This test consists of two parts :
1.aptitude 20 qtns 15 min.
2.technical 45 qtns 30 min.
Few aptitude questions out of 20(15min time).
>>> All these are from GMAT'96 edition(galgotia publcations) :
1.if length of a rectangle is incr by 20% and width is decr by 20% then
area:(page 44)
ANS:decreases by 4%.
2.the lead in pencil is 5inch long.after pieces of 1/8.1-3/4,1-1/12inches
are broken how long is the lead left in the pencil:(page44)
ANS:2-1/24inch. many two digit numbers satisfy the property:the last digit of the
sqr of the two digit number is 8:(page45).
ANS:none. B is 8miles east of city C is 6 miles north of city B. and
so on.(page 45):
ANS:30miles .
5.if 50 apprentices can finish a job in 4 hours and 30 journey men can
finish the same job in 4-1/2 hrs and so on.(page 46).
6.there are 50 employees in the office of ABC company.and so on.(page 52.)
7. what is the max no of points of intersection of two circles of unequal
radii. (page 55).
8.if the area of sqare increases by 69% then side of the sqr incr by:
9.if x,y,z are chosen frm -3,1/2,2 what is the largest value of (x/y)*z*z
(page 305.)
10.a club hs 8 male 8 female members.(page 307):
11.sum of 5 consecutive numbers is 35. how many of the numers are prime:
(page 368).
12.if the product of three consecutive int is 210,then sum of the two
smaller ints is:(page 386).
13.there are 27 coins in which 0ne is heavier than rest(all equal weight).
how many measurements are needed to isolate that odd one.
there will be 45 qstns.
>>>> 15(elec) + 5(netw) + 5(os) + 5(compilers and algos)
+ 5(database and misc.) + 5(datastructures) + 5(c progs).
1.A logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ANS: astable multi sqr wave opt.
3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes
for a state to change.
4.impedence of a parallell resonant circiut at resonance:
5.serial to parellel conversion is done by :
ANS:shift register.
5.if the address bus is 20bits.then the memory space is :
6.filtering can be done with:
7.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other
stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.
ANS:may be Max to 0.Think of it.
8.problem using three registers.
ANS: register A is multiplied by 11.
9.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ANS:Non inverting amplifier.
---- Another 6 questions are there. simple.
1.which is not used for error correction :
ANS :bit stuffing.
2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer:
ANS : Encryption.
3.voltage levels of rs232c:
ANS :+12,-12.
4.which of the following is not used for client/server.
ANS: none.
1. which of the following is true.
ANS:the primary key in DataBAse design is very important.
2. ANS : SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.
3. ANS : Time for insertion is more than time for modification.
1.Data structure used to impliment a menu:
ANS :doubly linked circular linked list.
2. some regular expression is given:WaW'.
ANS : may be it is context free grammar.
1.the feature of real time os is:
ANS:fast context swithing.
2.ANS:os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).
C programming:
some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors etc.
one of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are
simple only. a=2,b=3,c=4;
ANS:compiling error.
3.whole logic is given in func s but they are working properly.
the main logic is :
char *string;
printf("%s",string); /* func to print */
ANS:hello and some extra characters until uccerence of \0 .
4. in a system integer takes 3bytes and char takes 1byte .......
struct smthing{
int a;
char b[4];
ANS:sizeof struct smthing is 7 bytes.
It depends on the member.
1.Mr.Deep asks archirect of 586/486/386/286 etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP.
2.Mr.Abhik asks about compiler design and TCP/IP.
Suggestions in attempting :
aptitude test:
1.attempt easy questions first.
technical test :
1.Attempt C programs first.
2.Network,os,datastuctures,compilers etc.
3.Electronics and electrical.
/----------------------------------ALL THE BEST--------------------------------/
there will be 45 qstns. 15+5+5+5+5+5+5.
section: electronics:
1.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.
2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.
3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes
for a state to change. 4*10=40.
4.impedence of a p'lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.
5.serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.
5.if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.
6.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.
7.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.
8.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other
stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think
should be.
another 6 qstns are there. simple.
the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.
2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encription.
3.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.
4.which of the following is not used for client/server.
RPC,TCP/IP,MESSAGEQs None ans:may be none.
1. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in DataBAse design is very important.
2. SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.
1.Data structure used to impliment a menu: doubly linked circular linked
2. some regular expression is given:WaW'.may be it is context free grammar.
1.the feature of real time os is: fast context swithing.
2.os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).
some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors etc.
one of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are
simple only.
depends on the member.(Mr.Deep if he comes asks archirect of 586/486/386/286
etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP . they hv taken 21(18btechs+3mtechs).
ok if u hv any queries ask immediately.
all the best.
Verifone Interview.
Here, we had three single man panels. They are seeing the subjects
taken and asking questions in that mainly. They didn't go deep into
any subject and they were just asking overview. When they catch any
new word they are asking about it.
These are some of the questions asked to us.(not to a single person.)
What is a finite Automata.
what is a turing machine.
how many processors are there in a pentium microprocessor. in Sparc.
difference between risc and cisc.
is risc always fast.
what is a real time system.
name some real time OS
what are the characteristics of Real time OS.
is DOS a real time OS.
what is a kernel,shell.
what is binary search, traversal, hashing etc.
given a scenario what is the suitable data structure.
write a code to count the no. of 1's in a binary rep. of a number.
memory taken for char *, int * etc.
char *cp; int *ip; cp++,ip++ - what is the result.
compare the no. of bytes in unix and Dos for long char short int.
how to make programs portable on unix and Dos under such circumstances.
in c++, what is a constructor, destructor etc.
what is friend etc.
what is waterfall model, prototype model etc.
what is testing. what is unit testing, integration testing etc.
What is indexing in databases?
What is atomicity?
Can recursive pgms be written in C++, Write a recursive pgm to
calculate factorial in c++.
What is best data structure to store the processes info in a real time
operating system?
1. There were 36 chairs. how many ways can they be placed such that all rows have equal
no. of chairs and atleast three chairs are there in each row and there are atleast three
5 ways.
2. There are 27 balls, of which 1 is heavier. given a balance how many times you need to
weigh to find out the odd ball.
3 Weighs.
3. Product of three consecutive nos. 210. What is the sum of two least numbers
4. If the area of the sqaure is increased by 69 % how much the length of the side will
5. if the sum of five consecutive nos. 35? how many prime nos are there :
2 primes.
6. if the length of the rectangle is reduced by 20% and breath is increased by 20 % what is
the net change ?
4 % decrease
7. A question on sets. There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players,
and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games. 8 of them plays atleast two
games. They are 50 altogether. How many of them plays none of the games.
8. A question on directions. B is 20 miles east of A. D is 30 miles east of C. E is 10 miles
north of D. C is 20 miles north of B. How far E is from A? Some 3 questions on Reasoning
9. If you say that giving stock options to employees increases the productivity of the
company, which of the following sentences support it. A) Giving stock options increases
the morale of the employees
1.A Circuit with nand gates. (ans. may be XOR)
2.CMRR. relates to (options not in order)
voltage follower
non invering amplifier
inverting amplifier
3. Given a circuit , give the ouput.
(ans. may be triangular wave.)
4. o/p of an assembly code.
mulitply by 11.
5. how to handle asynchronous events.
a) polling
b) interrrupt
6. Whether all recusive pgm can be writtten iteratively?
7. What data structes you will use if you want to go to first record from
the last and vice versa?
doubly linked circular list
8. Given 10000 nos. and 48MB Memory. What is the complexity of the efficient sorting
algo.? (the algo. is not mentioned)O(N)
9. Given a C code and ask what it does?
code was something similar to Bubble sort and that
particular code does the sorting in Desending order and the complexity
is O(n^2)(which is the next question).
A code like this is given.
a. for(i=0;i
Assuming no code optimization and assume that the microprocessor
has flags etc. which one is correct.
b will execute faster.
11. If there are too many page faults what is the problem?
12. To ensure one pgm. doesnt corrupt other pgm. in a Multi-pgm enviornment
what you should do?
13. Which one you will use to implement critical section?
Binary Semaphore
14. Which one is not needed for Multi-processing. enviornment?
options are: virtual memory,security,time sharing,none of the
15. Which one is not done by Data link layer ?
bit stuffing, LRC,CRC,parity check
16. Which one is not related to Data link layer?
17. Which one is not suitable for client-server application?
tcp/ip,message passing,rpc,none of the above.
18. What is SQL.
Procedural Relational DB Query Language.
19. Indexing in databases give you options were like 1.efficient deleting and inserting
2.efficient deleting.
20. int a=1,b=2,c=3;
What is the output?
21. Scope of Static Variable ............
in a file.
22. for(i=0; i<=10;i++,printf("%d",i)); +- (+- is there in the questions)
23. Real Time Os should have
a)fast context switch
b)Virtual memory etc.
24. Messages are transferred in some E71 code, where after 7 bits of data,
1 bit of stopping data is to be transferred. what should be done.
options were like
a) send directly
b) send after encoding
25. There are three processes A, B, C. A sends data to B. B removes the
header stores it and sends the data to C. C returns it to B. B receives the
message, identifies the message and adds the header that was stored and
sends to A.B receives the messages from C such that atmost 'm' messages
B are pending. Identify the best Data Structure.
26. A question in compiler about the heap and stack allocation of memory.
27. struct
char a[3];
int b;
char *cp;
a) size of x is 7.
d) cp takes the size of a pointer.
(d ) is the ans.
28.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.
29.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.
30.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes for a state to
change. 4*10=40.
31 impedence of a p'lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.
32 .serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.
33. if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.
34.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.
35.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.
36.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other stars frm MAX to 0.
which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think should be.
37. the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.
38.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encription.
39.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.
40.which of the following is not used for client/server. RPC,TCP/IP,MESSAGEQs None
ans:may be none.
41. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in DataBAse design is very important.
42. SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.
43.Data structure used to impliment a menu: doubly linked circular linked list.
44. some regular expression is given:WaW'.may be it is context free grammar.
45.the feature of real time os is: fast context swithing.
46.os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).
47. what is a real time system.
48. name some real time OS
49. what are the characteristics of Real time OS.
50. is DOS a real time OS.
51. what is a kernel,shell.
52. what is binary search, traversal, hashing etc.
53. given a scenario what is the suitable data structure.
54. write a code to count the no. of 1's in a binary rep. of a number. memory taken for char
*, int * etc.
55. char *cp; int *ip; cp++,ip++ - what is the result.
56. compare the no. of bytes in unix and Dos for long char short int.
57. how to make programs portable on unix and Dos under such circumstances.
58. in c++, what is a constructor, destructor, friend etc.
59. what is waterfall model, prototype model etc.
60. what is testing. what is unit testing, integration testing etc.
61. What is indexing in databases?
62. What is atomicity?
63. Can recursive pgms be written in C++, Write a recursive pgm to calculate factorial in
64. What is best data structure to store the processes info in a real time operating system?
Verizon consists of 4 sections.
1.general English(20)
2.analytical ability(25)
3.mental ability(20)
4.c&ds bits(10)
total marks 75.duraton 1&1/2 hours,
I remember some bits,test code is 953.all r having same set,if ur test match the same
code.then follow
1. prepositions r of 10M.
2. 2 comprehension passages ,each of 5 M
1.some questions on set theory i.e 220peoples know English,150 know French,both 85
then we have to find Aunion B
2.there r 11 members in which 5 couples&1bachelor is there,they have to sit in one row
such that no 2 mens r sit together(ans is 6!5!)
3.qn on directions (ans is N-W position)
mental ability:
this section is very easy but time factor is imp.qns like
we have to caluculate *,/,+.- operations
and there r some passages.
One is on to become Quiz master ,selection procedure is there.qns asked
Ans are insufficient
2,written test eligible
1,int x[]={1,3,5,7,9,11}
int *ptr,
ans is 1,3,5,7,9,11
2. one qn on command line arguments
3. one qn o/p is “digits in words”(b)
4. int f(int x)
int I,j=0;
rteturn 1;
return j;
write o/p?
5. char *buff=”1234”
int atoi(char s[])
return n;
}this is the ans for one qn.
6. qn on connected graph,which one is right
7. find node ‘accentricity’
8. infix order ans is left,root,right
The Verizon paper was very very easy and totally below your standards...
The paper was divided into 4 sections namely
1. Verbal
3.Mental Ability
4 technical
Total duration of the test : 90min
They will give us one answer sheet. But after every section they will collect the question
paper back
There may/maynot be negative marking
Verbal: (20 questions 15 minutes)
1-10 questions of the type
Rose is _______ beautiful flower.
options :a,an,the,none
11-16 Reading comprehension... 0n computer protection and secutity
17-20 Reading comprehension on databases
( Actually you dont need to read the passage you will be able to answwer without reading
it--- its so trivial)
ANALYTICAL( 30 questions 30 minutes)
21. Sheela is 16th from first. 29th from last in a test. 6 boys did not come. 3 failed what is
the strenght of the class
22-26 problems on sets..
eg 15 speak tamil 25 speak tamil and hindi out of 53 people how many speak tamil
alone..etc( i don remember exact figures)
27-32 problems on sets
eg 54 boys play cricket.61play football,66 play tennis. 24 play all three, 32 play football and
cricket, 15 play foot ball and many players played only cricket, foootball, tennis
SAme kind of problem on white ,green and yellow kites
33-37 Typical anals question( u find in RS Agarwals)
6 movies need to be screeneed in a movie festival.the slots are 9.30,10.30,1 3.30 5.30, 7
A can screeen in afternoon or morning
B cannot scrreeen before C
nobody else can screen when D is screening..( similar conditions..Watch out we all ran out
of time trying to attempth this question)
38-40 Question on cube
A cube is painted with three colours namely Red, yellow ,green its [ainted in such a way
that colors are on the adfjacent sides are not same.the cube is cut into 27 smal cubes.
how many cubes with one color, two color, three color etc
41-45 One question and Two statements would be given Mark A if statement 1 alone is
enough toget the answer. B if satament 2 alone is enough, C if statement 1 and 2 are
necessary.D if anser cannot be arrived at
eg 1.P-X>0
2., pX>0
is p positive.
46-50 Question on cube..
16 cubes are kept on top of which 4 cubes r kept at the centre , on top of that 2 cubes are
kept and on top of that one cube is kept. It is painted from top to bottom.
how many cubes with 1,2,3,4, 0,sides painted
MENTAL ABILITY( 15 questions 25 minutes)
51-53 questions on pattern matching.Like mark A if first and third are identical,B if
secondd and third are identical, C if first and second are identical D if they are different
54-59 Questions of the form
if +is - and - is * . * is / and / is + then find 12/3*5-2+5
60-62 A set of conditions for admissions of a school student is given like he should be in
top 20 in the entrance test or should hav sports exceleence etc.. and questions of different
cases are given and we need to find if the candidate can be admitted or not
63-65 Similar questions for recruitment of cook. He should be 25 yrs of age with 3 yrs
experianceif he has lesser exp. he shud meet the head cook . if he is below 25 yrs he shud
meet the manager and questions on various cases
66 Of the following select a code to print a singly link list in a reverse order.
67 select a code to print elements of a dequeue
68 a=3,b=3,c=3
a-=b-- - --c;
69 Find a declaration of ADT of a polynomial.
70. Select code that shows DFS of a graph
71 Select the statement that appropriately fills the DFS algot\rithm
72.File *fp1,*fp2;
and operations using these two file pointers . and 4 options based on that *px;
} while( i<10 && *px<900);
f(int a)
int x= a*50;
return &x;
and 4 options abt value of *px also has options on error conditions
74.Some question on strings.4 codes given and we need to select an appropruate code.
75.i think code for printing an array
Total Durtation of the interview : 45 Minutes
Step 1: We were asked to write a 100 word write-up on " Your greatest strength(s)that
would help verizon".
We were asked to take the write-up with us when we go to the interview..
Step 2: Actual interview
The interviewing team introduced themselves.( there were two people - One person was
asking technical questions and other person was asking HR questions) Both were asking
questions alternatingly.
They went thru my write-up, and the HR person asked me an hypothetical situation
" Assume you r working on a bidding . You quote a price after lot of analysis. At
the last moment your boss says that you shud quote a lower price. what will u do"
he kept asking subsequent questions to corner me and was focussed on making me
accept that i didnt have the quality that i mentioned in the write-up.
Technical person asked me wat i was comfortable with, c,c++ or java. i told Java.
1. What is inheritance
2. what is a constructor
3. can a constructor be private
4. can we OVERRIDE a constructor
5. are there pointers in java
6. why is there no pointers in java
7. Identify classses...for bus,car,cycle tricycle
The HR person took over and asked
1. Instances where i hav exhibited my leadership qualities.
2. How do i motivate my team members
3. What is my biggest achievement in life so far
4. what is my biggest failure and wat i learnt from it
The Technical person saw my Area of interest to be " DBMS" and started asking on
1. What are different types of databases
2. difference between RDBMS and File based databases
3. even in RDBMS the data is stoored as files , so why go for it
4. Three layered architecture
5. Can you change physical design
6. Write a simple employee and dept table
7. then he asked me to retrive all employees working in MCA dept( i wrote a nested
8. wat is the advantage of nested subquery. will it improve or reduce the performance
The HR person took over and
1. he saw that i have won prize in Marketing in Login and asked me what the event
was and asked me how we won the event.
2. what i have learnt in college or wat the college has taught me apart from subjects
The technical person asked me what other subjects i hav learnt so far in curricular
and he interrpted me when i said "Software quality Management"
1. what is quality
2. what is quality management
3. Difference between softwre engineering and SQM
The HR person took over and asked me one last question
1. I just want to know why you are wearing a tie
Held on: 01-02-2003
2 Marks * 5 Questions = 10 Marks
1) 1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, ____ What is the next
number in the series and he asked the reason also?
2) There are 4 coins, you have to arrange them in a 2
rows so that each row should have 3 coins each and
reason for that?
3) Find the odd Word out?
4) Find the odd word out?
5) In Chess Board, how many knights can u arrange so
that no two knights will attack each other?
and He explained the problem.. using mathematical
positions of the knights like (x+1, y), (x+1, y+1)
and so on upto 8 points in which way the KNIGHT
travels in the CHESS BOARD?
4 marks * 5 Questions = 20 marks
1) if SATURN
In this Each LETTER represents a single DIGIT.
Now you have to find atleast 3 digits. no need to
find all DIGITS?
2) 1, 2, 3, 25, 50, 75, 100 using these digits once
and only once with basic operators you have make 81?
3) There are 11 Huge boxes, 8 large boxes, 8 small
boxes. Now there is a table first someone put 11 Huge
boxes on the table and in some of them he added 8
large boxes, and then he put small boxes in large
boxes. Finally he has left 102 boxes empty. Now How
many large boxes were kept in huge boxes and small
boxes were kept in large boxes. (Just similar to
this.. question… not reminded clearly… check it out….)
Ans: Key Steps:
4) He gave one series based on the last 3 letters of
the SOLAR PLANET SYSTEM keeping tow of them blank and
asked us to find them. it was very easy.
SUN, ARS, URY, ____, …______, UTO
Ans: RTH and one another (EARTH and some thing)
5) A Problem on ROPES…
There were some ropes that are of different lengths
and different thickness. Each can burn in 12 minutes
individually. If we are given 9 minutes as ELAPSED
TIME how many ropes can be burnt in that time. (Just
Similar to this…. Check out with some other friends).
15 Marks * 1 Question = 15 Marks
(This is the important and may be most important
eliminate process in Virtusa)
1) Write the advantages of "all the rivers linked
together in India" and gave one note that this should
be published in Computer Magazine. (May be his
intention is to explain the Topic using Computer
10 Marks * 4 Questions = 40 Marks
(Note: You may use language of programming to write
the following codes)
1) Write a program to print all the four digit numbers
whose squares must have all the even digits.
2) Write a program to print the pyramid up to the
passed integer value.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 …
If we pass the value 13 it should print like
the above (no need to print the 3 dots)
3) In a certain DATABASE we had to store the TIMESTAMP
for each record. Is there any way store in an
efficient way to store (Memory)? The Time stamp has
the following fields. Year, Month, Date, Hour and
Minutes. Discuss the design such DATASTRUCTURE.
4) Write a function which takes one string S, one
character X, one more Character Y which should return
the longest substring in the String S, which starts
with the X and ends with Y?
15 marks * 1 Question = 15 Marks
1) For the problems like SATURN + URANUS = PLANETS (As
Explained in the above) which were written in
cryptography. Write a program to solve such
situations. The most generalized way.
All the Best Friends……
I have attended 4, 2 marks quesitons, and 3 four marks
questions. and I have written the Topic basing on
Internet. and I wrote first 3 programs and was trying
to write the 4th program.
It was a little Hard for me… hope you all do well next
based… on this paper.
Hi friends,
The pattern was
1)aptitude:- It was not multiple choice but fill in
the blank along with a reasoning for your answer.
2) Essay Writing :-to testyour communication skills.
3)Open-Ended Problem Solving: only one question
4)Programming: 4 programs-2 programs r to be written,1
to findthe bugs given ina pseudo code,1 to find what a
program does and its limitations.
32 out of approx.500 were selected for GD.
After GD, there were 2 technical intrviews followed by
a Hr interview.
around 17 were selected.
I got the offer letter today.I have to join for
training by Nov 17th
I thank all the group members and especially Chetana
mam who have helped me during my trials.With all your
help,I got this job.
ALL THE BEST for all the members who r in trials .
This paper is from IIIT, Hyderabad (October, 2003)
Few of them...
-> In how many different ways, a rectangle can be cut
into 4 identical parts.
==> using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 25, 50, 75, 100 Exactly
one time, give an expression which will give the
answer as 383.
==> Ans:100*3+75+(50/25)^(2+1)
-> using the numbers 1, 2, 25, 50, 75, 100 Exactly one
time, give an expression which will give the answer as
-> volume of sphere is (PI)*(Theta) Cubic-meters and
Surface area is (PI)*(Epslon) Square-meters And both
are 4 digit integer numbers. What is the value of
-> Inthe figure given below, Replace '?' mark by any
operator (+, -, *, /, =) and if we leave as it is,
numbers are considered together and forms either 2 or
3 digit numer. Generate an expression using some
| ? | 2 | ? | 3 |
| 2 | | ? |
------- ------
| ? | | 1 |
| 6 | ? | 1 | ? |
-> Analise the Programe
int x=1,y=1;
while( (x > 0) && (y > 0) ){
x += y;
y += x;
-> Start from a random number, generate a sequence
such that if number is odd multiply it 3 and add 1. If
number is even, divide the number by 2. This Sequence
will always cyclic with 4, 2, 1. In this sequesce,
find the maximum power of 2 generaged in the sequence
and print only the power, not the sequence.
-> Start with a random 2 digit number, The series is
generated by multiplying the number by 2 and placing
the last 2 digits as the next number. Series continues
until one of the element repeats.
-> write a function maxsubstring(str,alpha,theta) str
is the source string and have to return maximum sub
string which starts with alpha and ends with theta.
-> what will this line will do? if it is legal?
B -= (B < 0) * 2 * B;
-> what does this function do??
int f(int p)
int i = 0, t = 1, s = 1;
while( s <= p)
t += 2;
s += s;
return i;
-> explain What is divide and conuer method?
Travelling salse man problem
What is greedy method
-> How Neural Networks and A.I are related.
-> Tell me something about your self
-> Where will you see your self after 5 years
-> You awnt to shift your career to management side or
be in technical side?
-> What you do in free time
-> Interests other than studies
-> How do you rate your self in 'C' Programming
Hai Friends,
I had attended Virtusa with all u r valuable
Information.Thank u for all.
Virtusa Paper:
(Campus Recruitment)
Crescent, Vandalur.
DATE: 9.10.2003
Pattern: (No multiple choice Qns)
4 Sections.
1.Analytical Reasoning (12 qns.)
(we have to write reasons for the answer.)
( I don't remember exactly what they had given.I am
putting it in my own words)
1) x1 peach + y1 plum = z1 apple
x2 peach + y2 plum = z2 apple
(x1,y1 .... z2 are integer values)
How many peaches make one apple?
2) 100,100,102,106,112,120,____
3) which is greater ?
Product of all Bradman's first class scores or Sum
of all test scores of Sachin.
4) U r provided with 500ml and 300ml jar(it has no
a) u have to measure exactly 100ml.
b) u have to measure exactly 200ml.
5) Using four 4's u have to make 1 ... 10.
( for eg. 1 = (4/4)*(4/4)
2 = ?
10 = ? )
6) student,canopy,thirst,... are the words given.
u have to group the words using the following words
etc..(i don't remember some of words)
7) U have to cut a Pizza using 7 st. lines(wit out
rearranging) and u have to obtain maximum number of
( Give generalised solution..)
8) U have to cut a Cylindrical cake of diameter 32 cm
and height 20 cm in to 12 equal pieces.
9) In a village there r 2 groups.
1) Knight -> always tell true
2) Knave -> always tell false
Mr.X met a man of that village(u don't which grp he
belongs) and questioned "Tell me whether u r knight
or knave ?"
Reply: "i cannot tell u and left that place"
Find which grp that man belongs to?
10) obtain 277 from 3,25,50,65,100.use 4 arithmetic
operations only.
11) 1#2=x ,2#3=y, 4#4=z
4@14=a, 5@15=b, d@e=f
( i don't remember values for x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f)
find (2#4)@5= ?
12) (i don't remember what they had given.)
It is just example for that question,
CODE is encoded as DGBF
READ is encoded as JHNV
Fins "KOVAI"
2. Essay(General).
(Topic given: India should spend money on Atom bomb
and Rocket OR for the welfare of poor.)
3. Problem solving.
(Problem statement: How will u determine number of
Petrol bunks in Madras.)
4. Programming.(4 Qns)
( we can use any Programming Language for coding)
a) They had given one function ,we have to find it
what it does and also problem in the fn. and how to
overcome it.
double what( double z, int y)
double answer;
while( y > 0 )
if( y%2 == 1)
answer = answer * z;
return answer;
b) They had given one Pseudocode.We have to find bug
in the pseudocode.
I don't remeber the pseudocode fully.But the
function of pseudocode is
"To make a Robot to fetch a tumbler of water"
c) write a program to print all Armstrong numbers,
(for eg. 153=1^3+5^3+3^3)
d) write a function witj the following conditions,
1)It should have one integer parameter.
2)If the value passed is -ve, return -1.
3)If the value passed is a perfect square, return
root of that number.
4)If the value passed is a not a perfect square,
return that number itself.
Hai Friends,
I had attended Virtusa with all u r valuable
Information.Thank u for all.
Virtusa Paper:
(Campus Recruitment)
Crescent, Vandalur.
DATE: 9.10.2003
Pattern: (No multiple choice Qns)
4 Sections.
1.Analytical Reasoning (12 qns.)
(we have to write reasons for the answer.)
( I don't remember exactly what they had given.I am
putting it in my own words)
1) x1 peach + y1 plum = z1 apple
x2 peach + y2 plum = z2 apple
(x1,y1 .... z2 are integer values)
How many peaches make one apple?
2) 100,100,102,106,112,120,____
3) which is greater ?
Product of all Bradman's first class scores or Sum
of all test scores of Sachin.
4) U r provided with 500ml and 300ml jar(it has no
a) u have to measure exactly 100ml.
b) u have to measure exactly 200ml.
5) Using four 4's u have to make 1 ... 10.
( for eg. 1 = (4/4)*(4/4)
2 = ?
10 = ? )
6) student,canopy,thirst,... are the words given.
u have to group the words using the following words
etc..(i don't remember some of words)
7) U have to cut a Pizza using 7 st. lines(wit out
rearranging) and u have to obtain maximum number of
( Give generalised solution..)
8) U have to cut a Cylindrical cake of diameter 32 cm
and height 20 cm in to 12 equal pieces.
9) In a village there r 2 groups.
1) Knight -> always tell true
2) Knave -> always tell false
Mr.X met a man of that village(u don't which grp he
belongs) and questioned "Tell me whether u r knight
or knave ?"
Reply: "i cannot tell u and left that place"
Find which grp that man belongs to?
10) obtain 277 from 3,25,50,65,100.use 4 arithmetic
operations only.
11) 1#2=x ,2#3=y, 4#4=z
4@14=a, 5@15=b, d@e=f
( i don't remember values for x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f)
find (2#4)@5= ?
12) (i don't remember what they had given.)
It is just example for that question,
CODE is encoded as DGBF
READ is encoded as JHNV
Fins "KOVAI"
2. Essay(General).
(Topic given: India should spend money on Atom bomb
and Rocket OR for the welfare of poor.)
3. Problem solving.
(Problem statement: How will u determine number of
Petrol bunks in Madras.)
4. Programming.(4 Qns)
( we can use any Programming Language for coding)
a) They had given one function ,we have to find it
what it does and also problem in the fn. and how to
overcome it.
double what( double z, int y)
double answer;
while( y > 0 )
if( y%2 == 1)
answer = answer * z;
return answer;
b) They had given one Pseudocode.We have to find bug
in the pseudocode.
I don't remeber the pseudocode fully.But the
function of pseudocode is
"To make a Robot to fetch a tumbler of water"
c) write a program to print all Armstrong numbers,
(for eg. 153=1^3+5^3+3^3)
d) write a function witj the following conditions,
1)It should have one integer parameter.
2)If the value passed is -ve, return -1.
3)If the value passed is a perfect square, return
root of that number.
4)If the value passed is a not a perfect square,
1. return that number itself.
I am herewith sending the Virtusa paper held on 11th feb 2004 at Hyderabad.
Virtusa Paper.
section-A (5*2=10 marks)
1.Pick out the Odd word out:
3.101 , 101 ,107 ,119 ,137 ,_____
section-B (4*5=20 m)
1.Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in any way to obtain the sum 100.
a)Use nos 1 to 9 in the natural order of occurance.
b)use all the 4 operators and parathesis.
2.There are animals like goat,sheep and goat and seven sheeps eat as much as
cow eats.Also, three goats and one cow eat as much as eleven sheeps.If there is some
which is sufficient for a cow for three days,then for how many days will that fodder feed
the goat.
3.There is a sphere.The volume of the sphere is (pi*theta).and the surface area
is (pi*gamma).where theta and gamma are five digit numbers.find the radius of the
section -C (15 m)
write a brief account on the measures to be taken to against the US law of stopping
outsourcing to India.
section -D (4*10=40)
writa a prg in any language:
1. Wirte a function to accept a number 'n' and
a)if n is negative then return -1.
b)if n is postive and perfect number then return sqrt(n).
c)if n is positive and not a perfect no. then return n(n+1)/2
2.Write a prg to print in the format
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5.
3.double fn(double z,int y)
double a =1.0;
if (y%2==1)
return a;
what does the function do an how do you eliminate the shortcomings
of the function.
4.Write a prg to generate the next number (ex:143=1^2+4^2+3^2=26)repeat this sequence
tillyou get 1 or 4.
B) (15 m)
Write a prg to accept two time stamps in the given format HH:MM:SS
using apropriate datatypes and find the difference between the time stamps in seconds.
Someone asked abt virtusa interview.
We had virtusa campus test 3 months back in our
university. At that time i qualified in written test.
And I went for interview. Interview they conducted in
their office. first there was GD, than HR interview
and than technical. More preference on Technical.
GD they given topic for us Western Culture Vs Indian
Culture. Be cool. Dont be dominative.HR was very easy.
He just discussed abt my french beard? Almost we had
discussion half an hour. It was nice. Than Technical.
For us Mr. Ashokan taken this. He is long beard
person, intelligent one.
More he stressed on question paper which i written at
written test. He was only concentrating on 'C'
programming and some logic questions. He asked me
questions like algorithm for "Robot to bring full of
bucket wate from tap". Here we have to consider all
cases like leakage to bucket, whether tap is already
on, already bucket is full etc. Remember this is the
main one.
I didnt selected in virusha, but i think this
information helps some one to get into virtusa.
3. I contacted some students who appeared for this. I could
4. extract 18 questions. Test is purely on subjects.
8. Subjects: Data Structures, Digital Electronics.
10. very few question from O.S, compilerdesign.
12. Format:
13. 1.Total 22 questions
14. 2. 45 min
15. 3. Negative marking is there.
17. Note: Please take the idea of the question. I am putting , in my
18. own words. These questions are not in same order.
21. D |---------|Q' D|-------|
22. -----| |------------| |--------Q
23. | | | |
24. clk--|--|> |--- |---|> |--------
25. | | --------| | |--------|
26. | |
27. |-------|>------------|
29. (based on this figure 2 questions)
31. 1. positive or negative triggering?
33. 2. Delay of first filp flop is d1 and delay of second flipflop is d2. What
34. is satup and read out times
36. 3. what is the representation in -2 box for 3 and -3 ? only 0 an 1 are
37. allowed.
39. 4. An 8 bit full adder is constructed by
40. (i) by using Halfadder(conventional)
41. (ii) 2 4 bit carry lookhead adder
42. If delay fo Half adder is 1 Unit. what is the delay in the above
43. two cases.
45. 5. Side of regular hexagon is 1cm. What is its area?
47. 6. S->AX/y
48. A->X/Ay
49. B->X/y find S value( I think this from compiler design)
51. 7. a=a^b
52. b=a^b
53. a=a^b find values of a,b? (^ exclusive or)
55. 8. In this question Inorder and Preorder is given. Question is
56. to find Postorder.
58. 9. count=0;
59. for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
60. {
61. i=(i)&(i-1);
62. count++;
63. }
64. return count;
65. --------
67. i=21,22 same count. For what other values of i we get same count?
69. 10. A matrix A[i][j] is given. If we want to add the elements of the
70. matrix which method is better? why
71. 1) column wise 2) row wise
73. 11. The tridiognal matrix is represented in linked list form.
74. To retrive the matrix in tridiognal from what method is used?
75. ( four options were given)
76. 1) 2) 3) 4)
78. 12. Which Data structres is used for DFS?
80. 13. If number of nodes =n. What is the min and max levels.
82. 14. 1,3 1,4 5,7 1,3
83. -- --- --- ---
85. Total No. of slots =4. After 4 slots what are free remaining pages?
87. 15. for n
88. f(n)
89. while(n)
90. if(n<=2)
91. return 1
92. else return f(n-1)*f(n-2)
94. Find order of f(n).
96. 16. Bubble sort complexity is greater than quick srot.
97. (TRUE OR FALSE questions.
99. 17. Two binary numbers a and b its one's complement are
100. for a=0100
101. for b=1001
102. What is the decimal addition of a&b.
104. Remaining 4 questions are form datastructures which are some what
105. lengthy. So they couldn't recollect.
107. Its easy. Lot of time is there to do these problems. Remember there
108. is negative marking .
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