Dec 25, 2008

O Company's

30 qns. technical - 30 mins. - mostly on DBMS,
Oracle(like what would be the output), C, C++,
Java(2-3 qns. on class and constructors) and data
30 qns. general - 30 mins. - 7 qns. aptitude, more
like English (filling up prepositions, same meaning,
reading comprehension, four sentences would be given -
you have to order them to form a paragraph, similarly
four questions would be given - you have to say which
one is a inference statement, which one is a
The technical test would be easy and general test
would be little difficult.
In the interview, they asked me the following
1. what are the macros other than C macros (the macros
in word,excel)
A macro in MS-word is used to group a sequence
of jobs and make it as a button or keyboard shortcut.
Suppose, if you need always to draw a table containing
2 rows and 5 cols, you can start,record a macro and
make it as a button and put in taskbar, sothat when
you press it, you will be provided with a fixed table.
2. can you delete a column from a table.
In oracle 9i, you can do it by the statement
ALTER TABLE table1 DROP COLUMN column1; In oracle
8,you can't.
3. can you store a image in oracle and by which
Yes, you can and it can be acheived by using
a BLOB (binary large object) type and store upto 4GB
in a single column.
4. have you used reports and forms in oracle?
5. have you written applications to retrieve stored
images in a table?
6. some DOS commands and UNIX.
7. project desription (both academic and
miniprojects,if any)
8. some situation questions like what would you do if
your company is burning,etc.
Please have a look on DBMS, and some simple
queries like 'select * from dual' for the technical
test. And on the questions in the attached file. All
the best.
with wishes,
Oracle Test 3-02-2001:
1.void main()
struct a
char ch[10];
char *str;
struct a s1={"Hyderabad","Bangalore"};
Ans: HB, HyderabadBangalor
2. main(int argc,int *argv[])
int i;
for(i=1;iprintf("\n%s%s",argv[i],(ireturn 0;
file://Ans: i work for oracle
3.void main()
int i,j,k;
static int m;
return m;
file://Ans: 6
4.void main()
int i;
case 1:
case 2: printf("%d,",i++);break;
case 3: continue;
case 4: printf("%d,",i);
file://Ans: 1,4,6
5.Which of the storage class(es) becomes the global
variables for the =
(A) Extern
(B) Static
(C) Auto
(D) Register
6.//What is the output of the program
void main()
char s[]="oracle is the best";
char t[40];
char *ss,*tt;
// A. oracle is the best
// B. Core dump
// c. Error Message
// D. Goes into infinite loop
// Ans: B. core dump (Garbage value)
7.//What is the output of the program
void main()
int j[10]={9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,9};
int i=1;
printf("%d ",--j[i++]);
// A. 6,2,1,5
// B. 6,2,1,5,7
// c. Error Message
// D. core dump
// Ans: A. 6,2,1,5
8.//What is the output of the program
void main()
int i,j,k,n=5;
// A. 00011
// B. 11110
// c. 11001
// D. 11100
// Ans: B. 11110
9.Which of the following storage class(es) became
the global variable =
for the entire program
A. Extern
B. Static=20
c. Auto
D. Register
Ans: A
10.//What is the output of the program, if integer
occupies 2 bytes =
int a;
char b;
char c[10];
void main()
int l=sizeof(u1);
// A. 13
// B. 10
// c. 16
// D. None of the above
// Ans: B. 10
11.//What is the output of the program
void main()
printf(" Hello World");
// A. Hello World
// B. Hello World Hello World
// c. Error Message
// D. None of these
// Ans: B
12.//What is the output of the program
void main()
struct a
int i;
char *st1;
typedef struct a ST;
ST *str1;
strcpy(str1->st1,"Welcome to Oracle");
printf(" %d%s\n",str1->i,str1->st1);
// A. core dump
// B. will not compile
// c. 100,Welcome to Oracle
// D. None of these
// Ans: C
13.//What is the output of the program
void main()
int i,j,k;
if(++k && ++i<--j|| i++)
printf(" %d %d %d",i,-j--,k);
// A. 4,-3,2
// B. 5,-3,2
// c. 4,-2,2
// D. 5,-2,2
// Ans: D
14.Which of the following is not true incase of
Command line arguments
A.The argc parameter is used to hold the number
of arguments in the =
command line and is an integer
B. The argv parameter is a pointer to an array of
a character =
pointer and each one points to command line
C. The argv[1] always point to program name
D. None of above
Ans: C
15. A function without any return type declares
A. Integer
B. Float
C. Void
D. Syntax Error
Ans: A
16.//What is the output of the program
#define sqr(a) a*a
void main()
int a=10,b=1,c;
printf("Sqr Root of (10+1)is %d",c );
// A. 121
// B. 21
// c. 13
// D. Syntax Error
// Ans: B
17.//What is the output of the program
void main()
int i,j=20;
// A. 1,20
// B. 1,20,1,20
// c. 1,2
// D. 1,2,20,20
// Ans: c
18.//What is the output of the program
void main()
int i=1*4/3-27%3^2+100*0.5-(4>3?1:2);
// A. 49
// B. compile error
// c. 51
// D. 48
// Ans: b
19.What is the output of the program
void main()
char *st1[3]= {"Hello","World","Oracle"};
printf("%s %s %s",st1,st1[1],st1[2]);
// A. Garbage Garbage Oracle
// B. oracle oracle oracle
// c. Hello World Oracle
// D. Core Dump:cannot Print after freeing the
// Ans: D
20.Consider the following structure =20
Struct {
int data;
struct node *prev;
struct node *next;
NULL <-- 5 --> 8 --> 10 --> NULL
p <-- q <-- r=20
WHAT WILL BE THE VALUE OF r-->prev-->-->next-->data
A. 8
B. Null
C. 5
D. 10
Ans: 10
21. what will be the output of the fallowing SELECT
statement ?
SELECT count(*)
FROM emp
Where exist (select 'X' From dept
where dept_name ='Stores'
and dept.dept_id=emp.dept_id)
A. select total number of employees belonging to
department " stores "
B. select all employees belonging to department "X"
C. select all employees belonging to department
D. select total number of employees belonging to
department "X"
22. Denormalisation is done to=20
A. Check for Data Integrity
B. Reduce Data Redundancy
C. Intoduce Security Check
D. Increase Query performance .
23. How many columns are retrived from this query:
SELECT address1 || ',' ||address2 ||','
||address2 "Address" FROM =
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0
24. What is the is the result of the fallowing Code
Insert into table A value(a1):
A. Table B gets created with the row inserted in the
first statement.
B. Table B is not created
C. Table B gets created , but no row gets inserted
into Table A
D. Rollback throws up an exception .
25. The key word used in Oracle for string searching
26. What does the ROLLBACK statement wil do in the
fool segment of =
A. Rollback Dml changes to savepoint 1
B. Rollback Dml changes to savepoint 2
C. Rollback Dml changes of the last DML
ststs. just before =
ROllback stats
D. Rollback DML changes to the place whre the
program starts
27. Which clause u use to exclude the rows before
grouping them?
A. Group By
B. Having
C. Where
D. Minus
28. Which of the following statements is not true
about views?
A. u can create a index on views
B. Views donot have permanent data
C. Views can be based on one or more tables
D. Views can be dropped without dropping
29 How many JION conditions are needed in JOIN query
to avoid a =
Cartesian Product?
A. No of tables + 1
B. No of tables - 1
C. No of colums + 1
D. No of colums - 1
30. "An item could be either a component or spare ".
How can u =
represent this scenerio in a E-R=20
A. Subtype Relation
B. Arc Relation
C. Recursive Relation
D. Many to Many Relationscription
june 21st Oracle Bangalore test .. some questions from 9' O clock
Oracle conducted test for freshers at bangalore in their campus (near
Diary circle).
it was of 4 rounds as I know(9 AM,11AM,1PM,3PM O clock).
question paper consists of 60 questions.
30-english and aptitude
I met some people who attended the test..
i am putting the details..
Please do not assume the questions as accurate, there may be some
mistakes and for some questions there may not be full options or no
My purpose is to give an over all idea about the question paper so
that it will be useful for others..
analogy questions around ( you can refer to GRE book)
fill the sentence with appropriate word..(multiple choices given)
sentence correction..
arithmetic questions..
some of the questions:
Q:1/3th of the passengers gotdown at first stop and 30 people got
into the bus,
1/4th of the passengers gotdown at second stop and 12 people got
into the bus.
in last stop 84 people got down from the bus.
What is the initial capacity of the bus?
Q:one person is running around a 180 sq yard filed, first 1/4 his
speed was 10KMPH second 1/4 20KMPH third 1/4 30 KMPH and the fourth
1/4 40 KMPH.
what is the average speed?
NOTE: there was a question on milk ,water ratio..
logical deductions..
Q: is x+y a prime?
a. x is prime
b. y is prime
options: 1. only "a" correct 2. only "b" correct 3. both are correct
4. both are wrong.
Q: There were 2 or 3 C programs and the question is to point error in
the program or to predict the answer
Q:Which one of the following is not a storage type:
1. static 2. register 3. stack
answer: stack
Q:what is the type of the second parameter of fopen() function?
Q:Which of the following is correct about constructor?
OPTIONS: 1.void type 2. return nothing 3..... 4.....
answer 2
Q:how do we store a constant value in java?
multiple choices given..
answer: using "final"
please be thorough with SQL, PL/SQL
There were some questions where they gave query and asked whether it
is correct or wrong if wrong what is wrong...
Q: create table...........;
{table creation query)
Roll back;
what will be the output?
options ....
This is all that i was able to get!
my view:
I think if we spend atleast 1 month seriously dedicated, then we can
clear Infosys or Oracle test with out much problem...
I attended the oracle walk-in chennai,But i failed. My exp. will be help ful for u in the future.
Test is 30 min,30 Quetions.Questions are simple. But,I think that they expect higher cutoff
i.e. above 28 is to be answered corretly.
* some questions are Code Snippet based.
* Some questions are compiler based i.e. given code snippet will compile or not, if not the
* some question are from the prfix/postfix inc/dec operation based code snippets.
* More than 3 question are based on the sorting algorithms.
* some questions are from the pointers based.
* Code snippets involving memory allocation function.
* All the questions are from c
Some of the question ,i remember, are the following
#define sqr(x) (x*x)
int main()
int x=2;
printf("value of x=%d",sqr(x+1));
What is the value of x?
a)4 b)5 c)None d)can not compile
Ans: 5
2. what is the wrong in the following program?
#define LBRACKET {
#define RBRACKET }
#define MAIN main
int MAIN()
int x=2;
a) This program will compile
b) compilation error
int main()
int x=4;
int x=2;
a) 4 b)2 c)Nesting not allowed d)dependent on the compiler
4. Go through the following code sinippet
char a[20];
a="Hello Orcale Test";
will this compile?
a) Compilation Error b) Strings are allowed in c but cannot be assigned directly.
c) dependent on compiler
d) will work fine.
5. the expression a+b*c should be conveted to +a*bc. Using tree structure,
Which traversal is the correct one?
a) Postfix traversal b) prefix traversal c) infix traversal d)None
6. what about brk, sbrk
a) system calls b) function calls c) user defined functions
7. Why the use of alloca() is discouraged?
8. Macros support multiple arguments ?
9. the header file
a) contains only compiler directives and extern variables
b) contail only structures and unitions
c) a & b
10. what about "char *(*(*a[])())();"
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Fri, 30 Jul 1999 08:35:47 -0700
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oracle old papers
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************************KOTA RAVI KUMAR*******************************

PIN:523169 PHONE NO:08594-43400 [PERMANENT]

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section 2:

1. what is sparese matrices?. give (at least) two methods for

rather than two dimentional array.

2.what are cheap locks/latches?.

3.what is two phase locking?. Name two locks.

4. What are volatile variables in C?. What is their significance ?.

5. will these two work in same manner

#define intp int *

typedef int * inpp;

6. what are binary trees?. what is its use?.


section 3 :

A). write header file containing functions used, etc (C),

problem is to maitain a Queue. user has to give size and type of

This problem is like this I don't remember exactly.

B). C++

B). C++

1. What is polymorphism?

2. What is Inheritence?.

3. Mention four Object Oriented Programming Languages?>

4. Mention basic concepts of OOP.

5. What are messages in OOP?.

6. What is garbase collection?.

7.what is object?.

8. what is a class?.

section 4:

1. expand the following:

a.SEI b. ISO

2. what are different levels of SEI?.

3. What is significance of ISO?>

4. Expand the following:

a. WWW




5. what is Black box testing?.

5. what is Black box testing?.

6. explain the following:

1. white box testing

2. white box testing

3. boundary testing

4 stress

5. negative

6. system

7. unit



RT 1
>1). A beggr collects cigarette stubs and makes one ful cigarette
>with every 7 stubs. Once he gets 49 stubs . How many cigarettes
>can he smoke totally.
> Ans. 8
>2). A soldiar looses his way in a thick jungle at random walks
>from his camp but mathematically in an interestingg fashion.
>First he walks one mile east then half mile to north. Then 1/4
>mile to west, then 1/8 mile to south and so on making a loop.
>Finally hoe far he is from his camp and in which direction.
>ans: in north and south directions
> 1/2 - 1/8 + 1/32 - 1/128 + 1/512 - and so on
> = 1/2/((1-(-1/4))
> similarly in east and west directions
> 1- 1/4 + 1/16 - 1/64 + 1/256 - and so on
> = 1/(( 1- ( - 1/4))
> add both the answers
>3). hoe 1000000000 can be written as a product of two factors
>neither of them containing zeros
> Ans 2 power 9 x 5 ppower 9 ( check the answer )
>4). Conversation between two mathematcians:

Ans 2 power 9 x 5 ppower 9 ( check the answer )
>4). Conversation between two mathematcians:
> first : I have three childern. Thew pproduct of their ages is 36
>. If you sum their ages . it is exactly same as my neighbour's
>door number on my left. The sacond mathematiciaan verfies the
>door number and says that the not sufficient . Then the first
>says " o.k one more clue is that my youngest is the youngest"
>Immmediately the second mathematician answers . Can you aanswer
>the questoion asked by the first mathematician?
>What are the childeren ages? ans 2 and 3 and 6
>5). Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it
>between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am
> ans : 383 + 1 = 384
>6). 500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns .
>ALL tallest among each row aare asked to fall out . And the
>shortest among THEM is A. Similarly after resuming that to their
>originaal podsitions that the shorteest among each column are
>asked to fall out. And the longest among them is B . Now who is
>taller among A and B ?
> ans A
>7). A person spending out 1/3 for cloths , 1/5 of the remsaining
>for food and 1/4 of the remaining for travelles is left with
>Rs 100/- . How he had in the begining ?
> ans RS 250/-
>8). there are six boxes containing 5 , 7 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 29
>balls of either red or blue in colour. Some boxes contain only
>red balls and others contain only blue . One sales man sold one
>box out of them and then he says " I have the same number of red
>balls left out as that of blue ". Which box is the one he solds
>out ?
>Ans : total no of balls = 89 and (89-29 /2 = 60/2 = 30

out ?
>Ans : total no of balls = 89 and (89-29 /2 = 60/2 = 30
> and also 14 + 16 = 5 + 7 + 18 = 30
>9). A chain is broken into three pieces of equal lenths
>conttaining 3 links each. It is taken to a backsmith to join into
>a single continuous one . How many links are to tobe opened to
>make it ?
> Ans : 2.
>10). Grass in lawn grows equally thickand in a uniform rate. It
>takes 24 days for 70 cows and 60 for 30 cows . How many cows can
>eat away the same in 96 days.?
> Ans : 18 or 19
>11). There is a certain four digit number whose fourth digit is
>twise the first digit.
> Third digit is three more than second digit.
> Sum of the first and fourth digits twise the third number.
> What was that number ?
> Ans : 2034 and 4368

If you qualify in the first part then you have to appear for
>the second i.e the following part.
>Part 2.
>1. From a vessel on the first day, 1/3rd of the liquid
>evaporates. On the second day 3/4th of the remaining liquid
>evaporates. what fraction of the volume is present at the end of
>the II day.
>2. an orange galss has orange juice. and white glass has apple
>juice. Bothe equal volume 50ml of the orange juice is taken and
>poured into the apple juice. 50ml from the white glass is poured
>into the orange glass. Of the two quantities, the amount of
>apple juice in the orange glass and the amount of orange juice in
>the white glass, which one is greater and by how much?
>3. there is a 4 inch cube painted on all sides. this is cut
>into no of 1 inch cubes. what is the no of cubes which have no
>pointed sides.
>4. sam and mala have a conversation. sam says i am vertainly not
>over 40. mala says i am 38 and you are atleast 5 years older
>than me. Now sam says you are atleast 39. all the sattements by
>the two are false. How hold are they realy.
>5. ram singh goes to his office in the city, every day from his

>the two are false. How hold are they realy.
>5. ram singh goes to his office in the city, every day from his
>suburbun house. his driver mangaram drops him at the railway
>station in the morning and picks him up in the evening. Every
>evening ram singh reaches the station at 5 o'clock. mangaram
>also reaches at the same time. one day ramsingh started early
>from his office and came to the station at 4 o'clock. not
>wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home. Mangaram
>starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back
>house, half an hour early. how much time did ram singh walk.
>6. in a railway station, there are tow trains going. One in the
>harbour line and one in the main line, each having a frequency of
>10 minutes. the main line service starts at 5 o'clock. the
>harbour line starts at 5.02a.m. a man goes to the station every
>day to catch the first train. what is the probability of man
>catchinhg the first train
>7. some people went for vaction. unfortunately it rained for 13
>days when they were there. but whenever it rained in the
>morning, they had clean afternood and vice versa. In all they
>enjoyed 11 morning and 12 afternoons. how many days did they
>stay there totally
>8. exalator problem repeat
>9. a survey was taken among 100 people to firn their preference
>of watching t.v. programmes. there are 3 channels. given no of
>people who watch
>at least channel 1
>" " 2
>" " 3
>no channels at all
>atleast channels 1and 3
>" " 1 and 2

>atleast channels 1and 3
>" " 1 and 2
>" " 2 and 3
>find the no of people who watched all three.
>10. albert and fernandes they have two leg swimming race. both
>start from opposite and of the pool. On the first leg, the boys
>2. evvery day a cyclist meets a train at a particular crossing.
>the road is straignt before the crossing and both are travelling
>in the same direction. cyclist travels with a speed of 10 Kmph.
>One day the cyclist comes late by 25 min. and meets the train 5km
>before the crossing. what is the seppd of the train.
>3. five persons muckerjee, misra, iyer, patil and sharma, all
>take then first or middle names in the full names. There are 4

>3. five persons muckerjee, misra, iyer, patil and sharma, all
>take then first or middle names in the full names. There are 4
>persons having I or middle name of kumar, 3 persons with mohan, 2
>persons withdev and 1 anil.
>--Either mukherjee and patil have a I or middle name of dev or
>misra and iyer have their I or middle name of dev
>--of mukherkjee and misre, either both of them have a first or
>middle name of mohan or neither have a first or middle name of
ll be given.
>the choices are to filled at follows.
>a. if a definete conclusion can be drawn from condition 1
>b. if a definete conclusion can be drawn from condition 2
>c. if a definete conclusion can be drawn from condition 1 and 2
>d. if a definete conclusion can be drawn from condition 1 or 2
>e. no conclusion can be drawn using both conditions
>1. person 1 says N<5
> person says n>5

>1. person 1 says N<5
> person says n>5
> person 3 says 3N>20
> person 4 says 3n>10
> person 5 says N<8
>whaT IS value of N
>a) 1. no of persons who speak false being less than no of persons
>who tells the truth.
> 2. person 2 is telling the truth.
>b) 1. no of persong telling the truth is greater than no of
>persons telling lies
> 2. person 5 is telling the truth.
>7. there are N coins on a table. there are two players A&B.
>you can take 1 or 2 coins at a time. the person who takes the
>last coin is the loser. a always starts first
>--1. if N=7
> a) A can always win by taking two coins in his first chanse
> b) B can win only if A takes two coins in his first chance.
> c) B can always win by proper play
> d) none of the above
>--2. A can win by proper play if N is equal to
> a) 13 b) 37 c) 22 d) 34 e) 48 ans. e.
>--3. B can win by proper play if N is equal to
>a) 25 b)26 c) 32 d) 41 e) none
>--4. if N<4, can A win by proper play always
>8. Two turns have vertain pecular charcteristics. One of them
>always lies on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. \the other always lies
>on Tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays. On the other days they tel
>the truth. You are given a conversation.
> person A-- today is sunday my name is anil
> person B-- today is tuesday, my name is bill

> person A-- today is sunday my name is anil
> person B-- today is tuesday, my name is bill
>answers for selected questions
>2. equal 1. 150
>3. 8 2. 60 kmph
>4. 37(M),41(S) 3. Mukherjee
>5. 45 min. 8. today is tuesday
>6. 0.8
>7. 18
>11. T max value = 4

>section 2:
> 1. what is sparese matrices?. give (at least) two methods for
> rather than two dimentional array.
> 2.what are cheap locks/latches?.
> 3.what is two phase locking?. Name two locks.
> 4. What are volatile variables in C?. What is their significance ?.
> 5. will these two work in same manner
> #define intp int *
> typedef int * inpp;
> 6. what are binary trees?. what is its use?.
> 7.
> section 3 :

> section 3 :
> A). write header file containing functions used, etc (C),
> problem is to maitain a Queue. user has to give size and type of
> This problem is like this I don't remember exactly.
> B). C++
> 1. What is polymorphism?
> 2. What is Inheritence?.
> 3. Mention four Object Oriented Programming Languages?>
> 4. Mention basic concepts of OOP.
> 5. What are messages in OOP?.
> 6. What is garbase collection?.
> 7.what is object?.
> 8. what is a class?.
> section 4:
> 1. expand the following:
> a.SEI b. ISO
> 2. what are different levels of SEI?.
> 3. What is significance of ISO?>
> 4. Expand the following:
> a. WWW
> b. HTTP
> c. HTML
> d. TCP/IP
> 5. what is Black box testing?.
> 6. explain the following:
> 1. white box testing
> 2. white box testing
> 3. boundary testing

2. white box testing
> 3. boundary testing
> 4 stress
> 5. negative
> 6. system
> 7. unit
> 8.module
> 9.destructive

> 19. ORACLE Corp, Ba.


Yes. And Sanjay Patil, who was porting Oracle to SCO-Unix has already
gone to US! A good company, but only if you are willing to condemn
yourself to working in Oracle all your life. They work in all aspects
of Oracle, right from the internals (file system, concurrency control,
etc) to the User Interface. Quite a lot of their work is bug fixing
and stuff, but some lucky fellows might get to do a bit of porting
from one OS to another, which isn't as bad as it sounds, actually.


section 2:

1. what is sparese matrices?. give (at least) two methods for

rather than two dimentional array.

2.what are cheap locks/latches?.

3.what is two phase locking?. Name two locks.

4. What are volatile variables in C?. What is their significance ?.

5. will these two work in same manner

#define intp int *

typedef int * inpp;

6. what are binary trees?. what is its use?.


section 3 :

A). write header file containing functions used, etc (C),

A). write header file containing functions used, etc (C),

problem is to maitain a Queue. user has to give size and type of

This problem is like this I don't remember exactly.

B). C++

1. What is polymorphism?

2. What is Inheritence?.

3. Mention four Object Oriented Programming Languages?>

4. Mention basic concepts of OOP.

5. What are messages in OOP?.

6. What is garbase collection?.

7.what is object?.

8. what is a class?.

section 4:

1. expand the following:

a.SEI b. ISO

2. what are different levels of SEI?.

2. what are different levels of SEI?.

3. What is significance of ISO?>

4. Expand the following:

a. WWW




5. what is Black box testing?.

6. explain the following:

1. white box testing

2. white box testing

3. boundary testing

4 stress

5. negative

6. system

7. unit

7. unit



3) Oracle
>Technical Questions:
> Explain your research work.
> Given a C program, tell me how it would go into the
> address space of the computer? Which would go where?
> There were uninitialized and initialized global variables and
>variables and two functions?
> (I don't know)
> Distributed memory - cache consistency problem, issues and
> (Tanenbaum - os)
> Write a CPU Scheduler implemeting priority scheduling in
> C language - 20 lines of code, 10 minutes time. Also
> give the data structure to use.

C language - 20 lines of code, 10 minutes time. Also
> give the data structure to use.
> Use a doubly linked list. Quite simple if you
> don't get tensed up.
>Personal Questions:
> None.

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1.Range of TIL logic supply or digital supply
a.0-5 V b.-12-+12 V c.2-8 V
2.power diodes are basically
a.silicon b.Ge c.none d.all above
3.LED emits light when
a.forward bias
4.Solar cells are
a.photconductive b.voltaic cell
5.Which transmission is analog
a.PCM b.PAM c.FM
6.Which language generates bytecodes
a.C++ b.JAVA c.VB d.None
7.Antenna is
a.transformer b.refelector c.Ampifier
8.Conductivity in photodiodes due to
a.GaAs b.PbS c.CdS
9.Which oscillator produces 1MHz frequency
a.collpits b.Rcphaseshift cWeinbridge d.None
10.Microwave consists of which band
11.Which is fastest switching device
12.Which kinds of devices are BJT &JFET
a.JFET is unipolar and BJT uniploar
b.JFET is bipolar and BJT uniploar
c.JFET is unipolar and BJT biploar
d.JFET is bipolar and BJT biploar
13.Lograithmic amplifiers are used in
a.ADDer b.divider c,.Multiplier d.all
14.In which stage modulation is done in high power AM transmission
a.Ifstage b.Buffer c.Oscilator d.RF power stage
15.FM discriminator converts modulated signal to
a.PM b.AM c.PCM ( Ans-b)
16.DPCM is used to
a,reduce bandwidth b.reduce thermal noise
17.I*F P is the power of carrier maxm power transmitted in am modulated wave
a.P b.2P c.1.5P
18.FM bandwidth is described by
a.Shennon,s eqn b.Bessel,s eqn c.Hartleiz eqn. (Ans-b)
19.Front to back ratio of antenna can be improved by
a.Sacrifuying gain b.Increasing area c.Narow bandwidth
20.Quantization error can be reduced by
a.Sampling rate b.Level s of sampling
21.Quantizaton error occurs in
22.FM is used for
a.LF b.HF c.VHF d.UHF
23.In demodulation of PCM it is first converted to
a.PPM b.PWM c.PAM d.None
24.If the IF mixer tuned to a frequency of 1200 KHz and if IF frequency is 450 Hz.then image frequency is
a.750 b.1659
25.Which of the following refers to FET
a.hfe &hie &rp
26.If the cross section of target is changing RADAR then scans through?

27.Low freq. Response of RC coupled amplifier r can be improved by
a. lowering coupling capacitor
b.grate r biasing
c.reducing load
28.A dc supply voltage increases with
a. increase in load & decrees in capacitance

29.If shift resisitor is of 4 bit how many stages
a.16 b.8 c.7 d.4
30.Tracking of RADAR is done by
a.duplex scanning b.duplex switching
31.Quantization is(S2/12 formul;a is)
Ans-directly proportional to square of level

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1 b
Posted by:sunita
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LED emitts light when it is in forward bias. So, ans of qu. 3 = a Posted by:Sagar Bose
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12:c 13:c 14:d 15:b 16:a 17:b 18:b 20:b
21:a 23:c 24:a 25:b 27:b 29:d

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