans: (c)

4. Time complexity of AVL tree is .
a) N*N
b) log(N)
c) N*log(N)
d) N
Ans: (b)

5. Cycle stealing is used in which concept?
a) Programmed I/O
b) DMA
c) Interrupts
Ans: (b)

6. How many octets are there in an IP address
a) 6
b) 8

7.What are the maximum number of hosts that can be served by an IP
a) 254
b) 256
c) 2**24(2 to the power 24)

8. Which of the following is model representation of life cycle software
a) Water fall model
b) Spiral

9. The purpose of reviewing code is
a) To find syntax error
b) Tocheck for the proper design

10. Semaphores are used for the resolution of
a) Contention
b) Accessing of same resources by more than one

11.In threading of processes when the race condition will happen
a) Low priority process
b) Higher priority process
(See O.S.Concepts by Silberschatz)

12.Which of the following function is not performed by O.S.
a) CPU sheduling
b) Memory management
c) Transaction
Ans: (c)

13. If two applicaltion programmes uses same libraries which of following are shared
a) Lib code
b) Code and stack
c) Data
d) Data, code and stack

14. Which is the maximum 16 bit signed integer.
a) 66337
b) 66338
c) 257
d) 258

15.When will interrupt occurs?
a) Divide by zero
b) DMA completed
c) Insufficient memory

16. Which of the following has low power cosumption
a) EIL
c) Totempole Arrangement

17. Which of the following is the wrong statement
a) Cominational circuits has memory
b) Sequential circuits has memory
c) Sequential circuits is a function of time
Ans: (a)

18.Virtual address is
a) More than physical address
b) Lesstthan physical memory
c) Equal to physical memory
d) None
Ans : (a)
19. Which of the following reduces CPU burden
Ans : DMA

20. Malloc function allocates memory at
a) compilation time
Ans: d

Section 3

1.Max value of SIGNED int

2. A long C program is given -- try to be familiar with few of the concepts listed below
int *num={10,1,5,22,90};
int *p,*q;
int i;
print the value of i, and q-p, and some other operations are there.
how the values will change?

3. One pointer diff is given like this:
int *(*p[10])(char *, char*)
Explain the variable assignment

4. char *a[4]={"jaya","mahe","chandra","buchi"};
What is the value of sizeof(a) /sizeof(char *)

5. For the following C program
void fn(int *a, int *b)
{int *t;
{int a=2;
int b=3;
printf("%d,%d", a,b);
What is the output?

a) Error at runtime
b) Compilation error
c) 2 3
d) 3 2

6. For the following C program
#define scanf "%s is a string"
What is the output.

Ans. %s is string is string

7. For the following C program
{char *p="abc";
char *q="abc123";
print("%c %c",*p,*q);

a) aabbcc
b) aabbcc123
c) abcabc123
d) infinate loop

8. What is the value of the following:

a) -1
b) 1
c) 65336

9. For the following C program
#define void int
int i=300;
void main(void)
{int i=200;
{int i=100;
print the value of i;}
print the value of i;}
What is the output?

10. For the following C program

int x=2;
printf("%d ",x);
Ans. 8

11. For the following C program

int a[]={0,0X4,4,9}; /*some values are given*/
int i=2;
printf("%d %d",a[i],i[a]);

What is the value?

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Novell network paper

The paper consists os three sections.
1. aptitude 15 questions 20 min.
2. system concepts 20 questions 20 min.
3. 'c' 15 questions 20 min.


I'm sendin the questions, somany have no answers. U do check the
answers for all the given questions also.

All questions are MULTIPLE CHOICES ONLY.

U do try to cover the related topics to get some understanding.
In interview They are asking C C++ Operating system concepts
and Networks.
They will ask about Ur interesting subjects, U try to have good
grip on those intresting subjects.

They selected 11 out of 55 students.
They asked about c c++ project work and OS,NETWORKS.
But they selected only 2 , one from CS and another is BTech ECE.

SECTION 1 is main factor selection to the interview

In the interveiw you should be very active .And should be frank to say
no also.One CS student said that he don't know NETWORK and he hasn't
taken NETWORKS subject.But he has selected.

section 1::::;

*. GRE book test paper 3 section 5
question no. 8 to 12 (ships WXYZ starting on dec. 23rd..........)

* 5 programs are sheduled from monday to saterday, monday is not holiday,
PQRST are the programs. Theday before P is holiday, and some other clues are
given, we have to find the sequence (4 questions)

ANS: tuesday is the holiday
P comes on wednesday ,
U can do the remaining very easily.
* Suppose U R the presoner, There are two guards Who will tell truth or
one will tell truth. There is a gate for liberty and another foe hell.

Some questions are given, like
i. are U tell truth?
ii. another tell truth or not??
iii. both of U R telling truth??
iV. both of U lieing??
V. --------------

they gave a. b. c. d. and asking about which sequencing is sufficient to
find the gate for liberty??
( I can't give exact thing)

* There are WIFE and HUSBAND at one side of river. They have one child,
They want to cross the river. The child can't be lonly. The boat boy won't
permit morethan one to cross the river, what is the correct way to
cross the river??

* There are 7 targets, A B and C has to shoot them. All should be shooted
1. The no. of chances for A and B are not less thn 2,
2. for C there is only one chance.
3. A can't shot 3 times consicutively.
4. B is permited to shoot in even chances only.

They have given some 3or 4 questions on this


section 3::

1.Max value of SIGNED int
a. b. c. d.
2.One questin is given, long one, to find the answer U should be
with the operation as follows

int *num={10,1,5,22,90};
int *p,*q;
int i;
print the value of i, and q-p, and some other operations are there.
how the values will change??
3. One pointer diff is given like this:
int *(*p[10])(char *, char*)
asked to find the meaning.
4. char *a[4]={"jaya","mahe","chandra","buchi"};
what is the value of sizeof(a)/sizeof(char *)
a. 4 b.bytes for char c-- d.--
( we don't know the answer)

5. void fn(int *a, int *b)
int *t;
int a=2;
int b=3;
print the values os a and b;
what is the output--- out put won't swap, the same values remain.

a. error at runtime
b. compilation error
c.2 3
d. 3 2
#define scanf "%s is a string"
what is the output.

ANS : %s is string is string

7. i=2+3,4>3,1;

ans is 5 only.
8. char *p="abc";
char *q="abc123";

print("%c %c",*p,*q);

a. aabbcc
b. aabbcc123
c. abcabc123
d. infinate loop ( this may be correct)
9. printf("%u",-1)
what is the value?
a. -1 b. 1 c. 65336 d. --

(maxint value-1 I think, check for the answer)

10. #define void int
int i=300;
void main(void)
int i=200;
int i=100;
print the value of i;
print the value of i
what is the output?

may be 100 200

int x=2;
printf("%d ",x);


int a[]={0,0X4,4,9}; /*some values are given*/

int i=2;

printf("%d %d",a[i],i[a]);

what is the value??? (may be error)

some other program is given , I can't remember it
U can get it afterwads,

the answer is 3 3, so U can check this in the exam. itself.

I'll send the remaining two afterwars whenever I get them. OK !



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Aptitude Section

Q. 5 men or 8 women do equal amount of work in a day. a job requires 3 men and 5 women to finish the job in 10 days how many woman are required to finish the job in 14 days.

a) 10
b) 7
c) 6
d) 12
Ans 7

Q. A simple interest amount of rs 5000 for six month is rs 200. what is the anual rate of interest?

a) 10%
b) 6%
c) 8%
d) 9%
Ans 8%
Q. In objective test a correct ans score 4 marks and on a wrong ans 2 marks are ---. a student score 480 marks from 150 question. how many ans were correct?
a) 120
b) 130
c) 110
d) 150
Q. An artical sold at amount of 50% the net sale price is rs 425 .what is the list price of the artical?

a) 500
b) 488
c) 480
d) 510
Ans 500

Technical Section

Q. You are creating a Index on EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table. Which statement will you use?
a) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee, empno;
b) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx FOR employee, empno;
c) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee(empno);
d) CREATE emp_empno_idx INdEX ON employee(empno);

Ans. c

Q. Which program construct must return a value?
a) Package
b) Function
c) Anonymous block
d) Stored Procedure
e) Application Procedure

Ans. b

Q. Which Statement would you use to remove the EMPLOYEE_Id_PK PRIMARY KEY constraint and all depending constraints fromthe EMPLOYEE table?
c) MOdIFY TABLE employee dROP CONSTRAINT employee_id_pk CASCAdE;
d) ALTER TABLE employee dROP PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE;
e) MOdIFY TABLE employee dELETE PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE;

Ans. a

Q. Which three commands cause a transaction to end? (Chosse three)
Ans. a ,b ,f
Q. Under which circumstance should you create an index on a table?
a) The table is small.
b) The table is updated frequently.
c) A columns values are static and contain a narrow range of values
d) Two columns are consistently used in the WHERE clause join condition of SELECT

Q. What is the common standard naming convention of checkbox control?

a) CHB
b) CHK
c) CHX
d) CBX

Q. Which of the function returns a reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component.

a) createobject
b) getobjectname
c) createobjectx
d) getobject
Q. We have something like Global functions in JAVA, they are called as .....

a) class
b) package
c) file
d) include

Q. Which all OS supports Networking?

a) Windows 95
b) Linux
c) Windows 3.0
d) Unix

Q. Which of the following is not an RdBMS?

a) Ingres
b) Oracle
c) Unify
d) Clipper

Q. Shell function in VB is used for calling

a) Another Function
b) Another Procedure
c) Another Application
d) None

Q. The RdBMS which satisfies the most number of its Principle among the followings

a) MS SqlServer
b) Oracle 7.3
c) Informix
d) Sybase
Q. Normalization is considered to be complete when it is in

a) Second Form
b) Third Form
c) First Form
d) None

Q. Two databases can be connected with

a) Where Clause
b) creating link
c) using dbo.
d) Both B & C

Q. C++ is similar to that of C in following ways

a) C++ has classes
b) Supports Inheritance
c) File Handling
d) None

Q. Which of the following is not system file.

a) .ini
b) .sys
c) .com
d) None

Q. Following command is used to register any dll or ocx in registry of the system

a) regserver32
b) registersvr
c) regsrv32
d) regsvr32

Q. Which keyword is used to unregister any dll or ocx in registry of the system

a) -u
b) -r
c) -d
d) -x

Q. Which is not the most important & widely used form of Normalization ?

a) Boyce-Codd Normal Form
b) Second Form
c) Third Form
d) Royce-Codd Normal Form

Q. How can the word YES be stored in any array.

array[1] = 'Y'
array[2] = 'E'
array[3] = 'S'
array[4] = '\0'
array[0] = "Y"
array[1] = "E"
array[2] = "S"
array[3] = "\0"
array[1] = "Y"
array[2] = "E"
array[3] = "S"
array[0] = 'Y'
array[1] = 'E'
array[2] = 'S'
array[3] = '\0'
Q. Which of the following keyword is used to exit unconditionally from the batch?

a) go
b) return
c) Begin & End
d) Commit Tran

Q. != is a ---------- operator.

a) relational
b) logical
c) String
d) arithmetic

Q. What was the first name given to Java Programming Language.

a) Oak - Java
b) Small Talk
c) Oak
d) None


Q. The syntax of Java is similar to that of

a) C
b) Small Talk
d) C++

Q. Which of the following statement is true

Table in a database can have
a) One Non-Clustered Index and Many Clustered Indexes.
b) One Clustered Index and Many Non-Clustered Indexes.
c) One Index each of Clustered and Non-Clustered Index.
d) None

Q. Check the error in the following statement

Country[7] = 'CANADA'

a) A string terminator is not added to the string, when declared.
b) Country array should be of six
c) Canada should be specified in double quotes.
d) Country array should have the keyword char to ensure array type.

Q. An application updates table "A",which causes trigger T1 to fire. T1 updates table "B", which in turns fires trigger T2. T2 updates table "A", which causes trigger T1 to fire again. This is an example of

a) Indirect Recursive Trigger
b) direct Recursive Trigger
c) Multiple Trigger
d) Non Recursive Trigger

Q. Linda wants to obtain the nearest integer of a numeric expression for some calculation purpose. Which mathematical function will she use:

a) Round
b) ABS
c) About
d) None

Q. Alphanumeric constants are

a) used for arithmetic calculations
b) Used with double quotas
c) Of integer type or float type
d) Not used for arithmetic calculations

Q. Pseudocode is a

a) set of Instructions to perform a particular task
b) is a formalized graphic representation of program logic.
c) is a algorithm expressed in a simple language
d) Both A & C

Q. A company has closed down its advertisement dept and is now getting all advertisement done by an Ad-Agency. All 20 people working in the dept has quit the job. The dept to which an employee belonged was stored in the "cdept" attribute of "emp" table. Which of the following statement would be used to do the changes in the "emp" table

a) Alter Table
b) Drop Table
c) Delete Table
d) Truncate Table

Q. John wants to retrieve all records from students table who live in any city beginning with WAS . Which of the following statement is to be executed by him

a) Select * from students where city = 'WAS'
b) Select * from students where city = 'WAS%'
c) Select * from students where city in 'WAS'
d) Select * from students where city like 'WAS%'

Q. Why is a Modulo operator used?

a) It is used to determined the remainder, when an integer is divided by another.
b) It is used to calculate the percentage
c) It is used to determine the factorial of a number.
d) It is used as a relational operator.

Q. Consider the following program:

character cName[5] = 'great'
Numeric nNum1,nNum2 =0

For (nNum1 = 0;nNum1=>5;nNum1++)
if(cName[nNum1] == 'a'| cName[nNum1] != 'e'| cName[nNum1] == 'i'| cName[nNum1] != 'o'| cName[nNum1] == 'u'|)
nNum2 ++
display nNum2

What does nNum2 display.

a) 2
b) 1
c) 5
d) 3
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1.two transistors are connected Vbe is 0.7volts .this is simple
transistor is diode equivalent. & asked the o/p across the 2 nd
2.simple k map ans is Bbar.

---R-------transistorbase| --
| ---
in above capacitor is connected parallel with resistance
r.capacitor is not shown
in fig.capacitor is used for in this ckt: bypass c.decoupling

|___R____ |
in above r is resistence.I is cmos
then ckt is used for:

a.schmitt trigger b.latch c.inverter

5.simple amplifier ckt openloop gain of amplifier is 4.V in
=1v.asked for V x?
amplifdier + is connected to base. - is connected to i/p in
between 5k is connected.
from o/p feedback connected to - of amplifier with 15k.this is

6.resistence inductot cap are serially connected to ac voltage 5
volts.voltage across
inductor is given.R I C values are given & asked for
voltages across resistence & capacitor.
___ R_____
| |
---R------OPAMP ----------
R1 R1 is for wjhat i mean what is the purpose of R1.


8.asked for Vo at the o/ is like simple cmos realization that
is n block is above
& p block is below.Vdd is 3 volts at supply.V threshold 5 volts.
9.2 d ffs are connected in asyncro manner .clock 10 MEGAHZ.gate
delay is 1 nanosec.
A B are the two given D FFs.asked for AB output is:

b.up c. updown glitching like that (take care abt glitching word)


----------------| subtractor|---------o/p

the ckt is LPF ,HPF or APF ? a queue at the no of elements removed is proportional to no of
elements in
the queue.then no of elements in the queue:
a.increases decreases exp or linearly(so these are the 4 options
given choose 1 option)
12.with 2 i/p AND gates u have to form a 8 i/p AND gate.which is the
fastest in the
following implementations.
ans we think ((AB)(CD))((EF)(GH))
13.with howmany 2:1 MUX u can for 8:1 MUX.answer is 7.
14. there are n states then ffs used are log n.
15.cube each side has r units resistence then the resistence across
diagonal of cube.
16.op amp connections asked for o/p
the answer is (1+1/n)(v2-v1).check it out.practise this type of
_____________ supply
---|__ ___|
Ii >________ |___ Tranistot
> _______Vo
R |
| | Io

asked for Io/Ii=? transistor gain is beta.

a.(1+beta)square b.1+beta c. beta

18.y=kxsquare. this is transfer function of a block with i/p x & o/p
y.if i/p is
sum of a & b then o/p is :--

a. AM b.FM c. PM
------MULTIPLIER--- |
| |
v in = -Ez then o/p Vo =?
answer is squareroot of -Ez.multiplier i/ps are a & b
then its o/p
is a.b;

////////////////THE END////////////////////////

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