Dec 25, 2008

W Company's

Here are some information that I present , plz have some patience & read the complete mail .wipro has 3 modes of selection .1. Written test 2.Technical interview 3.Hr interview .I have also given the details of books which mostly refered .
I ) . Written :Usually Wipro assigns 80 ques / 90 min . But I attended at my campus ,hence I had 50 ques / 50 min .
There are three section in Wipro's written :
Plz follow Barrons GRE from 11 to 15 th edition .including 5 model q-paper given at the last .
Just mug up the following things .1 Analogy 2.Antonyms 3.Sentence correction 4. Sentence completion

Dont follow the book "Quantitative & Aptitude " By RS Agarwall. Plz follow "Verbal & Non verbal reasoning " By RS Agarwall.And I found all the questions were of Logical reasoning type . Some questions are different like , octal-binary , bin-hexa conversion.

Study the following books for C questions .
1. Test your Skills in c.
2.Exploring C
3.Let us c
4. pointers in C
All the books are by Yaswanth Kanitkar Kanitkar .The following book is also usefull
1. The C programming Language by Dennish Ritchie .

You attend all the question without fail. Try for maximum . If ur written score is top , then they wont miss u even if u dont do the technical interview well. also go thro wipro's old question papers , bcause its possible that some
of the questions may be repeated .

I I ) Technical Interview
Most of the technical questions are from following areas .1 C , C++ ( Oops Basic concepts ) some times they may ask u to write codes and brainstorm u with pointers .Say ,
* Explain the working of printf ( ) and scanf () .
* whats function pointer and write the syntax.
* whats the difference between malloc() and calloc ( ).
* whats void pointer ? , null pointer ?[ like , some tricks in c .... ]
2.Data Structures ( searching , sorting , trees . But graphs are not considered mostly . ) .They will give u some data & u will be asked to sort out the data manually.also know about the no of comparison & computation [ like for Quick sort o(nlogn ) for bubble sort : o(n's square )] Also some times they ask u to write programs like ,
* infix to post and pre-fix
* Factorial using recursion ,
* swapping 2 numbers with out using the 3rd variable .
* syntax for binary tree
* program for linked list , double , circular lists .[ Just write anything , which may be wrong ! They just check for ur
confidence , they dont look at the code keenly !! ]

3. Operating System .
For this part , just revise ur subject ( bcause all of u could have already studied this subject) . Be sure of Memory management including Paging,Segmentation , also page replace ment algoritms , Process concepts ,scheduling alogorithms . Dead lock & prevention part is very very important .Dont miss to study the classical problem of dead lock including Dining philosopher problem , Producer consumer problem.

os is very easy area . So u can easily impress the interviewer if u correctly produce the answers for ur Os questions . Give the suitable definition for each question. Dont baffle the things . Try to produce the answers by usking questions urself before u attend the interview .Say for example , the following questions cant have appropriate definition
in the text book !
* Whats External Fragmentation ?
* Whats Internal Fragmentation ?
* Whats the differnce between Linux & Windows ? [ U give bullet point
answers , Dont say like Windows is good , Linux is worst !!!!! ]
Mostly follow the books for Os ,
* "Operating System concepts by Silbertz Scatz "
* Modern Operating System by Andrew Tanenbaum.

Revise the SQL [ u should be able to write queries ] , and study about the Normal Forms [1,2,3,4,5, with BCNf ], Joining Tables [left/right/full.outetr joining ],They some times ask about the integrities like domain , referential
integrity .Also be sure with keys like , Super, primary , candidate , Foriegn keys .For DBMS follow the book , " Data Base system concepts " By Korth .

5. Networking
Just know about the OSI stack and routing protocols and some thing about Ip classes .


Say for example , when u r asked to tell some differnce about Windows and Linux , if u say like , " Windows is COM based or Win32 API based........" . Then the next question will be "whats COM ? Whats Win32 API ?" .
So , use ur words very grisp and compact .[ I had this experience when I was answering . He asked me to tell about
the OSI layers , I was answering , at that time I used the word , " Incase of ATM network ....." , u know , he forgot about the OSI , and stared to ask from ATM . Then I told hime that I was not aware of ATM , and I could be
happy if he continue with the OSI layer again !!! ]

U CAN LEAD THE INTERVIEWER ! , Yes just make a boundary of questions saying that this is my interest subject , I will be happy if u ask more from this area . But say this after u tried for some questions .
Dont say I DONT KNOW !!! . Instead say like , " I am not much aware of it ! "
Prepare ur project [ if u have any mini project or ur final year project] . Atleat u must report about one project when u r asked to explain about ur project.when u r asked to tell about the project , u just give him an overview
like ,
* The project name is .... "xyz " ...
* This is used to .......
* This has these advatages .......
* I used these things ( like c , c++ ,Java ) in my project .
They will surely ask u to write some coding of some modules of ur project .[ I used SQL with Jsp in my-project . They asked me to write the coding for connecting JDBC with SQL ]. And explain ur role in ur project.
[ also I was asked to explain about my role in the project and tell about the major technical risk in the project and how I cleared the hurdle .]

HR interview .
U should be knowing a lot of ur-self at first ! since most of the questions are related to u and ur background .
Be preoared for the standard questions like ,
* Tell ablout ur-self ? [ or some time they will tease u like " who are u ?"]
* Tell me about ur family background .
* Tell ur strength and weakness ?
* Why should I hire u ?
* what do you know about Wipro ?
* What do you expect from Wipro ?
* Where u want be posted ? [ u just say anywhere ! ]
* Where do u find ur-self after 5 years ? [ Dont say I like to become an
IAS or IPS !!! tell some thing related ur professional life ]
* whats ur short-term goal & whats ur long term goal ? [ This answer should
match with ur pervious answer ! Thats why again they put the question using
different way !! ]
* Whats ur achievment ? or tell about ur co-curricular and extra-curricular
They will ask u a lot of cross questions when u r answering , so be patient
and give proofs to all ur points .I have some general tips to tell u all .

General comments
1. Keep a smiling face when u enter , that will let the tension to get rid off.
2. Dont speak too much ! and also Dont Give one line or one word answers .
3. Always speak cool . Dont expose that u r nervous / get tensed .
4. When u dont know answers for some questions , dont say " I dont know " .Instead , redirect the interviewer
saying that , " Sir I am not strong in that area , I will be happy if u ask questions from ...... [ the area
which u know well ! ]"
5.Dont keep mum for any questions , thats a very bad sign ! , Instead just track the session by speaking some related
things .
6. Dont use unwanted keyword / phrase ( which the mistake that I committed
and I explianed it above !!! )
7. Once u tell anything , plz stand by with ur answers , dont get back
ur words !!
8. Almost try to communicate using simple english and be sure that u got
the correct question also ur answer reached the interviewer.

9. Maintain a flow , thats , u maintain a gap of some jiffy between the
question and the answer .

10 . The one more thing is that , you believe that u r out smarted , ur
the ultimate , and have a gentle look with confidenc , then u will win !

Wipinfo has 2 rounds of interviews. The first round is fully technical.The second round, depending on the members of the board, may betechnical,semi-technical or personal. Last year the second round was moretechnical than the first(!) and the board was headed by Mr. P.V.Sanjeeva Reddy, one of the no-nonsense, hardcore-technical, project leaders in Infotech. This year it was headed by Mr. Victor Jayakiran, G.M.(Technical, Global R&D) who was a much sober man and therefore spent most of the time in the second round dealing with personal questions.
I detail here the technical questions asked in the first round --

[1] Tell us about your work in brief.
My Ans. Mention first the title, followed by a brief overview of the work, what we plan to achieve, what has been achieved so far, finallythe relevance/scope of the work to the related area (i.e. how is it going to be useful). [ 5-10 mins. depending on interest of the listener.]
[2..n] Questions related to the work. Ans. Area dependent. [ 10 mins ]
[n+1] Tell us what you know about DMA and why that is needed?
My Ans. As usual, mentioned the wastage of CPU computation power spent in busy-waiting. Told how DMA
[n+2] What are the various types of scheduling algo, what is used by UNIX?
My Ans. Mentioned Round Robin, First-come-first-served, Shortest-job-first, Earliest-deadline-first, Least-laxity-first,Priority-based-event-driven. UNIX uses RR with multi-level feedback.

[n+3] How can you implement SJF in UNIX?
My Ans. Usually, SJF means that we know the job-duration in advance. In UNIX where we cannot know that, we have to make assumptions about that based on which we should initially schedule. Periodically however, we
have to fine-tune our initial assumptions based on the times taken by various ready jobs, and recompute estimates and change the schedule accordingly.

[n+4] Different types of subroutine calling conventions?
My Ans. Call by value, reference, value-result.[n+5] Parameter passing sequence used by C?
My Ans. Rightmost parameter pushed first on stack.[n+6] What is a page-fault and how is it handled in UNIX?
My Ans. [Refer to MJBach, Ch. 9 for details].

Personal questions in the first round
1. What was your overall position in the Univ. in B.E.
2. Why did you choose to join MS here.
3. How do you like the MS course.
4. Anything you want to know about us.

Technical Questions in the second round
[1] What are the current trends and areas of focus in IT.
My Ans. Talked about emerging trends of S/W Engg and ISO 9000 stuff (gave vague ideas about them as I don't know much nor do I care about these topics myself ;-)). Then mentioned the proliferation of O-O methodologies and their usefulness in speeding up development process, code re-usability, ease of maintenance, ease of bug-fixing. Thirdly, mentioned the work going on in High-Speed N/w - FDDI, ATM, Fast-Ethernet(100Mbps). Told whatever little I knew about ATM in response to another question.

[2] What is a Micro-Kernel architecture.
My Ans. This is a developing area in OSs where instead of building the kernel as a single monolithic structure starting from scratch, it is built as a set of layers. The micro-kernel provides only the bare-bones like
Device-drivers, rudimentary filesystem support etc. on which, depending on the intended area of application of the OS, it can be customized to provide various higher level OS features like
Multiprocessing, IPC, etc.

Personal Questions in the second round

1. Tell us about yourself, your background.
2. What does your father do currently.
3. Your performance in schooling, B.E.
4. Your +/- points.
5. Why do you think Wipro should take you.
6. What qualities do you have that make you a person suitable for going
into the IT industry (a corollary to the previous question).
7. What do your friends opine about you.
8. When do you think you will complete and be able to join.
9. How can you assure that you will join by that time.
10. Anything you want to know about us.
Wipro Infotech

FIRST INTERVIEW:(First the interviewer asked me to name two favorite subjects - OS and Networks)
a) Describe the memory management policies in Unix. How is paging implemented? How page faults are handled?
Seems to be a favorite question for these chaps ---- Maurice Bach.
b) Write a macro in C for swapping two nibbles in a byte.Use the shift operators and be careful while defining
temporary variables( if you do so) as you have to write a macro. Otherwise it is pretty simple.

c) What is the CPU-scheduling policy in Unix? - Round robin scheduling with multilevel queues.

d) Diffrence between short term, long term and medium term scheduler.First two should be peaceful. The last one
is also known as swapper. (See Taenenbaum and/or Peterson)

e) Name various page-replacement policies. Which can be implemented both with and without pre-emption? - see

f) Describe the Sliding window protocol. What is it's advantage over stop-and-wait? - Saves bandwidth.
(Taenenbaum please)

2ND INTERVIEW (Both personal and technical interleaved)
a) Tell us something about yourself.
b) Aren't you going for higher studies abroad? Why?
c) Rank and CGPA. MSites do not have ranks but still they wanted to know my approx position in my batch.
Shady question. It is your job to convince them that for MS, grades do not hold any meaning.
d) What is re-entrant code? --- Non-self modifying code. Can be shared by many processes simultaneously.
Gave e.g. of text-editors like 'vi'. Counter Q: But then no code modifies itself. What does 'non-self modifying'
mean? ---- I don't know for sure.
e) Diff between compilers and interpreters. Some fundaes about how to link code in different files.
f) What would your friends tell us about you if we ask them? Standard question for everyone.

Company: Motorola (came in August'95) Just one question: When do you expect to finish? ---By August'96
That is too late. We are looking for guys who finish by Jan'96. Pl. apply a month before you
submit your thesis. Thank you very much.


I don't think there's anything to be said about these giants. Only thing is, Wipro is not into the holidays business. I firmly believe that joining Wipro will further your student-like life for a few more years, and if you are really raring to get into the corporate line of jobs, then Wipro is not for you. When I say Wipro above, I mean Infotech. Wipro Systems is one of the more Pseud-ish companies, what with their formal attire, replete with Tie and associated
appurtenances of a western lifestyle. Both Wipro-s have a very good pay, and *sure-shot* revisions once a year, where you do end up getting at least a 20% hike, usually. Don't quote me, however. This is strictly off the records.

Wipro - Question paper - 01 Place : BMS College, Bangalore
Wipro had come to our college, they had conducted a
1) Written Test :: Very simple .u don't need any preparation
40 mins 45 questions..some questions were very silly.
My friend said that most of the questions in this test were
lifted from R S Agarwals' Verbal book.
2) HR And Technical Interview went on simultaneously.
HR Interview::
1) Describe Yourself.
2) Your Hobbies..
3) Your Project
4) What do you expect from Wipro.
Be confident ....and talk informally.
Technical Interview::
It went for 1 hour...just me....very lengthy.
1) Asked me about my project.
2) Asked me about my Engg subjects..OS Data Structures ...C C++ Unix .
3) What are the OS Components ?
4) Draw the various modules of the OS.
5) What is a Thread.
6) What are the advantages of threads.
7) What are the different types of scheduling?
8) Process Synchronization.
9) Semaphores Monitors.
10) Write the code for semaphore.
11) Benady's Anomaly.
12) Memory Management
13) Polymorphism in C++
14) Output of a C Program (Test ur C Skills type)
15) Use of static.
16) Ostrich Algorithm..( Didn't know)
17) What are NP Hard Problems.
18) Join two linked lists.
19) Various Sorting algorithms.
20) Trees Binary search tree etc
Most questions were simple...not a stress interview...they make you feel very comfortable.
My friends got different interviewers ..some of them asked only DBMS ...and sql queries.
Q1. Two bodies changed from p1v1 to p2v2 state in two ways. The heat supplied is delta Q
and work done is delta W
Then what is constant in these two processes
(a) delta q
(b) delta w
(c) delta q + delta w
(d) delta q - delta w
Ans. (d)
Q2. _______ have same atomic number and same mass number are
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) Isobars
Ans. (c)
Q3. When a free electron is placed in a plane of electro magnetic then it moves in
(a) in the direction of the electric field
(b) in the direction of magnetic field
(c) of propagation of wave
(d) of the plane containing magnetic field and propagation direction.
Q4. Name the phenomena in which one proton is jumped from one isomer to another
isomer to create two different elements
(a) functional isomerisim
(b) sterio merisim
(c) tauto merisim
(d) penta merisim
Ans. (c)
Q5. In the below compounds which one has 40% C ,6.7% H and 53.3 % O what is its
empherical formula
(a) CHO
(b) CH2
(c) C2H2O2
(d) C2H3O2
Ans: (b)
Q6. X rays are coming from X ray tube, the wavelength is _______ a certain wavelength/s
(a) below
(b) above
(c) inbetween
(d) out of
Ans. (c)
Q7. In a triode valve in order to increase the saturation current what has to be done
(a) increase plate voltage
(b) reduce distance between grid and plate
(c) increase cathode potential
(d) reduce grid potential
Ans. (d )
Q8. Seven different toys are distributed among 3 children how many different ways are
(a) 7C3
(b) 7P3
(c) 3 7
(d) 7 3
Ans. (c)
Q9. A, B ans C are three speakers. They have to speak randomly along with another 5
speakers in a function.
A has to speak before B and B has to speak before C. What is the probability.
Ans. 1/6
Q10. If dy = (secx + ytanx)dx, Then the curve is
(a) x = ycosx
(b) x = ysinx
(c) x = ytanx
(d) x = ysecx
Ans. (a)
Q11. Two series are 16,21,26.... and 17,21,25.....
What is the sum of first hundred common numbers
(a) 101100
(b) 110100
(c) 101110
(d) 110101
Ans. (a)
Q12. There are two sections in a question paper each contain five questions. A students
has to answer 6 questions.
Maximum no. of questions that can be answered from any section is 4. How many ways he
can attempt the paper?
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 200
Ans. (d)
Q13. a and b are two numbers selected randomly from 1,2,3.... 25 what is the probability of
a and b are not equal.
(a) 1/25
(b) 24/25
(c) 13/25
(d) 2/25
Ans. (b)
Q14. The sum of the series 1 + 1(1+1/n) + 3(1+1/n)2 + ..... is equal to?
Ans. n2
Q15. Two circles of different radii intersects each other what is the maximum no of
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Ans. (c)
Q16. If x= sin-1(t), y = log(1-t2), find d2y/dx2 when t=1/2
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -8/3
(d) -2/3
Ans. (c)
Q17. If x approaches infinity , then (??dx )/( ??dx) is ?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -1
(d) 2
Ans. (a)
Q18. If f(x)=1-cos(1-cosx)/x4 is continuos at f(0) then what is x
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1/4
(d) -1/4
Ans. (c)
Q19. For the word SURITI, if you arrange the letters in dictionary order then what is its
(a) 234
(b) 235
(c) 236
(d) 237
Ans. (c)
Q20. Period of sin ((2t + 3) / 6 pi)
(a) 6pi
(b) 6pi2
(c) 3pi
Ans. (b)
Q21 - Q23. Four questions given on the below data
X,Yand Z are senior engineers. A,B,C,D are junior engineers. Company wants to select 4
enginers. Two will be senior and two will be juniors. The company wants these engineers
to work in the most productive way so they respect each person's likes/dislikes.
Y is not friends with A
Z is not friends with C
B is not friends with A
If B is selected then who will be the remaining 4 members ?
If C is selected, Z and ___ cannot be selected?
D is always selected if ___ is selected?
Q24. A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.
What is the probability that both are contradicting each other is ?
Q25. ??x-3)/((x2 +x+1)2 )dx is ?
Q26. Ram starts from A walking 2 km North and turns right and walks 4 km and turns right
again and walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km and meets Radha at Bwalking
in the opposite direction to Ram .
a) Which direction does Ram walk after the first turn?
b) Distance between A and B
Q27. If the equation x2 - 3x + a = 0 has the roots (0,1) then value of a is ?
Q28. A and B's temperature are 10°c and 20°c having same surface , then their ratio of rate
of emmisions is ?
Q29. An atomic particle exists and has a particlular decay rate . It is in a train . When the
train moves, a person observes for whether the decay rate
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) depend on the directions of movement of train
Q30. Which of the following exchanges positive ions
(b) nh2-
(c) ch2
Ans. (b)
Q31. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor
(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.
(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged
(c) ZF is reset, CY is set
(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. ZF is set and CY is reset
Q32. The best tool for editing a graphic image is ?
Q33. Network scheme defines
a.)one to one
b.) many to many
c.) one to ,many ?
Q34. A person wants to measures the length of a rod.First he measures with standing
ideally then he maeasures by
moving parrel to the rod
(a)the length will decrease in second case
(b)length will be same
(c) length will increse in the second case.
Q35. One U-230 nucleus is placed in a train moving by velocity emiting alpha rays .When
the train is at rest the
distance between nucleus and alpha particle is x . One passenger is observing the particle
. When the train is moving
what is the distance between particle and nucleus ?
(a) x
(b) x + vt
(c) x - vt
Q36. What is the resulting solution when benzene and toluene are mixed ?
Q37. If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then
What is FEAT
Find representation of 2998
Q38. Given 10 alphabets out of which 5 are to be chosen. How many words can be made
with atleast one repetition.
Q39. Arrange by acidic values : phenol, nitrotolouene and o-cresol?
Q40. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......
Ans. 3n/(1 + n)
The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the software paper.We
haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have
been mentioned.
Q What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ?
Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort
Q. What page replacement algo . has minimumn number of page faults ?
Ans. Optimality algorithm
Q. What is the use of virtual base class in c++
Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes.
Q. Find the eccentricity of a given node in a directed graph
Q. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-
Q. What is swapping
Q. Assignment operator targets to
Ans. l-value
Q. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can
perform 2 power n operations
an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of ---bits
Ans. 3m + n
Q. In round robin scheduling, if time quatum is too large then it degenerates to
Q. What is network schema?
Q. Packet Burst is ______
Q. Picard's method uses _______?
Ans. Successive Differentiation.
The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the hardware paper.We
haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have
been mentioned.
Q. Concentration and restivity is given and conductivity is asked for ?
Q. R , resistance and C,capacitance is given ,find the frequency and Q factor of the crystal
Q. Critical fequency and angle theta is given ;.the max useable frequency is to
Q.Questions on parabolic reflector anttena's and half wave dipole antenna's design
Q. Ramp signal is generated from integrator .Whether it is a low or high pass filter .?
Q. Calculate FM bandwidth given max modulation fequency FM , max freq deviation , df
and 8 pairs alllowable
side band component ?
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1. Add 79H and 86H and tell the contents of flags
2. Scr is used for _____ ( ac, dc , both )
3. Push pull amplifier is used to remove which harmonics ( even , odd , both )
4. PAM is demodulated using ___ ( low pass filter , high pass filter )
5. 16k memory is needed. How many chips with 12 address buses and 4 data buses are
6. AM wave is detected using _________ detector
7. Which flip flop is used for shift registers
8. Program counter does what __ (stores a memory address, address of the present
9. In a bistable multivibrator communication capacitor is used for ______ ( speed up
response , ac coupling)
10. Totem pole is what?
11. Time costant for an integrator and differentiator should be ( small , high etc.)
12. TV waves are __ ( sky waves , space waves etc.)
13. Which configuration has highest i/p imp. ( ce , cb , cc )
14. Parabolic antenna with 2degree angle. What is its directivity.
15. Given 10 mhz pe modulation and we got a 100 mhz band.
How many channels can be there.
16. If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase ( 1db,2db,3db )

Overall pattern:

Odd man out-8
English alphabets pattern-5
Fill in series - some
1.What is the bit?
2.One that connects different networks?
a) Routers b)bridges c) Gateways d)Repeaters
3.type of main to accept command line argument?
4.print syntax :
5.Not a primitive datastructure.
6.Tree to heap conversion
7.CHAIR is decoded as EGCHT.then TABLE is decoded as .............
9.Odd man out: handle,cycle,chain,break
11.Medium resolution coordinates (0,0) to (199,...)
12.words in barrons odd man out a lot.

1) john weighe twice as much as Marcia. Marcia's weight is 60% of Bob's weight.Daveweighs 50% of Lee's weighs
190% of John's wight. Which of these 5 persons wighs the least?
A) Bob B) Dave C) John D) Lee E) Marcia
Ans) E

2) A trip takes 6 hours to compleate. After traveling 1/4 of an hour,1 3/8hours, and 2 1/3 hours,howmuch time does need to compleate the trip?
a) 2 1/12hours
b) 2hours, 2 1/2 minutes
c) 2 hours,5minutes
d) 2 1/8 hours

3) It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size ofthe bactiria doubles each day,
how long did it take for the bactiria to fill one half of dish?
Ans) D ( 29days)

4) A car wash can wash 8 cars in 18 minutes,At this rate, how many cars can the car wash wash in 3 hours?
ANS) C ( 80)
5) If the ratio of the areas of 2 queres is 2:1, then the ratio of the perimeters of the squares is
ANS) C ( sqrt(2):1 )

6) There are three types of tickets available for a concert: orchestra, which cost $12 each; balcony, which
cost$9 each: and box, which cost $25 each. There were P orchestra tickets , B balcony tickets, and R box
tickets sold for the concert.Which of the following expressions gives the percentage of ticket
proceeds due to the sale of orchestra tickets?
Ans) B 100*12P/(12P+9B+25R)
7). In a survey of town of Wasco, it was found that 65% of the people surveyed watched the news on television,
40% read newspaper,and 25% read a newspaper and watched the news on television.What percent of the people
surveyed neither watched the news on the television nor read a newspaper?.
Ans: (E)20%

8). City B is 5 miles east of City A. City C is 10 miles southeast of City B. Which of the following is the closest
to the distance from City A to City C?
Ans: (D) 14 miles

9). If the area of a square increases by 69%, then the side of the square increased by
Ans: (B) 30%

10). There are 30 socks in a drawer. 60% of the socks are red and the rest are blue. What is the minimum number
of socks that must be taken from the drawer without looking in order to be certain that atleast two blue socks
have been chosen?
Ans: (E) 20

1) problem on stock, face value, brokerage 4 questions see RS Agrawal, edition 1998, 454page,
tabulation(ex 5) loan disbusrense by 5 banks 6 questions are intermixed.

2) Averages-7( 124page of RS AGrawal) problem on example 3 problem on age
3) page-291- 16th, simple interest-2.5%
4) problem on calculation of cost price, given market price discount on
ANS) 270
5) frequency of the letter in give strings

1) problem on series non verbel series around -12 questions
2) problem on direction test
3) problem on logical venn diagrams - 10 questions refer test of reasonong Agrawal page 239
4) blood relations problem ans) Nephew

hai da,
how r u? i am here by sending the papers of the companies which we got
in our campus then how is the placement there, mail me about it.
wipro tech,gct campus-2000
1) If all the letters of 'Suriti' are arranged in the orders of dictionary
what is the rant of suriti?
2) Curve fitted by the equation
Ydx = secx + ytanx
3) There are three persons A,B,C and apart from there are persons, what is the
probability that
a) A speaks before B
b) B speaks before C
a) 3/5 b)4/5 c) 3/2 d) none
4) Electron reaction when placed int the electromagnetic field
5) Integration of (2x-3)/((x+1)2-2x-1)2
6) Lt (integration of emx dx/integration of e2 dx)(26m an)
7) x2-3x+a=0
the root of this value lies between 0 and 1, what is the value of 'a'
8) efficiency’%, 00m3/sec, hm
find the specific speed of the turbine
9) In an engine volume occupied for the 1 litre fuel of combustor is ______
a)2 cm3 b)1 cm3 c)10cm3 d) 8cm3
10) A company gives a loan of Rs.1000/- at 12% per annum in 8 instalments.
What is the 1st installment Ans. 33.11
11)'Dead Zone' in a control system is _____
12) Chemical formula for cementite is ___
13) In work study 'delta symbol' denotes ____
14) Bending moment for beam simply supported at two ends of length 'L' and
with uniformly varying load. Find bending moment at 'l'
15) C->40%, H -> 6.7%, a-> 53.3%
Find the empirical formula
16) x-ray emits wavelength
a) monochromatic b) wavelength below certain max. wavelength c)above certain
min. wavelength d)covers all ranges of wavelengths.
17) Young's modulus of compression is E1 and that for tension is E2 what is
E1/E2 Ans. 1
18 ) Work done formula for a single stage compressor
19) Formyla for input power of a two stage compressor (cpk book)
20) For given internal pressure, thickness, radius find the stress on the wall
for sphere 21) for cylinder
21) Two series are given
17,21,25, .....100 terms
16,21,26,.....100 terms
Find the sum of the common terms
22) Speed of the engine with load -1440 rpm
No load - 1500 rpm
23) Two circles of unequal radii intersect at how many pounds a)1 b)2 c)5
Ans.- 2
24) Find the decrease in % in the governor
Ans. 4%
25) Totally 70 parking lots distributed in n rows and 'y' column. Y
increased by 4, x decreased by 2, find x and y xyp
Ans. X
26) Toulene + cl2----à ?
27) Which has highest acidity? Cresol, o-phenol.
28) Continuous Functions
29) Discontinuous function
30) using L-Hospital's rule find integrate((2x+1)/(x2+2x+1)^2)
31) In a 10 letter word atleast 1 letter must be repeated once. You have to
form a six letter word, how many words are posssible.
32) Which has a positive inductance effect?
33) d0 is given to take the precess from p1,v1 to p2,v2 and dw is obtained.
Which remains constant in the process Ans. Del0
34) x=sin-1(x) , y=log(1+x^2). Find d2x/dx2

35) y=1-cos(cos(x-1)) /x^4 find dy/dr
35) The triode voltage differs by varying
a) grid size b) distance between the plates c) varying true place voltage
36) x2+3x-a=0 find a
a) 1 b) -1 c) 3 d) none
37) length of the rod is measured at rest
a) Length will decrease when rod moves and observer at rest
b) Observer moves and rod is at rest, length will increase
i) A is true but B is false ii) B is true but A is false iii) Both A & B are
true iv) none of these
38)phenol----à ?
a) Benzyls chloride b) o & p - mitrophenol c) m- nitrophenol d) none
38) (i) x2-1=0
ii) x2+3=0
when x>0 the find x
a) i) only reqd b) ii) only enough c) both i) and ii) reqd.
40) All dogs are tree
All trees are wood
From this what is infered
a) wood is fuel
b) wood provides dogs
41) A speaks 70% truth, B speaks 80% truth what is the prob. That both A and B
contradict each other Ans. 0.38
42) Element with same atomic number and mass number is called ____
43) In a shaper RPM, strokelength, cutting ration are given. Find the cutting
Ans. Nlc/1000
44) Which of the following is not a ideal solution
a) Etanol + water B) Benzene solution c) Hexane+ Hectane
c) Chlorobenezene + poly---
3 45 6 8 79 2 1
what is the value of moon. Ans. 2778
46) Using the same above similar qn.
47) A company is seeking juniors ABCD and seniors xyz
A team must consist of 2jr,2sr
Condtions given A) N speaks with B
B) N speaks with C
d) N speaks with A
With this three questions
48) 7 toys is equally distributred among three childrens equally. What is the
way / how many ways can it be distrubuted.
a) 7C3 b) 7P3 c) 7^3 d
49) integrate ((2x-3)/(x2+(x+1))
50) Given cards numbered 1 to 25. Two persons pick a card at random. What
is the proba. For them to pick the same number
a) 24/25 b) 1/25 c) 2/25 d) none

cts -2000

WHERE A(L)={a,(a,b),c)
such functions are given and question based on these on these functions
wherein functions occur recursively and you have to keep substituting.
this is slightly time consuming

rectangular boxes are given in shapes of T I Z P L etc,they will give a
combination of letters.We have find the max area possible by arranging

non verbal logical reasoning with arrows inside the 2*2 rect boxes.

form anagram of the givan word and search for meaning in choices.

COMPOUND word has to formed after anagram.

all together 40 questions
5section of 8 questions

8qn of permutation and combination from 6red,3green,6white balls.
very easy
8qn of solving and deducing

rules:1.x#y=1if x or y=0
8qn in which x and y will be given like x=6,y=3 and to find x#y.

8qn of
logical reasoning:-figures inscribed with square,parellelogram,triangles,etc.

WORD analysis with rank:
bless rank 3

no of words will be given and depending upon the rank the word is to be found
out and the FIRST and LAST letter will be asked.


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Subject: Re: forw: hari
Reply To:
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 05:17:55

Hai hari
here is the qp for citicorp(i-flex).This was the one which is same as
last two years.
1) For the first qustion in the paper answer is (30).
2)Five trays cost is 0.35 each and dozen----- (ans:Rs13.75)
3)In a journey of 15 miles two third distance was travelled
with 40 mph and remaining with 60 mph.How muvh time the
journey takes...(ans:20 min)
4)A man walks from 9.15 to 5.15 from monday to friday and 9.00
to 12.00 on saturday.Each day 0.45 min lunch.
How much time he walks in a week...(ans: 39hrs15min).
5) 12 revolutions takes 1/8 th second time.In 20 seconds how
many revolutions...(ans:1920)
6) In 60 reems of paper 40 reems were utilised then what
percent will remain...(ans:33.33%)
7) A started at 9.00 am with 6 mph and B started at 9.30 am
with 8mph in the same direction. At what time they will meet...
8) In a storage stall of 5x3x2inch.How many blanks of size
2x1x1inch can be stored..(ans:15)
9) In a company 3/5 of people know shorthand 1/4th know typing
and 1/5 know both. What fraction of people do not know both..
10) A man how many bikes of Rs 14000 can buy by selling 2100
bikes of Rs500/- of each (ans: 75)
11) A company requires 11,500 strength.present employees are 200
women , men and 6500 unmarried To reach the target how many
women required to maintain the same ratio (ans : 300)
12) What is the time required to punch 1500 cards of 50 column
each at the rate of 10,000 punches per hour (ans:7hr 30min)

This section includes 10 data interpretation questions.For
this you follow the GRE book.In these questions some graphs will
be there and the related questions will be you
prepare from gre book.

Some qustions are difficult.SO you first do the above qustions
and go to data interpretation.

In the above given paper the meaning of the qustions may be wrong,
but the answers and the numericals in the question are exactly
correct. so it would be better to remember the answres.
thta'S all about this section.
These are very easy. Questions are not availeble.

FIGURE SERIES: 20 questions 14 minutes


1) In a group of five persons A,B,C,D,and E
a)A and C are intelligent in English and Reasoning.
b)B and C are intelligent in English and General Awareness.
c)E and D are intelligent in Arithmatic and Inteview.
d)E is intelligent in Interview,reasoning and Arithe matic.
e)B and D are intelligent in Arithematic and General Awareness.

1) Who is intelligent in English,arithematic,and general
awareness (ANSWER:B)
2)Who is intelligent in english and reasoning but not in
general awareness (ans:A)
3)Who is intelligent in Arithematic,General Awareness and
Interview (ans:D)
4)Who is intelligent in English General Awareness and Reasoning
5)Who is intelligent in Arithematic,Reasoning and Interview(ans:E)

2) Five persons A,B,C,D and E were travelling in a car.They were
two ladies in the group. Of them who knew the car driving one
was a lady.A is brother of D.B wifeof D,drve at the begining.
E drive at the end.

1)Which of the following is a pair of brothers.(ans:A,D)
2)Who was the other lady in the group.(ans:C)
3)In the case of which the following pairs,no relationship
can be established with one else in the group (ans:C,E)
4)How was E zelated to A.(ans:DATA INADEQUATE)

3) A man said to woman " your only brother's son is my wife's
brother". How is the woman related to the man's wife...(ans:AUNT)


This is also like tcs paper.for every section there will be a
limited should complete only at that specified time.
They won't allow to go back in the middlE.

So please remember,time factor is the important thing.


In the last section there wms passage.You should conclude that
one in the specified 10 min. It would be better to prepare a
computer related topics like client server,internet etc..

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a) Verbal – 15Q Time Duration – 90 minutes
b) Aptitude – 30Q
c) Technical – 35Q
This section consisted of Sentence correction, Fill in the blanks, Analogies. Sentence correction were basically to do with grammar like
Q: Mr X found his new career much more interesting than his previous career so he continued on.
4 options were given to check for correct answer.
Fill in the blanks had 2 blanks to be filled up which was not very tough.
Analogies were also easy like
Go thro GRE Barrons and try answering some questions to gain confidence. the cut-off for this section was 6. (This was not told by them, I came to know it elsewhere)
This section consisted of only Logical and Analytical Reasoning. Not even a single QUANT problem .There were about 25Q of reasoning and 5Q of inference type.Reasoning Q had 5-6 lines to read and answer only 1 Q based on it.
This was the easiest coz they were very simple Qs, not very Technical at all.
Q) Which is not a Relational Operator?
c)< d) + Q) Where is LINUX being developed? a) US b) UK c) Finland d) France Q) Which is not an OS? a) Win 3.1 b) Win 95 c) Win 98 d) Win 2000 Q) Which is heart of all Software Activity? a) Database b) OS c) Memory d) Application Q) What is PROM? Programmable Read On Memory Q) What is Tally? Accounting package Q) What would be consequence if Processing Speed is doubled? Execution time of double the job will be done in the same time as in original speed. Q) Where does the emulation of Terminal occurs? a) Tranport Layer b) Application Layer c) Network Layer d) Session Layer Q) What is excess-3 code of 15? There were only 2 Qs on the output of C program, 1 wrt binary tree.This section can be solved in less than 15 minutes. the cut-off for this section was 17. (This was not told by them, I came to know it elsewhere)I cleared this round with 8,17& 22 in the sections. TECHINCAL INTERVIEW It was for abt 45 minutes, Qs on OS – draw architecture of OS LINUX/UNIX – search a pattern, find all file with common names, so on JAVA – Inheritance with a pgm, why it is used and how classes have to implement it. DBMS – DDL -? , DML -? , SQL – create table, alterations and so on Data Structures – Linked List, Double Linked List C++ - OOPS concepts, Overloading operations C – pointers Since I had many mini and major projects in our curriculum I was asked Qs on them. Finally I was asked Qs on my Final Sem project which I did at Wipro. If ur not confident in answering any subject let the interviewer know that u can probably manage or u cannot. This is bcoz they will c how confident ur in answering what u know. Don’t fool around with them coz they will be knowing much more than what we know.the cut-off for this section was 27 out of 45. (An HR assistant told this to me) If u cross the cut-off u will be given a HR form of 4 pages to fill in the details abt urself, strengths, weakness, carrer objectives, work exp (if any). HR Interview Talk abt yurself, how you got the project, your experience working. whether you would be ready for relocation in India, sign a bond and open to any domain. Most important here is ur Communication Skills and ur language.After this they told us that they would inform us in 1-2 weeks.Yesterday I got my confirmation where they sent a mail stating I have been selected. Question Pattern: [1] Jumble sentences are given ,order the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph [2] Sentences are given , order the sentences to make conclusion that follows from the options given(Say 5 sentences are given out of which 2 are causes and rest is result , like fallacy in logic) . [3] Analogies. [4] Opposite meaning. [5] Point out the error in a given sentence. [6] C ( Follow ‘Test your C skills ‘). [7] Data Structure. [8] Operating System. [9] Network. [10]Puzzles(1-2),Critical reasoning(1-2). We can not remember all the questions exactly as time was very short .Here are some of the questions ( Not in order). 1. A topic on Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagrah Movement Four sentences were given and you have to arrange them to make a paragraph. Ans. CABD (Check it out). 2. What can’t be changed by the user program (Four choices were there). Ans. Memory Map (Check it out). 3.In which layer ROUTING is performed ? Ans. Network Layer 4. What is the output of the following code snippet main() { printf(5+”Fascimile”); } Ans. mile 5. What is the output Freshersworld .com Intcount=10,sum=0,*temp; Temp=&count; Sum=? &count;( It was actually given temp=? &count; which is probably wrong) Printf(“sum=%d count= %d temp=%d “,sum,count,*temp); Ans. C (most expected answer ,check it) 6.Which one has no L-Value [i] a[i] [ii] i [iii] 2 [iv] *(a+i) Ans . [iii] 6. In threaded binary for which traversal orders unused left and right links are used? 7. Which is false for binary tree? [i] Any node should have two children. [ii] [iii] At fourth level the number of node should be less than 16. Ans. 8. Which is true for binary search ? [i] Traversal scheme [ii] [iii]Greedy algorithm [iv] Divide and conquer algorithm Ans. [iv] Freshers 9. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ? [i] ARP [ii] RARP [iii] BOOTP [iv] DHCP Ans. [i] 10. If DELHI is coded as CCIDD then how BOMBAY will be coded? 11. Opposite meaning of SPUR. 12. Opposite of HARBINGER . Ans. Follower 13. Opposite meaning of PROTRUSION. Ans. 14. Opposite meaning of RESTIVENESS. Ans.Docility. 15.Find the odd one in a given analogy Ans. Mundane. 16 . Find the analogy : SURPRISE : EXCLAMATION Ans. Dismay:groan. 17) Find the analogy : Plateau : Taxonomy. 18)Question from congestion control topic: Ans: source quench. 19) Question from kernel mode: Ans:Disable Interrupts. 20) which one is a page replacement algorithim. [i]fifo [ii] [iii]Least recently used. [iv]All of above. Freshersworld. com 21)Using two numbers And interchanging + and * there was a question. Ans:(iii)(some expression=22). 22)For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds.Now time is 8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m. Ans:ii)7:54. 23)Question regarding while loop. Ans:(iii). 24)Alphabetical order L,M,…(cant remember) Ans:F. Freshers 25)One puzzle:(I cant exactly remember this question giving brief idea of this question)there were four guys A,B,C,D. the older and younger relation is given . U have to find the age of the A. Ans: 7 years(check it out). 26)Fallacy question: six sentences are given. [i]… [ii]… [iii]… [iv]… Ans: [i]. 28)Nine people six floor. Conditions are given.(This was a very long paragraph).Peoples named like I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q. Ans:i)J. 29)A question regarding node. Ans:iii) 30)A problem regarding age of father and son(very easy problem u can solve it). 31)Point out error in the follwing sentence:I got the book in the office and slipped it out. [i]I got the book. [ii] in the. [iii]office and . [iv] slipped it out. Ans:[iv]. 32)Point out error:(about a flowers garden) ans:(I can’t remember the options).answer will be “among on another”. TIPS: Try to mug up the answers .check once more only the questions in the hall which we have pointed out by writing “check it out” with the answers. But the other answers are correct fully. Don’t waste your time on long paragraphs.There was no negative marking.Try to solve all the departmental question. Tachnical 1. fastest growing os for intel pc----linux 2. In database what is validity of the stored data data integrity,mining,processing or independence 3. method of connecting two physically seperate lan by using internet(private network) 4. which is true for cellular mobile comm(regardinguplimk and downlink freq) 5.mening of l value and r value 6.effect of a program(program was put the largest value in the last array position) 7.out put int i=7 printf("%d\n",i++*i++); 8.17 +(21-6)*2 returns(47) 9.if funtion t is called what is printed void r(int x ,int y, int &z) { cout <<"r:x="<<<"y=",,y <<"z=",,z,,endl; x=x+1; z=y+x; } void t() { int a,b ,x; a=20; b=25; x=250; r(a,b,x); r(x,a,b); cout<<"t:a"<<<"b="<<<"x="<<right=p->right->right;p->right->right->left=…
d.none of the above
16. A long puzzle about 4 people Lewis, Frank ,…going to meet 4 people :insurance agent, consultant, money
lender, share broker in a building with 4 floors(G+3floors).Lewis meets share broker who is above money
lender, money lender is not on 1st floor.Frank meets insurance agent who is below consultant.. Some more
conditions were given…which floor is the share broker ?
a.G floor
b.1st floor
c.2nd floor
d.3rd floor
ans: 3rd floor (check out the answer)
17. An island where the people speak 1 sentence truth & other is false..3 people on island: GOL , TOL ,BOL..
One of them was carrying a snake on his shoulder.2 sentences by each were given..who is the snake charmer?
Ans:BOL (check it out)
18.Compiler is used to convert _____ to _____
a.low level language , high level language
b.high level language ,low level language
c.both a & b
d.dependent on the compiler.
19.the best case & worst case merge sort algorithm (I don’t remember the q properly)
a.O(n),O(logn)..(some ans os this sort were given)
20.void main()
char *p=””s”Hello”;
what is the o/p?
21. Tcp/ip is
b)connection oriented
c)both a & b
ans b
22.Process has memory divided into how many parts?
d.memory is undivided more question on correcting the error in the given sentence
Q) Which is not a Relational Operator?
c)< d) + Q) Where is LINUX being developed? a) US b) UK c) Finland d) France Q) Which is not an OS? a) Win 3.1 b) Win 95 c) Win 98 d) Win 2000 Q) Which is heart of all Software Activity? a) Database b) OS c) Memory d) Application Q) What is PROM? Programmable Read On Memory Q) What is Tally? Accounting package Q) What would be consequence if Processing Speed is doubled? Execution time of double the job will be done in the same time as in original speed. Q) Where does the emulation of Terminal occurs? a) Tranport Layer b) Application Layer c) Network Layer d) Session Layer Q) What is excess-3 code of 15? There were only 2 Qs on the output of C program, 1 wrt binary tree.This section can be solved in less than 15 minutes. TECHINCAL INTERVIEW OS – draw architecture of OS LINUX/UNIX – search a pattern, find all file with common names, so on JAVA – Inheritance with a pgm, why it is used and how classes have to implement it. DBMS – DDL -? , DML -? , SQL – create table, alterations and so on Data Structures – Linked List, Double Linked List C++ - OOPS concepts, Overloading operations C – pointers 1) STAR : CLUSTER:: ? :? a) Orange : rind b) ???????? c) trees : clump d) mirror : reflection 2) GIBBLE : SENSE --------------------------- 3) GAUFFAW : LAUGH a) Sneeze : cough b) Whimper : cry ……. c) ??????????????? 4) PISTON : CYLINDER::?:? a) SHAFT: ELEVATOR b) BULLET: REVOLVER c)???? d)??? ANALYTICAL SECTION : This section was really easy and almost as clear as water for any person preparing for CAT. Every question had four options from which we had to choose the correct answer. Some of the questions were : 1) A,B,C,D,E ,F are to be given adjacent rooms .The rooms don’t have complete walls between them rather sound, smoke can easily get through from one to another as there are gaps over a wall for free exchange of air. Miss C the head is allotted room no 5 as wished by her. Miss E needs a telephone for regular communication. Mr A & Mr B prefer to have adjacent rooms. Mr B,C,D are chain smokers. Miss C is allergic to cigarette smoke. a) The correct order of placement of rooms is …..four options were given. b) Which slot is best for Mr A ? 2) A doctor is supposed to see his patients at 9.00, 10,00 11.00, 1.00 PM , 2.00 PM , 3.00 PM. Rajiv, Mark, Mathew, Hassan, Priya, Reni are the patients . Hassan is scheduled to be seen in early afternoon. Priya should be seen earlier in the day than Reni. Other such conditions were given and you needed to find based on the given conditions that how many such combinations are possible. 3) In a film festival Amitabh ,SRK, Kamal hassan ,Hrithik and Subhash Ghai , Maniratnam and Yash Chopra are available as judges. A team of three is to be sent. The team must contain atleast one actor and ione director. If SRK is selected Kamal Hassan should also be selected and vice versa, If Amitabh is selected Subhash Ghai cannot be selected. If Hrithik is selected Maniratnam is also selected and vice versa. What should be the team if Amitabh is selected ?Four options.. 4) H = A+B –R , F = H + I , T = F + A – C+ D , S = T/2, R = A*S; If F is to be derived what is also needed to be derived ? a) S b) Q c) R d) T 5) A team of at least three people is to be constituted for Mayor of a village for representation in a trade fair. One man, one woman, two boys, three girls are available. All three males cannot be selected, all four females cannot be selected. The team should contain at least one elder. What is the possible configuration that exactly sums up the formation of team : a) three girls , b) two boys and the lady c) the man, woman , one boy, one girl d) two boys, woman and a girl. 6) A series of drama is to be arranged on all the five days of the week. Monday to Friday. Drama contains fiction, romance, horror, comedy, tragedy. Horror cannot immediately precede romance , fiction should be scheduled earlier than romance , comedy should come after tragedy. If Horror is arranged on Friday then what should be the sequence of the dramas.(NB there may have been other conditions in this examples which I presently don’t remember ) 7) Three ice creams are to be made available every day by the college canteen. The IC available are strawberry, butterscotch,vanilla,choco, mango, choco-vanilla, pineapple. Each day should have ice creams which was also present day before. All the icecreams can be repeated only thrice during the entire week .IF choco, vanilla ,straw berry is given on Wednesday . What should be given on Thursday … four options. The question probably has some data missing. Check it out. 8) A team is to be selected from the hockey players available from the circuit. The selection team would require atleast four people. There are three coaches A,B,C and three selectors D,E,F available. But there schedule do not match . A cannot come if D is selected. If C is selected F should also be selected. If E is selected B should not be selected. What is the team? Among the above two questions were repeated giving different names that makes it 10 questions which I have provided you. I am sorry dear I don’t remember the other 5 questions. I had correctly answered almost 14 in this section. TECHNICAL SECTION: The section was too hard for core branches but toooooooooo easy for IT/CSE and medium for ECE. Some of the questions were : 1) full form of URL ? a) universal resource locator b) uniform resource locator c)none of these d) unidentified random locator. 2) CDROM access is a) RANDOM b) SEMI RANDOM 3) SEQUENTIAL 4) ?????????/ 3) Total time spent by process...waiting in queue, execution etc 4) resonse time..of process. 5) what is the function of shell? a) Interpreter b) command interpreter c) interface d) /????????? 6) Whish is a command interpreter ? a) Shell b) Kernel c)??? d)None of these 7) main() { printf("%c","abcdef"[4]); } what is the output ? a) abcdef b) d c) e d) ERROR. 8) main() { char dummy[20]; scanf("%[^a]",dummy); printf("%s", dummy); } what will it do? a) ERROR b) take characters till ctrl z is pressed c) take upto 19 characters d) None of These 9) How are objects in cpp passed ? a) By value b) By reference 10) If the ethernet card is removed . a) IP address will change b) MAC address will change c) ???? 11) Operation of queue a) FIFO b) LIFO c) FILO d) None of these 12) Static member of a class is a) class specific b) Object specific c) Referenced by using the scope resolution operator d) a & c 13) TCP is a) connection oriented b) connection less c) god only knows d) None of these 14) How is data send by IP layer? a) as frames b) as packets c) as datagrams d) None of these 15) If Link list is used to implement a stack what operations should be implemented : a) insert front, delete front b) insert front , delete rear c) insert rear, delete front d) None of these 16) Link list is implemented as a structure (data, link *), How is pointer moved to the next node , cursor points to the present node. a) cursor = cursor->link, b) cursor ++ c) ++ cursor d) None of these.
17) How is memory allocated by new ?
a) In a heap b) in a stack b) both a & b c) None of these.
Rest of the questions are at large out in the blue.... perform a quicksort and then do a worst case binary search to get them...
I could answer correctly about 16 questions in this section.
The interview was to some extent a bit tough. For others the interview was over in 30 min but in my case I had to give an 1 hr straight interview, that was because of me only as I had explained the interviewer my project thoroughly.. Initially the interviewer took a CPP book of Balaguruswamy and asked me 20 CPP questions at a stretch, I could answer about 16 of them.
Some of the questions were :
1) Difference between structure and class.
2) How to resolve ambiguity in multiple inheritance ?
3) What is static and dynamic binding in C ?
4) What is the difference between structure and array?
5) Difference between calloc and malloc & realloc?
6) What is static class and static member function?
7) What is pointer to a pointer? How it is declared and how is it accessed?
8) What is the difference between function overriding and overloading ?
9) What is the scope of a variable ?
10) What is the difference between C & C++ ?
11) Some questions on templates and exceptions.
12) What is stream ? How is it opened and describe file handling in CPP?
Others I don’t remember..
Some questions related to Hard Disc :What is a hdd? How is a file accessed from the hdd? Why isn’t it used in place of a RAM ? What is RAID describe its basic structure ? . Where is the file information stored on the hard disk ? What is FAT ? How are files physically arranged on the hard disc?
What is JVM, what is BYTE CODE ? What is multithreading ? How can it be implemented using C, write a program to describe it? What is the complexity of radix sort and how is it determined? A sequence of 15 numbers was to be sorted using heap sort. (He stopped me after the 3rd iteration).
Some questions related to JavaScript, dynamic HTML, static HTML, ASP, .NET A query on natural join in SQL, what is the need of normalization ? What is data inconsistency and redundancy? What is the basic difference between file systems and database systems? What are triggers and assertions in SQL? How can you use C to connect with Oracle SQL database? (Using Oracle 8i PRO C/C++ precompiler )A complicated query on a trigger. (which I couldn’t ans).
What is fork system call? How is a child process called and what happens to the parent ? In C what is spawnv () function, describe its execution. How can you use C for writing assembly language programs ?
If you have done any project then try to bring the discussion towards it. I was interviewed on the project for about 20 min and I kept on explaining till he took up the HR form and signed it!!!! The interviewer was very impressed with my technical knowledge and gave his feedback to the HR interviewer as “Very Confident & sound technical skills”. (I had overlooked the remark when he was writing it !!!)
I was initially asked to describe myself. Since I had presented four papers in different places in India I took his attention towards it by telling that one of my hobbies is public presentation, and I supported it with example . He asked me about each and every paper and I took 45 min to explain him all the papers. Then he asked whether I wanted to know anything about WIPRO. I asked him around 11 - 12 questions and he was pretty impressed. The trick was to just to nod ur head and frame the next question in line while he was explaining one question.
Some of the questions which I asked were :
1) WIPRO has undertaken a project named “ MOBIO” it deals with biometrics. Since our minor project is on fingerprint recognition I would like to know something about MOBIO.
2) After gaining the billion dollar status Mr Azim Premjee said that appreciation of rupee is a concern. What should be the possible steps so that it no more remains a concern?
3) U have diversified from soaps to software as well as maintained a constant growth rate. What is the secret of ur success?
4) The work culture at WIPRO is great. How do u maintain it?
5) How do u allocate projects among ur employees?
6) How do u select employees for foreign duty?
7) What is six sigma strategy and how do u implement it?
8) In the expression “WIPRO is a CMMi company” , what does ‘i’ signify?
9) Is SAP associated with you someway ?
10) Do you have plans to design a μp better than Pentium 4? (They were the first in India to develop 8086 chip at IISc Bangalore , so I took this chance of asking him the silly question!!!)
And others…..
Then finally he asked if I had any preference regarding place of posting and whether I had any problems signing the bond of 15 months ? They are providing a salary of 18,000/- including perks to CS/IT/ECE And 17,000/- to core branches. Training is at Bangalore and is of three months then permanent placement.
Hope my efforts of downloading these questions from my brain would be of some help to You. I wish you all the very best of luck and thanks to all those well wishers who had helped me by sending recent and old papers of WIPRO (specially guys from NIT Durgapur and JU,NIT Trichy and others which pardon me I don’t remember, Thank you very much )
1. Two bodies changed from p1v1 to p2v2 state in two ways.The heat supplied is delta Q and work done is deltaW
Then what is constant in these two processes
(a) delta q
(b) delta w
(c) delta q + delta w
(d) delta q - delta w
Ans. (d)

2. _______ have same atomic number and same mass number are
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) Isobars
Ans. (c)

3. When a free electron is placed in a plane of electro magnetic then it moves in
(a) in the direction of the electric field
(b) in the direction of magnetic field
(c) of propagation of wave
(d) of the plane containing magnetic field and propagation direction.

4. Name the phenomena in which one proton is jumped from one isomer to another isomer to create two different
(a) functional isomerisim
(b) sterio merisim
(c) tauto merisim
(d) penta merisim
Ans. (c)

5. In the below compounds which one has 40% C ,6.7% H and 53.3 % O what is its empherical formula
(a) CHO
(b) CH2
(c) C2H2O2
(d) C2H3O2
Ans: (b)

6. X rays are coming from X ray tube, the wavelength is _______ a certain wavelength/s
(a) below
(b) above
(c) inbetween
(d) out of
Ans. (c)

7. In a triode valve in order to increase the saturation current what has to be done
(a) increase plate voltage
(b) reduce distance between grid and plate
(c) increase cathode potential
(d) reduce grid potential
Ans. (d )

8. Seven different toys are distributed among 3 children how many different ways are possible?
(a) 7C3
(b) 7P3
(c) 3 7
(d) 7 3
Ans. (c)

9. A, B ans C are three speakers. They have to speak randomly along with another 5 speakers in a function.
A has to speak before B and B has to speak before C. What is the probability.
Ans. 1/6

10. If dy = (secx + ytanx)dx, Then the curve is
(a) x = ycosx
(b) x = ysinx
(c) x = ytanx
(d) x = ysecx
Ans. (a)

11. Two series are 16,21,26.... and 17,21,25.....What is the sum of first hundred common numbers
(a) 101100
(b) 110100
(c) 101110
(d) 110101
Ans. (a)
12. There are two sections in a question paper each contain five questions. A students has to answer 6 questions.
Maximum no. of questions that can be answered from any section is 4. How many ways he can attempt the
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 200
Ans. (d)

13. a and b are two numbers selected randomly from 1,2,3.... 25 what is the probability of a and b are not equal.
(a) 1/25
(b) 24/25
(c) 13/25
(d) 2/25
Ans. (b)

14. The sum of the series 1 + 1(1+1/n) + 3(1+1/n)2 + ..... is equal to?
Ans. n2

15. Two circles of different radii intersects each other what is the maximum no of intersections
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Ans. (c)

16. If x= sin-1(t), y = log(1-t2), find d2y/dx2 when t=1/2
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -8/3
(d) -2/3
Ans. (c)

17. If x approaches infinity , then (ex dx )/( e2xdx) is ?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -1
(d) 2
Ans. (a)

18. If f(x)=1-cos(1-cosx)/x4 is continuos at f(0) then what is x
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1/4
(d) -1/4
Ans. (c)

19. For the word SURITI, if you arrange the letters in dictionary order then what is its rank?
(a) 234
(b) 235
(c) 236
(d) 237
Ans. (c)

20. Period of sin ((2t + 3) / 6 pi)
(a) 6pi
(b) 6pi2
(c) 3pi
Ans. (b)

21 - Q23. Four questions given on the below data
X,Yand Z are senior engineers. A,B,C,D are junior engineers. Company wants to select 4 enginers. Two will
be senior and two will be juniors. The company wants these engineers to work in the most productive way so
they respect each person's likes/dislikes.

Y is not friends with A
Z is not friends with C
B is not friends with A

If B is selected then who will be the remaining 4 members ?
If C is selected, Z and ___ cannot be selected?
D is always selected if ___ is selected?

24. A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.What is the probability that both are
contradicting each other is ?

25. ((2x-3)/((x2 +x+1)2 )dx is ?

26. Ram starts from A walking 2 km North and turns right and walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km
and turns right again and walks 4 km and meets Radha at Bwalking in the opposite direction to Ram .
a) Which direction does Ram walk after the first turn?
b) Distance between A and B

27. If the equation x2 - 3x + a = 0 has the roots (0,1) then value of a is ?

28. A and B's temperature are 10c and 20c having same surface , then their ratio of rate of emmisions is ?

29. An atomic particle exists and has a particlular decay rate . It is in a train . When the train moves, a person observes for whether the decay rate
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) depend on the directions of movement of train

30. Which of the following exchanges positive ions
(b) nh2-
(c) ch2
Ans. (b)

31. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor
(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.
(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged
(c) ZF is reset, CY is set
(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. ZF is set and CY is reset

32. The best tool for editing a graphic image is ?

33. Network scheme defines
a.)one to one
b.) many to many
c.) one to ,many ?

34. A person wants to measures the length of a rod.First he measures with standing ideally then he maeasures by
moving parrel to the rod
(a)the length will decrease in second case
(b)length will be same
(c) length will increse in the second case.

35. One U-230 nucleus is placed in a train moving by velocity emiting alpha rays .When the train is at rest the
distance between nucleus and alpha particle is x . One passenger is observing the particle . When the train is
movingwhat is the distance between particle and nucleus ?
(a) x
(b) x + vt
(c) x - vt

36. What is the resulting solution when benzene and toluene are mixed ?

37. If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then What is FEAT .Find representation of 2998

38. Given 10 alphabets out of which 5 are to be chosen. How many words can be made with atleast one repetition.
39. Arrange by acidic values : phenol, nitrotolouene and o-cresol?
40. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......
Ans. 3n/(1 + n)

The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the software paper.We haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have been mentioned.
Q What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ?
Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort

Q. What page replacement algo . has minimumn number of page faults ?
Ans. Optimality algorithm

Q. What is the use of virtual base class in c++
Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes.

Q. Find the eccentricity of a given node in a directed graph

Q. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-

Q. What is swapping

Q. Assignment operator targets to
Ans. l-value

Q. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n
operations an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of ---bits Ans. 3m + n

Q. In round robin scheduling, if time quatum is too large then it degenerates to

Q. What is network schema?

Q. Packet Burst is ______

Q. Picard's method uses _______?
Ans. Successive Differentiation.

The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the hardware paper. We haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have been mentioned.
Q. Concentration and restivity is given and conductivity is asked for ?
Q. R , resistance and C, capacitance is given ,find the frequency and Q factor of the crystal ?

Q. Critical frequency and angle theta is given ;.the max useable frequency is to be calculated

Q. Questions on parabolic reflector antenna's and half wave dipole antenna's design

Q. Ramp signal is generated from integrator .Whether it is a low or high pass filter .?

Q. Calculate FM bandwidth given max modulation frequency FM , max freq deviation , df and 8 pairs allowable
side band component ?
1. An electron moving in an electromagnetic field moves in a
(a) In a straight path
(b) Along the same plane in the direction of its propagation
(c) Opposite to the original direction of propagation
(d) In a sine wave
Ans. (b)

2. The total work done on the particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy
(a) Always
(b) Only if the forces acting on the body are conservative.
(c) Only if the forces acting on the body are gravitational.
(d) Only if the forces acting on the body are elastic.
Ans. (a)

3. The following unit measure energy:
(a) Kilo-watt hour.
(b) Volt*volt/sec*ohm.
(c) Pascal*foot*foot
(d) (Coulomb*coulomb)*farad
Ans. (a)

4. Astronauts in stable orbits around the earth are in a state of weightlessness because
(a) There is no gravitational force acting on them.
(b) The satellite and the air inside it have an acceleration equal to that of gravitational acceleration there.
(c) The gravitational force of the earth and the sun balance giving null resultant.
(d) There is no atmosphere at the height at which the satellites move.
Ans. (b)

5. An organ pipe, open at both ends and another organ pipe closed at one end, will resonate with each other, if
their lengths are in the ratio of
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:4
(c) 2:1
(d) 1:2
Ans. (c)

6. During an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas
(a) Its internal energy increases.
(b) Its internal energy decreases.
(c) Its internal energy does not change.
(d) The work done by the gas is not equal to the quantity of heat absorbed by it.
Ans. (c)

7. A parallel plate capaciator is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected.If the plates of the capacitor
are moved further apart by means of insulating handles
(a) The charge on the capacitor increases.
(b) The voltage across the plates increases.
(c) The capacitance increases.
(d) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor decreases.
Ans. (b)

8. Two equal negative charges q are fixed at point (0,a) and (0,-a) on the y-axis.A positive charge Q is released
from rest at the point (2a,0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will
(a) Execute simple harmonic motion about the origin
(b) Move to the origin and remain at rest
(c) Move to infinity
(d) Execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion
Ans. (d)

9. A square conducting loop of length Lon a side carries a current I.The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is
(a) Independant of L
(b) Proportional to L*L
(c) Inversely proportoinal to L
(d) Directly proportional to L
Ans. (c)

10. The focal length of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will
(a) Increase in water with respect to air
(b) Increase in air with respect to water
(c) Decrease in water with respect to. air
(d) Remain the same
Ans. (a)

11. The maximum kinectic energy of the photoelectron emitted from the surface is dependant on
(a) The intensity of incident radiation
(b) The potential of the collector electrode
(c) The frequency of incident radiation
(d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface
Ans. (c)

12. An electron orbiting in a circular orbit around the nucleus of the atom
(a) Has a magnetic dipole moment
(b) Exerts an electric force on the nucleus equal to that on it by the nucleus
(c) Does not produce a magnetic induction at the nucleus
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

13. The X-rays beam coming from an X-ray tube will be:
(a) Monochromatic
(b) Having all wavelengths smaller than a certain minimum wavelength
(c) Having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum wavelength
(d) Having all wavelengths lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength
Ans. (c)

14. The mass number of a nucleus is
(a) Always less than its atomic number
(b) Always more than its atomic number
(c) Always equal to its atomic number
(d) Sometimes more and sometimes equal to its atomic number
Ans. (d)

15.Two successive elements belonging to the first transition series have the same number of electros partially filling
oritals. They are
(a) V and Cr
(b) Ti and V
(c) Mn and Cr
(d) Fe and Co
Ans. (c)
Two successive elements belonging to the first transition series have the same number of electrons partially filling orbitals. They are

16. When n+l has the same value for two or more orbitals,the new electron enters the orbital where
(a) n is maximum
(b) n is minimum
(c) l is maximum
(d) l is minimum
Ans. (b)

17. A balloon filled with ethylene is pricked with a sharp pointed needle and quickly palced in a tank full of
hydrogen at the same pressure.After a while the alloon would have
(a) Shrunk
(b) Enlarged
(d) Remain unchanged in size
Ans. (b)

18. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) The ratio of the mean speed to the rms speed is independant of temperature
(b) Tthe square of the mean speed of the molecules is equal to the mean squared speed at a certain temperature
(c) Mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules at any given temperature is independant of the mean speed
(d) None
Ans. (b)

19. Which of the following statements represent Raoult's Law
(a) Mole fraction of solvent = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent
(b) Mole fraction of solute = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent
(c) Mole fraction of solute = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution
(d) Mole fraction of solvent = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution
Ans. (a)

20. Elements having the same atomic number and the same atomic mass are known as
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) None of the above

21.Which is the most acidic amongst
(a) Nitrophenol
(b) O-toulene
(c) Phenol
(d) Cresol

22. Pure water does not conduct electricity because it is
(a) Almost not ionised
(b) Low boiling
(c) Neutral
(d) Readily decomposed
Ans. (a)

23. In a salt bridge, KCl is used because
(a) It is an electrolyte
(b) The transference number of K+ and Cl is nearly the same
(c) It is a good conductor of electricity
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

24. A depolarizer used in the dry cell batteries is
(a) KCl
(b) MnO2
(c) KOH
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)

25. The hydrolysis of alkyl halides by aqueous NaOH is best termed as
(a) Electrophylic substitution reaction
(b) Electrophylic addition reaction
(c) Nnucleophylic addition reaction
(d) Nucleophylic substitution reaction
Ans. (d)

26. The hydrocarbon that gives a red precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride is (where '' means a triple bond)
(a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3
(b) CH3-CC-CH3
(c) CH2=CH-CH=CH2
(d) CH3-CH2-CCH
Ans. (d)

27. Which of the following reagents is neither neutral nor basic
(a) Lucas' reagent
(b) Tollen's reagent
(c) Bayer's reagent
(d) Fehling's solution
Ans. (a)

28. The substance which is most easily nitrated
(a) Toluene
(b) Bbenzene
(c) Nitrobenzene
(d) Chlorobenzene
Ans. (a)
29. Carbylamine reaction is a test for
(a) Primary amine
(b) Secondary amine
(c) Tertiary amine
(d) Quarternary ammonium salt
Ans. (a)

30. Which of the following oxides cannot be reduced by carbon to obtain metal
(a) ZnO
(b) Al2O3
(c) Fe2O3
(d) PbO
Ans. (b)

31. Which of the following is not an oxide ore?
(a) Cassiterite
(b) Siderite
(c) Pyrolusite
(d) Bauxite
Ans. (b)
32. Which among the following is called philosopher's wool
(a) Cellulose
(b) Calamine
(c) Stellite
(d) Cerussite
Ans. (c)

33. Out of 10 white, 9 black and 7 red balls, in how many ways can we select one or more balls
(a) 234
(b) 52
(c) 630
(d) 879
Ans. (d)

34. A and B throw a dice. The probability that A's throw is not greater than B's is
(a) 5/12
(b) 7/12
(c) 11/12
(d) 5/36
Ans. (b)

35. Given two numbers a and b. Let A denote the single AM between these and S denote the sum of n AMs
between them. Then S/A depends upon
(a) n
(b) n,a
(c) n,b
(d) n,a,b
Ans. (a)

36. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax+bx+c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals,
then, a/c, b/a, c/b are in
(a) AP
(b) GP
(c) HP
(d) None of the these
Ans. (c)
In the following questions ~ represents the integral sign-for eg. 1~2[f(x)] means integration of
the function f(x) over the interval 1 to2.
37. Value of -1~2[|2-x|]dx, ie integration of the function |2-x| over the interval -1 to 2.
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) None of the above
Ans. (d)

38. If 0~P[log sinx]dx=k,then the value of 0~P/4[log(1 + tan x)]dx ,where P stands for pi,is
(a) -k/4
(b) k/4
(c) -k/8
(d) k/8
Ans. (c)

39. If a,b,c be in GP and p,q be respectively AM between a,b and b,c then
(a) 2/b=1/p+1/q
(b) 2/b=1/p-1/q
(c) 2=a/p-c/q
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

40. A solution of KMnO4 is reduced to MnO2 .The normality of solution is 0.6.The molarity is
(a) 1.8M
(b) 0.6M
(c) 0.1M
(d) 0.2M
Ans. (d)

The questions 41-46 are based on the following pattern.The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions.The correct answer is

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement(II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.

41. What is John's age?
(I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be
(II) Dias was born 5 years ago
Ans. (C)

42. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms?
(I) City A is 90 kms from City B
(II) City B is 30 kms from City C
Ans. (D)

43.Is A=C ? A,B,C are real numbers
(I) A-B=B-C
(II) A-2C = C-2B
Ans. (C)

44. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ?
(I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2
(II) The common difference is -1/2
Ans. (A)

45.Was Avinash early, on time or late for work?
(I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast
(II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow
Ans. (D)

46. What is the value of A if A is an integer?
(I) A4 = 1
(II) A3 + 1 = 0
Ans. (B)

47. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km
toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place?
(a) 5.5 kms
(b) 3 km
(c) 13 km
(d) 6.4 km
Ans. (b)

48. X's father's wife's father's granddaughter uncle will be related to X as
(a) Son
(b) Nephew
(c) Uncle
(d) Grandfather
Ans. (c)

49. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31
(a) 43
(b) 33
(c) 41
(d) 45
Ans. (a)

50. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 123678.
Then the code for the word "MANGO" would be
(a) 82357
(b) 89343
(c) 84629
(d) 82347
Ans. (d)

51. If "PROMPT" is coded as QSPLOS ,then "PLAYER" should be
Ans. (a)

The questions 52-53 are based on the following data 6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner.Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other.

52. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?
(a) D and C
(b) E and C
(c) D and E
(d) Either (a) or (b)
Ans. (c)

53. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C?
(a) E and B
(b) D and A
(c) D and B
(d) either (a) or (c)

54. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _
(a) B, F
(b) Y, C
(c) G, I
(d) K, O

55. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels 6km towards west.
Where is he with respect to his starting position?
(a) 13km east
(b) 13km northeast
(c) 13km northwest
(d) 13km west
Ans. (c)

56. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times.What is the probability that they tell
the truth at the same time
(a) 0.8
(b) 0.48
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.14

57. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to
(a) Shortest Job First Scheduling
(b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling
(c) FCFS
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

58. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes
(a) Uplinking
(b) Downlinking
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

59. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C
(a) Left justifying a string
(b) Right justifying a string
(c)Left justifying an intger
(d) Right justifying an intger
Ans. (c)
1.When a bicycle is in motion, the force of friction exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such that it acts
(a) In the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear wheel.
(b) In the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction on the rear wheel.
(c) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels.
(d) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels.
Ans. (d)

2. A certain radioactive element A, has a half life = t seconds.In (t/2) seconds the fraction of the initial quantity of the
element so far decayed is nearly
(a) 29%
(b) 15%
(c) 10%
(d) 45%
Ans. (a)

3. Which of the following plots would be a straight line ?
(a) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of time
(b) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of number of decaying nuclei
(c) Decay rate against time
(d) Number of decaying nuclei against time
Ans. (b)

4. A radioactive element x has an atomic number of 100.It decays directly into an element y which decays directly into element z.In both processes a charged particle is emitted.Which of the following statements would be true?
(a) y has an atomic number of 102
(b) y has an atomic number of 101
(c) z has an atomic number of 100
(d) z has an atomic number of 101
Ans. (b)

5. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals
then a/c, b/a, c/b are in
(a) AP
(b) GP
(c) HP
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)
6. A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times.He throws a die and reports it to be a 6.What is the probability of it
being a 6?
(a) 3/8
(b) 5/8
(c) 3/4
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

7. If cos2A + cos2B + cos2C = 1 then ABC is a
(a) Right angle triangle
(b) Equilateral triangle
(c) All the angles are acute
(d) None of these
Ans. (a)

8. Image of point (3,8) in the line x + 3y = 7 is
(a) (-1,-4)
(b) (-1,4)
(c) (2,-4)
(d) (-2,-4)
Ans. (a)

9. The mass number of a nucleus is
(a) Always less than its atomic number
(b) Always more than its atomic number
(c) Sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

10. The maximum KE of the photoelectron emitted from a surface is dependent on
(a) The intensity of incident radiation
(b) The potential of the collector electrode
(c) The frequency of incident radiation
(d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface
Ans. (c)

11. Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference
(a) The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or the two interfering waves
must intersect at a very small angle
(b) The waves must have the same time period and wavelength
(c) Amplitude of the two waves should be the same
(d) The interfering beams of light must originate from the same source
Ans. (c)

12. When X-Ray photons collide with electrons
(a) They slow down
(b) Their mass increases
(c) Their wave length increases
(d) Their energy decreases
Ans. (c)

13. An electron emits energy
(a) Because its in orbit
(b) When it jumps from one energy level to another
(c) Electrons are attracted towards the nucleus
(d) The electrostatic force is insufficient to hold the electrons in orbits
Ans. (b)

14. How many bonds are present in CO2 molecule?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) 4
Ans. (d)

15. In a balanced chemical equation
(a) Atoms are conserved
(b) Molecules are conserved
( c) Moles are conserved
(d) Reactant and product molecules are preserved
Ans. (a)

16. How many grams of NaOH will react with 0.2 equivalent of HCl?
(a) 0.59
(b) 0.285
(c) 1.18
(d) none of these
Ans. (a)
17. Which of the following is least acidic
(a) Ortho-cresol
(b) Para-cresol
(c) Phenol
(d) Meta-cresol
Ans. (b)

18. In Reimer-Tiemann's reaction, the reaction intermediate is
(a) Carbene
(b) Dichloro carbene
(c) Carbonion
(d) Carbonium ion
Ans. (b)

19. Which of the following is most acidic?
(a) C2H5OH
(c) Ethanol
(d) CH3OH
Ans. (b)

20.A catalyst
(a)always slows down the reaction
(b)always starts a rection that would not have ocurred at all otherwise
(c)causes changes in the rate of the reaction
(d)changes the quantities of the products formed
Ans. (c)

21.The rate of the first order reaction depends on the
(a) Concentration of the reactant
(b) Concentration of the product
(c) Time
(d) Temperature
Ans. (d)
22. The most abundant element in the universe is
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Helium
(c) Oxygen
(d) Silicon
Ans. (a)

23. Integrate 3x + 5 / (x3-x2-x+1)
(a) 1/2 log | (x+1)/(x-1) | - 4/(x-1)
(b) log |2+tanx|
(c) -(1+logx)/x
(d) 2 log|(tanx)/(tanx+2)
Ans. A
24. If y=cos-1(cosx + 4sinx)/(17)1/2, then dy/dx is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(d) none of these
Ans. (b)

25. If the sum of n terms of two series of A.P are in the ratio 5n+4:9n+6 .find the ratio of their 13th terms
(a) 129/231
(b) 1/2
(c) 23/15
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

26. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a
dictionary, what is the rank of the word "rachit".
(a) 485
(b) 480
(c) 478
(d) 481
Ans. (d)

27. Ravi's salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to the original level is
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 33 1/3%
(d) 30%
Ans. (c)

28. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A in 40 days.In how many days
will A alone finish the job
(a) 48
(b) 34 2/7
(c) 44
(d) 45
Ans. (a)

29. How long will a train 100m long traveling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long traveling at
(a) 70sec
(b) 1min
(c) 1 min 15 sec
(d) 55 sec
Ans. (b)

30. What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9?
(a) 3/2
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 3/4
Ans. (a)

31. Which of the following parameters is the same for molecules of all gases at a given temperature?
(a) Mass
(b) Momentum
(c) Speed
(d) Kinetic energy
Ans. (d)

32. A solid is completely immersed in liquid. The force exerted by the liquid on the solid will
(a) Increase if it is pushed deeper inside the liquid
(b) Change if its orientation is changed
(c) Decrease if it is taken partially out of the liquid
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

33. Select the correct statements
(a) A simple harmonic motion is necessarily periodic
(b) An oscillatory motion is necessarily periodic
(c) A periodic motion is necessarily oscillatory
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)

34. An electron is injected into a region of uniform magnetic flux density with the components of velocity parallel to
and normal to the flux. What is the path of the electron?
(a) Helix
(b) Parabola
(c) Circle
(d) Rectangle
Ans. (a)

35. A constant voltage is applied between the 2 ends of a uniform metallic wire.Some heat is developed in it. The
heat developed is doubled if
(a) both the length and radius of the wire are halved.
(b) both the length and radius of the wire are doubled
(c) the radius of the wire is doubled
(d) the length of the wire is doubled
Ans. (b)

36. If Young's double slit experiment is performed in water
(a) the fringe width will decrease
(b) the fringe width will increase
(c) the fringe width remains unchanged
(d) there will be no fringe
Ans. (a)

37. The shape of a spot of light produced when bright sunshine passes perpendicular through a hole of very small
size is
(a) Square, because the hole is a square
(b) Round, because it is an image of the sun
(c) Round with a small penumbra around it
(d) Square with a small penumbra
Ans. (b)

Select the alternative that logically follows from the two given statements.

38. Some forms are books All books are made of paper
(a) Some forms are made of paper
(b) Some forms are not made of paper
(c) No forms are made of paper
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

39. All toffees are chocolates Some toffees are not good for health
(a) Some chocolates are not good for health
(b) Some toffees are good for health
(c) No toffees are good for health
(d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (a)

The questions 40-46 are based on the following pattern.The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions.The correct answer is
(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement(II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.
(E) If statements (I) and (II) are identical.

43. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?
(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.
Ans. C

44. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?
(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.
Ans. C

45. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?
(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters
Ans. D

46. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?
(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1
Ans. A

Following questions are based on letter's analogy.First pair of letters should have the same relationship as the second pair of letters or vice versa.
47. ? : BGLQ : : YDIN : VAFK
(a) EKNS
(b) DKMT
(c) DLMS
(d) EJOT
Ans. (d)

48. NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA
(a) VUW
(b) VTR
(c) VTW
(d) TRP
Ans. (c)

49. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as
(a) shutbm
(b) qjutbk
(c) qhutbk
(d) qhubtk
Ans. (c)

50. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho"
is cricket, which is not a ball game?
(a) cricket
(b) football
(c) khokho
(d) basketball
Ans. (a)

51. Which of the following is a recursive set of production
(a) S --> a|A, A --> S
(b) S --> a|A, A --> b
(c) S -->aA, A-->S
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)

1. If heart is coded as jokes then what is TABLE.(1 ques)
2. Arrange the sentences given below to make sense.(about 8 ques)
3. A man started walking towards south.After 3km he turned his left and walked 2km.In what dir he is
now.(ans:South east).
4 .Analogy questions(about 8)-synonym and antonym. Eg:mealymouthed,Aggravate,Alleviate etc.
5.Find in which part of the sentence is error.(Choices are diff parts of the sentence) (about 8 ques).
6.struct te
int i;
float j;
char c[25];
printf("%d %f",i,j);
Ans:0 0.000000
7.Two more C questions which are very easy.(follow Test ur C skills).
8.Two questions from Comp Networks(only basics like Layers.)

9.One question from Operating system.(easy for Cse students)

10.No quants at all.So need not prepare. Prepare for Logical reasoning.
11. Add 79H and 86H and tell the contents of flags

12. Scr is used for _____ ( ac, dc , both )

13. Push pull amplifier is used to remove which harmonics ( even , odd , both )

14. PAM is demodulated using ___ ( low pass filter , high pass filter )

15. 16k memory is needed. How many chips with 12 address buses and 4 data
buses are needed.

16. AM wave is detected using _________ detector

17. Which flip flop is used for shift registers

18. Program counter does what __ (stores a memory address, address of the present instruction)

19. In a bistable multivibrator communication capacitor is used for ______ ( speed up response , ac coupling)

20. Totem pole is what?

21. Time constant for an integrator and differentiator should be ( small , high etc.)

22.TV waves are __ ( sky waves , space waves etc.)

23.Which configuration has highest i/p imp. ( ce , cb , cc )

24. Parabolic antenna with 2degree angle. What is its directivity.

25. Given 10 mhz pe modulation and we got a 100 mhz band.
How many channels can be there.

26. If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase ( 1db,2db,3db
The aptitude test consisted of 45 questions to be answered in 45 mins.. Most of the questions were English (difficult to understand the questions itself!!!) All questions were mixed up…(here the questions are not in order) Some of which I can remember are as follows

1.antonym of PARSIMONIOUS:
ans.b arrange sentences to form a logical paragraph

3.If MARCH is coded as HCRAM ,then ELBAC is coded as
d… ans : b

4. Two clocks A & B..B falls by half a minute every hour while A is correct. Both of them show the correct reading
at 8:00AM .If the time shown by clock B is 1:57 P.M., what is the time shown by clock A?

5. For deadlock to occur what are the conditions which are necessary? exclusion
b. hold & wait without …emption c.circular …. d.all of the above
6.analogy …TADPOLE:FROG a.tumble:fall
c… d…
7.chose the critical word: PERSISTENT,FREQUENTLY,CONSTANT,(some more words were given, don’t
rememberJ)… a.often
8.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words:
She was not chosen to be the secretary as she was not _________
b… c.versatile
d…. sentences so that the third statement can be concluded from the first two… 10.Fill in the blanks with
appropriate word/words:
11.which of the following is not a “dynamic data structure” a.tree
b.binary ..
d .none of the above
12. Question from congestion control topic:
Ans: source quench.
13. Interchanging + and / also 2 and 3 , which of the following expressions are true?
14. Interchanging + & / also 10 & 5, which of the following expressions are true?
15.about doubly likn list : to delete a node to the right of p , which of the following is true?
a.p->right=p->right->right;p->right->right->left=… b.
d.none of the above
16. A long puzzle about 4 people Lewis, Frank ,…going to meet 4 people :insurance agent, consultant, money lender,
share broker in a building with 4 floors(G+3floors). Lewis meets share broker who is above money lender, money
lender is not on 1st floor. Frank meets insurance agent who is below consultant.. Some more conditions were
given…which floor is the share broker ?
a.G floor
b.1st floor
c.2nd floor
d.3rd floor
ans: 3rd floor (check out the answer)
17. An island where the people speak 1 sentence truth & other is false..3 people on island: GOL , TOL ,BOL.. One of
them was carrying a snake on his shoulder. 2 sentences by each were given..who is the snake charmer?
Ans:BOL (check it out)
18.compiler is used to convert _____ to _____
a.low level language , high level language
b.high level language ,low level language
c.both a & b
d.dependent on the compiler.
19.the best case & worst case merge sort algorithm (I don’t remember the q properly) a.O(n),O(logn)..(some ans os
this sort were givenJ)
20. void main()
char *p=””s”Hello”; printf(“%s”,p);
what is the o/p?
21. Tcp/ip is
b)connection oriented
c)both a & b
ans b
22.Process has memory divided into how many parts?
d.memory is undivided more question on correcting the error in the given sentence
24.given 4 words, to find out the odd one out..
….: discord: ….: ….
25.small passage was given..the inference from the passage is ?
1. Two bodies changed from p1v1 to p2v2 state in two ways. The heat supplied is delta Q and work done is
deltaW Then what is constant in these two processes
(a) delta q
(b) delta w
(c) delta q + delta w
(d) delta q - delta w
Ans. (d)
2. _______ have same atomic number and same mass number are
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) Isobars
Ans. (c)

3. When a free electron is placed in a plane of electro magnetic then it moves in
(a) in the direction of the electric field
(b) in the direction of magnetic field
(c) of propagation of wave
(d) of the plane containing magnetic field and propagation direction.

4. Name the phenomena in which one proton is jumped from one isomer to another isomer to create two
different elements

(a) functional isomerisim
(b) sterio merisim
(c) tauto merisim
(d) penta merisim
Ans. (c)

5. In the below compounds which one has 40% C ,6.7% H and 53.3 % O what is its empherical formula
(a) CHO
(b) CH2
(c) C2H2O2
(d) C2H3O2
Ans: (b)

6. X rays are coming from X ray tube, the wavelength is _______ a certain wavelength/s
(a) below
( b) above
(c) inbetween
(d) out of
Ans. (c)

7. In a triode valve in order to increase the saturation current what has to be done
(a) increase plate voltage
(b) reduce distance between grid and plate
(c) increase cathode potential
(d) reduce grid potential
Ans. (d )

8. Seven different toys are distributed among 3 children how many different ways are possible?
(a) 7C3
(b) 7P3
(c) 3 7
(d) 7 3
Ans. (c)

9. A, B ans C are three speakers. They have to speak randomly along with another 5 speakers in a function.
A has to speak before B and B has to speak before C. What is the probability.
Ans. 1/6

10. If dy = (secx + ytanx)dx, Then the curve is
(a) x = ycosx
(b) x = ysinx
(c) x = ytanx
(d) x = ysecx
Ans. (a)

11. Two series are 16,21,26.... and 17,21,25..... What is the sum of first hundred common numbers
(a) 101100
(b) 110100
(c) 101110
(d) 110101
Ans. (a)

12. There are two sections in a question paper each contain five questions. A students has to answer 6 questions.
Maximum no. of questions that can be answered from any section is 4. How many ways he can attempt the paper?
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 200
Ans. (d)

13. a and b are two numbers selected randomly from 1,2,3.... 25 what is the probability of a and b are not equal.
(a) 1/25
(b) 24/25
(c) 13/25
(d) 2/25
Ans. (b)

14. The sum of the series 1 + 1(1+1/n) + 3(1+1/n)2 + ..... is equal to?
Ans. n2

15. Two circles of different radii intersects each other what is the maximum no of intersections
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Ans. (c)

16. If x= sin-1(t), y = log(1-t2), find d2y/dx2 when t=1/2
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -8/3
(d) -2/3
Ans. (c)

17. If x approaches infinity , then (òex dx )/( òe2xdx) is ?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -1
(d) 2
Ans. (a)

18. If f(x)=1-cos(1-cosx)/x4 is continuos at f(0) then what is x
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1/4
(d) -1/4
Ans. (c)

19. For the word SURITI, if you arrange the letters in dictionary order then what is its rank?
(a) 234
(b) 235
(c) 236
(d) 237
Ans. (c)

20. Period of sin ((2t + 3) / 6 pi)
(a) 6pi
(b) 6pi2
(c) 3pi
Ans. (b)

21 - Q23. Four questions given on the below data X,Yand Z are senior engineers. A,B,C,D are junior engineers. Company wants to select 4 enginers. Two will be senior and two will be juniors. The company wants these engineers to work in the most productive way so they respect each person's likes/dislikes.
Y is not friends with A
Z is not friends with C
B is not friends with A
If B is selected then who will be the remaining 4 members ?
If C is selected, Z and ___ cannot be selected?
D is always selected if ___ is selected?

24. A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.What is the probability that both are
contradicting each other is ?

Q25. ò((2x-3)/((x2 +x+1)2 )dx is ?

26. Ram starts from A walking 2 km North and turns right and walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km and meets Radha at Bwalking in the opposite direction to Ram .
a) Which direction does Ram walk after the first turn?
b) Distance between A and B

27. If the equation x2 - 3x + a = 0 has the roots (0,1) then value of a is ?

28. A and B's temperature are 10°c and 20°c having same surface , then their ratio of rate of emmisions is ?

29. An atomic particle exists and has a particlular decay rate . It is in a train . When the train moves, a person
observes for whether the decay rate
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) depend on the directions of movement of train
30. Which of the following exchanges positive ions
(b) nh2-
(c) ch2
Ans. (b)
31. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor
(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.
(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged
(c) ZF is reset, CY is set
(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. ZF is set and CY is reset
32. The best tool for editing a graphic image is ?
33. Network scheme defines
a.)one to one
b.) many to many
c.) one to ,many ?

34. A person wants to measures the length of a rod.First he measures with standing ideally then he maeasures by
moving parrel to the rod
(a)the length will decrease in second case
(b)length will be same
(c) length will increse in the second case.

35. One U-230 nucleus is placed in a train moving by velocity emiting alpha rays .When the train is at rest the
distance between nucleus and alpha particle is x . One passenger is observing the particle . When the train is moving
what is the distance between particle and nucleus ?
(a) x
(b) x + vt
(c) x - vt
36. What is the resulting solution when benzene and toluene are mixed ?
37. If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then .What is FEAT .Find representation of 2998
38. Given 10 alphabets out of which 5 are to be chosen. How many words can be made with atleast one
39. Arrange by acidic values : phenol, nitrotolouene and o-cresol?
40. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......
Ans. 3n/(1 + n)
The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the software paper.We haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have been mentioned.
Q What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ?
Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort
Q. What page replacement algo . has minimumn number of page faults ?
Ans. Optimality algorithm
Q. What is the use of virtual base class in c++
Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes.
Q. Find the eccentricity of a given node in a directed graph
Q. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-
Q. What is swapping
Q. Assignment operator targets to
Ans. l-value
Q. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n operations
an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of ---bits
Ans. 3m + n
Q. In round robin scheduling, if time quatum is too large then it degenerates to
Q. What is network schema?
Q. Packet Burst is ______
Q. Picard's method uses _______?
Ans. Successive Differentiation.
The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the hardware paper.We haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of questions have been mentioned.
Q. Concentration and restivity is given and conductivity is asked for ?
Q. R , resistance and C,capacitance is given ,find the frequency and Q factor of the crystal ?
Q. Critical fequency and angle theta is given ;.the max useable frequency is to becalculated
Q.Questions on parabolic reflector anttena's and half wave dipole antenna's design
Q. Ramp signal is generated from integrator .Whether it is a low or high pass filter .?
Q. Calculate FM bandwidth given max modulation fequency FM , max freq deviation , df and 8 pairs alllowable
side band component ?
Hardware PaperHome | Our Services | Eligibility | About Us | Sign Up | President's Note Copyright © 2001 Cassius Technologies Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Add 79H and 86H and tell the contents of flags
2. Scr is used for _____ ( ac, dc , both )
3. Push pull amplifier is used to remove which harmonics ( even , odd , both )
4. PAM is demodulated using ___ ( low pass filter , high pass filter )
5. 16k memory is needed. How many chips with 12 address buses and 4 data buses are needed.
6. AM wave is detected using _________ detector
7. Which flip flop is used for shift registers
8. Program counter does what __ (stores a memory address, address of the present instruction)
9. In a bistable multivibrator communication capacitor is used for ______ ( speed up response , ac coupling)
10. Totem pole is what?
11. Time costant for an integrator and differentiator should be ( small , high etc.)
12. TV waves are __ ( sky waves , space waves etc.)
13. Which configuration has highest i/p imp. ( ce , cb , cc )
14. Parabolic antenna with 2degree angle. What is its directivity.
15. Given 10 mhz pe modulation and we got a 100 mhz band.
How many channels can be there.
16. If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase ( 1db,2db,3db )
WIPRO University Questions : Technical Questions
1. Find the odd one out
a) entice,lure,allure, the odd one out.
b) evince,press,exort,spur.
2.synonyms(majority of the questions)
Eg: Vivacious.
3.Analogies. eg: If symphony : compose then
a) playwrite : play
b) child : mother
4.Four sentences will be given.For example, a)....
b)....c)...d).... You have to arrange them in such a way that they form a meaningful paragraph.
5.Question related to alphabets.
E G W O +
1 2 3 0
the above is just an example and not a question appeared in the test.
1. Add 79H and 86H and tell the contents of flags2. Scr is used for _____ ( ac, dc , both )
3. Push pull amplifier is used to remove which harmonics ( even , odd , both )
4. PAM is demodulated using ___ ( low pass filter , high pass filter )
5. 16k memory is needed. How many chips with 12 address buses and 4 data buses are needed.
6. AM wave is detected using _________ detector
7. Which flip flop is used for shift registers
8. Program counter does what __ (stores a memory address, address of the present instruction)
9. In a bistable multivibrator communication capacitor is used for ______ ( speed up response , ac coupling)
10. Totem pole is what?
11. Time constant for an integrator and differentiator should be ( small , high etc.)
12.TV waves are __ ( sky waves , space waves etc.)
13.Which configuration has highest i/p imp. ( ce , cb , cc )
14. Parabolic antenna with 2degree angle. What is its directivity.
15. Given 10 mhz pe modulation and we got a 100 mhz band.
How many channels can be there.
16. If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase ( 1db,2db,3db )
17. Questions from 'C' language(only 2 to 3 of them)
int x = 10,y=15,z = 5;
int i;
i = xy ? x, y are real numbers?
(I) 8x = 6y
(II) x = y + 4
Ans. B

43. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?
(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.
Ans. C

44. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?
(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.
Ans. C

45. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?
(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters
Ans. D

46. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?
(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1
Ans. A

Following questions are based on letter's analogy.First pair of letters should have the same relationship as the second pair of letters or vice versa.
47. ? : BGLQ : : YDIN : VAFK
(a) EKNS
(b) DKMT
(c) DLMS
(d) EJOT
Ans. (d)

48. NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA
(a) VUW
(b) VTR
(c) VTW
(d) TRP
Ans. (c)

49. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as
(a) shutbm
(b) qjutbk
(c) qhutbk
(d) qhubtk
Ans. (c)

50. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and
"khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game?
(a) cricket
(b) football
(c) khokho
(d) basketball
Ans. (a)

51. Which of the following is a recursive set of production
(a) S --> a|A, A --> S
(b) S --> a|A, A --> b
(c) S -->aA, A-->S
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)
Campus Recruitment at NIT Durgapur
Question Pattern:
[1] Jumble sentences are given ,order the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph
[2] Sentences are given , order the sentences to make conclusion that follows from the options given(Say 5 sentences are given out of which 2 are causes and rest is result , like fallacy in logic) .
[3] Analogies.
[4] Opposite meaning.
[5] Point out the error in a given sentence.
[6] C ( Follow ‘Test your C skills ‘). [7] Data Structure.
[8] Operating System.
[9] Network.
[10]Puzzles(1-2),Critical reasoning(1-2).
We can not remember all the questions exactly as time was very short .Here are some of the questions ( Not in order).

1. A topic on Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagrah Movement Four sentences were given and you have to arrange them to
make a paragraph. Ans. CABD (Check it out).

2. What can’t be changed by the user program (Four choices were there). Ans. Memory Map (Check it out).
3. In which layer ROUTING is performed ? Ans. Network Layer
4. What is the output of the following code snippet
printf(5+”Fascimile”); }
Ans. mile

5. What is the output
Sum=? &count;( It was actually given temp=? &count; which is probably wrong)
Printf(“sum=%d count= %d temp=%d “,sum,count,*temp);
Ans. C (most expected answer ,check it)

6.Which one has no L-Value
[i] a[i]
[ii] i
[iii] 2
[iv] *(a+i)
Ans . [iii]

7. In threaded binary for which traversal orders unused left and right links are used? Ans.
8. Which is false for binary tree?
[i] Any node should have two children.
[iii] At fourth level the number of node should be less than 16.
9 Which is true for binary search ?
[i] Traversal scheme
[iii]Greedy algorithm
[iv] Divide and conquer algorithm
Ans. [iv]
10. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ?
[i] ARP
[ii] RARP
[iii] BOOTP
[iv] DHCP
Ans. [i]

11. If DELHI is coded as CCIDD then how BOMBAY will be coded?
12. Opposite meaning of SPUR.
13. Opposite of HARBINGER .
Ans. Follower
14. Opposite meaning of PROTRUSION.
15. Opposite meaning of RESTIVENESS.

16.Find the odd one in a given analogy
Ans. Mundane.
17 . Find the analogy : SURPRISE : EXCLAMATION
Ans. Dismay:groan.
18) Find the analogy : Plateau : Taxonomy.
18)Question from congestion control topic:
Ans: source quench.
19) Question from kernel mode:
Ans:Disable Interrupts.
20) which one is a page replacement algorithim.
[iii]Least recently used.
[iv]All of above.
21)Using two numbers And interchanging + and * there was a question. Ans:(iii)(some expression=22)
22)For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds.Now time is 8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
23)Question regarding while loop. Ans:(iii).
24)Alphabetical order L,M,…(cant remember) Ans:F.
25)One puzzle:(I cant exactly remember this question giving brief idea of this question)there were four guys A,B,C,D.
the older and younger relation is given . U have to find the age of the A. Ans: 7 years(check it out).
26)Fallacy question: six sentences are given.
[i]… [ii]… [iii]… [iv]… Ans: [i].
28)Nine people six floor. Conditions are given.(This was a very long paragraph).Peoples named like
I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q. Ans:i)J.
29)A question regarding node. Ans:iii)
30)A problem regarding age of father and son(very easy problem u can solve it).
31)Point out error in the follwing sentence:I got the book in the office and slipped it out.
[i]I got the book.
[ii] in the.
[iii]office and .
[iv] slipped it out.
32)Point out error:(about a flowers garden)
ans:(I can’t remember the options).answer will be “among on another”.
TIPS: Try to mug up the answers .check once more only the questions in the hall which we have pointed out by writing “check it out” with the answers. But the other answers are correct fully. Don’t waste your time on long paragraphs.There was no negative marking.Try to solve all the departmental question.

Campus Test: BMS College, Bangalore

1) Written Test :: 40 mins 45 questions..some questions were very silly.My friend said that most of the questions in this test were lifted from R S Agarwals' Verbal book.

2) HR And Technical Interview went on simultaneously.

HR Interview::

1) Describe Yourself.

2) Your Hobbies..

3) Your Project

4) What do you expect from Wipro.

Be confident ....and talk informally.

Technical Interview::

It went for 1 hour...just me....very lengthy.

1) Asked me about my project.

2) Asked me about my Engg subjects..OS Data Structures ...C C++ Unix .

3) What are the OS Components ?

4) Draw the various modules of the OS.

5) What is a Thread.

6) What are the advantages of threads.

7) What are the different types of scheduling?

8) Process Synchronization.

9) Semaphores Monitors.

10) Write the code for semaphore.

11) Benady's Anomaly.

12) Memory Management

13) Polymorphism in C++

14) Output of a C Program (Test ur C Skills type)

15) Use of static.

16) Ostrich Algorithm..( Didn't know)

17) What are NP Hard Problems.

18) Join two linked lists.

19) Various Sorting algorithms.

20) Trees Binary search tree etc

Most questions were simple...not a stress interview...they make you feel very comfortable.

My friends got different interviewers ..some of them asked only DBMS ...and sql queries.

Best of Luck All Chetana Members

Sandeep Hebbar (BMS 6th Semester Computer Science Bangalore)
1. Let Q & W denote the amount of heat given to an ideal gas and work done by it
in an isotherma process.
2. A positive point charge Q is brought near an isolated metal cube
3 A particle moves in a region having a uniform magnetic field and a parallel uniform electric field .At some
instant , the velocity of the particle perpendicular to the field direction. The path of the particle will be .......
ans D Both A& B are false
4. . An organic compound has the following percentage composition by mass: c=40% H=67% and O=53.3%
The emprical formula ofth e compound is
5. Toluene on reaction with chlorine in presence of ferric chloride give predominantly(in the absence of the
6. Which of the followig will excert positve inductive effect
7. Which one of the following is not an example of ideal solution
8. The coefficent ofthe term independent of x in expansion of [ sqrt(x/3) + 3/2*sqr(x)]to the power of 10 is
10. The value of a for which the equation x cube-3x+a=0 has the distinct roots[01]is given by
11 The value of lim[integral of e power x dx ]to the power of 2 divided by e power 2xsqr dx is
12. Equation of curve through origin satisfying dy= (secx +ytanx)dx is
13.A and B play a game where each is asked to select a number from 1 to 25 .If the two number match both
of them win a prize The probability that they will not win a prize in a single trial is
14. choose the correct statement in he following
15.Nuclie having the same atomic and mass numbers are known as
16 The phenomenon involving the migration of a proton to give two structural isomers in equilibrium with each
other is known as
17. which of the followig order of acidity is true for phenol
18.The period of the function y=sin(2x+3/6*pi) is
19. If x=inv sin(t) and y=log(1-tsqr) then dsqry/dysqr at t=1/2 is
20. The number of ways inwhich 7 distinct toys can be distributed among 3 children is
21. A candidate is required to answer 6 out of 10 questions which are divided into two groups Each containg 5
questions .He is not permitted to attempt mote than 4 questions from the either group. THe no.ofdifferent
ways in which a candidate can choose 6 questions is
22. A system can be taken from the initial state p1v1 to final state p2v2 by two different methods Let delta Q &
delta W represent the heat given to the system and work done by the system which of the following must be
the samw in both methods
23. A free electron is place in the path of a plane electromagnetic wave .The electron will start moving 24.
25.Free U 238 nuclei dept ina train emit alpha particles whn the train is stationary and a uranium nuceus decays a
passenger measueres that the sepeation between alpha partivcle and the recoiling nucleus becomes x in tiem t
after the decay..............
26. If f(n) = [(n+1)( n+2).....(n+n)]to the power of -2 /n then lim n->infinity f(n) equals
27. THe curve satisfying ydx-xdy+logxdx =0(x>0) passing through (1,-1) is
28. same as 13
29 A speaks truth in 70% cases and b in 80% cases The probability that they will contradict each other
indescribing a single event is
30 The letters of the word SURITI are written in all possible orders and they
are writtren out as in a dictionary Then the rank word SURITI IS
31. Is x a number greater than zero 1] x to the power -1=0 2] xcube+1=0 Ans B
32 A man 6 feet is standing near a light on the tip of apole what is the length og\f the shadow cast by the man
1]The pole is 18 feet high 2] the man is 12 feet from the pole Ans C
33 Working at aconstat rate and by himself it takes worker dilip 3 hours to fill up a ditch with sand How long it
take for worker vijay to fill up the same ditch werkingby himself 1] working together but at the same time
sidip and vijay can fill inth ditch in 1hour 52and half minutes 2] In any length of rtime worker vijay fills in only
60% as much as worker dilip does int he same time Ans D
34. Trian T leaves town A for town B and travels at a constant rate of speed Athe same time train A leaves town
B for town A and also fravels at a constant rate of speed .town c isberween A and B which train is travellig
faster? Towns A,B,c lie on astraight line 1] Train S arrives at town C before train T 2] Cis closer to A than to
B Ans CFOR QUESTION 31 TO 34 A..If youcan get the answer foem 1 alone but not from 2 alone B if
you can get the answer from 2 alone but not from 1 alone C if yo canget the answer from 1 &2 together
alothough neither statement by itself sufficesD if statement 1 alone suffices and statement 2 alone suffices
35. A store has parking lot which contains70 parking spaces Each row isn the parking lot contains the same
nuber of parkingspaces he sotr......(in GMAT) Ans D 10
36.what is the maximum nuber of pits of intersection of two circles which have unequal radii
FOR QUESTIONS 37 TO 38A. only 1 followsB only 2 follows C both 1 and 2 followsD either 1 or 2
37 i ) all dogs are trees
ii) Trees provide wood conclusion 1. wood is used as fuel Ans B
2. dogs provide wood38. i)If a bee one touched one ith stings
ii) He touched the bee. conlusion 1. the bee definittely stings him may not stings him Ans A

39 A cooperative housing finance society lens money @ 12% per anum and recover the capital and interest in 80
equated quarterly installmeents of Rs 33.11 per Rs 1000 of loan the amonut of capital repaid at the first
isntallment will be
Ans 36.11(may be)40 to 42 a passage very easy iam giving answers
40 .(B) X,Z,Dand B 41 ( B) X Z and D 42 ( D) both B and Dfor the question
43 in a certaincode language FADENOCMT is coded as 345687921 based onthe codelanguage give
appropriate nuber codes fir the following word
43 MOON Ans 2778(c)44 3641 Ans FEAT(b)
45 ,46 answers are EAST(D) 8 KM(B)
47. THE Sum to n terms of the series 3/1sqr +5/1sqr+2sqr.....
48. Ten different letter of the alphabit are given word with five letter are formed feom theese give lettes the
number of words whih have atleast aone their lettters repeated isAns 99748(C)
49 A major advantage of direct mapping of a casche isits simplicity the maindisadvantage of this organisation is
that 50 If a round robin scheduling algorithm woth a time slice of 10 millisseconds is assumed then at
approximately what time is job3 completed
51..The sum of n terms of the sereis1- 2(1+1/n) +3(1+1/n)sqr given by
52. The sum of the first 100 term common to the sereies 17,21,25 .....and 16,21,26 is
53.Sometimes the object module produced by a compiler includes information mapping aqll source program
names to their address the most likely purpose of this information is

PART - 1 ( same for all departments ) , Total 55 questions
Q1 - 30 +2 level PCM, Q31-50 aptitude Q51-55 algorithm
1) An electron can move freely in the field of an em wave.In which direction does it move? a)in the direction of
elec. field
b)in the direction of magnetic field
c)in the direction of propagation of em wave
d)in a plane containing magnetic field & direction of propagation of wave
Ans . (a)
2) A man measures the length of a rod . In the first case the man is moving & in the second case the rod is
moving. Will there be any change in the measurement of length ?
3) The wavelength of X-rays lies
a) above a certain minimum value b) below a certain maximum value
c) above a certain minimum and below a certain maximum value
d) above a certain maximum and below a certain minimum value Correct
answer (c)
4) Toluene + chlorine in presence of ferric chloride gives
a) metachlorotoluene b) ortho & para chlorotoluene
c) benzoyl chloride d) ….. answer (b)> >

.5) Mechanism by which a proton ……..
a) metamerism b) tautomerism
c) structural isomerism d) ……
Ans: c
6) Acidic effect is shown by
a) CO3- - b) NO3- c) I- d) OH probably
Ans: c

7) Which is correct ?
a) 40 ml of hydrogen sulphide & 40 ml of chlorine gives 120 ml of gas under stp
b) …gram equivalent weight…
c) …normality…. d) ….

.8) In how many ways can 7 distinct toys be distributed among 3 children ?
a) 3^7 b) .. c) 7p3 d)7c3> >
ans :a

9) One series is 17,21,25,29….Another series is 16,21,26,31…. Sum of first 100 terms common to both
series is
ans: 101100

10) There are 10 letters . How many 5 lettered words can be formed if the letters may be repeated ?
ans 10^5
11) A answers a question correctly in 80% cases & B answers the same question correctly in 70% cases .What
is the probability that both will not answer correctly is
ans : 1-((7/10)*(8/10))
12) A & B think of a no. between 1 & 25 . If the nos. match they win a prize .What is the probability that they
win in the first attempt ?
a) 1/25 b) 24/25 c) 2/25 d) none ans :1/25

13) Solve differential equation dy = (sec x + y tan x) dx.
Ans: y cos x = x
14) Solve differential equation xdy - ydx + logxdx = 0 at ( x = 1 y = 1)
15) Evaluate ò(2x-3)/(x*x + x + 1)**2 dx
Ans: - 1/(x*x + x+ 1) +constant
16) Find the value of f(0) when f(x) = {1-cosx(1-cosx)}/x**4 is continuous.
17) Find the value of Lt { ex dx}/{ e2x dx } [Lower lim=0,> Upper lim=x in both integrals]
18) Given x = sin inverse t, y = log ( 1 - t *t ) Find (d/dx)(dy/dx) at t = 0.5
ans : (-8/3)
19) There are two groups having 5 questions in each group . In how many ways can you answer 6 questions
taking maximum 4 from each group ?
a)150 b)200 c)250 d)300 ans :d
20 ) There are 3 persons A,B,C.Find the probability that A will come first and B will come before C. ans : 1/6
21) Sum of series 1 + ( 1+1/n) + 2(1+1/n)^2 + 3(1+1/n)^3 + … to n terms is
22) 100 drops each of charge .. and radius … are joined to form a single drop. Which of the following is correct ?
23) Value of a to make the function……..
24) Arrange in the order of acidity of phenol, o-chlorel, nitro benzene
25) Two atoms having same atomic number and mass number are called
a. isotope b. isobar c. isomer d. isotone.> Ans : b
(same aomic number is called isoope,same neurons called isoone)

26) A water drop having 0.3 micro coulomb charge in the field 50 volts per metre.> What is the force ?


31-33 (see GRE analytical ability)A Co. has to select 4 mechanical engineers out of 3 senior ( X,Y,Z)& 4 junior (A,B,C,D). 2 should be senior & 2 should be junior. Following combinations are not allowed i) A and Y ii) Z
and C iii) A and B
31 If A is selected who else are selected ? correct
answer : X,Z,D
34 The letters SURITI are arranged in all possible ways and the words are Arranged in alphabetical order.What is
the rank of the word SURITI ?
a) 245 b)307 …
35-36 In a certain code X………….. is written as 6………
35 What will be MOON in that code ? ans : 2778
36 Which word will have the code SOFT? correct
ans FEAT
37-39 A question is followed by 2 conditions A and B . Mark
a) only A is sufficient, B not necessary.
b) only B is sufficient, A not necessary.
c) A alone sufficient, B alone sufficient.
d) A and B together are necessary
A.) x**2 + 1 = 0 B). x**3-1 = 0
Ans: b
38) One man is standing near a light post of height 18 ft . What is the length of the shadow?
A). height of man is 6 ft. B)he is standing 20 ft away from lamp post.
39 One train T1 starts from a town P towards Q .Another T2 starts from Q towards P .They meet at C .Which
train has greater velocity ? A) T2 reaches C before T1 B) ….
Ans. a
40-42 see GRE logical ability e.g All cats are dogs All dogs are rats Q. an organic comp. Having the fwg.
Components, c=40%, h 6.6%, o=53.3 %. Find the empirical formula. Ans. CH2O.

PART -2 (ELECTRICAL) 20 questions

56) A gas is taken from state P1,V1,T1 to state P2,V2,T2 by two
different paths. Which is constant ?
a) dW b) dQ c) dQ - dW d) dQ + dW ans : c

57 In a triode valve the value of saturation current can be increased by
a) increasing grid voltage b) increasing plate voltage
c) increasing separation between ………. d) Inc. temp. of cathode
ans : d
58 For producing photoelectricity collector is placed vertically over emitter & light is incident .An elec. field is
applied downwards .What happens ?
a) photocurrent increases b) K.E. of emitted electrons increases
c) …. d) …. ans: (b)
59 In machines interpoles are provided
a)….. b) to improve comutation c)….. d) due to variation of air gaps ans b
60 In a CRO a beam has a horizontal swap of 1000Hz.It has 2 phases per cycle…..What is the rate of vertical
sweep ?
a)500Hz b) 1000Hz c) 2000Hz d)5000Hz
61 A condensor has dielectric of thickness 3 cm and permittivity 4 Another dielectric of thickness 4 cm and
permittivity x is inserted so that capacitance of condensor is now 1/3 rd of original capacitance . Value of x is
Ans 3.3
62 In a 3-phase 4-pole induction motor slip = 4%.Rotor speed = 720 rpm Supply frequency is
Ans: 25Hz
63) The stator of induction motor has supply frquency 50 Hz when rotor is circuited . The rotor is rotated at 1800
rpm in the direction of stator RMF. The value of rotor frequency is
64 Which two of the following are in time domain ?
i) Nyquist plot ii) Root locus iii) Routh - Hurwitz iv) Bode Plot
65 The no. of zeroes in K(s+2)/s(s+2-j4)(s+2+j4) is
a) one b) two c) three d) none
66 Routh Hurwitz criterion gives
a) no. of roots to the right of jw axis
b) no. of roots to the left of jw axis
c) no. of roots to the right of jw axis & on it
d) no. of roots to the left of jw axis & on it
67 An induction motor shows loss of torque with vibrations. Possible cause is
a) bearings need greasing b) there is short circuit c)…. d) ….
68 In an RLC circuit R=20 ohm , L=0.5 H , C=10 microfarad.The resonant frequency , bandwidth ,…. are
ans . 1414 rad/sec…….

Campus Test BMS College, Bangalore

HR And Technical Interview went on simultaneously.

HR Interview::

1) Describe Yourself.

2) Your Hobbies..

3) Your Project

4) What do you expect from Wipro. Be confident ....and talk informally.

Technical Interview

It went for 1 hour...just me....very lengthy.

1) Asked me about my project.

2) Asked me about my Engg subjects..OS Data Structures ...C C++ Unix .

3) What are the OS Components ?

4) Draw the various modules of the OS.

5) What is a Thread.

6) What are the advantages of threads.

7) What are the different types of scheduling?

8) Process Synchronization.

9) Semaphores Monitors.

10) Write the code for semaphore.

11) Benady's Anomaly.

12) Memory Management

13) Polymorphism in C++

14) Output of a C Program (Test ur C Skills type)

15) Use of static.

16) Ostrich Algorithm..( Didn't know)

17) What are NP Hard Problems.

18) Join two linked lists.

19) Various Sorting algorithms.

20) Trees Binary search tree etc

Most questions were simple...not a stress interview...they make you feel very comfortable.

My friends got different interviewers ..some of them asked only DBMS ...and sql queries.

Best of Luck All Chetana Members

Sandeep Hebbar (BMS 6th Semester Computer Science Bangalore)
Wipro 2000
Total 44 general + 12 tech there were 75 questions NO NEGATIVE MARKINGS Two Parts:1)general-55 questions
2) dept wise technical -20 qns Part-1:20 chemistry+ 5 physics+ 15 maths+ 15 logical
1. A free electron is placed in a electromagnetic field, it will move in the direction of
a)Electric Field b) Magnetic Field c)Wave Propogation d)
2. Elements with same atomic & mass no are called
a) isotope b) isotone c) isobar d) isomer
3. |(2x-3)/(x?x+1)?= (where '|' is for integration )
a) b) c) d)
4. If x=arcsine(t) and y=log(1-t?then d2y/dx2 at t=1/2 =? a) b) c) d)(ans:-8/3)
5. Calculate the sum of 100 terms common to the series {17,21,25....} and {16,21,26...}
6. Find the sum upto n terms 1+2*x+3*x?........ Where x=1+1/n (ans n?
7. A speaks true in 70% of cases and B in 80% then what is prob. that A & B Always contradicts to each other
8. Fact: I)all dogs are trees II) trees provide wood conclusion:I)dogs provide wood
9. Rod and a man are stationary with respect to lab. the man measures the rod in following ways
1) rod moves parallel to man the size reduces
2) man move parallel to rod size reduces
10 A man six feet tall is standing near a pole. On top of the pole is a light. What is the length of theshadow cas
by the man?
a) man is 6 meter from the pole
b) the pole is 12 meters above ground
11. Train T leaves town A for town B and travels at a constant rate speen. At the same time , train S leaves town B for
town A and also travels at constant rate speed. Town C ois between A and B. Which train is travelling fast? Train
A,C,B lie in astraight line.
a) Train S arives at town C before Train T. b) C is closer yto A than to B
12. What is the value such that the roots of x^3+3x+a=0 lies in [0,1]
A) 1 B) -1 C) 3 D) none.
13. A compound has C 40% H by 6.07% & O by 53.93%. find ythe formula (ans:CH2O)
14. If words are forme by SURITI and arranged in a dictionary what will be the position of SURITI? (ans236)
15. In an exam. There are 2 parts each containing 5 qns. one have to answer 6qns with condition atmost 4 from one
group. in how many wayss one can answer?(ans 200)
16. In how many ways 7 distinct objects can be distributed among 3 children?(ans 7P30
17. 3 GRE(Barrons 12th edition page 397(7-11)) analytical type qns.(question is littel different)
18. Ram walked 2Km north then moves to his right to go 4Km. Then again moves to his right to go 4Km. Again moves
right to go 4km. where he meets Radha.
a) what is the direction at the first turn?(E.W.N.S)
b) what is the distance between starting pt. and the terminating pt?
20. qns Like :L if the code of the word EMFATION is '35248671' then
a) what is the word of the code '2771' ?
b) what is the code of the word FEAT ? x x
21. what is the value of Lt (|exp(x)dx/|exp(2x?dx) ? x->@ 0 0 ('|' is for integration sign)
22. Given initial state (P1,V1) and final state(P2,V2). state is changed by 2 processes. what term is common to two
processes? (ans: dq-dw)
23. At NTP how much butane can be burnt by a litre of oxygen) (ans: 72.8 gms0
24. Saturated plate currentin a triod depends on A)...B) (ans: Temp)
25. In which type of sort. for both average case and worst case efficiency is equal to nlogn? (ans: Merge sort)
26. Two circles of unequal radius intersect each other in A)1 pt B)2 pts. C)3 pts. D)nomne (ams:2 pts)
29. 4 radicals was given which one shows positive inductive effect?(ans NH2-)
30. Find the curve satisfying xdy-ydx+logxdx=0 and passing through (1,-1)
31. Emitter and collector are placed horizontally with collector above. There is a saturation current, if there is a vertical
electric field applied downwards what happen to the emmited electrons.
a) stopping potential decreases b) K.E increases (ans:b))
32. 70 cars can park in n rows with equal no in each rows, two cars are eliminated from each rows but 4 rows are added.
find ythe no n(ans:10)
33. value of f(x)=(1-cos(1-cos(x)))/x^4 for which it is continuous at x=0 (ans: 1/8)
34. infix notation is given determine the postfix (like as infix a-b/(c*d$e) postfix abcde$*/-
35. if A & B play a game and each is required to tell a no from 1-25 what's the probablity that they will contradict.
probable answer(24/25)
36. 3/(1?2? + 5/(1?2?3? + 7/(1?2?3?4? + ..........
37. which is not the ideal solution (probable ans: ethanol + water)
38. cholorine + toluene in presense of anyhydrous FeCl2-----> orto+para cloro toluene
40. honeybee if touched will sting, man touches the bee conclusion: man is stucked by honeybee
41. we have 10 different digits to form a five digit no with at least one digit repeated.
42. 20ml of H2S + 20ml of Cl2 will produce?(probable ans 120 ml of.........)
43 . period of y=sin((2t+3)/6pi) is ?
44. x rays emitted from a tube has wavelength between
a) lie greater then a particular wave length
b)between maximum and minimum range (ans : b)
Part 2
questions for department
1. Youngs modulus for tension Yt is x times Youngs modulus for compression Yc.
ANS : 0.5
2. In a two stage air compression total work is 2n/ (n-1) *P1 V1[(P3/P1)^(n-1)/2n -1] what is the work done in
high press cylinder if minimum work condition is applied.
3. Cementite is Fe3c.
4. The friction radius in case of an bearing for uniform press is [2/3*((r2^2+r1^2)/(r2^2-r1^2))]
5. About pitch to be cut on job on leath having perticular pitch on lead.pitch=9/5 with 4tpi find
change gears
6. A beam is simply supported at end pts A & B. what is the moment at point A due to uniformly distributed
load W.
7. (inverted delta ie inverted triangle) is a symbl of.......
8 If work done in LP and HP cylenders, in compressor are W1 and W2 with politropic index n1 and n2 what is
ratio of W1/W2..
9. Shaping machine work done (ans; LNC/1000)
10. 10 ton cannon fires a shell of 50kg with a muzzle velocity 900m/s it takes 0.04 seconds to come out from
barrel when fired at 30 degree..find the velocity of cannon.
11. Fins occur due to ......(casting defect)
12. By which of the following methods a job if heated will not warp?
a) vertical b)clamped on both sides c)clamped at regular intervels three or four question on hoop stresses in
spheres and cylenders.....
13. employe 1.-you told me ,"two years ago, you have worked 3 times as much as me. employe2.-yes, isaid
that now i have worked twice as much as you. how many years both of them have worked.------4&
14. there are 20 flag . aperson starts from firstflag and goes up to 12th flag in 24 sec . what is the total time he
took to reach 20th flag.---------24*19/11
15. mr X says that the 2 dial of the watch concide every 65 min. is the or gaining the time, and by how much in a
16. A person leaves the city at const speed. on his way he saw a mile-stone,a2 digit no. after going for 1 hour , he
sees another , milestone having the same number in reverse order still further 1 hour he again sees the mile
stone showing the two number but a zero in between. what is the velocity of x .---------------ans 45km per
17. MOON
JUNE FIND JUNE? ----------ANS - 9326
18. a,b,C,D HAS 4 CARDS IN FRONT OF THEM. and the colour of the cards on 2 faces are diffrent. 2 red
2green, 2 blue.
a says- yellow or blue
b says- niether yellow nor blue
c says blue or yellow
d says- blue or green if the open face colour is the order red, green,red,blue. find the hidden colour,
if 2 of them says lie.-----------red green red green yellow blue yellow blue
19. A's wife died .he is living with his niece.B is a widow an dliving with her daughter and C is living with hr
wife.C's wife suggested that they should live together.each member of the group should contribute 25/- and
the rest should be distributed equally .if the monthly expense was rs 92/- and each got whole sum of money
(no fraction) after cutting their expenses what is amount each will get? -----rs 2/-
20. A man leaves home for his office in time according to his watch but in the office he finds that he is not on time
and checks his watch.he finds that his watch shows one hour when actually 65 min has been passed say
whether his watch loses or gain time and by what amount per hour? 4 min 55sec
21. Three people A,B,C live in a place , their occupations are policeman , fireman , teacher. out of the five
conditions conditions , only two are true
(a) A is the neighbour of techer.
(b) B is the neighbour of techer.
(c) policeman and fireman are neighbour of C.
(d) all of them are neighbour of each other.
(e) B is the neighbour of fireman.
find their occupation of a,b,c.
ans. a-policeman

Analytical Reasoning

(1-5) steps problem

There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor.
No two people can be on the same step.
Mr A is two steps below Mr C
Mr B is a step next to Mr D
Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )
Denote the first step by step 1 and second step by step 2 etc.

(1) If Mr A is on the first step, Which of the following is true?
(A) Mr B is on the second step
(B) Mr C is on the fourth step.
(C) A person Mr E, could be on the third step
(D) Mr D is on heigher step than Mr C.

Ans : (D)

(2). If Mr E was on the third step & Mr B was on a higher step than
Mr E which step must be vacant
(A) step 1 (B) step 2 (C) step 4 (D) step 5 (E) step 6

Ans : (A)
(3). If Mr B was on step 1, which step could A be on?
(A) 2&e only (B) 3&5 only (C) 3&4 only (D) 4&5 only (E) 2&4 only

Ans : (C)
(4). If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the
step that B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D , A
must be on step

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 Ans: (C)

(5). Which of the following is false
i. B&D can be both on odd-numbered steps in one configuration
ii. In a particular configuration A and C must either both
an odd numbered steps or both an even-numbered steps
iii. A person E can be on a step next to the vacant step.

(A) i only (B) ii only (C) iii only Ans : (C)

Swimmers problem (6 - 9 )

Six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no
ties. The out comes are as follows.
1. B does not win.
2. Only two swimmers seperate E & D
3. A is behind D & E
4. B is ahead of E , wiht one swimmer intervening
5. F is a head of D

(6). who is fifth
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E Ans : (E)

(7) How many swimmers seperate A and F "
( A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) not deteraminable from the given info.

Ans :( D )

(8). The swimmer between C & E is
(A) none (B) F (C) D (D) B (E) A Ans : (A)

(9). If the end of the race, swimmer D is disqualified by the Judges
then swimmer B finishes in which place
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Ans : (B).

Cimney problem ( 10 - 14 )

Five houses lettered A,B,C,D, & E are built in a row next to each
other. The houses are lined up in the order A,B,C,D, & E. Each of the
five houses has a coloured chimney. The roof and chimney of each house
must be painted as follows.
1. The roof must be painted either green,red ,or yellow.
2. The chimney must be painted either white, black, or red.
3. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof.
4. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house
5. House E has a green roof.
6. House B has a red roof and a black chimney

10). Which of the following is true ?
(A) At least two houses have black chimney.
(B) At least two houses have red roofs.
(C) At least two houses have white chimneys
(D) At least two houses have green roofs
(E) At least two houses have yellow roofs

Ans: (C)

11). Which must be false ?

(A) House A has a yellow roof
(B) House A & C have different colour chimney
(C) House D has a black chimney
(D) House E has a white chmney
(E) House B&D have the same color roof.

Ans: (B)

12). If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true.
(A) House E has a white chimney
(B) House E has a balck chimney
(C) House E has a red chimney
(D) House D has a red chimney
(E) House C has a balck chimney

Ans: (A)

13). Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house
I. A red roof 7 a black chimney
II. A yellow roof & a red chimney
III. A yellow roof & a black chimney
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I & II only (E) I&II&III

Ans; (E)

14). What is the maximum total number of green roofs for houses
Ans: (C)

15). There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one drasw randomly a shoe
what is the probability of getting redshoe is 5c1/9c1

16). What is the selling price of a car? cost of car is Rs 60 &
profit 10% profit over selling price Ans : Rs 66/-

17). 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total
number of clasmates go to canteen. Ans: cannot be determined.
18). price of a product is reduced by 30% . What percentage should
be increased to make it 100% Ans: 42.857%

19) There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the
square. Find the ratio of the area of circle to square.

circle/square = 11/14

20). Two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness are there.
The thicker one will last of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less
than the thicker one.
Ramesh light the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed
he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. For
how long did Ramesh lit two candles .

Ans: 3 hours.

21). M/N = 6/5 3M+2N = ? Ans: cannot be determined

22). p/q = 5/4 2p+q= ? cannot determined.

23). If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS &
parallelogram PQRST

Ans: 1:2

24). cost of an item is Rs 12.60 7 profit is 10% over selling price
what is the selling price

Ans: Rs 13.86/-

25). There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are
drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes

Ans: 6c2/10c2

26). 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, then added 5 lts of water.
What is % alcohol.

Ans : 15%

27). A worker pay 20/- day , he works 1, 1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 in a week.
what is the total amount paid for that worker

Ans : 57.50

28). The value of x is between 0 & 1 which is the larger?

A) x B) x^2 C) -x D) 1/x

Ans : (D)


(A) (1) alone sufficient
(B) (2) alone sufficient
(C) both together are sufficient
(D) (1) alone & (2) alone sufficient
(E) information not sufficient

1). A man of 6 feet tall is standing near a light on the top of a pole.
what is the length of the shadow cost by the man.

(1) The pole is 18 feet high
(2) The man is 12 feet high Ans: (C)

2). Two pipes A and B empty into a resrvoir , pipe A can fill the reservoir
in 30 minutes by itself. How long it will take for pipe A and pipe B
together to fill up the reservoir.
(1) By itself, pipe B can fill up the reservoir in 20 minutes
(2) pipe B has a larger cross-sectional area than pipe A

Ans: (A)

3). K is an integer. Is K is divisible by 12

(1) K is divisible by 4
(2) K is divisible by 3 Ans: (C)

4). How far it from A to B

(1) It is 15 miles from A to C
(2) it is 25 miles from C to B Ans: (E)

5). Was Melissa Brown's novel published?
(1). If Melissa Brown's novel was published she would receive
atleast $1000 in royalities during 1978
(2). Melissa Brown's income for 1978 was over $1000

Ans: (E)

6). Does every bird fly?
(1) Tigers do not fly.
(2) Ostriches do not fly

Ans: (B)
7). How much does John weigh? Jim weigh 200 pounds.
(1) Toms weight plus Moes weight equal to John's weight.
(2) John's weight plus Moe's weight equal to Twice Tom's weight.

Ans: (C)

8). Is the figure ABCD is a rectangle

A ------------------- B
| |
| |
| |
| |
D ------------------- C

(1). x=90(degrees)
(2). AB=CD

Ans: (E)

9). Find x+2y
(1). x+y=10
(2). 2x+4y=20

Ans: (B).

10). Is angle BAC is a right angle |\
| \
|x z\
(1). x=2y
(2) y=1.5z

Ans: (E)

11). Is x greater than y

(1) x=2k
(2) k=2y Ans: (E)

12). A piece of string 6 feet long is cut into three smaller pieces. How
long is the longer of ther three pieces?

(1). Two pieces are the same length.
(2) One piece is 3 feet 2 inches lone

Ans: (B)

13). How many rolls of wall paper necessary to cover the walls of a
room whose floor and ceiling are rectangles 12 feet wide and
15 feet long

(1). A roll of paper covers 20 sq feet
(2). There are no windows in the walls

Ans : (E)

14). x and y are integers that are both less than 10. Is x>y?

(1). x is a multiple of 3
(2). y is a multiple of 2

Ans: (E).

15). Fifty students have signed up for atleast one of the courses
GERMANI 1 & ENGLISH 1, how many of the 50 students are taking
GERMANI 1 but not ENGLISH 1.?

(1). 16 students are taking GERMANI 1 & ENGLISH 1
(2). The number of students taking ENGLISH 1 but not GERMANI 1 is
the same as the number of students taking GERMANI 1.

Ans: (C)

16). Is ABCD is a square ? A ------------ B
(1). AD = AB |x |
(2). x=90(degres) | |
| |
D ------------- C

Ans: (E).

17). How much card board will it take to make a rectangular bos with
a lid whose base has length 7 inches.

(1). The width of the box 5 inches
(2). The height of the box will be 4 inches

Ans: (C).

18). Did ABC company made profit in 1980?
(1). ABC company made a profit in 1979.
(2). ABC company made a profit in 1981.

Ans: (E).

19). How much is Janes salary?
(1). Janes salary is 70% of John's salary
(2). Johns salary is 50% of Mary's salary

Ans: (E).

20). Is x>1
(1) x+y=2
(2) y<0 Ans: (c) 21). How many of the numbers x and y are positive? Both x and y are less than 20 (1) x is less than 5 (2) x+y =24 Ans: (B) 22). Is the angle ACB is right angle A (1). y=z | \ (2). (AC)^2+CB^2=AB^2 | z\ | \ | \ | \ |x y\ C -------- B Ans: (B). 23). How far it from town A to town B? Town C is 12 miles east of town A (1). Town C is south of town B (2). It is 9 miles from town B to town C Ans :(C) 24). A rectangular field is 40 yards long. Find the area of the field. (1). A fence around the boundary of the field is 140 yards long (2). The field is more than 20 yards width Ans: (A). 25). An industrial plant produces bottles. In 1961 the number of bottles produced by the plant was twice the number of produced in 1960. How many bottles were produced altogether in the year 1960, 61,&62 (1). In 1962 the number of bottles produced was 3 times the number of produced in 1980 (2). In 1963 the number of bottles produced was one half the total produced in the years 1960,1961,1962. Ans: (E). 26). Is xy > 1 ? x & y are both positive
(1) x is less than 1
(2) y is greater than 1
Ans : (E)

27). Is it a Rambus ----------
(1). All four sides are equal / /
(2) Total internal angle is / /
360 / /
Ans: (E)

28). How many books are in the book shelf
(1) The book shelf is 12 feet long
(2). The average weight of each book is 1.2 pound
Ans: (E).

29). What is the area of circle?
(1). Radius r is given
(2). Perimeter is 3 times the area
Ans: (A).


1). Total distance is 120 km . Going by 60kmph and coming back by
40kmph what is the average speed? Ans: 48kmph

2). A school have 30% from MAHARASTRA .Out of this 20% from
BOMBAY students. Find the total percentage of BOMBAY
Ans: 6%

3). An equilateral triangle of side 3 inch is given. How many
equilateral triangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it
Ans : 9

4). A/B = 3/5 15A = ?

Ans : 9B

5). Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% .
How much the percentage of area will be increased

Ans : 300%

6). Perimeter of the back whell = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet
on a certain distance the front wheel gets 10 revolutions
more than back wheel . what is the distance?

Ans : 315 feet.

7). Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel
revolves 240 times. Howm many revolutions will the back wheel
take? Ans: 360 times

8). 205 of 6 liter solution and 60% of 4 liter solution is mixed
What percentage of the mixture of solution
Ans: 36%

9). City A population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 per year
City B having population 42000 increasing at a rate of 120 per
year. In how many years both the cities will have same
Ans: 130 years

10). Two cars, 15 km apart one is turning at a speed of 50kmph
other at 40kmph . How will it take to two cars meet.
Ans 3/2 hours

11). A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly
one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps.
he wont able to buy 3 paise stamps

Ans: 9

12). There are 12 boys and 15 girls, How many different dancing
groups can be formed.
Ans: 180

13). Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3

(1) 22/62 (2) 15/46

Ans: 15/46

14). Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is
outscribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner
to outer circle.
Ans: 1 : 2

Plumber problem ( 15 - 17)
Miss Dean wnats to renovate her house. She hires a plumber,
a carpenter, a painter an electricial and interior deorator.
The work to be finished in one working (Monday - Friday ).
Each worker will take the full day to do his job. Miss Dean
permit only one person to work each day.

I. The painter cna work only after the plumber and the
carpenter have finished their jobs
II. The interior decorator must do his job before the
III. The carpenter cannot work on Monday or Tuesday

15) If the painter work on Thursday, which one of the following
alternatives is possible?

(A) The electrician works on Tuesday.
(B). The electrician works on Friday.
(C) The interior decorator works after the painter does.
(D). The painter works on consecutive days
(E). Miss Dean cannot fit all of the workers int schedule

Ans: (B).

16). If the painter works on Friday which of the following must be false?
(A) . The carpenter may works on Wednesday
(B). The carpenter and the electrician may work on
consecutive days
(C). If the carpenter works on Thursday, the electrician has
to work on wednesday
(D). The plumber may work before the electrician does
(E). The electrician may work on Tuesday

Ans: (C).

17). Which argument is possible?

(A). The electrician will works on Tuesday and the interior
decorator on Friday
(B). The painter will work on wednesday and plumber on thursday
(C). The carpenter will works on Tuesday and the painter on Friday
(D). THe painter will work on Monday and the carpenter on Thursday
(E). The carpenter will work on Wednesday and the plumber on Thursday

Ans: (E).

There is one section Figures , like 4 figures are given and we
have to find the next one. In this 10 question are given

The aptitude test consisted of 45 questions to be answered in 45 mins..
Most of the questions were English (difficult to understand the questions itself!!!)
All questions were mixed up…(here the questions are not in order)
Some of which I can remember are as follows:
1.antonym of PARSIMONIOUS:
ans.b arrange sentences to form a logical paragraph
3.If MARCH is coded as HCRAM ,then ELBAC is coded as
ans : b
4. Two clocks A & B..B falls by half a minute every hour while A is correct. Both of them show the correct reading at 8:00AM .If the time shown by clock B is 1:57 P.M., what is the time shown by clock A?
5.For deadlock to occur what are the conditions which are necessary? exclusion
b. hold & wait without …emption
c.circular ….
d.all of the above
6.analogy …TADPOLE:FROG
7.chose the critical word: PERSISTENT,FREQUENTLY,CONSTANT,(some more words were given, I don’t remember)…
8.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words:
She was not chosen to be the secretary as she was not _________
d…. sentences so that the third statement can be concluded from the first two…
10.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words:
11.which of the following is not a “dynamic data structure”
b.binary ..
d.none of the above
12. Question from congestion control topic:
Ans: source quench.
13. Interchanging + and / also 2 and 3 , which of the following expressions are true?
14. Interchanging + & / also 10 & 5, which of the following expressions are true?
15.about doubly likn list : to delete a node to the right of p , which of the following is true?
d.none of the above
16. A long puzzle about 4 people Lewis, Frank ,…going to meet 4 people :insurance agent, consultant, money lender, share broker in a building with 4 floors(G+3floors).
Lewis meets share broker who is above money lender, money lender is not on 1st floor.
Frank meets insurance agent who is below consultant..
Some more conditions were given…which floor is the share broker ?
a.G floor
b.1st floor
c.2nd floor
d.3rd floor
ans: 3rd floor (check out the answer)
17. An island where the people speak 1 sentence truth & other is false..3 people on island: GOL , TOL ,BOL.. One of them was carrying a snake on his shoulder.
2 sentences by each were given..who is the snake charmer?
Ans:BOL (check it out)
18.compiler is used to convert _____ to _____
a.low level language , high level language
b.high level language ,low level language
c.both a & b
d.dependent on the compiler.
19.the best case & worst case merge sort algorithm (I don’t remember the q properly)
a.O(n),O(logn)..(some ans os this sort were given)
20.void main()
char *p=””s”Hello”;
what is the o/p?
21. Tcp/ip is
b)connection oriented
c)both a & b
ans b
22.Process has memory divided into how many parts?
d.memory is undivided more question on correcting the error in the given sentence
24.given 4 words, to find out the odd one out..
….: discord: ….: ….
25.small passage was given..the inference from the passage is ?

3rd/4th May 2004

Hi every buddy,
The selection process in WIPRO was really cooool and I sailed through it to finally get a selection. As asked in Jadavpur University, Kolkata, here too the paper consisted of three sections 1-15 Verbal (Read Barron’s test papers & the exercise questions ) 16 – 30 Analytical reasoning . 31 – 50 Technical. The only difference between JU and our’s was that they were provided 50 min to ans the questions but we were allowed 60 min. There was individual cut-off for each section. In case of IT/CSE/EL the cutoff was 7,7,12. For other core branches it was 4,6,6. 360 people actually sat for the written test. 181 were short listed. There was a technical interview which one needed to clear in order to sit for the HR interview. Around 105 cleared the technical interview and finally 84 were selected among the lot. In our case HR eliminated about 20%. IT –14. CSE – 24, ECE- 29, CIVIL – 2, MECH – 2, ELECTRICAL – 6, MCA - 7 The Verbal section was really tough for people like me not preparing for CAT and GRE.


Well , the first eight questions were word pair analogy. I couldn’t just make any analogy as such from them barring a few. The pairs were so typical that currently I don’t remember. Practice hard Barron’s just mug up if u can’t find the analogy.3 questions were from Barron’s.(model 5 test paper’s 15 and 13th question )If you have good command over ur vocab it would be easier for you. The other 7 questions were fill in the blanks they were pretty easy and any layman can get through. A sentence with two missing words was given and among the four options u need to choose the correct one. According to my friends my score in this section may be eight or nine(the worst among all the three sections )

Some of the questions are :-

1) STAR : CLUSTER:: ? :?
a) Orange : rind b) ???????? c) trees : clump d) mirror : reflection
a) Sneeze : cough b) Whimper : cry …….
c) ???????????????


This section was really easy and almost as clear as water for any person preparing for CAT. Every question had four options from which we had to choose the correct answer. Some of the questions were :

1) A,B,C,D,E ,F are to be given adjacent rooms .The rooms don’t have complete walls between them rather sound, smoke can easily get through from one to another as there are gaps over a wall for free exchange of air. Miss C the head is allotted room no 5 as wished by her. Miss E needs a telephone for regular communication. Mr A & Mr B prefer to have adjacent rooms. Mr B,C,D are chain smokers. Miss C is allergic to cigarette smoke.
a) The correct order of placement of rooms is …..four options were given.
b) Which slot is best for Mr A ?

2) A doctor is supposed to see his patients at 9.00, 10,00 11.00, 1.00 PM , 2.00 PM , 3.00 PM. Rajiv, Mark, Mathew, Hassan, Priya, Reni are the patients . Hassan is scheduled to be seen in early afternoon. Priya should be seen earlier in the day than Reni. Other such conditions were given and you needed to find based on the given conditions that how many such combinations are possible.

3) In a film festival Amitabh ,SRK, Kamal hassan ,Hrithik and Subhash Ghai , Maniratnam and Yash Chopra are available as judges. A team of three is to be sent. The team must contain atleast one actor and ione director. If SRK is selected Kamal Hassan should also be selected and vice versa, If Amitabh is selected Subhash Ghai cannot be selected. If Hrithik is selected Maniratnam is also selected and vice versa. What should be the team if Amitabh is selected ?Four options..

4) H = A+B –R , F = H + I , T = F + A – C+ D , S = T/2, R = A*S; If F is to be derived what is also needed to be derived ?
a) S b) Q c) R d) T

5) A team of at least three people is to be constituted for Mayor of a village for representation in a trade fair. One man, one woman, two boys, three girls are available. All three males cannot be selected, all four females cannot be selected. The team should contain at least one elder. What is the possible configuration that exactly sums up the formation of team :
a) three girls , b) two boys and the lady c) the man, woman , one boy, one girl d) two boys, woman and a girl.

6) A series of drama is to be arranged on all the five days of the week. Monday to Friday. Drama contains fiction, romance, horror, comedy, tragedy. Horror cannot immediately precede romance , fiction should be scheduled earlier than romance , comedy should come after tragedy. If Horror is arranged on Friday then what should be the sequence of the dramas.(NB there may have been other conditions in this examples which I presently don’t remember )

7) Three ice creams are to be made available every day by the college canteen. The IC available are strawberry, butterscotch,vanilla,choco, mango, choco-vanilla, pineapple. Each day should have ice creams which was also present day before. All the icecreams can be repeated only thrice during the entire week .IF choco, vanilla ,straw berry is given on Wednesday . What should be given on Thursday … four options. The question probably has some data missing. Check it out.

8) A team is to be selected from the hockey players available from the circuit. The selection team would require atleast four people. There are three coaches A,B,C and three selectors D,E,F available. But there schedule do not match . A cannot come if D is selected. If C is selected F should also be selected. If E is selected B should not be selected. What is the team?

Among the above two questions were repeated giving different names that makes it 10 questions which I have provided you. I am sorry dear I don’t remember the other 5 questions. I had correctly answered almost 14 in this section.


The section was too hard for core branches but toooooooooo easy for IT/CSE and medium for ECE. Some of the questions were :

1) full form of URL ? a) universal resource locator b) uniform resource locator c)none of these d) unidentified random locator.

2) CDROM access is a) RANDOM b) SEMI RANDOM 3) SEQUENTIAL 4) ?????????/

3) Total time spent by process...waiting in queue, execution etc

4) resonse time..of process.

5) what is the function of shell?

a) Interpreter b) command interpreter c) interface d) /?????????

6) Whish is a command interpreter ?
a) Shell b) Kernel c)??? d)None of these

7) main()
what is the output ? a) abcdef b) d c) e d) ERROR.

8) main()
{ char dummy[20]; scanf("%[^a]",dummy);
printf("%s", dummy); }
what will it do?
a) ERROR b) take characters till ctrl z is pressed c) take upto 19 characters d) None of These

9) How are objects in cpp passed ?
a) By value b) By reference

10) If the ethernet card is removed .
a) IP address will change b) MAC address will change c) ????

11) Operation of queue a) FIFO b) LIFO c) FILO d) None of these

12) Static member of a class is a) class specific b) Object specific c) Referenced by using the scope resolution operator d) a & c

13) TCP is a) connection oriented b) connection less c) god only knows d) None of these

14) How is data send by IP layer?
a) as frames b) as packets c) as datagrams d) None of these

15) If Link list is used to implement a stack what operations should be implemented :
a) insert front, delete front b) insert front , delete rear c) insert rear, delete front d) None of these

16) Link list is implemented as a structure (data, link *), How is pointer moved to the next node , cursor points to the present node.
a) cursor = cursor->link, b) cursor ++ c) ++ cursor d) None of these.

17) How is memory allocated by new ?
a) In a heap b) in a stack b) both a & b c) None of these.

Rest of the questions are at large out in the blue.... perform a quicksort and then do a worst case binary search to get them...

I could answer correctly about 16 questions in this section.


The interview was to some extent a bit tough. For others the interview was over in 30 min but in my case I had to give an 1 hr straight interview, that was because of me only as I had explained the interviewer my project thoroughly.. Initially the interviewer took a CPP book of Balaguruswamy and asked me 20 CPP questions at a stretch, I could answer about 16 of them.

Some of the questions were :
1) Difference between structure and class.
2) How to resolve ambiguity in multiple inheritance ?
3) What is static and dynamic binding in C ?
4) What is the difference between structure and array?
5) Difference between calloc and malloc & realloc?
6) What is static class and static member function?
7) What is pointer to a pointer? How it is declared and how is it accessed?
8) What is the difference between function overriding and overloading ?
9) What is the scope of a variable ?
10) What is the difference between C & C++ ?
11) Some questions on templates and exceptions.
12) What is stream ? How is it opened and describe file handling in CPP?
Others I don’t remember..

Some questions related to Hard Disc :What is a hdd? How is a file accessed from the hdd? Why isn’t it used in place of a RAM ? What is RAID describe its basic structure ? . Where is the file information stored on the hard disk ? What is FAT ? How are files physically arranged on the hard disc?

What is JVM, what is BYTE CODE ? What is multithreading ? How can it be implemented using C, write a program to describe it? What is the complexity of radix sort and how is it determined? A sequence of 15 numbers was to be sorted using heap sort. (He stopped me after the 3rd iteration).

Some questions related to JavaScript, dynamic HTML, static HTML, ASP, .NET A query on natural join in SQL, what is the need of normalization ? What is data inconsistency and redundancy? What is the basic difference between file systems and database systems? What are triggers and assertions in SQL? How can you use C to connect with Oracle SQL database? (Using Oracle 8i PRO C/C++ precompiler )A complicated query on a trigger. (which I couldn’t ans).

What is fork system call? How is a child process called and what happens to the parent ? In C what is spawnv () function, describe its execution. How can you use C for writing assembly language programs ?

If you have done any project then try to bring the discussion towards it. I was interviewed on the project for about 20 min and I kept on explaining till he took up the HR form and signed it!!!! The interviewer was very impressed with my technical knowledge and gave his feedback to the HR interviewer as “Very Confident & sound technical skills”. (I had overlooked the remark when he was writing it !!!)


I was initially asked to describe myself. Since I had presented four papers in different places in India I took his attention towards it by telling that one of my hobbies is public presentation, and I supported it with example . He asked me about each and every paper and I took 45 min to explain him all the papers. Then he asked whether I wanted to know anything about WIPRO. I asked him around 11 - 12 questions and he was pretty impressed. The trick was to just to nod ur head and frame the next question in line while he was explaining one question.

Some of the questions which I asked were :

1) WIPRO has undertaken a project named “ MOBIO” it deals with biometrics. Since our minor project is on fingerprint recognition I would like to know something about MOBIO.
2) After gaining the billion dollar status Mr Azim Premjee said that appreciation of rupee is a concern. What should be the possible steps so that it no more remains a concern?
3) U have diversified from soaps to software as well as maintained a constant growth rate. What is the secret of ur success?
4) The work culture at WIPRO is great. How do u maintain it?
5) How do u allocate projects among ur employees?
6) How do u select employees for foreign duty?
7) What is six sigma strategy and how do u implement it?
8) In the expression “WIPRO is a CMMi company” , what does ‘i’ signify?
9) Is SAP associated with you someway ?
10) Do you have plans to design a μp better than Pentium 4? (They were the first in India to develop 8086 chip at IISc Bangalore , so I took this chance of asking him the silly question!!!)
And others…..

Then finally he asked if I had any preference regarding place of posting and whether I had any problems signing the bond of 15 months ? They are providing a salary of 18,000/- including perks to CS/IT/ECE And 17,000/- to core branches. Training is at Bangalore and is of three months then permanent placement.

Hope my efforts of downloading these questions from my brain would be of some help to You. I wish you all the very best of luck and thanks to all those well wishers who had helped me by sending recent and old papers of WIPRO (specially guys from NIT Durgapur and JU,NIT Trichy and others which pardon me I don’t remember, Thank you very much )

Question Pattern:

[1] Jumble sentences are given ,order the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph
[2] Sentences are given , order the sentences to make conclusion that follows from the options given(Say 5 sentences are given out of which 2 are causes and rest is result , like fallacy in logic) .
[3] Analogies.
[4] Opposite meaning.
[5] Point out the error in a given sentence.
[6] C ( Follow ‘Test your C skills ‘).
[7] Data Structure.
[8] Operating System.
[9] Network.
[10]Puzzles(1-2),Critical reasoning(1-2).

We can not remember all the questions exactly as time was very short .Here are some of the questions ( Not in order).

1. A topic on Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagrah Movement
Four sentences were given and you have to arrange them to make a paragraph.
Ans. CABD (Check it out).

2. What can’t be changed by the user program (Four choices were there).
Ans. Memory Map (Check it out).
3. In which layer ROUTING is performed ?
Ans. Network Layer
4. What is the output of the following code snippet
Ans. mile
5. What is the output
Int count=10,sum=0,*temp;
Sum=∑ &count;( It was actually given temp=∑ &count; which is probably wrong)
Printf(“sum=%d count= %d temp=%d “,sum,count,*temp);

Ans. C (most expected answer ,check it)

6.Which one has no L-Value
[i] a[i]
[ii] i
[iii] 2
[iv] *(a+i)
Ans . [iii]

6. In threaded binary for which traversal orders unused left and right links are used?
7. Which is false for binary tree?
[i] Any node should have two children.
[iii] At fourth level the number of node should be less than 16.
8. Which is true for binary search ?
[i] Traversal scheme
[iii]Greedy algorithm
[iv] Divide and conquer algorithm

Ans. [iv]

9. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ?
[i] ARP
[ii] RARP
[iii] BOOTP
[iv] DHCP
Ans. [i]

10. If DELHI is coded as CCIDD then how BOMBAY will be coded?
11. Opposite meaning of SPUR.
12. Opposite of HARBINGER .
Ans. Follower
13. Opposite meaning of PROTRUSION.
14. Opposite meaning of RESTIVENESS.

15.Find the odd one in a given analogy
Ans. Mundane.
16 . Find the analogy : SURPRISE : EXCLAMATION
Ans. Dismay:groan.

17) Find the analogy : Plateau : Taxonomy.

18)Question from congestion control topic:
Ans: source quench.

19) Question from kernel mode:
Ans:Disable Interrupts.

20) which one is a page replacement algorithim.
[iii]Least recently used.
[iv]All of above.

21)Using two numbers And interchanging + and * there was a question.
Ans:(iii)(some expression=22).
22)For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds.Now time is
8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
23)Question regarding while loop.
24)Alphabetical order L,M,…(cant remember)
25)One puzzle:(I cant exactly remember this question giving brief idea of this question)there were four guys A,B,C,D. the older and younger relation is given . U have to find the age of the A.
Ans: 7 years(check it out).

26)Fallacy question: six sentences are given.

Ans: [i].

28)Nine people six floor. Conditions are given.(This was a very long paragraph).Peoples named like I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q.

29)A question regarding node.

30)A problem regarding age of father and son(very easy problem u can solve it).

31)Point out error in the follwing sentence:I got the book in the office and slipped it out.
[i]I got the book.
[ii] in the.
[iii]office and .
[iv] slipped it out.
32)Point out error:(about a flowers garden)
ans:(I can’t remember the options).answer will be “among on another”.

TIPS: Try to mug up the answers .check once more only the questions in the hall which we have pointed out by writing “check it out” with the answers.
But the other answers are correct fully. Don’t waste your time on long paragraphs.There was no negative marking.Try to solve all the departmental question.


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