Tell me about yourself?
Posted By: silpa_1234
I am T.SreeDurga from Rajahmundry.I am a B.Tech holder from S.V.E.C.W in E.C.E and having an aggregate of 74.04%.I did my schooling in Schade girls high school and have 80.0%.I did my Intermediate in Aditya Junior college and have 81.4%.
Posted By: sowmya571
Have a cool attitude (make others feel comfortable/rather than offending)
Jus introduce yourself telling about yourself, your family and your likes.
Turn weaknesses into strengths.
Think before you answer. A pause to collect your thoughts is a hallmark of a thoughtful person.
Whatever you say doesn’t give others a chance to question. It can simple (You need not have to worry if u don’t have high profile) what matters is whether you’re happy with what u have and respect your things. The way u project yourself is more important amongst all.
Language is more important. It should be very clear in understanding.. Before going to the interview jus speak out what u want to say in front of some body.. Since while u say in front of interviews u can be confident and need not have to gather your views in mind for this section. You can put in concise and short way. Don’t stammer or take long pause.... for putting your views
Confidence is the main amongst all .It will turn a failure into success. NEVER SAY DIE ATTITUDE. SUCCESS WILL COME automatically
Posted By: SowmyaRajagopal
I am Sowmya .I have finished my M.C.A at Indiragandhi college, Trichy with an aggregate of 82%. I did my U.G. and schooling in villupuram .I’m having an aggregate of 80% in my B.Sc. computer science. My native place is villupuram.
My interests are playing carrom, reading books, and listening music.
Posted By: csekayal
Hai I am kayal
I am doing B.E.[computer science] 3rd year in p.s.y.e.c and just manage 75%(up to 4th sem).
I have just taken my schooling from velammal with computer science and just manage 77%
Posted By: sindura
Hi I am Sindura,
I am pursuing my BTECH (computer science) final year in Indur Institute Of Engg & Tech at siddipet in Medak dist with an aggregate of 70%.
I did my schooling in kamala memorial high school at Nacharam & intermediate in Vignan Junior College at habsiguda.
My hobbies are hobnobbing with my friends, travelling, browsing net.
Posted By: vinoddas
I am Vinod Kumar I am basically from Salem .I had completed B-tech Information Technology in HCE Chennai., and I did my Schooling and Diploma in Salem.
Apart from my Studies I also completed my Unix Administration in Hyderabad.
My Hobbies are Reading Historical Novels and Traveling.
5 Proven Steps To Easily Master The Art Of The Interview And Get The Bartending Job Of Your Dreams!
Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to pop out of your chest!
Sound familiar?
For most people, interviews are uncomfortable. The mere thought of them causes anxiety and nervousness... and this is the last impression you want to give a bar manager during an interview!
The competition is fierce in this industry, so why do you always “bomb” during your interviews?
You probably walk out of them and after the fact think of all the things you could of said, how you could of answered certain questions, but this does not matter, its how you perform during the interview that gets you the job.
Theres already enough things out of your control you are competing with, so why work against yourself?
Let me show you how to be in your full power during the interview, so that scoring your dream job and leaving the competition in the dust comes easily and effortlessly to you!
1) Dress The Part
Dress as thought you already work there, give the interviewer a rock solid visual of what youd look like behind the bar... this makes it more probable hed consider you for the job.
Remember also that this is the service industry! Unless you are applying to a five star hotel, theres no reason to show up in a suit and tie for the interview. This is trying too hard. Wear the same type of attire the employees wear.
2) Eye Contact
If you cant bring yourself to make eye contact with the interviewer, you can forget about getting the job.
When asked a question, if your look to the floor or to the side when answering it gives the impression you are not telling the truth for starters, but it also represents a lack of confidence, which is not something you find among good bartenders.
Look the person in the eye when speaking and more importantly, listening. This is easier said then done if you are in a habit of not doing it. But just becoming aware of it is it all takes.
3) Act As If
There is no better remedy out there than “acting as if....” Act is if you are the best bartender this person has ever seen. Walk into the interview with that attitude and youll be surprised at the energy you feel. You will tap into raw genius that you never thought you had! You will answer questions elegantly give the interviewer exactly what they want to hear.
4) Be Direct
Rambling and excessive talking is a sign of nervousness so avoid this at all costs. Be as direct and to-the-point as possible. Not in a rude way, just answer the questions without going overboard. The interviewer will appreciate this.
5) You Ask The Questions
This may sound like a shock to you, but it is not the interviewer that should be asking all the questions during an interview. The way you want to approach an interview from this point on is... you are interviewing them! You may find that they are not the best place to work for after all.
Have your own list of questions to ask the interviewer!!! The one who asks the questions is in control, this is not to say to not let them ask you any questions, but have some of your own to balance things out. This shows professionalism, dedication and preparation.
About The Author
Jeremy Sherk, a professional bartender who*s been serving drinks before he could legally drink himself, reveals everything bartending schools forget to teach you. He gives you proven methods to drastically increase your tips and get your dream job bartending, guaranteed, at
How much salary do you want?
- Rating:
Posted By: SowmyaRajagopal
Salary is not a constraint for a Prestigious Institution like yours. For me, Getting placed in your concern is an important thing.
Posted By: Keerthi
As I am fresher i feel it would be reasonable to expect between 10k to 15k.
But I would rather prefer to be placed in your esteemed company then expecting more salary, and I am confident that i can deliver my services in par with your requirements.
Posted By:meenakshisekhar
Hi all
The answer for that question can be like this I think
I can't demand for a big package but I’ll be satisfied if I’m given a package that rewards my ability and hard work.
Posted By: Csekayal
I hope that u will give compensation according to my talent & profession.
My aim is not to earn money but working in such a good company like yours is a valuable one for me.
Posted By: raghu
As I am a fresher, I am really interested in gaining the knowledge instead of making money. I hope this is not the right age or right time to demand the money but this is the time to gain the knowledge. I am ready to work according to the company Standards.
Posted By: meera
As i am a fresher job satisfaction is much more important .I am very much pleased to join in this prestigious concern which would develop my knowledge and salary is not my main concern
Posted By: sowmya571
When ever your starting to answer this question.. JUST BE VERY CAREFULL. Never bring salary topic on your own. If you’re a fresher. Since getting placed should be more important than salary for most of us. SO be cool in this ... you can rather put it this way
Since am a fresher I have been hearing of your esteemed organization during my graduation. I would be lucky to get as per your standards sir.
Don’t say in demanding manner! Speak with confidence! For experienced people you can bargain right?
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
- Rating:
Posted By: sowmya571
Just have a proactive attitude. And don’t say whatever you feel like. It should indicate your personality, your attitude and above all u should create a feeling /impresses the interviewer with this point.... it shows what kind off person your...
The interviewer might want to know how ambitious are you, do you plan ahead or set goals for yourself. He/she might also try to figure out if you are likely to stay with the company for a significant amount of time or whether you are just using the job as a stopgap arrangement till you land a better job. So prepare well all these
My view regarding this is
One year from now I would like to become a good soft ware expert.
Two years from now I would like to become a person who handles team work (i.e. project leader)
Five years from now I have to handle more than one project at a time.
And grow with your organization
Posted By: SowmyaRajagopal
I want to see myself as a project manager in a reputed organization so that I can guide my team members about the hardships I faced, experiences I gathered, and leadership skills.
Posted By: sridevi
Where I will be in the place to ask the same who come to the interview in this company
I will be in the place to ask this question to the people who newly come into the company
Posted By: meenakshisekar
I will be leading a team of people and make them contribute towards company's vision and mission.
Posted By: Madhuri
I want to be a team lead in the company and contribute to maximum extent.
Posted By: souravgangawat
Well this question be address in manner, that interviewer must get an indication about your attitude and aspiration.
A sample answer to this question can be: -
“ A position in a organization where my opinion matters".
Posted By: Ruchita Agarwal
Well, I’ll be software developer developing software’s, which help a number of people to ease their work and also make IT, a field for everyone
A winner never quits and a Quitter never wins.
Posted By: pooja
Well i want to achieve the highest position in your organization so that I get the opportunity to develop my skills better...
Posted By: meera
Well i will be in your position recruiting person for my company and I with the experience gained I will work smart for the development of my company
Posted By: meenakshisekar
Well i would like to give u a suggestion. In HR each and every question that’s asked is for testing or understanding our attitude so be careful in spelling each and every word.
Your answers should never pay way for u to be caught red handed. When you say that u want to develop u by attaining a position, they may corner u by asking well why should u ask our company's resources to develop yourself?
Hence we should never make way for such questions. Like what Sowmya told you can tell in clear manner your goals and plans
Posted By: csekayal
I will be a good s/w developer, encourage and manage the team member who is under me. I work hard to the company for improving the status of company level, and I will be one of important person in my company.
Posted By: vinoddas
I planned to do my MBA on the next year after that i will become a HR in Reputed MNC.
Posted By: sandeepvats
I want to see myself as a team leader working on various projects simultaneously. Also i will be going for part time MBA since i think qualification is also must with time as your experience grows..
Posted By: mrajsenkumar
Now I m a fresher, so first I’ll be updating my technical knowledge along to the projects. Next year i can make ready to do implement that what can i known in current technologies.
Next two years becomes team coordinate or team leader. Then the fifth year I’ll try to invent new things and improve my concern vision and mission.
Posted By:rathour
I would like to be a responsible chair person of my concern company. I feel that i am surrounded by my colleagues and working on a gr8 project.
Posted By:siri
I would like to handle projects independently, and get on to a good techno managerial position, working in one of the middle to senor level managerial position.
Posted By: raghav
I want to see myself as a project Manager and I hope I can handle more projects simultaneously.
Posted By: winner
In the coming five years I will be in the post of having many responsibilities like managing the projects that are assigned to me, guiding my children’s to lead a perfect life, being a good partner for my husband and leading a balance between my profession and family.
Posted By: revathi
I want to be software programmer to build a new software and i will work hard to improve our company as the number one company in the world
Posted By: bal_bharu
In the next 5 years I would lead a team behind me in this company to be the number one.
Give me an example of your creativity (analytical skillmanaging ability, etc.)
- Rating:
Posted By: manidhar
Doing the same program in different ways and analyzing the pros and cons in it.
Posted By: meera
Analyzing the things what we do can lead us to be innovative. I used to try out the same puzzle in different ways and also i am very much interested in multimedia in which creativity is more important
Posted By: sowmya571
Creativity is basic ability to think beyond the horizon and do some thing innovative. While i was in my university where I was supervising INTERFACE 2004 , a management festival I took up the responsibility of PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT . We have come up with new innovative ideas and campaigned our Event in better way . Making new pictures related to the events which we are supposed to conduct and also coordinating other department activities like TEAM members it was really great experience.
Nextly we need to put up some ideas which came in a piece of paper and then check out the feasibility options for the happening of the event
Only then going in a particular way will yield gud results .
What are your career options right now?
Posted By: sowmya571
I have made a job at present , But im try to look about my growth options seriously
Firsly I want to pursue my MS in Computers
Second , I want to Earn A GUD Amount of money
I want to start up new business if luck permits
These are some of the options which i have and im seriously working them to achieve my Dreams
Posted By: Dr YVS
I am looking for a change, which helps me in growing with the organization and permits learning. It should give me the satisfaction of my contribution in the overall growth
Posted By: deeprassu
Good evening sir,
I am Deepa completed my MCA in 2005 year. So first i want to get a job in any software company on technical side, so that i can prove my skills by fulfilling the organizational goals and will satisfy the organization.
After 3 or 4 years i get organizational experiance, with that experience and by adding my communicative nature with others i will be in recognizable position in that organization. I feel that i have “i can do” attitude so making an accurate plan can complete that the work in which I am interested.
After that i want to satisfy my responsibilities at home. Then will think about how much i can be helpful to society and i will do it up to my level best. These are my plans.
Posted By: konery999
As i was a fresher, I want to get into the software firm like yours and grow with the organization which helps me lot in improving cutting edge technologies.
Posted By: SowmyaRajagopal
As a Fresher I want to get placed in a reputed organization and grow along with the company.
Posted By: meera
As i am fresher i would like to join a reputed concern like yours and work for the development of the country and for myself
Posted By: vadhal
As a fresher i have gained theoretical knowledge (interested field), so i want myself to be part of your growing company to apply my gained knowledge and make myself learn more about the cutting edge technologies which make myself molded, shaped to the day today requirements of the field.
Posted By: vinvish
I want to join for a software firm where I can work in a challenging environment in which i can use my skills in a better way.
Posted By: meenakshisekar
As a software professional i am looking for an organization where i could render my services and make the firm healthy and make myself better by gaining knowledge through experience and work.
Posted By: sargunanrm
I am sargunan i am B.E fresher my career option is
To obtain a position for a software Company to work in cutting edge technology, which will enable me to use my skills and experience in developing software’s.
Do you prefer to work in a group?
Posted By: SowmyaRajagopal
Ya definitely Sir. Basically I am a good team player so that i can able to tackle people in groups easily sir.
Posted By: meera
Yah sure i prefer to work in a team. Because i believe team work will bring success to a person
Posted By: meenakshisekar
If you get an opportunity to work in a group i will consider it as a gift because i could put forth my full effort if I’m put in a group rather than alone.
And i enjoy working in-group and I’ll be more motivated in that environment.
Posted By: links571
Ya sure. The main reason for this would be that people working in a group can cover up their strengths and weakness well .one person’s strength can be other person’s weakness
Thus everyone can learn from his or her mistakes
Posted By: csekayal
I think i get a wonderful opportunity to work with team members.
It is a chance to share our ideas with our team members. We may gain more from these.
Team members correct our mistakes when we are not familiar with project.
I hope that these will produce the optimum result, in less time; we may get all resources for our work.
What do you think of your boss?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: madhab
I would like to say about my boss, as I want him to be, like
He should be very friendly, Cooperative and always respect and listen to our every bit of opinion carefully.
Posted By: ece32722
I would like to answer that how should we like our boss to be?
I would like my boss to be really lazy so that he gives all his work to me and i can learn more and get a quick rise in career
Posted By: meera
We must feel very comfortable in his presence. He should lead us friendly and support for the growth of company and myself.
Posted By: sowmya571
Well ideally i should respect my boss! but at times if i dont like any point of his without making any conflict i would try to put my views before him.
Liking /disliking depends on the Rapo between them. Its completely personal
Posted By: madhab
I would like to say about my boss, as I want him to be, like
He should be very friendly, Cooperative and always respect and listen to our every bit of opinion carefully.
Posted By: ece32722
I would like to answer that how should we like our boss to be?
I would like my boss to be really lazy so that he gives all his work to me and i can learn more and get a quick rise in career
Posted By: meera
We must feel very comfortable in his presence. He should lead us friendly and support for the growth of company and myself.
Posted By: sowmya571
Well ideally i should respect my boss! but at times if i dont like any point of his without making any conflict i would try to put my views before him.
Liking /disliking depends on the Rapo between them. Its completely personal
Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
Posted By: BINNY
" Looking back, I would never regret to anything in my life. Life has taught me everything to achieve my goals. Every day in my life was a Lesson with lots of learning experience "
Posted By: sowmya571
Looking back, well past is all past it is the present and future, which is very important. Never regret about what had happened in past but try to analyze our mistakes, which will enable us to be careful in future. And take better decisions which makes out future bright
Posted By: pooja
Well looking back I know am happy with how my life is going on. It has taught me a lot .I have learnt a lot from my past so; I wouldn't want anything to be changed.
Posted By: pavankumarj
Its been a good life, rich in learning and experience, and the best it yet to come. Every experience in life is a lesson it its own way. I wouldn’t change any thing.
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
Posted By: BanuM
My source of inspiration is our president DR. APJ Abdul Kalam.His words, " DREAM, DREAM, DREAM!" Inspires me a lot. If we dream about our goal, then it will remain in our entire thoughts.
Our thoughts make us to work towards our goal to achieve it.
Posted By: sowmya571
Worked HARD so got into INDIAS TOP UNIVERSITY BITS PILANI. So never stop dreaming. Some day you will find answer for all your questions
Posted By: meera
I was inspired a lot by my school principal. She is the most respectful person in my life next to my parents. She encouraged me a lot and she is the one who helped to realize myself. Her encouragement made me to overcome tougher situation.
Posted By: BINNY
Every successful person in this world inspires me a lot. Be it an actor or an industrialist. Everybody inspires me. We should work hard to achieve our goals.
I am very much impressed by Vivekananda's words " Arise Awake and stop not until your goal is reached ".
Can you work under pressure?
- Rating: Unrated
posted By: BINNY
I think working under pressure is an art. Every person cannot work under pressure. I can work under tremendous pressure past experience has given me a lot of courage and experience to work under pressure.
Posted By: meenakshisekar
Working under pressure is not that much easy, but if we take the pressurized situation in a cool way (without getting tensed) then we could meet the situation and tackle it.
Posted By: sidhu
Working under pressure is really thrilling experience in my sense, where our capabilities will be known to our self & others, so i like to work in these situations rather working in normal situations.
Posted By: BINNY
I think this question is an "HR Question ", So If you say it is thrilling to work in tremendous pressure. The HR may give you some tough question to solve and then divert your attention by asking other questions. This will definitely contradict your point.
Posted By: sowmya571
Yes sir I would be working under pressure on behalf of my company, I don’t mind contributing my part in a team when situation demands to help my company.
Posted By: Nani
It’s not so easy and not difficult as well but when we have to work under pressure we have to think for a while and we have to take correct decision that should be helpful to you and your firm
Posted By:hemamalini
I can definitely work under pressure. I can give you an example for that. In my previous work experience I worked completely under pressure from morning to evening. But the fruit of it is that I got Good recognition from my boss, which made me to alleviate the work pressure I experienced.
Can you work under pressure?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: sridevi_p_549
I can work under pressure. This is a competitive world. And we must always try to win, and for that we have to face some pressures and complete the work given to us with in time with quality-oriented result.
For Ex: During my Btech I was given an typical assignment and my sir said to complete it within 4 hrs, and I took it as a challenge and in order to prove myself, I completed it within 3hrs with good result.
Posted By: meera
Working under a pressure is really a tough job. But I could manage it well because in today's life we are facing pressure in each and every situation.
How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
Posted By: meenakshisekar
I always want to finish off everything within stipulated time hence, if situation demands me to work at nights and weekends I’ll never mind it as weekends and I’ll work.
Posted By: sowmya571
Yes when the situation demands i would put my effort to completed the task!
Since when we start working we have to feel responsible for doing the work
Posted By:hemamalini
I prefer the least to work in nights and in weekends. So I may try to complete my work by coming to work a little earlier. if the situation demands me to I don’t mind working in nights and in weekends.
Posted By: BINNY
If the situation and work demands for a night shift then I definitely would prefer it. I think completing the work assigned to me is more important than spending the time with family on a weekend. We have many weekends to enjoy with the family but completing the work is more important to the client as well as the company.
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
posted By: Narotham
In my opinion I feel that success is not some thing that can be achieved by putting few efforts.
It consists of three key areas:
If one is able to put equal efforts from all these areas. He/she would be a successful person
Attitude: one who doesn't show interest on any work would not give him/her success
Ability: one who has attitude and creativity may not be able to complete the work because he may be too small to start it.
Creativity: presenting any thing in an effective/different manner rather than presenting as it is called creativity. It plays a key role in success
So, finally I conclude that every one should keep these points in mind for achieving success in their life
Posted By: Ruchita Agarwal
Failure is a stepping-stone to success, and without getting a failure, you cannot enjoy your success, what i want to say is don’t quit as u get failure, be bold and open to face it.
Look to know what is right, you should be aware for what is wrong, so be demanding and creative.
Great persons don’t to different things; they do them in different way.
Posted By:sreenu3442003
In my opinion success is improvement in day-to-day life.
For example 50 years back there’s no technology, which is present now. So technology improved. This is success. One person fails in one subject. Later he will pass that is his success.
One person got 70% in his academic 1st year. After that he got 80% in 2nd year. That is his success .we should get good life tomorrow. That is our success.
"Improvement in day-to-day life is success"
Posted By: sowmya571
SUCCESS is nothing but when preparation meets opportunity
Nothing comes unless we work hard and put effort to achieve our goal in spite of all the difficulties. So never say die rather than fight till the moment of your last breath.
Well we don’t have scales to measure. Its like a feeling, which you will know within yourself that " that i haven’t done any wrong why wont i get." Even though you don’t get. There should be some mental satisfaction within yourself to make u happy that’s more important i feel
Posted By: faraz
Well success for me is more of being happy with what you have achieved and your ability in being confident and competent in your endeavors .Its where your self-esteem and self-actualization needs are satisfied!
There is no definite yardstick of measuring success its more about your confidence levels and enduring ability to achieve your ultimate hopes and desires and deal with difficult situations with composure and ease.
Posted By: sidhu
We find success in everything as failures, only thing is that whether we achieve this success on routine work or work which is a new task, we feel happier if we succeed in doing a new task rather in doing routine one.
Posted By: meera
Success is the one which makes us to realize whom we r which can be achieved only through smart work.
There is no definite yardstick to measure as it depends on the thing we have got succeeded.
Posted By: leenas_jul
The man who rises after every failure. He is toughest person in the world to beat. He is the successful person
Posted By: cishawsharma
It’s pretty tricky to answer.Anyway i define success as reaching goal or achieving something.
But if i m self satisfied with what I got even though I didn’t succeed. I will define it as success. Because i know that i did what i can do and I worked very hard to achieve it.
Posted By: csekayal
Success makes a life happy.
We can define the success in different manner in different stages.
For e.g.: in our schooldays, we think the success is from getting good marks.
In our younger day’s, we think it from getting good job with good salary.Like these the success may vary.
Posted By: pooja
Well failure is the first step to success. And success is nothing but achieving your goals through your hard work & through sincerity....
Posted By: madhab
Success is the manifestation of good luck that comes by Inspiration, Aspiration, Despiration and Perspiration.
Success is a journey not just achieving a goal; it is the pursuit of excellence and achieving the milestone along the way. It is the state of mind when you feel satisfied with what you have done in any sphere that is Success.
How would you rate your communication skills and what have you done to improve them?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: priya
I have pretty good communication skills. I constantly improve it speaking and listening, also every day I add more words to my vocabulary.
Posted By: debajit_iem
I think my communication skills are ok. And to improve it i usually talk in English with my friends who are interested.
Posted By: faraz
I would rate my communication skills 8 on a scale of 10.Well I am very good in all but the speaking part. Well to improve it i am trying to open and speak more with others.
The habit of reading aloud in front of others and changing my attitude of staying quiet all the time is definitely helping me rise from my shell. The ability to grab opportunities in debates and taking initiatives is a morale booster and has helped me immensely in coping up with stage fear and anxiety.
Posted By: sidhu
Communication skills of mine is pretty much ok, saying that i would say, i have to learn still more considering the fact that, nothing is enough to stay in present day world.
For improving communication skills, I read lot of books & I also observe the people while they talk, especially, politicians, Business tycoons, & also by correct myself whenever I speak wrong.
Posted By: meera
Yah i think i have a good fluency in English. I am improving it day by day by reading magazines, watching English channels and by interacting with my friends in English.
Posted By: kiram123
Hi communication skills of mine are good and for improving those i read the news papers, magazines, listen to English songs and watch English movies for pronunciation .I think these are enough for improving and finally I speak with all the people in English.
Posted By: BINNY
I think my communication skills are pretty much good, I have a good command over English grammar. Though I have good listening skills, I need to improve my speaking skills. I listen to people while they speak and I watch English channels to improve my vocabulary.
Posted By: sridevi_p_549
I think I am up to the mark in my communication skills. And i have to improve it. For this I am reading newspaper and interesting books. And i chitchat with my friends in English.
Posted By:cishawsharma
Yes i can communicate effectively and pretty confident that i can impress through my communication. But i still feel there is lot to improve. Love for that language brought me to this position. And if you admire any language you automatically learn it.
To improve my communication skills i try to catch the words from the people whom i feel it as good communication. And i try to use them in day-to-day life.
To improve any language first we have to think in that language and admire it.
Posted By: winner
Well I have good communication skills and i can collect many words within a fraction of second. But i have to improve my fluency a little bit so that i can become well versed in English. I will keep track of new words by using it in casual communication with my friends. I read English magazines with interest.
Why did you decide to enter the field of Computer Science? OR What motivated you to seek a computer science degree?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: pooja
Well, I have chosen this field because I am very much interested in computers, writing programs, developing software etc. And today as we know everything has become automated. So I have opted this field.
Posted By: BINNY
Well it was a hard decision to make. The primary goal of me opting for a Computer field was due to the boom of Internet during my Intermediate. After I joined BCA, there was a steady downfall in the IT field still I was determinant to continue in this field. Now I think that it was one of my best decisions.
Posted By: sridevi_p_549
I have chosen this IT field because i am very much interested in this field. And now the boom of this field is also very good. So i think my decision is good. And i also suggest every one to choose the field in which they are much interested. Because we can do our level best if we are interested in that field. Take care. Bye...
Posted By: faraz
Well I got to chose BCA as i had it as the best option available seeing the market conditions and the vast scopes that may open eventually and finally i am satisfied with my decision.
Posted By: meera
Well i have chosen computer science, as it was the upcoming field when comparing to other fields and the scope for this field is vast. And i felt that in future nothing can be done with out the help of computer
Posted By: cishawsharma
I want to be a part of emerging development of technology. And on the other hand to be frank this field supports more economically and gives more exposure.
And it gives a chance to interact with whole world. If we are in this field we are not confined to particular area but to the whole world.
It gives a chance to deal with people of other countries and also gives an opportunity to explore the other countries. And the economic growth is very rapid compared to other fields.
What have you read lately, and what are you reading now?
Posted By: pooja
Well, I have chosen this field because I am very much interested in computers, writing programs, developing software etc. And today as we know everything has become automated. So I have opted this field.
Posted By: BINNY
Well it was a hard decision to make. The primary goal of me opting for a Computer field was due to the boom of Internet during my Intermediate. After I joined BCA, there was a steady downfall in the IT field still I was determinant to continue in this field. Now I think that it was one of my best decisions.
Posted By: sridevi_p_549
I have chosen this IT field because i am very much interested in this field. And now the boom of this field is also very good. So i think my decision is good. And i also suggest every one to choose the field in which they are much interested. Because we can do our level best if we are interested in that field. Take care. Bye...
Posted By:faraz
Well I got to chose BCA as i had it as the best option available seeing the market conditions and the vast scopes that may open eventually and finally i am satisfied with my decision.
Posted By: meera
Well i have chosen computer science, as it was the upcoming field when comparing to other fields and the scope for this field is vast. And i felt that in future nothing can be done with out the help of computer
Posted By: cishawsharma
I want to be a part of emerging development of technology. And on the other hand to be frank this field supports more economically and gives more exposure.
And it gives a chance to interact with whole world. If we are in this field we are not confined to particular area but to the whole world.
It gives a chance to deal with people of other countries and also gives an opportunity to explore the other countries. And the economic growth is very rapid compared to other fields.
Do you plan to continue your education?
Posted By: BINNY
No, I don’t plan to continue my education. Through out my education I was theoretically taught and examined in various aspects of my subjects. But, Now I want to convert my theoretical knowledge into a real-time practical education by working in a MNC.
Though I discontinue my education, I want to keep updated to the latest technologies by reading computer magazines & surfing Internet.
In my opinion education is not the one, which we get by going to schools/colleges/, is the urge for knowledge...
Posted By: madhu_infos
In our education we give more preference to theoretical aspects rather than practical things. So at present by entering into this organization i want to adapt what i have learnt.
But in future if i have got a chance to study in more prestigious institutes where practical knowledge is more important than theoretical. Then i will definitely go for that.
Posted By: ushasri_ponnam
Yes, I plan to further education,
I continue my education i.e. don’t join in any Institution but I can continue to learn technologies where I will work and I will learn how theoretical part is applied practically.
EDUCATION MEANS SOLVING THE PROBLAMATIC ONE NOT STUFFING THE MEMORY .So, even if I work for a company I will continue to learn
Posted By:ulty
Yes sir I would like to continue my education. I would like to study in order to enhance my existing skill set. I would like to do a part-time course or any distance-learning course. This would apply my new education simultaneously into practical world.
Sir i can assure you that it will not in any kind hinder my work. At the time of work i would only work and at the time of study i would only study...
Posted By:sowmya571
If you say "Yes i wd like to pursue Higher education if i have given a opportunity " There is 100% chance that you can jump out of the company. If you get a chance to study abroad.
Posted By:varsha
If you say "save money so that i can fund my education" Then the HR might think that you want to do the JOB as a part time ...they need a person who can work for the company's long term goals.
Posted By:cishawsharma
If you say " after attaining some exp in my field i want to do MBA from reputed institute " This clearly indicates the HR that you are working for obtaining some experience and jump into other company after getting Experience.
NOTE: Don’t feel that I am trying to say you are wrong. I am trying to think form the HR point of view this question is posed when we are in the HR room for an HR Interview
Posted By: meera
No sir i don't have a plan now for continuing my higher education. I would like to be placed in a job and apply the practical knowledge that i have gained and update myself with current trends.
Posted By: faraz
No, I don't have any plans to continue my education as i feel the theoretical knowledge that i have needs to be complimented with practical exposure to get the know-how and improvise on it!
Are you a person who likes to "try new things," or "stay with regular routines"? Give an example.
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: prasanna
These days man has become very enthusiastic to discover new things and he can’t keep with old things went. We should update our technology day-by-day by many ways like d google we had n we can reach d top of d world only by updating our knowledge n not by moving on with our old stuff.
Posted By: ulty
As the famous proverb says, "variety is the spice of life" in the same way I always like to do new things. Doing new things especially to work on the latest technology is my liking....
Posted By:Nani
Nowadays every human being wants to know something new and he want to learn faster before other persons this is because of competition. If we want to survive in this competitive world we have to learn new things as well as we have to implement old things which are to be useful
Posted By:revathi
Nowadays all persons r waiting and identifying new things and try to learn new things and also fastest way they r searching and getting ideas from chatting about new things. That means new ideals will be gathered from other persons. Thank you.
Posted By:sk_kireeti
I personally don't like to stick to either of the options. If I have time I always prefer to do new things or old things in new way to improve my productivity.
But, if we are running with tight schedules, better to stick to what we are doing from many days until unless we are very confident on the new things or ways.
Posted By: winner
I would like to think about what we can have creatively. So i would like to take out from the present routines so that it becomes different from others.
For example if i am supposed to complete my job which is very easy so that it can be done by anyone, I will add some more features technically as well as decoratively so that it becomes different from others. Thus i would like to create things different from the routines.
Posted By: faraz
Well I am a person who likes to try new things. I believe it’s very essential to try new things every now and then. The one who takes the initiative and tries new things stays ahead of others.
Take for example the companies who use ERP modules for their businesses, they could improve and build up their enterprise very effectively and have carved a niche for themselves.
Posted By: meera
Yes i would like to try something new, because following the routine work will make me feel bored with life. As i have chosen my profession related to computers naturally we adapt to changes as change is constantly happening in the software industry
Posted By: kalpit_raj
As all of are taught from very beginning that "change is a part of life", so 1 should be ready for the changes and try new things, you see when a person get something new to perform, he perform it with great zeal, but with time that enthusiasm keeps on reducing and man tries to find something new
Even the man in early age used to eat raw food, but they wanted to try new things and hence came to know bout fire and cooking food. If they had stuck to that routine and kept on eating raw flesh we won’t have got these dishes.
This is only 1 example. The world around us is full of examples, you can see around you and find it. So i like to try new things but will do to an extent, only till it isn’t doing any sort of harm.
Posted By: chayanika
For me, i usually follow daily routines, as I believe one can achieve success in anything if he follows some planning and routine.
But again, if we follow routines in everything, it becomes a bit monotonous. So to avoid such situations, i do anything i like, going out of the routines in the holidays.
So, in a nutshell, i follow daily routines as well as i try out new things.
Posted By: sidhu
I would prefer to do old things /routines by adding new flavors to it, doing old things means getting more & more experience / command over it & adding new flavors means changing according to present day trend in what we are doing.
For example a product lets say a soap which will be very much say in quality, but the only thing is that its packing cover will change from time to time.
Posted By: sowmya571
I would like to take up the above ones depending on the situation, Normally Trying new thing will make us more dynamic as well as we can enjoy every moment of work If only we have time
At times we wont have time so better start doing the ones which we know wd give us more benefit than trying out new things
Tell us about your experience with online searching.
Rating: Unrated
posted By: chayanika
Online searching is a very useful tool. It saves a lot of time and energy. And also, it is very convenient as sitting at one place we can grab any kind of info we want as Internet provides with almost all kinds of information’s.
But then, there are some problems also. While online searching, sometimes we get lots of results of which we have to manually filter those results to get the one we want.
Again, if we enter a filtered search, say for example, instead of entering "job sites", we enter "IT job sites", we may miss some of the good sites as mainly the search engines perform their search based on the keywords or the names of the sites. The same is true for almost all kind of searches.
Posted By: arunabha2003
Well I think that online searching is an absolute boon for the modern "information-hungry" generation. Be it information or entertainment, searching helps out in every department.
Modern search engines give advanced features, like image searching, blog search, filtering, etc. The common man has now access to information they need in their daily life, be it matrimony, jobs, leisure, etc.
Although online searching is mostly correct and helpful, sometimes it is vulnerable to the commercial nature of the World Wide Web. Nowadays, people are getting easier access to "information" which may be degrading from the societal point of view.
But overall, assessing the pros and cons, online searching emerges with a much positive image than a negative one.
Posted By: sidhu
Well online searching is a great feature of Internet where we can find lot of resources for our project work from given sources, where we can find each & every definition for our required data.
But saying this i want to add that as every coin as two sides, even for feature like online searching there exist certain advantages & disadvantages, I talked already about advantages.
If I have talk about disadvantages firstly I talk about updating process, where we hardly find any updating/modification in existing data in it, second thing is that, there exists lots of duplication in data, it appears in the form,"old wine in a new bottle”, so there's need to be make certain changes in this regard.
Posted By: faraz
Well online searching has been a very good learning experience for me. Be it for assignments, project work, news, company info, statistical data comparison; searching online has got into every walk of my life.
I have used it for buying a bike, for getting health queries, and other activities. I believe google is the only search engine for online searching as it is the largest and best in terms of quality service and updates. I have tried all search engines from yahoo to wikipedia but couldn't get anything as good as GOOGLE.
Posted By:sowmya571
Online searching today has become a powerful weapon in today’s world. Things are becoming easy like sitting at home /where ever you want and finding things around the globe.
Posted By: hemamalini
I feel that online searching is a big boon for all of us. We can access data on any range of topics by searching online. We can choose from the wide range of data available on the net whichever is suitable for us.
We can optimize its usage by using exact word for searching. We can bring the world to our desktop with the help of the online searching.
Posted By: cishawsharma
It’s a nice tool to get information on everything. However you have to have patience, perseverence while searching for the information rather than giving up after few searches.
Every information will be right under our hand. Just one click will give lot of options. We can acquire wide information (100’s) on same issue.
Posted By: meenakshisekar
Browsing i.e. online searching as many of our friends has said it’s a boon to the techno world.
Now a days everything is available on Internet we can do anything, purchase anything from any remote corner of the world and we can study the articles and papers of various authors of the world.
By this we can broaden our knowledge in any field u wanted right from food to medical, computer, even the oldest siddha, ayurveda everything is available in the Internet.
What ever your doubt may be it may be relevant in what ever field we are just opening a website "google" putting everything in it and getting anything relevant to it i think that, that’s why the world is called global village (not from the text of management).
What experience have you had using the Internet?
Posted By: ulty
Internet has been a part & parcel of my daily life...I have used Internet to buy and sell products and to find information about anything i can think of, for my jobs search. Forum is a best place to exchange ideas with people...
Posted By: satyadev
Chatting with Friends, Purchasing Products, News reaching us with in seconds, Internet Saves More Time in our daily life
Internet means "Network of Networks”. By these Internet we can get Information about any thing we want at any time.
"Known is a Drop Unknown is Ocean". With out Internet we know only drop But if we have internet We can acquire knowledge of ocean. Not only knowledge wise In all aspects Internet is Benefited to our Life
Posted By: chayanika
These days Internet has become my best friend. Whenever i need some information, i go for online search. I apply to jobs through it. And in leisure i also play games and chat with friends.
But i have some bad experiences also with Internet. Mainly while chatting in a room, there are lots of people who send filthy messages. I can do nothing but ignoring them.
In spite of this bad experience, i must say Internet is an integral part of my life. Experiencing the facilities Internet gives, I can feel the world to become smaller and smaller.
Posted By: kiran123
After the Internet came to my life my activities have changed. Through browsing i gained a lot of knowledge.
In my viewpoint without spending 1hr for a day we miss a lot at this time why because the opportunities are very less for freshers if any company put a mail on net for fresher recruitment we miss the opportunity.
Not only this. If any info regarding my subject and project work, i just go through the email and i get a lot.
And the world becoming very smaller when compare to traditional days. In this chatting with friends also we gain lot of info. But please don't adapt to that. Utilize the things and get good result...
What do you see as the future of the Internet as a reference tool?
Rating: Unrated
posted By: sidhu
Yes, I agree that Internet can be referred to be a reference tool in future instead i would say that its already considered to be a part of every professional life where we can plug in into it from any part of world.
Posted By: sowmya571
Yes Internet is wonderful reference tool. In future many changes are likely to come. And information will be at the doorstep of us. Well it will be a weapon!
Posted By: varsha
Internet is already a reference tool, which is being used extensively. With the new developments like creating databases of patients and e books and stuff man will come to depend on it in future.
What are your hobbies?
Posted By: arunabha2003
Well I don’t have any particular hobby as such, playing games and listening to music is how I mostly spend my time at home. But my ultimate passion is soccer, soccer and soccer.
Posted By: sowmya571
Reading novels, painting, eating, arts and handicrafts are my hobbies
Posted By: rathour
My hobbies are playing & watching cricket, making friends, watchings Hindi movies and cooking (for friends whenever we get time for parties)
Posted By: priya
My hobbies are listening to music and traveling.
Posted By: revathi
My hobbies are creative drawing and writing Tamil poetry that’s all
Posted By: chayanika
My hobbies include reading different types of books, listening to soft music and studying people.
Posted By: sridhar249
My hobbies are reading newspaper, playing TT, and solving puzzles.
Posted By:bal_bharu
I like reading novels, listening music and most of the time I ride bike.
Posted By: bal_bharu
Reading novels, chatting with friends and listening music
Posted By: winner
My hobbies are listening to music and singing. I even plan to learn new trends in IT field.
Posted By: chishawsharma
Well i like cooking; I read books (mostly biographies and autobiographies), and i find an excuse to do exercise, I want to be physically and mentally fit so that i can do maximum work at my place. And i love traveling (hiking, cycling).
Posted By: iswarchandra
My hobbies to search the new singers, listening music, playing cricket
Posted By: rena
My hobbies are listening to music, looking in to new inventions, coins collection, doing little projects and collecting the inspirational stories.
What motivates you? ALSO have you used these motivators with others
Rating: Unrated
posted By: madhab
Career growth, Opportunity to learn more and a competitive environment motivate me.
Posted By: Narotham
As we know that "all the great jobs are not done on a single day”. For every person to reach his goals, he requires some time, some help from others, some information, somebody to stand behind him to remind his responsibilities. This may not be possible with everyone.
There are several factors for it. In my life the real motivation comes from the stories of great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, B.R.Ambedkar, etc. and also i have learnt it from the surroundings. i used these factors for motivating others. Most of them had got inspired of my lecture.
Posted By: chayanika
Success stories of different persons motivate me. It feels like "if they can succeed in spite of so many hurdles, why can't I make it as i m given so much advantages".
Posted By: ssrkraju
My work motivates me, whenever I performed; I was given an opportunity to do better. This in itself is a great motivator. The external motivator for me is Lance Armstrong, despite being cancer-effected and a brain heamerage, he stood 1st in Tour-de-France not once but Seven Times.
His comeback was in itself a wonder, he didn’t relax, and he struggled pushing his physical limits. Working day and night for his coveted dream. He worked miracles all around to be a successful sportsman. I consider him to be my Dhornacharya.
Posted By:cishawsharma
I am self-motivated and of course my family supports me a lot.
I learn from my past experience. And i will make sure that i will not commit the same mistakes again.
Posted By: sivakanth
I am self motivated and of course my family and my friends supports me a lot
I learn from my mistakes
And i will make sure that i will not commit the same mistakes again. Yes, i will motivate others.
What do you expect from Professionals like us?
Posted By: cishawsharma
Encouragement, help if needed (as we are new to the company), team spirit.
Posted By: satyadev
Your Support to us to become a professional Like You
Posted By: madhab
Better carrier growth, good environment and support if needed.
Why do you think more students are going into public services than technical services?
- Rating: Unrated
Posted By: cishawsharma
Well i don’t think nowadays people are opting for public services however it’s the candidate opinion to opt whichever field he/she wants to go into.
Earlier may be 10yrs back there was a craze for public service exams. It is having its own advantage compared to private fields.
They aren’t given any targets and will not pressure them to complete the targets in time. And public sector gets more benefits that private sector.
And there is a reservation system through which some people can easily land up with a job.
Getting promoted to higher level easily not by work but by number of years experience.
Last but not the least there is pension facility.
Posted By: keerthi
Public services have their own advantages, like less work pressure, good intensive like HRA, DA, medical aid, etc. Ofcourse today private ones are also attracting the employees by providing good incentives.
Posted By: winner
Yes naturally because of getting pension, HRA after retiring from the public office and the pride they get working over there. But people have a false belief that private companies may withdraw at any time.
It is not the fact as in the case now. In the current trend, Private companies are more efficient and successful than the public companies.
Posted By: meera
Well because in public services more privileges were given for the employee like boarding, medical, pension. And usually people think that working under public service will be less stress than the technical services.
Posted By: sowmya
Well public services are felxible and also less work will be there.
We need to put less effors than technical services
Can you install software on computers and perform basic maintenance on them?
- Rating: Unrated
Posted by:winner
Yes I can very well install soft wares but i should know a little about it before installing it so that i can learn about it more detail later.
Posted by:sowmya571
Yes i can install software’s and do maintenance to some extent.
I can update them
Use Them in efficient way
Can also do repair mechanism if its not working properly
But there are also some software’s where u can just dump them rather than maintain them.
But today there is much software with good provisions, which are in built
Posted by:cishawsharma
Yeah first i will try to get info regarding that software.
And i m pretty confident that i can install it and use it successfully
Posted by:BINNY
As I have developed many software’s for myself. It is obvious that I can install any software and operating systems.
Posted by:satyadev
I can Install Software’s and Operating Systems too, I worked on Windows 98/Xp/2000 and Linux (Redhat9 and UBUNTU4.1 live). I can Troubleshoot Windows systems
Customers frequently create a great deal of pressure. What has been your experience in this area?
- Rating: Unrated
posted By: BINNY
As I have worked as a Tech Support Agent in one of the big MNC’s, (We support all countries in the world). There is a great deal of pressure from the customers.... as they already are frustrated with the product...I have handled many Irate customers. If we give them the assurance that you will solve their problem. Will make them a happy person.
Posted By: sowmya571
Customers frequently create a great deal of pressure. What has been your experience in this area?
Yes Customers are very demanding in today’s Market. THEY WANT EVERYTHING AT TGEIR DOOR STEP AS WELL AS Delivery should meet the dead lines
Well when i was working with POLARIS i had an opportunity to solve some problem on Clients side. That was a difficult module yet we all sat together and analyzed the problem as well completed the work before time.
Well It was tough time in integrating entire module but then we actually completed every thing before time and also The Clients Requirements are met.
So better analyze things as soon as possible and also we can work on the solution in better way.
Posted By: madhu_infos
Customers create a great deal of pressure because they are the people who have to sustain with the end product. So they think if they demand or keep the pressure going then they will get a better product.
I think that because of this they frequently check the status of the project and excel pressure on developers.
What is leadership?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: sowmya571
Well leading others, encouraging inspiring, improving what not everything
Posted By: sidhu
Leader is one who motivate, insipire, encourage people for uplifting themselves from any situation. Leader will listen to other people words, understand others feeling & then take the decisions.
Posted By: spoorthi
Leadership by the name itself it indicates who can say leadership as all has to follow the qualities,motivation,understanding,inspiration .On the whole leader is one should follow the qualities what he/she have
Posted By: ssrkraju
Leadership in the one who leads not by his words but by his actions. He is the one who is practical who himself get into the shoes of his peers doing the work and motivating others.
Leader is not the only one who leads from the front, he can be leading from the back, and he can be behind the screens giving all the necessary inputs.
Consider a small example of yesterday's SA vs. Aus match. Ricky pointing is a captain, a leader who led the team from the front and striking great knock. The SA in its own style went on to reach the target with great teamwork.
The coach is also a leader leading from behind the scenes. Without his role, it wouldn’t have been possible for both the team to hit those mammoth totals.
Posted By: chayanika
Leadership is a quality to motivate and inspire others and himself for everything needed for growth
Posted By: satyadev
Leadership leading a group of people from the front and motivating the members of group to do their work full fledged for attaining Success.
Not only a leader have to take care all of the members and also all the group members should have that quality and suggesting ideas to all.
In any Game, A single man can do miracles only one day.” But All the team members contribution makes a successful win all the Time..."
Posted By: cishawsharma
Taking the responsibility, and supporting the team and advising them.
Posted By: naga1361
A leader who leads the team towards the growth. Growth means financial, but moral, social.
I want to share an illustration with you. A person stood near by a shop. Another person reached him rush, and asked him whether any group of people passed through that way. He said "yes”, then "who are you" he asked that stranger.” am their leader"
Posted By: meera
Leadership gives motivation to face any kind of situation with confidence, making the group members to know their responsibility, decision making.
Posted By: REVATHI
Leadership means he/she manage all others who r in that particular system. who is getting more experience about all other things and also manage outside the person when some one asking question to her/his that time he/she ready to organize and manage that person that’s all.
Posted By: BINNY
Leader is the one who inspires, motivates, suggests his co-members in all the assigned tasks. He can be standing in front or can lead the from the back also. Leader should be dedicated in work and should take care of his followers.
Describe your ideal company, location and job.
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: ssrkraju
One more point I would like to mention here is never curse your prior company. Never belittle it. Don't put it in dark shade as it just projects your negative attitude and lack of compatibility.
Show loyalty to old company while venturing into new ones. Get to know the extra edge provided by the new company. May be the team size would let you grow more know more.
Project yourself to have new challenges. May be your innovativeness would do best for them. Do analyze the company better as the interviewer knows it better than what you know. Be proactive.
Posted By: cishawsharma
The company, which encourages its employees and give a moral support if needed. Where we can freely express our ideas in a project and gives an environment where we can enjoy working even in tight pressure.
Posted By: sowmya571
IDEAL COMPANY: MICROSOFT. I became flat with the environment itself.
What would you say to your boss if he’s crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
- Rating: Unrated
Posted By: faraz
Well i would try to be very friendly and maintain a good rapport with him first! Then i would tell him casually that the idea may need a think over and state some simple reasons that may make the boss think without feeling offended.
I would give him a good example where such funky ideas took shape but ultimately had to meet a drastic end and then i would relate that with his idea, which he is crazy about! And try to make him convinced that it needs second thoughts.
Posted By: BINNY
I would definitely support him, then I will ask him to make me a part of the idea.
I will provide him the feasibility report of the Idea, then other options available.
Finally I will make him understand that his idea is not feasible to the company.
Posted By: ssrkraju
The world is for those who dare! Challenge your boss; after all you are paid for that to get better ideas and innovativeness.
At the same time you need to be clever. Consider for example, Akbar and Birbal, Birbal was a clever person who always got the better of Akbar. You need not confront him, convince him of your idea and do deal with how it is a better one. The answer also depends on the situation you are in.
Posted By: sowmya571
What would you say to your boss if he’s crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
Well I would rather say him that. Yes the idea looks a bit crazy, but we need to think twice before implementing it. I would also put forward the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the idea.
I also suggest my alternatives putting as strengths. We will also ask our team members regarding this. Who’s on maximum poll the idea will be implemented i guess
Posted By: hemamalini
I would present a hypothesis with the pros and cons of his idea and would give him a better plan of execution and its due advantages and pursue him to choose the better option available
Posted By: cishawsharma
Well i would tell him that his/her idea is good but would like to give my idea about it. And afterwards leave to his/her decision.
Where could you use some improvement?
Rating: Unrated
posted By: ssrkraju
If you are good at technical skills and do lack some communication skills which he could find it anyway in your interview, you can cite this as an improvement and you could also say you would also be taking communication classes (if you are serious).
Else, you can mention you reading/news watching habits to improve your English. If you think any aspect in your technical subject seems to be tough and generally avoided by others and you are confident to improve on that - you can mention it.
Any extra qualification you have - software language, hardware, assembling, web designing etc. Be bold and confident and be well prepared to deal with any questions.
Posted By: cishawsharma
Well i am not satisfied with what i do. I feel that i have to do more work harder to improve myself in every aspect. I want to be a constant learner in whatever field i drop into.
Posted By: hemamalini
I would like to improve my sudoku solving skill. It is really a very interesting mind game. Now I am not able to solve a very complicated puzzle. This can be done by constant practice. I would like to solve more number of puzzles and become master in that area.
Posted By: BINNY
I would like to improve my technical skills ... Though I am up to date with the latest technologies; I want to extract more information on the new emerging technologies around us.
I would also like to work hard more in achieving my Goals. Though I have been working hard to achieve my goals, I need to concentrate more on the time spent on it.
Posted By: winner
I too like to improve my technical skills. I should concentrate both on daily lessons also my technical skill so that i can touch my dream in an easier way!
Posted By: anumodhc
I would like to improve my presentation skill; though i have good technical skills i lack the presentation skills in some area. So i have to develop that and i am concentrating on that area to develop my presentation skills
Posted By: lakku85
I would like to improve my technical skills. Even though im up-to-date in that skills. I think much more is there to study to fulfill my technical thrust.
Why did you decide to apply for this position?
Posted By: ssrkraju
This is one of those questions where we can score good points. At the outset we can put the company in a good note and it should be brief.
Generally if it’s for experienced people or it pops up if you apply for BPO being an engineering graduate. May be you are overqualified for the post do convince him that you want to build a career with your basics strong.
May be you wanted to establish yourself in the industry before making a mark for yourself. The answer you give to this question or for that matter any question is not that important, the major factor that matters is your approach to the question.
Your analysis of the situation is more important. One point is if any opportunity just jumps and grabs it but before that have a bigger picture of your approach.
We generally do end up with some tips or books available at hand, but be aware of each and every interview. It’s not just another interview. It’s unique.
Analyze the position and what could be your work. The answer also depends on the job at hand; deal it with presence of mind and some preparation.
Posted By: sowmya571
I applied for this position because , I found the scope for improvement in this job when compared to my previous one.
Here my role would be very much important to my team and the project
In the present job im looking for a dynamic growth which is what ur organization provides
Tell me about your family?
Posted By: ssrkraju
One point to note here is, his is in no way interested in your family and your selection is no way related to your family background. These are those questions, which check you outlook and your vocabulary.
You can start with your father's occupation and how is struggled hard for your studies and helped the family in meeting both ends meet. Check out few words, which would describe your father and use it in a good sense.
Then you can say about your mother who always provides the necessary guidance and where you drive your inspiration.
Any brothers or sisters - mention them and do tell them about your team effort with them for any productive purpose like discussion on current affairs, analyzing stock market, etc.
Do make the answer short and crisp. Make it small but beautiful and more impressive. Do check you own words before delivering. Make your sentences complete and continuous. Do well be happy.
Posted By: madhu_infos
I think for this question the best answer will be,
1. Mention names of your father, mother, and if u have any brother and sisters their names.
2. Specify their occupations, if studying specify what are they studying.
3. If any one in s.w field then its an added advantage to u.
Tell us about your subject background?
Posted By: ssrkraju
Here initially you can mention about your technical background. Do specify him out of your subject, which are the areas you have performed well and the specific subject where you are more interested.
The question over here I suppose could be posed in a technical interview. Do also convey him any technical presentations you made and any seminars given by you in technical field (advanced).
Your basic understanding on this topic should be good or he/she can easily corner you. As students come from different universities with different syllabus and curriculum he might want to know your exposure to technical aspects.
Do have an overview of subject names taught to you. Your project could be of great help to you if relevant to the job on hand even if not your work will be helpful if done by you and if you are confident of your work.
Being a technical question no vague guesses would work be honest. Any mini project like clap switch, water level indicator for ECE students and like for others would help where you can show him your practical knowledge.
Any industrial trip with friends to understand how the theoretical knowledge is put into practice would also give you some weight age. Be confident. Don’t talk to walls and don’t think in air. Face him boldly and have an eye contact. Do well.
What are the personal characteristics and qualities that you would bring to this position that would be particularly helpful in fulfilling the responsibilities of this position?
posted By: ssrkraju
This is one of those questions where you can speak of yourself and make a mark in his mind. This may be a better substitute to tyranny question "Why should we hire you?" This question could be utilized to project yourself and your attributes that make you stand away from the crowd.
There is always something unique about everyone which when projected and worked on will bring miracles and could a of immense use. You can say that your boldness, courage, soft skills, presentation skills, technical know-how, update knowledge, open mindedness, punctuality, these qualities should make him comfortable to hire you.
Please give him at least a small example of teamwork done by you at some point of time may a picnic, outing, or related trips. Never try to bluff, which could be caught with no effort.
Be proactive and have a pleasant look. Even if you find some answers that you cannot answer don’t panic, your approach is important not answer in many cases.
Posted By: cishawsharma
Commitment, responsible, and patience and working under pressure.
Posted By: mallika_pillai
We mostly face this question when we go for an interview. I think the best answer could be that the person is very punctual about his work and responsibilities.
If he is having experience in that particular position then it would be an added advantage and if he is a fresher then he will have to express his knowledge in particular domain.
Determination and curiosity to learn new things is also a good answer. This would be my answer and as i a fresher i would like to have acknowledgement from u all about my answer.
What would you say there is about you that has accounted for your fine progress to date?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: Tan
My interest in the subject and eventually my determination to get a job in this field. And my diligence.
Posted By: ssrkraju
The answer could be on these lines: Its my determination and smart work in the past few weeks on aptitude and group discussions that I got through them and I am here present over here. My consistent work has provided me with progressive marks all through my career. My focus on goal has given xxxx rank in the xyx competitive exam and my up-to-date knowledge has given me an extra edge over others in giving good technical presentations. Do illustrate every sentence with a practical example, which would make him have faith in you.
Posted By: BINNY
My determination to become a good software engineer and to achieve a high position in the software field has given me the moral boost to reach these heights.
How much salary you are expecting?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: ajithcharles
You should know the market value for the job your applying for .Ask someone already working in the same job or experienced people before hand as to what can you expect.
If suppose the market stands as 2.4.Never give an exact figure. Give them a range (you may end up getting what u asked rather than a higher amount sometimes).
Something like "I am expecting anything between 2.3 and 2.7lac"
If you want to still play safe Specify how much take away your expecting ( Net salary after all expenses cut from company side).
Posted By: ssrkraju
· Let me inform you that, even if you quote high salary you will not be paid higher salary. If you quote less salary you will not be paid less. This case is applicable for all freshers. They do have their norms for salary structure and would be purely based on that.
· The interviewer just wants how would you justify the salary paid to you. Be informed about the salaries to be paid if selected. Giving a range would be a good idea and go for that. If he questions you to justify, give him the extra qualifications and the market price without quoting any example unless insisted upon.
· Never give any vague answers like "Whatever you wish?", "Market price", "Suitable to my talent". Just be brave and quote. Never look down in an interview that depicts lack of confidence.
Posted By: mallika_pillai
All the things are almost covered. First thing to be considered is that to be aware of the package in market. Then one can go for the norms in the company. If forced can give a range as per your expectation. No problem with that. If the qualification and knowledge go with the figure you specified you might get the job...
Posted By: BINNY
Salary is not a constraint for me. The opportunity which u are giving me is more valuable to me. I know that the salary will be given to me according to the industry standards. As this is one of the top MNC, I am sure that I will get the pay according to the standards.
Posted By: ssrkraju
· Generally this question is avoided in campus interviews at graduate level where all the students are at same level of education and with no experience. Also, they would be having a pre-placement-talk (ppt) detailing every thing so matter of concern. If at all this question arises, quote a value similar to any other company coming for campus interviews. But just don’t worry; it would be of no importance in your selection unless you don’t speak anything.
Posted By: veena
As I am a fresher seeking job from two and a half years, want to know the questions they mostly ask while interviewing. I HAVE DONE MY C, C++. I really have lost hopes can you help me to come out of this.
Posted By: ssrkraju
Hi Veena,
Take few moments from your life and sit down and relax. Not getting selected is not a failure, quitting is. Just think, are you just cutting trees with your old axe and may be you just forgot the sharpen it. You need to tone your skills as per the requirement. Nowadays you find this group as well as many websites to give lot of question papers asked in different companies. Collect as much as you can and take printouts and sit down and work on it. Write down the answers as if it were your assignment. Do your homework well and the results will take care of it. It is good that you have done C and C++, is there anything that you are different from others or you know the same stuff what others do get from books. Did you apply your innovativeness into it? I would like to give an example here, there was a students who have done his Java and web designing and he didn’t prepare his resume on paper but gave an short animation movie kind of thing to project himself and he posted his URL to different companies and also, it is said that he got offers from 180 companies and now he is in Microsoft. Go on with little improvement day by day and you will end up successful in life. You can also refer to some articles posted in My Experience & Contribution on interview experiences and being in C, you can attempt all those quizzes hosted by
Some people have the ability to "step into another's shoes." When has this skill been required of you?
posted By: Tan
I would define it as taking responsibility. So whenever my help is needed i will surely take responsibility and do it perfectly.
Posted By: ssrkraju
The ability to put us into another's shoes is being empathic towards others. I would like to give a small example over here, I was teaching some Mechanical students, the language C. The language as such is not interesting for them as it’s not a core subject for them and they do see it as just any other language.
So, I needed some practical examples where they could relate themselves well with the language. I tried to make them love the subject. Just don’t discard them as the ones who aren’t interested and its difficult for them. I don’t know how success I was but I needed to be more empathetic towards them.
This type of practical example/illustration would help the interviewer understand you and put up confidence on you. The answer should be a personal one. You can choose any incident from your daily life to get the point clear.
Posted By: madhu_infos
I think this question arises when we have to take care of others job that when he is in leave or when that post is not filled because of some reasons, i think answer for this is,
If I am at a particular position or defined for a some job, if the organization wants to shift me to do others job or other work, then I will definitely step into that work and I will give at least 100% for that work.
Tell us about strengths & weaknesses?
Posted By: sowmya571
1. My Confidence in doing things
2. My knowledge in some domains
3. My hardworking nature
1. Some time I don’t plan do things randomly that’s a weakness I guess
Posted By: winner
1. I will help others in many situations. I would like to encourage others, accept points of others if I think it is correct
1. I wont negotiate with others if the fault is not with me but if it is mine then I will apologize for that!!
Posted By: sairamjanakiram
1. I m empathical!! So I know to get into others shoes!!
2. I can easily mingle with people, which make me a good team player!!
1. I cannot tolerate imperfection!!
Posted By: meera
My strength:
1. I am a cool person
2. I rely on smart work rather than hard work
3. Good initiator
4. Optimistic nature
My weakness:
1. I believe others easily.
What is your philosophy of reference?
Posted By: faraz
· Reference as I believe is a very important tool for getting jobs! The reference gives an opportunity for people to get a job, for studies, etc. Reference is stated to be necessary for going into any field be it into top mnc's, companies, etc....this is important as the onus of the person's capability or eligibility will depend on the reference person!
· Certain people to recruit theperson’s of their community or tribe or nativity also use reference unlawfully. One company i came across where the state although is different but the people being recruited were mostly from the state from which the reference came! This dual tactics and internal backdoor recruitments should be strictly condemned.
Posted By: tan
Reference is like giving information about a candidate or recommending a candidate whom he /she know or whom he/she feels eligible. And now a day it plays a major role in getting a job.
Posted By: csekayal
Reference is very important for getting jobs. It a way to identify the person character &background of their family.
Posted By: mallika_pillai
References--A word in the resume that helps many persons to get good jobs in good companies. Nowadays it plays a vital role. I had its experience recently. I went to a company having a good name in India as well as abroad. I met the receptionist and I told her that I wanted to meet HR for project purpose. She asked me am I having any reference.
She gave me a form and told me to first start with the reference that I have. But I didn't have anyone’s. I was in an impression that I will have to give the aptitude and the interview and then they will give me project. But then even though i was having good marks and knowledge was of no use as the only reason was i was not with anyone's reference. I totally disagree with this kind of system.
I know many guys not having any knowledge and doing projects in firms like TCS only because they have reference. And it really makes difference. I think this needs to be changed.
Posted By: faraz
· Reference as I believe is a very important tool for getting jobs! The reference gives an opportunity for people to get a job, for studies, etc. Reference is stated to be necessary for going into any field be it into top mnc's, companies, etc....this is important as the onus of the person's capability or eligibility will depend on the reference person!
· Certain people to recruit theperson’s of their community or tribe or nativity also use reference unlawfully. One company i came across where the state although is different but the people being recruited were mostly from the state from which the reference came! This dual tactics and internal backdoor recruitments should be strictly condemned.
Posted By: tan
Reference is like giving information about a candidate or recommending a candidate whom he /she know or whom he/she feels eligible. And now a day it plays a major role in getting a job.
Posted By: csekayal
Reference is very important for getting jobs. It a way to identify the person character &background of their family.
Posted By: mallika_pillai
References--A word in the resume that helps many persons to get good jobs in good companies. Nowadays it plays a vital role. I had its experience recently. I went to a company having a good name in India as well as abroad. I met the receptionist and I told her that I wanted to meet HR for project purpose. She asked me am I having any reference.
She gave me a form and told me to first start with the reference that I have. But I didn't have anyone’s. I was in an impression that I will have to give the aptitude and the interview and then they will give me project. But then even though i was having good marks and knowledge was of no use as the only reason was i was not with anyone's reference. I totally disagree with this kind of system.
I know many guys not having any knowledge and doing projects in firms like TCS only because they have reference. And it really makes difference. I think this needs to be changed.
How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)?
- Rating: Unrated
Posted By: faraz
No, I don't like reporting to a younger person! But i f the situation demands I don’t mind as I believe the reporting person should not be discriminated if he is younger!!He should be respected in the same way as an older person and if he has the zeal and leadership, i will be more than willing to report!!
Posted By: BINNY
I don’t think any inferiority to report to a younger person. I don’t think seniority is considered only towards age. I think a more experienced person is senior to us. His position also speaks about seniority.
Posted By: sowmya571
Reporting to younger person at times by senior people would be taken in two ways by people
Some might take in ego perspectives.
Few can take in positive way and tell all the necessary details.
I guess responding in better way will be more efficient and also respective for their jobs
In the same way youngsters should also treat them with utter respect and also deal sensitively in these issues
What is your favorite subject?
Rating: Unrated
Posted By: sowmya571
My favorite subject in University is Linear Algebra and Psychology
I like them since I used to try different aspects and also think in an imaginative way. I attended all the classes with good interest to learn.
My faculty was also good enough in clearing all the doubts, which I had. I also topped the course and was praised by my Professor.
There are some subjects / few at least which gain our interest and make us go deeply in the subject.
Posted By: winner
My favorite subject is Operating systems and data structures!!!!
Posted By:csekayal
Posted By: sweetsatish143
My Favorite subject is mathematics. Right from childhood I like mathematics very much. Because that subject makes our minds to think in logical way and brightens our future.
Now a day’s people are suffering a lot because of lack of every field, we may go i think this is very much essential.
Practice makes man a perfect. That’s my policy.
Posted By: meenakshisekar
My favorite subject is operating systems and data structures. Since these are the basics of an IT professional I like them the most.
Posted By: Tan
My favorite subject was physics. I was impressed by the way our sir taught me. And was able to solve any type of problem easily and developed a mind where i can grasp physics easily.
Posted By: meera
My favorite subjects r operating system & computer networks. Since with out these both we can't say that we r living in the IT world.
How have you improved the nature of your job in the past years of your working? Why should we hire you?
How do you work under pressure?
Posted By: meenakshisekar
There is nothing like pressure. It all depends on how we take the situation. If somebody or some environment were forcing me to work under a critical scenario, instead of getting tensed and putting me into pressure I would rather tackle that scenario very patiently. By this i can work under any kind of environment.
Posted By: faraz
· Pressure is it due to boss, family, friends, is a serious issue that needs attention. Working under pressure is very prevalent in almost all industries and leads to multiple problems like stress, panic, etc.
· Well to handle stress I would suggest we should take it in our stride and stop thinking or worrying and find feasible solutions to the problem. We should have patience and temperament and the one who has this can face all types of pressure and can juggle both home and office affairs with ease!!
Posted By: sweetsatish143
I supports with answer given by miss.meenakshi.The environment will created depending upon our own way of thinking. I think its so much good to find solution for the problem with patience rather than worrying about the matter. So, that pressure will vanish.
Posted By: winner
Ya everything depends on our mind. If we think that the work will give so much pressure then we will have better than we thought! So at times if we had tension we should keep ourselves calm and relaxed for someime, then we can concentrate in our work as usual!]
What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Posted By: meenakshisekar
I can work with at most perfection and dedication.
Posted By:Jyoti Bhatnagar
I can give the best quality results on time
What are the specials in you, that they identified you unique?
Posted By: winner
I like to be fresh always!!
I believe in hard work and teamwork.
Posted By: sowmya571
My Confidence
My hardworking and determination
Posted By: Jyoti Bhatnagar
My spirit to do tasks with 100%qualtiy and efficiency
Does the Academic performance have any relevance on your career as a software professional?
- Rating: Unrated
Posted By: Tan
No but in order to get through the interview stages we need to have good acads. But our attitude and problem solving skills plays major role.
Posted By: madhu_infos
The person who has the good academics from his child hood naturally hardworking. And his attitude is high towards his work. So it is good if the candidates have good academics.
Posted By: Rathi
But in order to get a chance to appear for the selection process one must have good acads.if one is not good in acads that doesn't mean that he/she is not hardworking. Sometimes there are situation/factors due to which he/she doesn’t get good acads. What all matters is that how u analyze something and react to that.
What if I don’t select you for this job?
Posted By: abhideep
I will feel sad but it’s your wish. But the only thing I would like to know in spite of all the specified qualifications and a good interview what was below the mark that made you think that I am not eligible.
More over by rejecting me you are loosing a hard working person who will make a difference in the companies progress. I will keep on trying somewhere else but I would have loved to work here. As I like the company’s profile and working conditions.
I would like you to take all these aspects and then take your final decision.
Posted By: rameshkrr
Iam confident that I will be selected. If not I will take this as an experience and apply again. Try and try until I succeed...........
Posted By: sirisha
I am confident that I will get selected. In spite of having required qualifications and skills if I don't get selected then definitely I will learn a lesson from this interview.
What is more important to you: the money or the work?
- Rating:
Posted By: Rena
In this fast moving world, many innovations are taking place. Because of all inventions, we are saying that our country is in such a position like that. Eventhough INDIA have loan over other countries, it is shining because of the inventions. INDIA is giving rice to all other countries, which is very important. All these are because of work only. Not because of money. If money is given importance than work, then all will concentrate only on loan. But we are thinking about our development.
According to me, money is nothing before work. If we work, surely money comes in our way. But if we have money, work will not be done by itself. To lead life, we need money. But only money is not the important thing. All can live only when all work. Suppose that all have money to certain extent. So all stopped to work. Then after the money is finished. Think the situation if still all didn’t continue to work. So work is more important than money.
Nothing can be achieved only with the money. We can have self-satisfaction, if we have worked. We can get good appreciation if we do work. Somebody will be benefited if we do work. But if we have money, we can earn only false friends. I am not saying that we should not have desire for money. I am saying that the only desire should not be money.
Posted By: mallika_pillai
I would say money is important but satisfaction is also an important factor. I am always keen to learn new things. And through this knowledge u will get the money and there would be a satisfaction of learning. I would prefer to work to money.
Posted By: Keshaviinturi
I agree with Reena.Work is more precious than Money. Whether it is a hard work or smart work by doing work we can definitely achieve the things including money. But with only money we can't achieve.
I prefer Work rather than Money.
Hey read this: - Don’t think about your Beauty.
Think about your Duty.
Beauty spoils your Duty.
But Duty increases your Beauty.
Here Duty means WORK and Beauty means Money
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