Paper Type : Technical - Java
Test Date : 17 January 2004
Posted By : admin
DATE OF TEST : 17 Jan 2004
PLACE OF TEST: Le Meridian hotel, Chennai
MODE : Off-Campus
DURATION : 50 Questions in 1.5 Hours of Time)
CATEGORY : JAVA - J2EE (2+ years experienced category)
About the Company:
The company is in ITPL, Bangalore. And around 200 people strong in India. The
whole company is around 1000 people strong world-wide. It's a product based
company and dealing mostly with Supply-Chain management and Data
Visit Company WebSite at :
How I applied:
2 weeks back, there was an advertisement in "The Hindu-Opportunities" asking for 2
+ years of Java, J2EE experience. I sent my resume to the given mail ID. Only selected people are called for written test.
There are 4 rounds:
Written Test
Technical Interview
CEO interview
HR interview
Study in Singapore - Visit the Singapore Education Fair
Dehli, Oct 7 - 8 2006
Ads by Google Advertise on this site Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
2 of 8 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
The Written test pattern:
50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.
Most of the questions are multiple choice.
The split up is :
EJB (10 Questions)
JAVA (20 Questions)
JSP (5 Questions)
MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)
ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)
SQL (5 Questions)
Our written test is held on 17 Jan 2004 in Le Meridian hotel, Chennai.
I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be taking the test in future
and also for those appearing for J2EE interviews.
I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.
I didn't have the other interviews.
1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?
(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.
(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.
(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment
2) The Home Interface in Entity beans
(a) Provides at least one create() method
(b) May not provide any create() method
(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method
(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method
3) In CMP of Entity beans
(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined
(b) Constructor is not defined
4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()
5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()
6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?
(a) EJBException
(b) RemoteException
7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?
(a) NullPointerException
(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException
(c) CreateException
(d) ObjectNotFoundException
(e) All the above
(f) None of the above Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
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8) CMP bean provides
(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
JSP and Mislleneous
1) What is the purpose of XSL
(a) Convert XML to HTML
(b) Convert HTML to XML
ANS: (a)
2) resultSet has the following methods
(a) next()
(b) first()
(c) a & b
(d) No methods
3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?
(a) RoundRobin
(b) FIFO
(c) LIFO
ANS: (a)
WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests inside a cluster.
Weight-based and random algorithms are also available.
4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Any Number
(d) 10
ANS: (a)
An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic
5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?
(a) WEB-INF directory
(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory
(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH
(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml
6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?
(a) distributable
(d) distributed="true"
(c) both a & b
7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ?
(a) YES
(b) NO Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
4 of 8 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following syntaxes are correct ?
(I don't remember the options)
9) One small question on
1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?
class Trial {
String _member;
void method1() {
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
_member += "test";
void method2() {
String temp;
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
temp += "test";
_member = temp;
(a) method1()
(b) method2()
(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution
ANS: (b)
Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.
2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns
(a) Exception
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) -1
ANS: (a)
3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method
(a) Call by Value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) Strings cannot be passed to function
ANS: (b)
String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference. Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
5 of 8 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING
5) What is the output of following program ?
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
(a) Goes into infinite loop
(b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2
(d) None
ANS: (a)
6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this thread ?
(a) t.yield()
(b) yield(t)
(c) yield()
(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time
7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?
8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?
String str = " a+b=10 ";
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
ANS: (c)
Strings are immutable. So, for each String operation, one new object is generated.
9) (A program is given. I don't remember exactly)
An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whether it's legal to do it or not
10) A question on "interface"
11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method
(a) finally()
(b) finalize()
(c) final()
12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden
13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?
(a) declare it as final
(b) declare it as static Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
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14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?
(a) FileInputStream
(b) InputStreamReader
(c) BufferedReader
15) One Question on Inner Classes.
16) One program on Overloading and Overriding
17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed ?
18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0.
class Test {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int i=0;
//code here
(a) System.out.println(i++)
(b) System.out.println(i+'0')
(c) System.out.println(i--)
(d) System.out.println(i)
ANS: (a),(c),(d)
The option (b) displays the ASCII value of '0'. So, the output in this case is: 48
19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:
class Test {
int x,y;
Test(int a) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place
Test(int a, int b) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place (same code as in above constructor)
SQL Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
7 of 8 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)
And there are 3 queries. I remember one query.
Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?
And there 2 more theoritical SQL questions
1) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
2) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?
5 very easy Questions. Need not bother much about it.
1) Tell about yourself
2) Why do you want to leave the present company ?
3) What do you know about our (Manhattan Associates) company ?
4) About EJB types. CMP, BMP, Session, Entity beans, their differences, when to use what type of beans ?
5) Can a Client Context call ejbRemove() method ?
6) Who calls the methods ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and where the state information is stored when they are called ?
7) Do you know about Sequence Diagrams in UML ?
8) Which is faster in execution - JSP or SERVLET ? Why ?
9) What is the difference between Callable Statement and Prepared Statement?
10) Can we declare final method in abstract class ?
11) Can we declare abstract method in final class ?
12) What is the difference between Inner Join and Outer Join ?
13) How can you pass an object of data from one JSP to another JSP ?
ANS: Using Session or request.getParameter() or Hidden Variables.
14) When these methods are used ? ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
15) What is the difference between ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
16) Can the same object of Stateless Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
17) Can the same object of Stateful Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
18) How do you manage transactions in EJB ?
19) What is the difference between response.redirect() and forward and request dispatcher ? Which is faster ?
Test Paper :3
Paper Type : General - other
Test Date : 17 January 2004
Test Location : Chennai
Posted By : Unknown
The company is in ITPL, Bangalore. And around 200 people strong in India. The whole
company is around 1000 people strong world-wide. It's a product based company and
dealing mostly with Supply-Chain management and Data Warehousing.
How I applied:
2 weeks back, there was an advertisement in "The Hindu-Opportunities" asking for 2 +
years of Java, J2EE experience. I sent my resume to the given mail ID. Only selected people
are called for written test.
There are 4 rounds:
Written Test
Technical Interview
CEO interview
HR interview
The Written test pattern:
50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.
Most of the questions are multiple choice.
The split up is :
EJB (10 Questions)
JAVA (20 Questions)
JSP (5 Questions)
MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)
ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)
SQL (5 Questions)
Our written test is held on 17 Jan 2004 in Le Meridian hotel, Chennai.
I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be taking the test in future and also for
those appearing for J2EE interviews.
I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.
I didn't have the other interviews.
1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?
(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.
(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.
(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment
Study in Singapore
Visit the Singapore Education Fair Dehli, Oct 7 - 8 2006
Ads by Google - Advertise on this site Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
2 of 5 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
2) The Home Interface in Entity beans
(a) Provides at least one create() method
(b) May not provide any create() method
(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method
(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method
3) In CMP of Entity beans
(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined
(b) Constructor is not defined
4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()
5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()
6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?
(a) EJBException
(b) RemoteException
7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?
(a) NullPointerException
(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException
(c) CreateException
(d) ObjectNotFoundException
(e) All the above
(f) None of the above
8) CMP bean provides
(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
JSP and Mislleneous
1) What is the purpose of XSL
(a) Convert XML to HTML
(b) Convert HTML to XML
ANS: (a)
2) resultSet has the following methods
(a) next()
(b) first()
(c) a & b
(d) No methods
3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?
(a) RoundRobin
(b) FIFO
(c) LIFO
ANS: (a)
WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests inside a cluster. Weight-based and random
algorithms are also available.
4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Any Number
(d) 10
ANS: (a)
An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic
5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?
(a) WEB-INF directory
(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory
(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH
(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml
6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?
(a) distributable
(d) distributed="true"
(c) both a & b
7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ? Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
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(a) YES
(b) NO
8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following syntaxes are correct ?
9) One small question on
1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?
class Trial {
String _member;
void method1() {
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
_member += "test";
void method2() {
String temp;
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
temp += "test";
_member = temp;
(a) method1()
(b) method2()
(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution
ANS: (b)
Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.
2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns
(a) Exception
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) -1
ANS: (a)
3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method
(a) Call by Value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) Strings cannot be passed to function
ANS: (b)
String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference.
4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING
5) What is the output of following program ?
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
(a) Goes into infinite loop
(b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2
(d) None
ANS: (a)
6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this thread ?
(a) t.yield()
(b) yield(t) Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
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(c) yield()
(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time
7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?
8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?
String str = " a+b=10 ";
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
ANS: (c)
Strings are immutable. So, for each String operation, one new object is generated.
9) (A program is given. I don't remember exactly)
An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whether it's legal to do it or not ?
10) A question on "interface"
11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method
(a) finally()
(b) finalize()
(c) final()
12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden
13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?
(a) declare it as final
(b) declare it as static
14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?
(a) FileInputStream
(b) InputStreamReader
(c) BufferedReader
15) One Question on Inner Classes.
16) One program on Overloading and Overriding
17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed ?
18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0.
class Test {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int i=0;
//code here
(a) System.out.println(i++)
(b) System.out.println(i+'0')
(c) System.out.println(i--)
(d) System.out.println(i)
ANS: (a),(c),(d)
The option (b) displays the ASCII value of '0'. So, the output in this case is: 48
19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:
class Test {
int x,y;
Test(int a) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place
Test(int a, int b) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place (same code as in above constructor)
x=a; Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
5 of 5 9/22/2006 9:45 PM
2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)
And there are 3 queries. I remember one query.
Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?
And there 2 more theoritical SQL questions
1) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
2) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?
5 very easy Questions. Need not bother much about it.
1) Tell about yourself
2) Why do you want to leave the present company ?
3) What do you know about our (Manhattan Associates) company ?
4) About EJB types. CMP, BMP, Session, Entity beans, their differences, when to use what type of beans ?
5) Can a Client Context call ejbRemove() method ?
6) Who calls the methods ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and where the state information is stored when they are called ?
7) Do you know about Sequence Diagrams in UML ?
8) Which is faster in execution - JSP or SERVLET ? Why ?
9) What is the difference between Callable Statement and Prepared Statement?
10) Can we declare final method in abstract class ?
11) Can we declare abstract method in final class ?
12) What is the difference between Inner Join and Outer Join ?
13) How can you pass an object of data from one JSP to another JSP ?
ANS: Using Session or request.getParameter() or Hidden Variables.14) When these methods are used ? ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and
ejbRemove() ?
15) What is the difference between ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
16) Can the same object of Stateless Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
17) Can the same object of Stateful Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
18) How do you manage transactions in EJB ?
19) What is the difference between response.redirect() and forward and request dispatcher ? Which is faster ?
20) In java, which has more wider scope ? Default or Private ?
Enter Your
Un-Answered in Manhattan Associates Java
1. A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed...
2. One program on Overloading and Overriding
3. One Question on Inner Classes.
Latest Questions in Manhattan Associates Java
1. what is output of System.out.println(5|4)
2. A question on "interface"
3. Question on whether Static method can be overriden
4. How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?(a) declare it as final (b) declare it as static
5. Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method(a) finally() (b) finalize() (c) final()
6. What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:class Test...
7. By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method(a) Call by Value (b) Call by Reference...
8. What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING
9. Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?class Trial { String _member; void method1() { ...
10. If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?(a) FileInputStream...
Test Paper :2
Paper Type : Technical - Java
Test Date : 17 January 2004
Posted By : admin
DATE OF TEST : 17 Jan 2004
PLACE OF TEST: Le Meridian hotel, Chennai
MODE : Off-Campus
DURATION : 50 Questions in 1.5 Hours of Time)
CATEGORY : JAVA - J2EE (2+ years experienced category)
About the Company:
The company is in ITPL, Bangalore. And around 200 people strong in India. The whole company is around 1000 people
strong world-wide. It's a product based company and dealing mostly with Supply-Chain management and Data
Visit Company WebSite at :
How I applied:
2 weeks back, there was an advertisement in "The Hindu-Opportunities" asking for 2 + years of Java, J2EE experience. I
sent my resume to the given mail ID. Only selected people are called for written test.
There are 4 rounds:
Written Test
Technical Interview
CEO interview
HR interview
The Written test pattern:
Study in Singapore
Visit the Singapore Education Fair Dehli, Oct 7 - 8 2006
Ads by Google - Advertise on this site Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
2 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.
Most of the questions are multiple choice.
The split up is :
EJB (10 Questions)
JAVA (20 Questions)
JSP (5 Questions)
MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)
ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)
SQL (5 Questions)
Our written test is held on 17 Jan 2004 in Le Meridian hotel, Chennai.
I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be taking the test in future
and also for those appearing for J2EE interviews.
I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.
I didn't have the other interviews.
1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?
(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.
(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.
(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment
2) The Home Interface in Entity beans
(a) Provides at least one create() method
(b) May not provide any create() method
(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method
(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method
3) In CMP of Entity beans
(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined
(b) Constructor is not defined
4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()
5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()
6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?
(a) EJBException
(b) RemoteException
7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?
(a) NullPointerException
(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException
(c) CreateException
(d) ObjectNotFoundException
(e) All the above
(f) None of the above
8) CMP bean provides Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
3 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
JSP and Mislleneous
1) What is the purpose of XSL
(a) Convert XML to HTML
(b) Convert HTML to XML
ANS: (a)
2) resultSet has the following methods
(a) next()
(b) first()
(c) a & b
(d) No methods
3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?
(a) RoundRobin
(b) FIFO
(c) LIFO
ANS: (a)
WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests inside a cluster.
Weight-based and random algorithms are also available.
4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Any Number
(d) 10
ANS: (a)
An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic
5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?
(a) WEB-INF directory
(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory
(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH
(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml
6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?
(a) distributable
(d) distributed="true"
(c) both a & b
7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ?
(a) YES
(b) NO Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
4 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following syntaxes are correct ?
(I don't remember the options)
9) One small question on
1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?
class Trial {
String _member;
void method1() {
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
_member += "test";
void method2() {
String temp;
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
temp += "test";
_member = temp;
(a) method1()
(b) method2()
(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution
ANS: (b)
Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.
2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns
(a) Exception
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) -1
ANS: (a)
3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method
(a) Call by Value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) Strings cannot be passed to function
ANS: (b)
String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference.
4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
5 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
5) What is the output of following program ?
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
(a) Goes into infinite loop
(b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2
(d) None
ANS: (a)
6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this thread ?
(a) t.yield()
(b) yield(t)
(c) yield()
(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time
7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?
8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?
String str = " a+b=10 ";
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
ANS: (c)
Strings are immutable. So, for each String operation, one new object is generated.
9) (A program is given. I don't remember exactly)
An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whether it's legal to do it or not
10) A question on "interface"
11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method
(a) finally()
(b) finalize()
(c) final()
12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden
13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?
(a) declare it as final
(b) declare it as static
14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ? Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
6 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
(a) FileInputStream
(b) InputStreamReader
(c) BufferedReader
15) One Question on Inner Classes.
16) One program on Overloading and Overriding
17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed ?
18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0.
class Test {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int i=0;
//code here
(a) System.out.println(i++)
(b) System.out.println(i+'0')
(c) System.out.println(i--)
(d) System.out.println(i)
ANS: (a),(c),(d)
The option (b) displays the ASCII value of '0'. So, the output in this case is: 48
19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:
class Test {
int x,y;
Test(int a) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place
Test(int a, int b) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place (same code as in above constructor)
---------------------------------------------------- Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
7 of 8 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)
And there are 3 queries. I remember one query.
Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?
And there 2 more theoritical SQL questions
1) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
2) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?
5 very easy Questions. Need not bother much about it.
1) Tell about yourself
2) Why do you want to leave the present company ?
3) What do you know about our (Manhattan Associates) company ?
4) About EJB types. CMP, BMP, Session, Entity beans, their differences, when to use what type of beans ?
5) Can a Client Context call ejbRemove() method ?
6) Who calls the methods ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and where the state information is stored when they are called ?
7) Do you know about Sequence Diagrams in UML ?
8) Which is faster in execution - JSP or SERVLET ? Why ?
9) What is the difference between Callable Statement and Prepared Statement?
10) Can we declare final method in abstract class ?
11) Can we declare abstract method in final class ?
12) What is the difference between Inner Join and Outer Join ?
13) How can you pass an object of data from one JSP to another JSP ?
ANS: Using Session or request.getParameter() or Hidden Variables.
14) When these methods are used ? ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
15) What is the difference between ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
16) Can the same object of Stateless Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
17) Can the same object of Stateful Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
18) How do you manage transactions in EJB ?
19) What is the difference between response.redirect() and forward and request dispatcher ? Which is faster ? Sample Placement Papers :: Question Bank
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20) In java, which has more wider scope ? Default or Private ?
There are 4 rounds:
Written Test
Technical Interview
CEO interview
HR interview
The Written test pattern:
50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.
Most of the questions are multiple choice.
The split up is :
EJB (10 Questions)
JAVA (20 Questions)
JSP (5 Questions)
MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)
ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)
SQL (5 Questions)
I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be taking the test in future
and also for those appearing for J2EE interviews.
I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.
I didn't have the other interviews.
1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?
(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.
(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.
(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment
2) The Home Interface in Entity beans
(a) Provides at least one create() method
(b) May not provide any create() method
(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method
(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method
3) In CMP of Entity beans
(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined
(b) Constructor is not defined
4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()
5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()
6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?
(a) EJBException
(b) RemoteException
7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?
(a) NullPointerException
(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException
(c) CreateException
(d) ObjectNotFoundException
(e) All the above
(f) None of the above
8) CMP bean provides
(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
JSP and Miscellaneous
1) What is the purpose of XSL
(a) Convert XML to HTML
(b) Convert HTML to XML
ANS: (a)
2) resultSet has the following methods
(a) next()
(b) first()
(c) a & b
(d) No methods
3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?
(a) RoundRobin
(b) FIFO
(c) LIFO
ANS: (a)
WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests inside a cluster.
Weight-based and random algorithms are also available.
4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Any Number
(d) 10
ANS: (a)
An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic
5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?
(a) WEB-INF directory
(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory
(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH
(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml
6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?
(a) distributable
(d) distributed="true"
(c) both a & b
7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ?
(a) YES
(b) NO
8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following syntaxes are correct ?
(I don't remember the options)
9) One small question on
1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?
class Trial {
String _member;
void method1() {
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
_member += "test";
void method2() {
String temp;
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {
temp += "test";
_member = temp;
(a) method1()
(b) method2()
(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution
ANS: (b)
Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.
2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns
(a) Exception
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) -1
ANS: (a)
3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method
(a) Call by Value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) Strings cannot be passed to function
ANS: (b)
String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference.
4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING
5) What is the output of following program ?
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
(a) Goes into infinite loop
(b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2
(d) None
ANS: (a)
6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this thread ?
(a) t.yield()
(b) yield(t)
(c) yield()
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(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time
7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?
8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?
String str = " a+b=10 ";
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
ANS: (c)
Strings are immutable. So, for each String operation, one new object is generated.
9) (A program is given. I don't remember exactly)
An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whether it's legal to do it or not ?
10) A question on "interface"
11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method
(a) finally()
(b) finalize()
(c) final()
12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden
13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?
(a) declare it as final
(b) declare it as static
14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?
(a) FileInputStream
(b) InputStreamReader
(c) BufferedReader
15) One Question on Inner Classes.
16) One program on Overloading and Overriding
17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed ?
18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0.
class Test {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int i=0;
//code here
(a) System.out.println(i++)
(b) System.out.println(i+'0')
(c) System.out.println(i--)
(d) System.out.println(i)
ANS: (a),(c),(d)
The option (b) displays the ASCII value of '0'. So, the output in this case is: 48
19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:
class Test {
int x,y;
Test(int a) {
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place
Test(int a, int b) {
(PAPER) MANHATTAN ASSOCIATES Sample Placement Paper | P...
5 of 6 9/22/2006 10:17 PM
//Code for very complex operations will be written
//in this place (same code as in above constructor)
2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)
And there are 3 queries. I remember one query.
Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?
And there 2 more theoritical SQL questions
1) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
2) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?
5 very easy Questions. Need not bother much about it.
1) Tell about yourself
2) Why do you want to leave the present company ?
3) What do you know about our (Manhattan Associates) company ?
4) About EJB types. CMP, BMP, Session, Entity beans, their differences, when to use what type of beans ?
5) Can a Client Context call ejbRemove() method ?
6) Who calls the methods ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and where the state information is stored when they are called ?
7) Do you know about Sequence Diagrams in UML ?
8) Which is faster in execution - JSP or SERVLET ? Why ?
9) What is the difference between Callable Statement and Prepared Statement?
10) Can we declare final method in abstract class ?
11) Can we declare abstract method in final class ?
12) What is the difference between Inner Join and Outer Join ?
13) How can you pass an object of data from one JSP to another JSP ?
ANS: Using Session or request.getParameter() or Hidden Variables.
14) When these methods are used ? ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
15) What is the difference between ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?
16) Can the same object of Stateless Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
17) Can the same object of Stateful Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?
18) How do you manage transactions in EJB ?
19) What is the difference between response.redirect() and forward and request dispatcher ? Which is faster ?
20) In java, which has more wider scope ? Default or Private ?
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1. One Nibble = ?
a) 8 bits
b)16 bits
c) 4 bits
d)32 bits
Ans. (c)
2. Hexadecimal and Octal representation of 1024 ?
3. What a compiler does ?
4.What type of interface does DOS have?
a) Graphical interface
b) Character interface
c) Symbolic interface
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
5.What is the abbrevation of CPU?
a) Control Processing Unit
b) Central Processing Unit
c) Central Programming Unit
d) Control Programming Unit
Ans. (b)
6. Fortran is used as a
a) Scientific Language
b) Business Language
c) Language used in LANs
d) Applications Language
Ans. (a)
7.The total numberof characters in the ASCII code?
a) 126
b) 256
c) 258
d) 128
Ans. (d)
8. In Windows NT- What NT stands for?
a) Network Techniques
b) New Technology
c) Network Transmission
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
9. Which is not an input device ?
a) Keyboard
b) Disk
c) Mouse
d) Lightpen
Ans. (b)
10. Which is not a pointing device ?
a) Mouse
b) Joy stick
c) Lightpen
d) None
11. Who is the CEO of Microsoft ?
a) Bill Gates
b) Steve Jobs
c) Steve Balmer
d) Andy Grove
Ans. (c)
12. 4GL ?
a) Fortran
b) SQL
c) ADA
13.Who is the father of Computers?
a) Alan Turing
b) Charles Babbage
c) Bill Gates
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
14. Which of them is Object Oriented Language.?
a) Basic
b) C
c) C++
d) Fortran
Ans. (c)
15. Power PC is the product of ?
a) Microsoft
b) IBM
c) Apple
d) Motorola
Ans. (c)
16. The latest processor being used these days by Intel is?
a) Pentium-III
b) Power PC
c) Pentium pro
d) None
17. MS Word is ?
18. First Super Computer built in India.
a) Cray
b) Param
c) Aryabhatta
d) Arjun
Ans. (b)
19. Which of the following companies do not manufacture chips?
a) Microsoft
b) Motorola
c) Intel
d) HP
Ans. (a)
20.What is the full form of LAN
a) Local Area Network
b) Local Arial Networking
c) Loop Around Network
d) Loop Area Network
Ans. (a)
21. What is the full form of WAN
a) Wireless Application Networking
b) Wireless Access Network
c) Wired Access Network
d) Wide Area Network
Ans. (d)
22.What is a Modem ?
a) Modulator Emmulator
b) Modulator Demodulator
c) Mode Modulator
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
23. What is the full form FDD
a) Floppy Drive Detector
b) Floppy Drive Demodulator
c) Floppy Disk Drive
d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
24. What is the full form BIT
a) Binary Integer
b) Binary Term
c) Binary Digit
d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
25. Information is ?
a) Message
b) Data
c) Processed data
d) None
Ans. (b)
26. Which is not networking ?
a) Internet
b) Ethernet
c) Arcnet
d) None
27. One Gigabyte =?
a) 2 30
b) 2 20
c) 2 10
d) None
Ans. (a)
28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ?
a) Sybase
b) SQL
c) Acess
d) None
Ans. (b)
29. Oracle is ?
a) HLL
b) OS
d) Query Language
Ans. (c)
30. In Oracle, Table means ( Ans : Collection of records)
31. DMA - abbrevation
a) Direct Memory Access
b) Discrete Memory Access
c) Disk Memory Access
d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
32. What is meant by Static Variable ?{refer data storage techniques}
33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}
34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}
35. The processor used in first IBM PC?
36. Difference between 80286 and 80287
37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required are ?
a) N*(N+1)/2
b) N*(N-2)/2
c) N*(N-1)/2)
d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison?
a) 10
b) 25
c) 50
d) 100
39. What is the full form of CRT
a) Cathode Ray Terminal
b) Cathode Ray Tube
c) Common Resistor Transistor
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.
41. Binary tree?
42. In which of the following is the flow in both the directions ?
a) Single linked list
b) Double linked
c) Queue
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given. Name the algoirithm)
44. Which is not storage device.?
a) Floppy Disk
c) Disk
d) None
Ans. (d)
45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused
46.What is the full form of ISO
a) International Software Organisation
b) International Standard Organisation
c) International Solutions Organisation
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
47.What is the full form of HTML
a) Hyper Text Makeup Language
b) Hyper Text Markup Language
c) Hyper Terminal Markup Language
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)
49. What is meant by Recursion ?
50. For the following C program
{int a;
long b;
Union (u)
{int a;
long b;
Print sizeof(s)and sizeof(u) if sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long)=4
51. For the following C program
Switch (i)
case 1
case 2
case 3
Output of i after executing the program
52. For the following C program
char S;
char S[6]= " HELLO";
printf("%s ",S[6]);
output of the above program ?
(a) 0
(b) ASCII 0
(c) I
(d) unpredictable
53. For the following C program
Unsigned char c;
for ( c=0;c!=256;c++2)
No. of times the loop is executed ?
(a) 127
(b) 128
(c) 256
(d) infinitely
54. For the following program
int i;
i=i+1; <====== PASCAL PROGRAM
print i;
No. of times the loop is executed?
55. For the following program
Convert (int A,var ,int B;int c)
Convert (inta,b,c)
56. For the following program
Procedure A
end <====== PASCAL PROGRAM
Procedure B No. Of errors in the program ?(1,2,3,none)
57. For the following program
int i;
Output of the program ?
a) 4
b) 3
c) unpredictable
d) none
Ans. (b)
58. What is FAT?.
a) File Allocation Table
b) File Access Table
c) FDD Allocation Table
d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
Total 44 questions are there.
1. How many degrees hours hand rotate in 10 minutes?
a) 6°
b) 5°
c) 4°
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
2. 1/(10 18) - 1/(10 20) = ?
a) 99/1016
b) 99/1014
c) 99/1015
d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
3. 0
b) 1/x
c) x
d) x 2
Ans. (a)
4. c=a/b ; a-1=c What is the relation between a&b.b=?
a) a/(a-1)
b) a/(a+1)
c) (a+1)/a
d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
5. The sum of 7 consecutive odd integers with 27 as the fourth number.
a) 183
b) 181
c) 185
d) 179
Ans. (b)
6. For (66666666666666)2 + 888888888888,what is the number at the unit's place
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
7.32736 Express it in product of 3 numbers.
a) 41,42,43
b) 31,32,33
c) 32,34,33
d) 38,38,33
Ans. (b)
8. Radius of sphere is increased by 50%. By how much percentage is surface area is increased.
a) 150%
b) 125%
c) 128%
d) 225%
Ans. (b)
9. In which of the following , 2 as a common factor , can be eliminated.
a) log(x2)/log(y2)
b) (logx*logx*logx)/(logy*logy*logy)
c) (logx*logx)/logy
d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
Antonyms :
11. Auspiciously
12. Recalcitrant
13. & 14. - Sentence correction
15, 16 , 17 - Spelling Mistakes
18, 19 - Two Questions
6 letters are assigned certain numbers.
In each question , 4 combination of digits are given .
Find which gives a meaningful word.
20 & 21. - 4 sentences will be given in each question. Arrange them in logical order .
22. 5 straight lines are cut in a circle. A question regarding this.
In this section ,a question is followed by 2 statements A and B.Any one of these statements,or both are sufficient to answer the question.Mark your answer as :
a) If statement A alone is required
b) If statement B alone is required
c) If both the statements A & B are required
d) Neither of the statements are required
23. Does Mr. Mathew give tution ?
A) Mathew is a teacher
B) In school, the teacher is not expected to give tutions
Ans. (d)
24. There is no power cut in advanced country. If T is a city, Is there power cut in that city?
A) Z is a advanced country
B) T ia a capital city of country Z
Ans. (c)
25. Tanzanians are in East Africa. Tanzanians are good in either education ,dance or music
A) Tanzanians are good at Education
B) East Africa are good at dance & Music.
Ans. (a)
Remaining questions 26 - 29 are of the same type.
30. On a single day, 14 children are admitted in a school by their mothers.2 are sisters, 3 are brothers,2 are brother and sister and 2 are twins.The rest are singles. How many mothers came?
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 14
Problem on cisterns & pipes.
31.It will take 8hrs to fill a cistern. But due to leak at the bottom, it takes 10 hrs to fill it. In how many hrs, the full tank will be emptied because of the leak.?
(a) 18
(b) 8
(c) 40
(d) 10
Ans. (c)
Question regarding men & work
32. A does alone a piece of work in 4 days.B does the same piece of work alone in 8 days.C does alone a work in 10 days.In how many days will A, B, C together complete the work
(a) 40/19
(b) 19/40
(c) 1/22
(d) 2
Ans. (a)
33. In 3.5 Kg rod , there is 74% silver. If it is alloyed with a 0.5 Kg rod, the % of silver goes up to 84%. The percent of silver in 0.5 Kg rod?
34. Two chords of lengths L1 and L2 are drawn in a circle. Their lengths are inversely proportional to the straight distance joining the centre.Find the radius of circle.
35. A Kg of tea costs Rs 49.50 . But the supplier gives 10 gms less for every Kg he sold. What is the actual cost.
(a) 49.001
(b) 49.005
(c) 49.01
(d) Same
Ans. (b)
Questions 36 - 40 are based on the transportation table.
A X 12 8 20 6
B 12 X 12 5 9
C 20 8 X 4 7
D 3 15 6 X 10
E 12 5 8 3 X
A,B,C,D,E denote the stages.
X denotes the start of the stage.
The bus goes from A to E and E to A with back stops at B,C, &D.
For each the charge is Rs.0.70.
The numbers in the table are how many passengers are there in the bus upto that stage.( the numbers given the table are not correct)
36. Total no. of passengers in onward journey
37. Total amount in the conductors bag just before the bus reaches the stage C
38. How many Rs. 1.40 tickets are issued to passengers in backward journey.
39. If the bus breaks down between the stages C & D , the amount refunded to passengers.
40. If the ticket costs Rs.1.50, how much is the profit in Backward journey.
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This section consists of 29 problems. The questions are simple though time consuming.
1. If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?
(a) 13 km/hr
(b) 26 km/hr
(c) 34 km/hr
(d) none of these
Ans. A
2. Find the value of ( 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 ) / ( 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.075 + 0.01)
(a) 0.845
(b) 1.908
(c) 2.312
(d) 0.001
Ans. A
3. A can have a piece of work done in 8 days, B can work three times faster than the A, C can work five times faster than A. How many days will they take to do the work together ?
(a) 3 days
(b) 8/9 days
(c) 4 days
(d) can't say
Ans. B
4. A car travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.What is the distance travelled
(a) 210 kms
(b) 30 kms
(c) 20 kms
(c) none of these
Ans. B
5. Instead of multiplying a number by 7, the number is divided by 7. What is the percentage of error obtained ?
6. Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 7
(d) data insufficient
Ans. C
7. A man buys 12 lts of liquid which contains 20% of the liquid and the rest is water. He then mixes it with 10 lts of another mixture with 30% of liquid.What is the % of water in the new mixture?
8. If a man buys 1 lt of milk for Rs.12 and mixes it with 20% water and sells it for Rs.15, then what is the percentage of gain?
9. Pipe A can fill a tank in 30 mins and Pipe B can fill it in 28 mins.If 3/4th of the tank is filled by Pipe B alone and both are opened, how much time is required by both the pipes to fill the tank completely ?
10. If on an item a company gives 25% discount, they earn 25% profit. If they now give 10% discount then what is the profit percentage.
(a) 40%
(b) 55%
(c) 35%
(d) 30%
Ans. D
11. A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If however there were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally?
(a) 110 men
(b) 130 men
(c) 100 men
(d) none of these
Ans. A
12. In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and Rs.1200/- in 5 years ?
(a) Rs. 500
(b) Rs. 600
(c) Rs. 800
(d) Rs. 900
Ans. C
13. If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years. In how many years
will it become 9 times itself.
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 12
Ans A
14. Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and 32 kmph respectively. A man in the slower train
observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completely passes by him.
What is the length of faster train ?
(a) 100m
(b) 75m
(c) 120m
(d) 50m
Ans B
15. How many mashes are there in 1 squrare meter of wire gauge if each mesh
is 8mm long and 5mm wide ?
(a) 2500
(b) 25000
(c) 250
(d) 250000
Ans B
16. x% of y is y% of ?
(a) x/y
(b) 2y
(c) x
(d) can't be determined
Ans. C
17. The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % should a housewife reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same as before ?
(a) 15%
(b) 16.66%
(c) 12%
(d) 9%
Ans B
18. A man spends half of his salary on household expenses, 1/4th for rent, 1/5th for travel expenses, the man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in the bank amount 50, what is his monthly salary ?
(a) Rs.500
(b) Rs.1500
(c) Rs.1000
(d) Rs. 900
Ans C
20. The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. There is an additional annual increase of 4% of the population due to the influx of job seekers, find the % increase in population after 2 years ?
21. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these 10% the boys and 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who are not scholarship holders.?
22. 15 men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many days of 6 hrs. each would it take for 21 women if 3 women do as much work as 2 men?
(a) 30
(b) 20
(c) 19
(d) 29
Ans. A
23. A cylinder is 6 cms in diameter and 6 cms in height. If spheres of the same size are made from the material obtained, what is the diameter of each sphere?
(a) 5 cms
(b) 2 cms
(c) 3 cms
(d) 4 cms
Ans C
24. A rectangular plank (2)1/2 meters wide can be placed so that it is on either side of the diagonal of a square shown below.(Figure is not available)What is the area of the plank?
Ans :7*(2)1/2
25. The difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and the simple interest on a
certain sum lent out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25. What is the sum?
(a) Rs. 15000
(b) Rs. 12000
(c) Rs. 10000
(d) none of these
Ans C
26. What is the smallest number by which 2880 must be divided in order to make it into a
perfect square ?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
Ans. C
27. A father is 30 years older than his son however he will be only thrice as old as the son after 5 years
what is father's present age ?
(a) 40 yrs
(b) 30 yrs
(c) 50 yrs
(d) none of these
Ans. A
28. An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the cost price and selling price would be Rs.20/- the profit would be 10% more. What is the cost price of that article?
29. If an item costs Rs.3 in '99 and Rs.203 in '00.What is the % increase in price?
(a) 200/3 %
(b) 200/6 %
(c) 100%
(d) none of these
Ans. A
Directions: For questions 30-39 fill the missing number or letter in the given series
30. a, c, e, g, _
(a) h
(b) i
(c) d
(d) j
Ans. B
31. a, e, i, m, q, u, _, _
(a) y,c
(b) b,f
(c) g,i
(d) none
Ans. A
32. ay , bz , cw , dx ,__
(a) gu
(b) ev
(c) fv
(d) eu
Ans. D
33. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __
(a) 15
(b) 9
(c) 13
(d) 12
Ans. C (series of prime numbers)
34. kp , lo , mn , __
(a) nm
(b) np
(c) op
(d) pq
Ans. A
35. R,M,__,F,D,__
(a) I, C
(b) A, Q
(c) L, N
(d) B, Q
Ans. A
36. ___, ayw, gec, mki, sqo
(a) awx
(b) usq
(c) prs
(d) lmn
Ans. B
37. 1, 3, 4, 8, 15, 27, __
(a) 60
(b) 59
(c) 43
(d) 50
Ans D
38. 0, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 17, 24, 26,__
(a) 45
(b) 55
(c) 35
(d) 48
Ans. C
39. 2, 5, 9, 19, 37,__
(a) 64
(b) 55
(c) 75
(d) 40
Ans C
Directions for questions 40 to 45: Select the alternative that logically follows form the two given statements.
40. All scientists are fools. All fools are literates.
(a)All literates are scientists
(b) All scientists are literates
(c) No scientists are literates
(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
Ans. B
41. No apple is an orange. All bananas are oranges.
(a) All apples are oranges
(b) Some apples are oranges
(c) No apple is a banana
(d) None of the above
Ans. A
42. All pens are elephants. Some elephants are cats.
(a) Some pens are cats
(b) No pens are cats
(c) All pens are cats
(d) None of the above
Ans. D
43. All shares are debentures.No debentures are deposits.
(a) All shares are deposits
(b) Some shares are deposits
(c) No shares are deposits
(d) None of the above
Ans. C
44. Many fathers are brothers. All brothers are priests.
(a) No father is a priest
(b) Many fathers are not priests
(c) Many fathers are priests
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans. B
45. Some green are blue. No blue are white.
(a) No green are white
(b) Some green are white
(c) No green are white
(d) None of the above
Ans. B
46. If the word "CODING" is represented as DPEJOH , then the word "CURFEW" can be represented?
(a) dvsgfx
(b) dvshfx
(c) dgshfx
(d) dtsgfy
Ans. A
47. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 123678, then the code for the word "MANGO" would be
(a) 82357
(b) 84563
(c) 82346
(d) 82543
Ans. D
Directions for questions 48-50:The questions are based on the following data
In a class of 150 students 55 speak English;85 speak Telugu and 30 speak neither English nor Telugu
48. How many speak both English and Telugu?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 20
(d) 12
Ans. C
49.How many speak only Telugu?
(a) 55
(b) 45
(c) 65
(d) none of the above
50.How many speak at least one of the two languages?
(a) 120
(b) 100
(c) 250
(d) 50
Ans. A
Refer R.S Agarwal books for more questions of the same kind
Verbal -- Page 254 problems 53 to56
246 eg.2
Page 104 Exercise.3a (Series Questions)
Page 354-355 8,13,
Page 115
Nonverbal -- Pages 5,41,54,108,145,158
Back to top
Tulasi Iam Sending MBT Paper.
> MBT-1999-iit-delhi
>(1) if a boat is moving in upstream with v1 km/hr and in the down
> it is moving with v2 km/hr then what is the speed of the stream.
> ans: 13 check the values of v1 and v2 are given
> to find ans (v+s = v1, v-s = v2 find the boat velocity)
> (2) 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001
> --------------------------------
> 0.75*0.75-0.075+0.01
> (3) A can work done in 8 days
> B can work three timesfaster than the A;
> C can work five times faster asthe A;
> ans : 8/9 it is correct place blindly.
> (4) one answer is 200/3 % it is perfectly correct wecannot recollec
> the prob. so place it blindly.
> (5) A car is journied a certain distance in 7 hrs in forward journey
> in the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.
> what is the distance ans:210 it is perfect place blindly.
> (6) instead of multiplying by 7 to a number dividing by 7 what is
> the percentage of error
> ans we dont know but he has gived 14 18 25 andsome answers less than
>(7) x + 4 y
> ---------- relation between x and y is x/2y = 3/2 ie x = 3y find
> x - 2y ratio ans: 7 place it blindly.
>(8) a man buy a liquid by 12 lts and the mixture is of 20% liquid in
>then he makes it in 30% mixture then what is the % of liquid with
>(9) if a man byes 1lt of milk for 12rs and mixes with 20% of water and
>sels it for rs15 thgen what is percentage of gain
>(10) A pipe can fill a tank in 30 min B can fill in 28 min then if 3/4
>of tank can be filled by B pipe and after wards both are opened then
>how much time is required by both the pipes to fill the tank
>note: the values of A and B may slitely vary be ware.
>(11) on an item a company gave 25% discount then they get 25% profit
>if it gives 10% discount then what is the profit.
>ans: 30% it is correct place blindly.
>i will send the remaining problems if i get remembered o.k this section
>contain 29 questions.
>in fourth section.
>1. All chairs laugh.
> some birds laugh.
>2. some green are blue
>no blue is white.
>3 all scientists are fools.
>all fools are literates.
>only these questions see rs agarwal reasoning verbal and nonverbal book
>new edition asthe pagenumbers i already sended to you.
>ansers he changed slitely see.
>From two fig 6 questions regarding the
swimmers,girls,tennisplayers,tall and
>second one on politicians,graduates,parliament members, both questions
>are same given so mugup and go to exam and place blindly i already
>sended the page numbers in previous mail.
>series:(1) R,M,(..),F,D,(..)
> ans: I,C
>(2) (...),ayw,gec,mki,sqo ans: usq.
>(3) 1,3,4,8,15,27, ans: 50
>(4) 0,2,3,5,8,10,15,17,24,26,.. ans: 35
>(5) 2,5,9,19,37,.. ans:75
>these are the correct ansers place it blindly.
>the figure series which i had already send in the earlier paper is
>same and one extra qestion is their it is this type
> box type in side the box line and dot.
> this type see in the new edition rs agerwal a box is their
>in the answer so try for question in rs agerwal
> see rs agerwal for statements and assemptions questions.
>cut off will be around 30 out of 105 Bso place only the known problems
>place only correct problems.
>the above 35 questions aare enough to qualify.
>remaining questions if know exact answers then place .
>otherwise simply leave it.
5 mtechs got selected for int.& only one from chem. got the
job.Interview is personal.small software technical ques.about language.
(This is from IITM)
one to one negative marking is is tough to qualify unless u
know the paper.totally there are 105 questions. 70 min.
three flow sheets------ 10 min.
sections are quantitative(23),analytical(about 20) ,series&venn
diagrams,logical(20) questions from a passage (about 10). time span for
each section is different.sit at the back so that u can turn pages if u
want.different colored papers are used.
for flow sheets
first one is relatively easy
1.u will be given conditions like
if a wins he gets 100 pts,if b wins he gets 50 pts etc
2.there is flow sheet& there are empty cells(4) at "yes' or 'no"
decision points.
3.for each cell 4 choices will be given which should be chosen by
following through initial conditions &flow sheet logic.
4.rem. -ve marking is there. no verbal questions.
rs aggarwals verbal& nonverbal book
pg. 254 pr. 53 to56(almost same)
246 eg.2
pg 104 exer.3a about 5to 6 series qu.are do well
pg.354-355 8,13,
6th doubt
4 conclusions r there in all ques.
241 is doubtful
ans. to one quant. is 200/3 %
1.six persons will be there.
a,b, c,d,e,f
u have to match
conditions like,a is the last person to the victim alive,will be given
as we can conclude that a is the killer.
this is an easy one .paragraph will be very big .don' worry
5 to 6 ques.
5 persons will be there.
cashier, clerk,buyer,manager,floorwalker(check in info. paper for exact
a,b,c,d,e will be their names.
conditions will be given&we have to match who is who
3 r women&2 r men in this
sample condition,
cashier&clerk if get married, b will be wise man
mrs.c husband has some business prob with manager
manager&cashier(or clerk) r classmates
etc. will be given
do quantitative qu. from back.....
data graphs on turnover,gross profit &net profit will be given&
u have to extract data from that &find out few ratios.(easy one)
I) Distribution of workers in a factory according to the no.of
children they have
1. Total no. of workers in the factory.
Ans : 200
2. Total no. of children that all the workers that have between them is
Ans : 560
3. The total no. of literate workers is
Ans : 105
4. The ratio of literate & illiterate is
Ans - 1:2
5. The no. of literate workers with atleast 3 children is
Ans : 45
6. The no. of illiterate workers with less than 4 children is
Ans : 60
7. The rate of literate to illiterate workers who have 3 children is
Ans - 3:4
II) Which of the following statement(s) is(are) not true
a. Literate workers have small families than illiterate workers.
b. Families with 2 or less than 2 children are commoner than families
with 3 or more children.
c. 2 children families constitute 60% of the families of workers.
d. More the no. of children a worker has the more illiterate he is.
e. None the above statement is true.
Ans : e
III) ---- of a mutual instrument vibrate 6,8 & 12 intervals
respectively. If all three vibrate together what is the time
interval before all vibrate together again?
--------- Ans : 1/2 sec
12) Certain no. of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If
however there were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the
work to be finished. How many men were there originally.
Ans : 110 men
10) In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and
Rs.1200/- in 5 years.
Ans : Rs.800/-
vi) Sum of money at compound interest amounts of thrice itself in 3
years. In how many years
will it take 9 times itself.
Ans : 6
vii) Two trains in the same direction at 50 & 32 kmph respectively. A
man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the
faster train completely passes him.
What is the length of faster train ?
Ans : 75m
16) How many mashes are there in a sq. m of wire gauge. Each mesh
being 8mm long X 5mm width
Ans : 25000
17) x% of y is y% of ?
Ans : x
11) The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % house-wife should
reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be
same as before
Ans : 16.66
? ) A man spending half of his salary for house hold expenses, 1/4th
for rent, 1/5th for travel expenses, a man deposits the rest in a
bank. If his monthly deposits in the bank amount 50. What is his
monthly salary ?
Ans : 1000
? ) The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. That is an additioanl
annual increase of 4% of the population due to this influx of job
seekers, the % increase in population after 2 years is
Ans :
? ) The ratio of no. of boys & girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these
?% the boys & 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who
are not scholarship holders.?
Ans :
? ) 15 Men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many
days of 6 hrs. each would do if 21 women take. If 3 women do as much
work of 2 men.
Ans : 30
?) a cylinder ingot 6cms in diameter and 6 cms in height is and
spheres all of the same
size are made from the material obtained.what is the diameter of each
Ans :3cms
5) rectangular plank of sqrt(2)meters wide can be placed so that it is
on either side of the diagonal of a square shown below.what is the
area of the plank?
Ans :7sqrt(2)
fig no-
7) the difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and
the simple interest on a
certain sum cont out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25 what is the sum
8) what is the smallest n0 by which 2880 must be divided in order to
make it a
perfect square ?
Ans : c
a)3 b)4 c)5 d) 6 e)8
9)a father is 30 times more than his son however he will be only
thrice as old as the son
what is father's present age ?
Ans : 40
10) An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the c.p & s.p were to
be Rs.20/- the profit would be 10% more. What is the c.p of that
Ans : 1% loss
M.B.T:paper pattern only
Section-1. Passage (10 min reading ,5 questions)
Section-2. English (error finding,15 questions)
Section-3. Number series (Letter series also)
Section-4. Analytical ability (5 questions)
Section-5 Numerical ability (additions,multiplications etc)
note: -marking 1:1
Intergraph:paper pattern only
Analytical. 1.seating arrangement
(Ref. GRE book)
C-language. 48 questions - 45 min.
1. Diff.between inlinefunction((++)-macns(c)
2. 3 to 4 questions on conditional operator :?:
3. Write a macro for sqaring no.
4. Trees -3 noded tree ( 4 to 5 questions fundamentals)
Maximum possible no.of arrnging these nodes
5. Arrange the nodes in depth first order
breadth first order
6. Linked lists Q) Given two statments
1. Allocating memory dynamiccaly
2. Arrays
Tree the above both and find the mistake
7. Pointers (7 to 8 questions) Schaum series
Pointer to functions, to arrays
4 statements ->meaning,syntax for another 4 statements
8. Booting-def(When you on the system the process that takes place is ------
9. -----Type of global variable can be accessible from any where in the
working environment ( external global variable)
10. Which of the following can be accessed randomly
Ans. a. one way linked list
b. two way "
c. Arrays
d. Trees
11. Write a class for a cycle purchase(data items req.)
Microsoft Interview Questions & Answers
I recently visited Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus and interviewed with the Hotmail group. If you've never had a Microsoft interview, realize that they are very different than the standard interview. You won't be asked any of those questions like, "What is your greatest weakness," or, "Where do you want to be in five years?" Rather, a Microsoft interview typically contains a number of brain teasers and coding questions. In fact, you can read interview questions from my internship interviews.
Here are the questions I was asked, accompanied with the answers right below the question! So, once you reach the end of the question, don't read any further unless you want to immediately know the answer! Anyway, here goes:
Question: How could you determine if a linked list contains a cycle in it, and, at what node the cycle starts?
Answer: There are a number of approaches. The approach I shared is in time N (where N is the number of nodes in your linked list). Assume that the node definition contains a boolean flag, bVisited.
struct Node
bool bVisited;
Then, to determine whether a node has a loop, you could first set this flag to false for all of the nodes:
// Detect cycle
// Note: pHead points to the head of the list (assume already exists)
Node *pCurrent = pHead;
while (pCurrent)
pCurrent->bVisited = false;
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
Then, to determine whether or not a cycle existed, loop through each node. After visiting a node, set bVisited to true. When you first visit a node, check to see if the node has already been visited (i.e., test bVisited == true). If it has, you've hit the start of the cycle!
bool bCycle = false;
pCurrent = pHead;
while (pCurrent && !pCycle)
if (pCurrent->bVisited == true)
// cycle!
pCycle = true;
pCurrent->bVisited = true;
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
A much better approach was submitted by 4Guys visitor George R., a Microsoft interviewer/employee. He recommended using the following technique, which is in time O(N) and space O(1).
Use two pointers.
// error checking and checking for NULL at end of list omitted
p1 = p2 = head;
do {
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next->next;
} while (p1 != p2);
p2 is moving through the list twice as fast as p1. If the list is circular, (i.e. a cycle exists) it will eventually get around to that sluggard, p1.
Thanks George!
Question: How would you reverse a doubly-linked list?
Answer: This problem isn't too hard. You just need to start at the head of the list, and iterate to the end. At each node, swap the values of pNext and pPrev. Finally, set pHead to the last node in the list.
Node * pCurrent = pHead, *pTemp;
while (pCurrent)
pTemp = pCurrent->pNext;
pCurrent->pNext = pCurrent->pPrev;
pCurrent->pPrev = temp;
pHead = pCurrent;
pCurrent = temp;
Question: Assume you have an array that contains a number of strings (perhaps char * a[100]). Each string is a word from the dictionary. Your task, described in high-level terms, is to devise a way to determine and display all of the anagrams within the array (two words are anagrams if they contain the same characters; for example, tales and slate are anagrams.)
Answer: Begin by sorting each element in the array in alphabetical order. So, if one element of your array was slate, it would be rearranged to form aelst (use some mechanism to know that the particular instance of aelst maps to slate). At this point, you slate and tales would be identical: aelst.
Next, sort the entire array of these modified dictionary words. Now, all of the anagrams are grouped together. Finally, step through the array and display duplicate terms, mapping the sorted letters (aelst) back to the word (slate or tales).
Question: Given the following prototype:
int compact(int * p, int size);
write a function that will take a sorted array, possibly with duplicates, and compact the array, returning the new length of the array. That is, if p points to an array containing: 1, 3, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, when the function returns, the contents of p should be: 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, with a length of 5 returned.
Answer: A single loop will accomplish this.
int compact(int * p, int size)
int current, insert = 1;
for (current=1; current < size; current++)
if (p[current] != p[insert-1])
p[insert] = p[current];
} else
Happy Programming!
Perhaps you have heard that when Microsoft interviews potential employees, the ask them a series of mind-benders. Having recently experienced a Microsoft interview, let me assure you the rumors are indeed true. Here are some of the questions that the four of us were asked when interviewed by MS:
• You are given a scale which you are to use to measure eight balls. Seven of these balls have the same weight: the eigth ball is heavier than the rest. The scale does not indicate the weight of a particular object; it is a scale which tells you which of the two sides being weighed is heavier (like the scale that lady of justice statue holds up). So, for example you could place one ball on each end of the scale. If ball one was heavier than ball two, it would tip in ball one's direction; if ball two were heavier, it would tip io ball three's direction; if the balls were of equal weight, the scale would not tip at all. What is the minimum number of weighs you could perform to find the heaviest of the eight balls?
• Imagine, now, that you have seven balls of unknown weight, given that six are of the same weight, and the seventh is heavier than the rest. Using the same scale as described above, what is the minimum number of weights you could perform to find the heaviest of the seven balls?
• Imagine that you have 26 constants, labelled A through Z. Each constant is assigned a value in the following way: A = 1; the rest of the values equal their position in the alphabet (B corresponds to the second position so it equals 2, C = 3, etc.) raised to the power of the preceeding constant value. So, B = 2 ^ (A's value), or B = 2^1 = 2. C = 3^2 = 9. D = 4^9, etc., etc. Find the exact numerical value to the following equation:
(X - A) * (X - B) * (X - C) * ... * (X - Y) * (X - Z)
• Write C code to implement atoi
• And fimally, the hum-dinger: There are four people who need to cross a bridge at night. The bridge is only wide enough for two people to cross at once. There is only one flashlight for the entire group. When two people cross, they must cross at the slower member's speed. All four people must cross the bridge in 17 minutes, since the bridge will collapse in exactly that amount of time. Here are the times each member takes to cross the bridge:
• Person A: 1 minute
• Person B: 2 minutes
• Person C: 5 minutes
• Person D: 10 minutes
So, if Person A and C crossed the bridge initally, 5 minutes would elapse, because Person C takes 5 minutes to cross. Then, Person A would have to come back to the other side of the bridge, taking another minue, or six minutes total. Now, if Person A and D crossed the bridge next, it would take them 10 minutes, totalling to 16 minutes. If A came back, it would take yet another minute, totally 17... the bridge would collapse with A and B on the wrong side. How can all four people get across the bridge within 17 minutes? Note: there is no trick-answer to this problem. You can't do tricky stuff like throwing the flashlight back from one end of the bridge to the other. This problem can be solved!
• Here are the answers to the Microsoft Interview Questions.
• You are given a scale which you are to use to measure eight balls. Seven of these balls have the same weight: the eigth ball is heavier than the rest. The scale does not indicate the weight of a particular object; it is a scale which tells you which of the two sides being weighed is heavier (like the scale that lady of justice statue holds up). So, for example you could place one ball on each end of the scale. If ball one was heavier than ball two, it would tip in ball one's direction; if ball two were heavier, it would tip io ball three's direction; if the balls were of equal weight, the scale would not tip at all. What is the minimum number of weighs you could perform to find the heaviest of the eight balls?
Answer: You can do this in 2 weighs. Put three balls on each side of the scale. That's a total of six balls you're weighing. If the three balls on each side weigh equally, you know that one of the two remaining balls is the heaviest. Weigh those two balls to determine which one is heaviest. If, however, one of the three ball combinations weighs most, remove all balls from the scale, then weigh just two of the three "heavier" balls. If those two balls are equal weight, the third, unweighed ball is the heaviest; otherwise the scale will indicate which of the two balls on the scale is the heavy one.
• Imagine that you have 26 constants, labelled A through Z. Each constant is assigned a value in the following way: A = 1; the rest of the values equal their position in the alphabet (B corresponds to the second position so it equals 2, C = 3, etc.) raised to the power of the preceeding constant value. So, B = 2 ^ (A's value), or B = 2^1 = 2. C = 3^2 = 9. D = 4^9, etc., etc. Find the exact numerical value to the following equation:
(X - A) * (X - B) * (X - C) * ... * (X - Y) * (X - Z)
Answer: Well, since we have a series of products here, X - X will soon be reached, which will equate to zero. Throwing zero into a product results in an answer of zero. So, the answer is zero. Easy, eh? :)
• Write C code to implement atoi
Answer: Does anyone really want to know this one? If so, just let me know, and I will post the answer...
• And fimally, the hum-dinger: There are four people who need to cross a bridge at night. The bridge is only wide enough for two people to cross at once. There is only one flashlight for the entire group. When two people cross, they must cross at the slower member's speed. All four people must cross the bridge in 17 minutes, since the bridge will collapse in exactly that amount of time. Here are the times each member takes to cross the bridge:
• Person A: 1 minute
• Person B: 2 minutes
• Person C: 5 minutes
• Person D: 10 minutes
How can all four people get across the bridge within 17 minutes? Note: there is no trick-answer to this problem. You can't do tricky stuff like throwing the flashlight back from one end of the bridge to the other. This problem can be solved!
• A and B cross together. Total Time: 2 Minutes
• A comes back. Total Time: 3 Minutes
• C and D cross together. Total Time: 13 Minutes
• B comes back. Total Time: 15 Minutes
• A and B cross together. Total Time: 17 Minutes
Hi All,
I attended the Microsoft GSC test on
15th at Mumbai.
The paper was easy except the programming question
part which was very lengthy compared to the time
I m giving below the paper pattern. I m not very good
at remembering the questions exactly so i m just
giving the overview of the test.
There were four sections. All were separate. The time
alloted as well as the question papers also were
separate for each section.
Section I : English language test - 25 Qstns.- 20
It contained usual & easy english language qustns.
like prepositions, articles, antonyms-synonyms etc.
There were two paragraphs. One was about types of
networks & another was about CGI scripting. There were
some easy qstns. asking info. from the para.
Section II : Mental ability - 25 Qstns.- 30 Mints.
It contained qstns. related to union & intersection
like there r N no. of students in a class, S no. of
them passed in 3 subjects, T no. of them passed in 2
subjects & U no. of them passes in all subjects, what
no. of students failed in all subjects.
Another type of qstns. were related to cubes, like
there is a cube, one side of it is painted with blue
color, the opposite side is painted with yellow color,
now it is cut into 16 cubes of equal size, now how
many cubes r having blue color at one side & no color
at its adjucent side, how many cubes r having no color
at any side etc.
Then there were qstns. like if + means -, * means /, -
means *, / means +, then which of the following is
true ; there were four options. Each having some
calculation like 12+8-3*5/32=13. We have to select the
option having the correct calculation.
Most of the questions were similar to the above
mentioned patterns.
Section III : Aptitude test - 20 Qstns.- 20 Mins.
This section contained qstns. exactly like those asked
in the Bank PO, Railways & UPSC exams. Its different
from usual apti. qstns.
E.g. which two of the following are same : 11225689 :
11225986 : 11225689.
Then Data sufficiency qstns. like statement 1 is
sufficient to get the answer, both 1 & 2 needed,
neither 1 nor 2 can give the answer etc.
Then Condition checking qstns. like there is a
recruitment of clerk. Some conditions r given like the
candidate should be graduate with 60%, his age should
be less then 30 years, typing speed should be atleast
45 wpm. etc.
Based on this we have to answer a perticular candidate
will be selected or not given his details.
Then Some simple & usual riddles like Ram goes to 5 km
east, then 5 km south, then west, now in which
direction he is. Then a man pointing to a photo says
he is the son of my grandmothers' son like that.
Section IV : Programming - C & DFS OR VB - 40 Qstns.-
30 Mins.
U can choose either C & DFS paper or VB paper. I chose
C & DFS.
This was the toughest part bcoz qstns. were lengthy &
time was very short. Both C & DFS qstns. were almost
equal. Most of the C qstns. were asking about the
output of the given code. The DFS qstns. were about
link list, array, queue & also the graph theory.
This section demands a thorough preparation of C & DFS
& Graph theory.
The paper had three sections(I am not sure about the names of the sections, but the times are
correct, trust me!)
Verbal ability 25 qs 20 mts
Mental ability 25 qs 30 mts
Aptitude 20 qs 20 mts
If you just want to go thru the questions, just look at ‘Ã ’
The first section had basic English qs like use of prepositions, articles and two passages (both
windows related):
à The first one was about RAM, and how Windows assigns a bit of RAM to each process and
what happens in the case of multi-processing and all that.
à The second one was about DLL (Dynamic Linked Library) files and how they get an operation
These passages were followed by a set of questions which were simple if you carefully read the
passage. My advice is that you better read the passages first clearly and only then start to answer
the questions that follow. If you try to jump off in the middle to answer, you’ll only end up
confused(because the choices given are such). That wraps up this section.
The second section mainly had questions involving union and intersection, for example:
à There are 2500 people in a club. 800 were drinkers, 1250 were smokers and 400 were both
drinkers and smokers. The number of teetotalers?
There was not much variation from question to question; I mean all were more or less of the
same pattern.
And there were cube-based problems:
à A child was given to paint a cube with the following conditions:
White should face down.
Black and blue should be on the opposite faces.
Golden should be up.
..and some more like this. This was followed by a set of questions which were simple and direct.
The second one was a toughie.
à The cube again, with some conditions for colours. It is cut into two halves parallel to the black
faced plane. The first half is cut into 4 equal cubes. And the second part into 32 equal cubes.
The questions were:
Number of cubes with at least one face coloured.
Number of cubes with no face coloured.
Number of cubes which have green on one of their faces.
And some more(this was the last question in the section so I couldn’t get to all).
1. A man crosses a circle of perimeter 35 m in 44 sec and he runs a hexagon of 42 m side. In how many second he finishes the complete perimeter of the hexagon.
2. A+b do a work in 6 days. A+c do the work in 10 days, c+a in 7.5 days. How many
days will it take for a+b+c to do the work and also find the number of days required by a alone.
3. Totally there are 12 yes or no questions. In how many different ways can he attend?
4. Complete the series 7 49 56 392………….
5. Complete the series 36 252 63 441 110.25..
6. Find the odd one out: 8 125 512 729?
7. Number of zeros between 0 and 10000
8. A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle. What is the perimeter of the hexagon in relation with the radius of the circle?
9. A circular path has a perimeter of 120m.a, b,c travel at 5 7 15m/s respectively. They start simultaneously. At what time do they meet next?
10. Totally there are 12 pipes. Some pipes fill the tank and some empties the tank (data will be given). If all the pipes are opened simultaneously when will the tank be filled?
11. Which is greater 2^300 or 3^200?
12. Average age of 24 students is 36. When the age of teacher is added the average age is increased by 1 year. What is the age of the teacher?
13. Water and milk are mixed in the ratio 2:1,5:3 and 9:4.when all the mixtures of equal volume are mixed together what is the ratio water and milk in the resulting solution.
14. Average rate of five orange and four apples is 12 and 7 orange and 8 apples are 86. Find the total rate of 24 orange and 24 apples.
15. In how many ways the letters in the word MANAGEMENT can be arranged such that A’s does not come together.
16. A give B a start of 20 sec and leads by 20m. When he starts off 25 sec he finishes at the same time. What is the speed of A. (wordings not sure).
17. An array of integer is given. Write a pseudo code to find the sub array with the largest sum.
18. A string is given. Write an algorithm to implement the backspace from the end of the string. The string contains 1 byte and 2-byte character. For 1 byte char first bit is 0 and for 2 byte char first bit is 1.
Five sentences in logical reasoning section were given.
Two analytical question each having five to six questions.
Quantitative Aptitude 30 Minutes for 20 Questions
Program 10 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude:
Problems on:
Time and Work
Pipes n Cisterns
Alligation n Mixtures
1)Ratio of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5:6:7
What is the product of the smaller and larger angle?
2)2^300 or 3^200 which is greater?
3)Sum of first n numbers = 1050 ..find the sum of first 200 numbers
4)Abacteria quadruples every hour and fills a bottle by 10 AM . 1/8th
of the
bottle will be filled by what time?
Limerick : Poem
ans) Catch : Song
Beatten: Hatch
ans)Door : Latch
Contomporaneous : extant :: adjacent: ?
Confine:Prisoner : : Detain: Accused
Swathe: Fabric : : Chip : Paint
Slander is the counterfeit of many,many who wouldn't coin it circulate
without qualms.
I sat besides her to feel Comfortable.
Ans) c Sat besides(Sentence Correction)
Barron(Gre old edition)
Magnetic tacpe is used for : Backup and Archive
HexaDecimal Equivalent of 11101000 is
Binary Equivalent of .4375 is
Which is used for Logical Multiplication: And,Or,Xor,Nand ans)And
Which of the following is a page printer
a)offset b)laser c)liquid image transfer d)....
From where did E Commerce evolve?
a)... b)B2B c)SPAM d)Internet
In c++ which of the following is used to declare functions of a class
outside it:
b)Scope Resolution Operator
Which of the following is strongest argument for doubling processor
How Tracks are divided?
Program: Write the code for implementing 8 queens problem....
The code is evaluated during the interview
1)A man sold a product for rs.56 and gained x% .Its original cost is rs.x ,what is the cost?
2)2power 300,3 power200 which is greater?
3)how many zeros are there from 1 to 10000
4)if a and b do a job together in 6 days
b and c together in 10 days
a and c together in 7.5 days
no of days when
i)a,b,c together
ii)if a alone does the job.
5)there are 12 yes/no types of questions ,in how many ways can they be answered?
6)find odd one out of 125,8 power 3,521,729
One got 20 % marks and failed by 10 marks,
other got 42% marks and got 12 % more than the passing requirement
What is the maximum marks?
8) --,32,224,…
9)Rs 50000 is divided into two parts
One part is given to a person with 10% interest and another part is given to a person with
20 % interest.At the end of first yearn he gets profit 7000
Find money given by 10%
10)Time shown by a watch is 2.20
Find the angle between them
Avg cost of 5apples+4 mangoes=rs.36
Avg cost of 7 apples + 8 mangoes=rs.48
Find total cost of 24 mangoes and 24 apples
12)Management : How ways it can be arranged without 2 a’s as continuous
1)Working in MNCs (+ve and –ve)
2)Working with Spouse in the same company (+ve and -ve)
1)No Roman is a human
This is mindtree paper consists of 2 sections.One is
aptitude which has -ve marking .each one carries 3
marks for correct ans and -1 for wrong one.section B
has no -ve marking and carries 2 marks each
one.Duration is 1 hour.
1.find out the area of given shaded part in a graph?
2.which one of the following is not right angle
Ans: D(9,16,12)
3.sum of the consequent 7 integers some 1613.
Find the no. of prime numbers in that sequence.
Ans:2(check it out) no.of players is 99 other than me.50 plays
soccer,45 plays basket ball,50 play valley ball.15
play all three.How many will play only 2 games/
ans:15(check it out)
5.fresh mangoes have 70% of water in weight, dry
mangoes 20% of water in weight..what is the weight of
dry mangoes if weight of fresh mangoes is 20kg .ans(d)
a)6.68kg b) connot be determined c) 6.0kg d)6.6kg 63 matches are conducted in Knockout match
type.How many players will be participated in that
7.find out next one.
B A C B D C E D F ?
8. X is min of { n+5,6-n} then what is the min of X
9.2 can type 2 pages in 2 many typist can
type 18 pages in 6 minutes?
Ans . 6
10.Coconuts are arranged in piles in the order of
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2.Hence he got shortage of 1.what
is the min no.of smallest coconuts?
Ans . lcm of above - 1 = 2219( check it out)
11. p+q+r-=0,then what is value of
Ans.3( check it out)
12. In a class boys are 25% more than girls what is
ratio of total boys and girls
Ans .5:4( actually ans is given like 5.;3)
13.How many 3 digit no. are there when divided by 7 or
8 leaves remainder 4?
Ans .17(may be ,check it out)
14.if it were 2 hours later it will be half as long
until the mid night, as if it were be as half an hour
later.what is time now/(may be 21 if it is there)
a) 18.30
b) 23.30
c) 22.30
d) 23
.data comparisions
17. A. total no.days in a four consecutive years
B. no. feets in 487 yards
ans:both r equal
18. A. external dimensions of a box is 2cm*4cm*5cm
.how many boxes are there in box of internal
B. this is also samemodelA
19.A. (66+34)/ (0.66+0.44)
B. (65+35)/(0.65+0.35)
a) A is greater than B
b) B is greater than A
c) Both are equal
SECTION B( analytical)
I A. There will be given 4 conditions . depending
up on them following questions have to be answered.
a) P may not come if either R or S come.
b) if G comes S comes
c) if H comes K comes
d) another one
There is one more question like this ,so prepare
for analytical
2. one stars at home at 10.00a.m and reaches
bus stop at 10.20.then he returns back home finds that
it is 10.30am .if walking speed is same, is that watch
is slow or fast and how much
ans . 5 min slow(check it out)
3. she can earn Ph.D unless she is poor at GRE or she
doesn't receive any scholarship
which one of the following is not true?
Ans A
Hi friends,
I am giving the mindtree paper at NIT warangal.
In this there are 2 sections section A consists of 19
qts(+3/-1)(negative marking) and section B 10
qts(+2)(no negative marking)
section A: simple mathamatics
1. A triangle on a grid was given : find the area of
it : ans : 2
3. out of the four options which is not a right angle
:ans :D (12,9,16)
4.In a class of 100 members 50 plays soccer 45
badminton 50 volley ball and 15 plays all the three
then how meny of them play two games.
ans: can't be determined (D) verify
5.In a class the no.of boys are more than that of
girls by 25% of the total strength of the class then
the ratio of boys to girls ans:(5:3)(d)
6.the radius of the circle is reduced from 5cm to 4cm
then the % change of area (ans:36%)(b)
7.two workers can type two pages in two minuits then
how meny persons can type 18 pages in 6 minuits
(ans:6)(b) (ans : correct but question may not be)
8.if p+q+r=0 then p^2/qr+q^2/pr+r^2/pq=? (ans:3)(d)
9.the sum of 7 consecutive numbers is 1617 then the
number of prime numbers in it.(ans:2) a nock out tournament the total no.of games
played are 63 then the no.of participants(ans:64)
11.fresh mango consists of 70% water and dry mango
consists of 10% water then 20Kg of fresh mango is
equivalent to how much of dry mango (ans:6.66 kg)(D)
12.the no.of 3 digit numbers which when devide by 7 or
8 gives a reminder of 4 (ans :dont know)
a) 16 b) 17 c) 18 d) 19
17,18,19 are gre type.(if A is greater then A,if B is
grtr then B , C if equal,d cont be dtr)
17.A:the sum of the days in 4 consequent years
B:no.of feets in 487 yards ANS:C
18. of cubes --------------------ans:B
section B GRE analytical type
1. a magiciian wants to play 8 trics F,G,H,K,P,Q,R,S
some conditions given (4 qts)
5. (4qts)
9. a man when he is at room ,his clock sees 10 Am he
went to bus stand and saw the clock at stand it shows
10:20 am again he came back and saw the wall clock it
shows 10:30
then state whether his clock is faster or slower and
how much.
thats what I answered.
In inter--:very basic qts of c and control systems.
they have selected eight guys.
45 quesitons and 60 mins........
attend the quesions from the end for this paper........
every wrong answer carried -1 marking and every right
question carried +3 marking.
i am sending u few questions that i got from friends:
1) a person losses and gains 10% on selling a object for 200.
ans:he losses
2)sum of 1 to 100 is divisible by
2.2 & 4
ans: 2
3)10 consonants and 4 vowels , how many words with 3 consonants and 2
1) 720 , 2)7200 ...
complete series
5)ABCEFGIJK......( ver easy )
6)how many nos start and end with 2 b/w 100 and 300?
7)if a sphere of dia 3 cm is melted & formed into 3 spheres ,
the diameter of 1st is 1.5cm and that of second is 2.0 cm , what is
diameter of the third??
8)5 logical reasoning like ::
All elephants are trained
a few animals are trained
..........etc -> refer to IMS material for this
9)there are 6 steps from 1st floor to 2nd floor
A si 2 stes below C
B is next to D
ONly one step is vacant
NO 2 people are on any step
Q!)if a is on the first step , which of the following are true
(( very very easy ))
10) there are 4 novels like thriller , mystery , romance , fiction
written by ,a,b,c,d not necessarily in the same order and published
by e , f , g , h, not necessarily in the same order...and questions
on this
(( very very easy ))
11)6 people compete in a race A,b,c,d,e,f
b is not in the 1st place
there are 2 runners b/w d and e
a is ahead of d
( one more condition ) and 2 quesitions --very easy
12)if prizes are increased by 25% , by how much should i reduce the
consumption to keep the expenditure same??
13)how many factors ( or what nos) divide 6400
1)24 , 2) 25 3) ....
14) "COURTESY" - how many words can be constructed with C in the
and Y at the end
15) My mother's husband's father in laws son's child->what is the
16)3 glasses containing mixture of water and alco in ratio 2:3 , 3:4
, 5:9
when all 3 are mixed what is the new ratio??
I am Naresh from NITW.MindTree had visited our campus
yesterday(20/9/2003).I am giving some details
regarding the exam.
120 attended the exam
24 short listed for GD.
8 short listed for Interview.
2 are finally short listed.
In Interview they are asking to explain the program
you have written. and also about one of your
intersting subject. HR questions are cool.Tell me
about yourself and family.
GD topics.
1. if both husband and wife are working in the same
2.cordination between educational institutions and
3.Linux Vs Microsoft . Which will perish?.
For written test
45 aptitute questions.These Questions take time.
1 programing question. We have to write program(This
program will be evaluated if you are qualified for
Interview).you will be given choice(ie write one out
of two given)
both the programs are on files
1. we have to count the 3 letter,4letter and 5letter
words from a file and print the number of 3
letter,4letter and 5letter words. Delimiter is
space,tab,hifen.Also we should not consider the line
in the file after we encounter # in that line.(ie
after # we should not consider the portion of line)
2. in file count the number of charecters,number of
words,number of line.Delimiter between words is given
as command line argument.
1hour 15 min is given for the test. we have to answer
both apptitue and program with in this time.
some of the apptitue questions.
1. the is a meeting organised, every person shake
hands with the other only once.if there are 60 shake
hands,how many persons are there in the meeting?.
2.A fater has 8 children ,he takes 3 at a time to a
zoo.probability of a child going to the zoo.
3. a father has six children .all the children are
born at regular intervels.if the sum of their ages of
all the children and father is 186. calculate the age
of the elder son, when the younger sons age is 3.
4.count the numbers between 100 and 300, that starts
with 2 and ends with 2. Ans: 10.
5.some reasoning questions
1. there are six steps,5 people a,b,c,d,e .
conditions are , a is two steps below c,no two people
are on same step,b is next to d.
4 Questions based on this
2. 5 people participating in the race .conditions are
given about the positions.
6.a ball is dropped from a height of 10 feet.Every
time it rebounces to half of the height. how many
feet it travelled?
7.There are 3 jars. The ratio of spirit to water in
each of these jars is 3:2,4:5,5:7. the three jars are
mixed into a single jar. What is the ration of spirit
to water in single jar.
8. What is the relation with your mothr's sister's
brother's wife's child with you.?
9.what is the relation with your mother's husband's
father-in-law's son's child with you?
10.we were asked to fill the series, alpabet sreris 4
questions are given.
11. 5 questions are given, we are asked to find the
logical connection betwween them.
like all managers are drinkers,all drinker are smokers
,questions like this.
Thats all i remember. Hope this will give you idea
about MindTree. Best of luck .
1. Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided. 18
2. In a railway station, there are two trains going. One in the harbor line and one in the main line, each having a frequency of 10 minutes. The main line service starts at 5 o'clock and the harbor line starts at 5.02A.M. A man goes to the station every day to catch the first train that comes. What is the probability of the man catching the first train?
3. Next number in the series is: 1 , 2 , 4 , 13 , 31 , 112 , ?
4. Father's age is three years more than three times the son's age. After three years, father's age will be ten years more than twice the son's age. What is the father's present age? 33
5. From a vessel, 1/3rd of the liquid evaporates on the first day. On the second day 3/4th of the remaining liquid evaporates. What fraction of the volume is present at the end of the second day. 1/6
6. What is the max no of points of intersection of two circles of unequal radii.
7.Write the pseudocode to exchange two variables without using temporary variable.
8. If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the average speed of the stream ? 13
9.Find the next number in the series 1,1,3,5,11,21,43, ? 85
10.How many different patterns of trees can be obtained from 3 nodes?
Q. write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
Q. what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Q. Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Q. Difference between Class and Struct.
Q. Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
Q. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc.,
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
Q. what is a Real Time OS.
Q. Describe VRTX in few words.
Q. How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
Q. Name some sockets, TLI, streams. and much about project.
Q. What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
Q. What is a semaphore?
Q. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
Q. What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Q. Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
Q. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human
Q.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss
Q.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules
C Test
1. main()
int arr[100];
int c:
int N;
minvalue i = .....
Maxvalue i = .....
Ans 0,100 resp
2. for n=2 the following fn returning value is
int fun(int n)
for(i = 1;i<=n;i++)
Ans 6
4. Calculate sum=1+1+2+1+2+3+1......
Ans i<=x;j<=i
5. for x=2 y=3 z=1
the following fn return
int fun(int n; int y; int z)
int sum
return sum
Ans 0(check)
6. The values of sum from above fn
for x=0; y=0;z=1 Ans 1 can you insert the following values in stack and numbers
stack [][][][][][]
numb [][][][][][][]
60 50 40 30 20 10
10 20 30 40 50 60
8. # if ndif XYZ
#include "XYZ.h"
what is meaning ?
if XYZ is not defined then only include the header file XYZ.h.
9. p:malloc(int*sizeof(int));
ans: a
10.a=5 b=10 c=7
ans 10
11. debugging eliminates Ans[c]
ans: both logical & ruin time errors.
12. int term (int x)
{ int sum=0;int i;
sum+=x; /*problel is wrong but Ans is 650.*/
} Ans 650
the above fn value for x=150 x;
what is error in the above program a[] = { 1, , 9,2.......}
int *p;
a)7 b)2 c)4407 d)none
ans: d
15.a[][] = {1,2},{3,4}
b[] [] ={
void fun(A,B)
int i,j;
return sum;
what is wrong in the above function?
Motorola Placement Paper 1
3 of 6 7/22/2006 1:52 PM
(i)syntax (ii) runtime (iii) logical (iv) debugging.
17. A binary tree with depth of '3' has max kof 20 nodes ans: no.
18.. malloc ? 2. char * p =" hwllo world " , what is wrong?
19. char *(*(*a(N))())();?
20. *p++ = ?
21 int i=7
printf( "%d \n",i++ i++) o/p =? ans 56
22. n=2 pow((2.0,n),++n)?
23. #define macro for ( i,g) ?
24. int reg=2 is there any wrong ? write a reason
25. #define max 10
} what is wrong
26. strcat( string,'O');
wrong? werite reason?
27.char *s=char * ....
else (string)....? wrong? write reason
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
There are three section . there are 44 question in all three section .the time is 45 is suffucent.
section I -20 question.
section II-11 question . it is GRE resoning .you can easyly do these section.
section III-13 question
there is no time limitatioin in individual section .so do not bothere for that.
1. there is question on figure .it is easy.
ans d) correct
2. there are 1800 coins .one soin is defective in that .in how many minimum
times you can find that the coin is defective.
3.there are two kind of professonal in a company software & personal.if the
personal are 15% of the total .a party is going .in a party if 50% of the
total professonal left and all are s/w then what is the ratio of the s/w
professonal left to total software professonal.
ans b) 10/17
4. what is the probability of the taking out two card one king and one quene
of black in a card packet.
ans d) 1/663 (ckeck)
5.1 1 2 3 5 ... 13
ans 8
6.there are two more question of series .they are easy.
Motorola Placement Paper 1
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7.there are two question of coding and decoding.they are also easy. many word are be formed by by a 5 alphbet ward in which one word is twice.
(I don't rembere the exact word)
ans 60 (correct)
9.there is one question on price rise and fall .
ans 1% decrese in price.
10. 1,7,17,31,--,71
ans 49
section II
in this there are easy question on reasoning like GRE .
I don't remember the passage and question.there are 11 question in this
TOROLA 99 (46 questions , no -ve marking)
1. out of 1800 coins one is lighter than others and in howmany attempts u
can find that
odd one?
2. out of 52 cards two are drawn consecutively. what is the probablility
to get black king &
black queen ? ans: 2/663
3. 1,2,3,5,8, ..?
ans: 13
4. out of 100 students in the class 60 take hindi ,55 social, 65 english.
Howmany students passed in atleast 2 subjects?
5. 3 4 13
- ? -
6 7 16
ANS: ? = 1
6. h i n d find the odd man out ?
ans: i (vowel)
7. word1: word2 then motorola: ?
ans: replace m o r l by respective letters in word2.
8. 6 1 2 7 12 ? 2 3 11 1
ans: add 1+2+11+7
9. O(n), O(n2), O(n3), O(n4) what is the overall complexity ?
Ans: orde of n power 4 O(n4).
ans: a[m-i+1]
11. 2 4 6
6 10 ?
ans: 16
12. queston on floors in building. srinivas lives on .....
ans: 11 th floor.
- - - -
14-16. There are 2 analytic questions (6marks each)
There are 3 drink items (c m t )& 5 food items (p q r s t u). one
has to take 2 drink items and 3 food items. The pairs that shuld not be
taken are given.(cp ps pt etc)
Q1) if he takes c what others can be taken ?
Q6)what he can take ?
ans: u (no condition is given on u)
20-25) Analytic question based on positions .
A is above c&d, Q is below c, Q is middle of r&c etc.
now u can answer the 6 questions once u find the corresponding
positions of letters.
Motorola Placement Paper 1
5 of 6 7/22/2006 1:52 PM
Motorola 03
there are 45 question . no technical question are asked.time 45 mins.
2 reasoning question means total 11 questoins.reasoning is not from
1. antonym
p.... ans. static
2.there are 1800 coin is counterfiet many minimum
weight is required to find counterfiet coin.
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ..... ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 ...
6. instruction to add 3 ....... ans. 4
7.floor problem ...... ans. 11th floor
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T here are Three streams
1 hardware ( sps)
2 software (gsg)
3 dsp
ppt for 2 hours
hardware 13 questions 1hour and 15 minutes
software 20 questions
Hardware questions
Hardware questions
Draw the state transition diagram for sequence detector for the sequence 011. if the first bit detected is zero
then SCRH should be asserted when the second bit is 1 the SCRH should remain asserted when the third bit is 1
the FOUND should be asserted and the SCRH should be disasserted. No bits should be left.
ts=0.5 and Th=0.7 (for the this is the setup time reqd and hold time reqd)
buffer has the delay of 1nsec
what is the setup time _________ns
what is the hold time ___________ns
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate
more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in
the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting
d)none of the above
.c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
.Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
In binary tree which of the following is true
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort
In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
Question on worst and best case of sequential searc11. h
12. question on breadth first search
char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child's child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
cout<} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out
for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables
.linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
Motorola Placement Paper 3
3 of 3 7/22/2006 1:53 PM
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type
fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial 20. Computation
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview. Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Write a Code
To reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using 1. an extra memory.
To reverse a linked list as above. given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
3. Difference between Macro and ordinary definition. Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they) Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler
and loader and linker etc. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc., where shall
the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
5. what is a Real Time OS.Name some.
6. Describe VRTX in few words.
7. How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled
8. sockets, TLI, streams.. and much about project
9. What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
10. What is a semaphore?
11. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
12. What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
13. Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
5 Responses to “Motorola”
John went through a job interview and said:
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long
where shall the changes be — lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
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Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
2 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Lee went through a job interview and said:
>>There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
>>Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
>>write a C code
>> reverse a string using a recursive function, without
>> swapping or using an extra memory.
>>2.To reverse a linked list as above.
>>given a macro like
>> #define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
>> what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
>>Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
>>Difference between Class and Struct.
>>Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
>>Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader
>>and linker etc.
>>If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added
>>like int, long
>>where shall the changes be — lex or yacc or where.
>>what is a Real Time OS.
>>Name some.
>>Describe VRTX in few words.
>>How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
>>sockets, TLI, streams.
>>and much about project.
>>What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
>>What is a semaphore?
>>What exactly happens after each system call in sockets,
>>both at the
>>client and at the server.
>>What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
>>Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
>7.Interchanging strings and numbers Ans C
>8. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human
>9.Some Mammels are Vertebrates
> Some Vertebrates are……. Ans d
Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
3 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
>10. Figure patteren: –|–…….etc. direction changes problem.
>11. work problem………etc. (not clear).
>1. main()#
>int arr[100];#
>int c:#
>int N;#
>for(i=-:i arr[i]=i;#
> minvalue i = …..#
> Maxvalue i = ….. Ans 0,100 resp#
>2. Union Problem ….. Ans : a or c#
>3. for n=2 the following fn returning value is#
>int fun(int n)#
>for(i = 1;ifor(j=i;jsum=sum+j;#
>} Ans 6#
>4. Calculate sum=1+1+2+1+2+3+1……#
> Ans i5. for x=2 y=3 z=1#
>the following fn return#
>int fun(int n; int y; int z)#
>int sum#
>return sum#
> Ans 0(check)#
>6. The values of sum from above fn
>for x=0; y=0;z=1 Ans 1
> can you insert the following values in stack and numbers
>stack [][][][][][]
>numb [][][][][][][]
>60 50 40 30 20 10
>10 20 30 40 50 60#
>8. # if ndif XYZ#
>#include “XYZ.h”#
>what is meaning ?#
>if XYZ is not defined then only include the header file XYZ.h.#
>9. p:malloc(int*sizeof(int));#
>ans: a#
>10.a=5 b=10 c=7#
>(a>c)?a:((b>c)?b:c) ans 10#
> 11. debugging eliminates Ans[c]#
> ans: both logical & ruin time errors.#
> 12. int term (int x)#
> { int sum=0;int i;#
> for(i=0;i sum+=x; /*problel is wrong but Ans is 650.*/#
Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
4 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
> return(sum);#
> } Ans 650#
> the above fn value for x=150#
> x;#
> scanf(”%d”,x);#
> ————-#
> ————–#
> what is error in the above program#
> a[] = { 1, , 9,2…….}#
>int *p;#
>a)7 b)2 c)4407 d)none#
>ans: d#
>15.a[][] = {1,2},{3,4}#
>b[] [] ={#
>void fun(A,B)#
>int i,j;#
>return sum;#
>what is wrong in the above function?#
>(i)syntax (ii) runtime (iii) logical (iv) debugging.#
>17. A binary tree with depth of ‘3_ has max kof 20 nodes ans: no.#
>18. breadth search and depth search in binary tree.#
>1.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss#
>2.Order problem Ans : Bo,Ka,A,Tp Ans Bo#
>3.10%5+3*2-3 ans:5#
>4.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules#
>5.cube problem( 32 bigger+4 smaller cubes)-> R.S.Aggrawal nonverbal#
> ->pg 92: 5 questions#
>6 PQRSTU->problem-> Verbal Reasoning -> …….do…….pg 430 : 5#
>7 problem -> verbal reasoning -> rs aggrawal pg 207 Quest 17 to 21.#
>1. malloc ? 2. char * p =” hwllo world ” , what is wrong?#
>3. char *(*(*a(N))())();?#
>4.*p++ = ?#
>5 int i=7#
>printf( “%d \n”,i++ i++) o/p =? ans 56#
>6.n=2 pow((2.0,n),++n)?#
>7 #define macro for ( i,g) ?#
>8. int reg=2 is there any wrong ? write a reason#
>9. #define max 10#
> p=&(a+b);#
> q=*max;#
> } what is wrong#
> 10. strcat( string,’O');#
> wrong? werite reason?#
>11.char *s=char * ….#
> else (string)….? wrong? write reason?#
Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
5 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
>1. Venn diagram for white, clothes,flowers#
>2.Male members ABCDEF, female members PQRSTU#
> This problem is same as in rs aggrawal [5questions]#
>3. not clear.#
>4. IMS material A sales person problem.#
>[5 question] conditions: M must visit before P&Q#
> R ” ” ” MNOPQRS#
>5. A containor contains 40 lt milk, 8 lt water#
>ans:( 0.80)^3 * 40 = 20.41lts.#
> 6. direction problem (playing cards) Ams south-west.
1. antonym
p…. ans. static
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ….. ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 …
6. instruction to add 3 ……. ans. 4
7.floor problem …… ans. 11th floor
Raj went through a job interview and said:
there are 45 question . no technical question are asked.time 45 mins.
2 reasoning question means total 11 questoins.reasoning is not from
1. antonym
p…. ans. static
2.there are 1800 coin is counterfiet many minimum
weight is required to find counterfiet coin.
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ….. ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 …
6. instruction to add 3 ……. ans. 4
7.floor problem …… ans. 11th floor
Vasu went through a job interview and said:
>1. main()
>int arr[100];
>int c:
>int N;
>for(i=-:i arr[i]=i;
> minvalue i = …..
> Maxvalue i = ….. Ans 0,100 resp
>2. Union Problem ….. Ans : a or c
>3. for n=2 the following fn returning value is
Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
6 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
>int fun(int n)
>for(i = 1;ifor(j=i;jsum=sum+j;
>} Ans 6
>4. Calculate sum=1+1+2+1+2+3+1……
> Ans i5. for x=2 y=3 z=1
>the following fn return
>int fun(int n; int y; int z)
>int sum
>return sum
> Ans 0(check)
>6. The values of sum from above fn
>for x=0; y=0;z=1 Ans 1
> can you insert the following values in stack and numbers
>stack [][][][][][]
>numb [][][][][][][]
>60 50 40 30 20 10
>10 20 30 40 50 60
>8. # if ndif XYZ
>#include “XYZ.h”
>what is meaning ?
>if XYZ is not defined then only include the header file XYZ.h.
>9. p:malloc(int*sizeof(int));
>ans: a
>10.a=5 b=10 c=7
>(a>c)?a:((b>c)?b:c) ans 10
> 11. debugging eliminates Ans[c]
> ans: both logical & ruin time errors.
> 12. int term (int x)
> { int sum=0;int i;
> for(i=0;i sum+=x; /*problel is wrong but Ans is 650.*/
> return(sum);
> } Ans 650
> the above fn value for x=150
> x;
> scanf(”%d”,x);
> ————-
> ————–
> what is error in the above program
> a[] = { 1, , 9,2…….}
>int *p;
>a)7 b)2 c)4407 d)none
>ans: d
Careers at Motorola :: Interview with Motorola
7 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
>15.a[][] = {1,2},{3,4}
>b[] [] ={
>void fun(A,B)
>int i,j;
>return sum;
>what is wrong in the above function?
>(i)syntax (ii) runtime (iii) logical (iv) debugging.
>17. A binary tree with depth of ‘3_ has max kof 20 nodes ans: no.
>18. breadth search and depth search in binary tree.
>1.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss
>2.Order problem Ans : Bo,Ka,A,Tp Ans Bo
>3.10%5+3*2-3 ans:5
>4.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules
>5.cube problem( 32 bigger+4 smaller cubes)-> R.S.Aggrawal nonverbal
> ->pg 92: 5 questions
>6 PQRSTU->problem-> Verbal Reasoning -> …….do…….pg 430 : 5
>7 problem -> verbal reasoning -> rs aggrawal pg 207 Quest 17 to 21.
>1. malloc ? 2. char * p =” hwllo world ” , what is wrong?
>3. char *(*(*a(N))())();?
>4.*p++ = ?
>5 int i=7
>printf( “%d \n”,i++ i++) o/p =? ans 56
>6.n=2 pow((2.0,n),++n)?
>7 #define macro for ( i,g) ?
>8. int reg=2 is there any wrong ? write a reason
>9. #define max 10
> p=&(a+b);
> q=*max;
> } what is wrong
> 10. strcat( string,’O');
> wrong? werite reason?
>11.char *s=char * ….
> else (string)….? wrong? write reason?
renjish went through a job interview and said:
very nice
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8 of 43 7/22/2006 2:00 PM
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As a recognized global technology leader with 75 years of
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Total Answers and Comments: 2
Q. write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
Q. what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Q. Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Q. Difference between Class and Struct.
Q. Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
Q. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
Q. what is a Real Time OS.
Q. Describe VRTX in few words.
Q. How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
Q. Name some sockets, TLI, streams. and much about project.
Q. What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
Q. What is a semaphore?
Q. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client
and at the server.
Q. What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Q. Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
Q. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans HumanQ.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4%
Q.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules
Deepak Member Since: Visitor Total
Comments: N/A
What is a semaphore?
A semaphore is a protected variable (or abstract data
type) and constitutes the classic method for restricting
access to shared resources (e.g. storage) in a
multiprogramming environment
The value of a semaphore is the number of units of the
resource which are free. (If there is only one resource,
a "binary semaphore" with values 0 or 1 is used.)
The P operation busy-waits (or maybe sleeps) until a
resource is available, whereupon it immediately claims
V is the inverse; it simply makes a resource available
again after the process has finished using it.
Init is only used to initialize the semaphore before any
requests are made. The P and V operations must be
atomic, which means that no process may ever be
preempted in the middle of one of those operations to
run another operation on the same semaphore.
Rohini Member Since: Visitor Total
Comments: N/A
RE: Technical test Questions
What is a deadlock?How will you avoid it?
Deadlock is a situation where a group of process competes for a particular
resource and acquires it partially. This is the position when none of the
process can complete its work.
It can be avoided using the deadlock avoidance algorithm.
Mahendra- British telecom
I) Distribution of workers in a factory according to the no.of
children they have
1. Total no. of workers in the factory.
=09Ans : 200
2. Total no. of children that all the workers that have between them is=20
=09Ans : 560
3. The total no. of literate workers is
=09Ans : 105
4. The ratio of literate & illiterate is=20
=09Ans - 1:2
5. The no. of literate workers with atleast 3 children is
=09Ans : 45
6. The no. of illiterate workers with less than 4 children is
=09Ans : 60
7. The rate of literate to illiterate workers who have 3 children is
=09Ans - 3:4
II) Which of the following statement(s) is(are) not true
a. Literate workers have small families than illiterate workers.
b. Families with 2 or less than 2 children are commoner than families
with 3 or more children.
c. 2 children families constitute 60% of the families of workers.
d. More the no. of children a worker has the more illiterate he is.
e. None the above statement is true.
=09Ans : e
III) ???? of a mutual instrument vibrate 6,8 & 12 intervals
respectively. If all three vibrate together what is the time
interval before all vibrate together again?
=09LCM of NR=20
--------- Ans : =BD sec
=09HCF of DR =20
12) Certain no. of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If
however there were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the
work to be finished. How many men were there originally.
=09Ans : 110 men
10) In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and
Rs.1200/- in 5 years.
=09Ans : Rs.800/-
vi) Sum of money at compound interest amounts of thrice itself in 3
years. In how many years=20
will it take 9 times itself.
=09Ans : 6
vii) Two trains in the same direction at 50 & 32 kmph respectively. A
man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the
faster train completely passes him.
What is the length of faster train ?
=09Ans : 75m
16) How many mashes are there in a sq. m of wire gauge. Each mesh
being 8mm long X 5mm width
=09Ans : 25000
17) x% of y is y% of ?
=09Ans : x
11) The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % house-wife should
reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be
same as before
=09Ans : 16.66
? ) A man spending half of his salary for house hold expenses, 1/4th
for rent, 1/5th for travel expenses, a man deposits the rest in a
bank. If his monthly deposits in the bank amount 50. What is his
monthly salary ?
=09Ans : 1000
? ) The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. That is an additioanl
annual increase of 4% of the population due to this influx of job
seekers, the % increase in population after 2 years is=20
=09Ans :
? ) The ratio of no. of boys & girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these
?% the boys & 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who
are not scholarship holders.?
=09Ans :=20
? ) 15 Men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many
days of 6 hrs. each would do if 21 women take. If 3 women do as much
work of 2 men.
=09Ans : 30
?) a cylinder ingot 6cms in diameter and 6 cms in height is and
spheres all of the same
=09size are made from the material obtained.what is the diameter of each
=09Ans :3cms
5)=09rectangular plank of sqrt(2)meters wide can be placed so that it is
on either side of the diagonal of a square shown below.what is the
area of the plank?
=09=09Ans :7sqrt(2)
=09=09fig no-
7) the difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and
the simple interest on a=20
=09certain sum cont out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25 what is the sum
8) what is the smallest n0 by which 2880 must be divided in order to
make it a=20
=09perfect square ?
=09Ans : c
=09a)3 b)4 c)5 d) 6 e)8
9)a father is 30 times more than his son however he will be only
thrice as old as the son
=09what is father's present age ?
=09Ans : 40
10) An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the c.p & s.p were to
be Rs.20/- the profit would be 10% more. What is the c.p of that
=09Ans : 1% loss
this is as per the xerox copy available.
this test contains 2 papers
contains 3 sections
paper2=computer skill-30min-60questions-6sections-10questions each
In this paper aptitude is some what tough,
subject paper is very very easy.
They would ask only personal in interview.
i do not remember the q's.simple quantitative apt. q's.
but takes more time ,do fast.
1-8 q's on bus route. a b c d e
a x 8 15 20 7
b 6 x 9 13 21
c 10 12 x 3 11
d 9 1 18 x 5
e 3 4 17 14 x
where x is starting point.a&e are first and last stations.and b,c,d
are intermediate stations. fig's are no. of passengers.cost of ticket
is 0.7Rs /pass.
between any successive stations. based on this few q's were given.
the fig's
are not correct. q's like total no.of onward journey.
Rest of q's are
2 statements were given. u have to answer they are correct or not
simple q's from r.s agarwal_quantitative apt.
1.1/10power18 - 1/10power20 .....value?
1.general awareness.2.
1.father of computers
2.expand HTML,DMA,FAT,LAN,WAN,FDDetc's first micropro...a.pentium b.pentiumproetc
4.1024(dec)convert to hexa&octal
6.motorola's processor name?
7.windows_NT expand
8.simple programs on pascal&c
9.diff between 8087,8086 (which is latest vers.)
10.some basic q's on GUI.
11.q's on IBMpc program on finding factorial
i remember only these q's. i will ask my pals about rest of q's.i
want to know
when mascot is coming.they have taken 14 from here. most of them are
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